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I've No More F***s To Give

Zawash says...

Lyrics and chords:
'I’ve No More Fucks To Give' By Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq

(Uke tuning GCEA)

Intro - Bb C7 F7 Bb

Verse 1

I’ve tried, tried, tried
And I’ve tried even more
I’ve Cried, Cried, Cried
And I can’t recall what for
I’ve pressed, I’ve pushed, I’ve yelled, I’ve begged
In hope of some success

But the inevitable fact is that
It never will impress

Chorus 1

I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have runneth dry,
I’ve tried to go fuck shopping
But there’s no fucks left to buy

I’ve no more fucks to give,
Though more fucks I’ve tried to get,
I’m over my fuck budget and
I’m now in fucking debt

Verse 2
I strive, strive, strive
To get everything done
I’ve played by all the rules
But I’ve very rarely won,
I’ve smiled, I’ve charmed, I’ve wooed
I’ve laughed,
Alas to no avail
I’ve run round like a moron,
To unequivocally fail!

Chorus 2
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fuck fuse has just blown,
I’ve been hunting for my fucks all day,
But they’ve upped and fucked off home,
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fuck rations are depleted,
I’ve rallied my fuck army but
It’s been fucking defeated!


Eb Bb
The effort has just not been worth
F7 Bb Bb7
The time or the expense
D7 Gm7
I’ve exhausted all my energy
C7 F7
For minimal recompense
Eb Bb
The complete lack of acknowledgement
F7 Bb Bb7
Has now begun to gall
And I’ve come to realise that I
Don’t give a fuck at all!

Chorus 3
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have flown away,
My fucks are now so fucked off
They’ve refused to fucking stay!
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have gone insane
They’ve come back round and passed me
While they’re fucking off again!

Chorus 4
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have all dissolved,
I’ve planned many projects
But my fucks won’t be involved!
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have all been spent,
They’ve fucked off from the building
And I don’t know where they went!

E Bb
I’ve no more fucks to give,
F7 Bb Bb7
I’ve no more fucks to give,
I’ve no more fucks,
I’ve no more fucks,
F7 Bb F7 Bb
I’ve no more fucks to give!

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

luxintenebris says...

* a h e m *

wisdom can be displayed at any age.

and age is a teacher...but not all pay attention.

there's a reason the phrases "from the mouth of babes" and "no fool like an old fool" will be passed on to the next generations. it is universally true.

even @18 or 19...or even matt gaetz girlfriend's age, 17...the demonstrative truth is SHE IS A VALEDICTORIAN and she has the sapience (you can look it up) to understand what she is condemning.*

am STILL unconfident that you believe what you're saying (it'd be an insult to both of us). have to be a wag of a satrist. no one is so subtly self-owning w/o some thread of chicanery showing.

just the juxtaposing of "well read" and "idiot" in the same sentence is A SCREAM!! man! that's good!

it's a Carlin skit. "jumbo shrimp"

makes me smile.

[if you're using newt as an example of a bad example, it's a bad example of a bad example. the low-hanging fruit here would be, it's unlikely bk33/tt ever had to worry about any unwanted pregnancy other than their own. doubt they've ever even stroked a petting zoo beaver.

* to be fair; its' Republican fly fodder. hardly 'gold star' level.

bobknight33 said:

She is 18 or 19.

Still dumb as adults go.

Newt your the dumb one also. To give a child such credence and pretending she is adult enough is foolish.

She is smart enough to say NO, This might fuck up my future.

Meanwhile in the trailer park

StukaFox says...

That shit's "funny" online, but dealing with meth addicts in real life sucks more than you can ever possibly know. Potheads can be annoying, acid casualties are scary, cokeheads are cunts, drunks are a fight waiting to happen, but meth addicts are their own level of the abyss. Take raving paranoia, mix in terrifying levels of potential violence and remove any semblance of sanity and you've got your average meth addict going off the rails. I never used to carry a gun when I was on about my business ventures back in the 80s, but once meth showed up, I changed my tune on that matter. The pot business was handshakes and smiles, but the assholes dealing meth were always trouble and the more meth they were dealing, the more likely violence was. The only time I was ever involved in murder was because of a meth dealer. These assholes are ALWAYS trouble. They're trouble, their customers are more trouble than that and the guys who supply them are worse than the first two combined. I fucking hate meth and everyone involved with it.

Backwards Truck

StukaFox says...

I used to have a VCR tape of old-timey newsreels from the 30s and one of them was a story about a dude who did this kinda thing to his car. He's showing this backward-car shit off in the city and some cop walks up to him, looks at the car, WHACKS THE DUDE WITH A FUCKING BATON, then points for him to GTFO with a "ged da fuck odda hehr!" expression. The best part is that everyone looks like they're having a great ol' time, including the dude who just got brained by Boston's finest. The guy's smiling while O'Malley the Copper looks like he's debating taking another swing.

If that dude with the car had been black, the tone of that newreel would have been a weeeeee bit different, especially the ending.

Explaining Pink Floyd's First Masterpiece

BSR says...

Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?

eric3579 said:

Where my Pink Floyd fans @ *promote


luxintenebris jokingly says...

"The radicalization of the Republican Party is a danger to us all. We must reject it."

welcome to the wagon. kinda hard to hear over the band sometimes, but nice to have ya'.

not a fan of the right-wing media. for a long, long - too long of a time. don't jive, daddy-o, w/putting out messages that fellow Americans are evil and an existential threat to anyone w/o a GOP membership. it's all f'n'ing stupid lies. also detrimental to the church socials. flinging potato salad at some 'antifa'¹ punk because he joked the orange jello resembled the former president is kinda over-the-stop. can you dig it?

like the bus driver, who smiles and greets their passengers, is looking forward to driving them all to HELL? on the face, doesn't that seem farfetched?

sure, the 'blue' ka-ka carries odor too. all those snide, snarky, condescending comments are hurtful - although it all is a bit less terrifying than storming the capitol - it could be better on that side of the pasture.²

how the name of baby jesus³ can a fellow citizen be so {{E V I L }} if they want healthcare, better wages, a stronger voice, equality, and a smarter populace for all Americans? makes no sense. seems they want more for the red than the red wants to work for?

the whole Ayn Rand puke didn't work for Louis XVI: it's past its fresh-by-date, and the right is already losing their heads over Mr. Potato Head.

anyway...Fox News is load w/criminals and is regularly sued for being f'n'liars. they are the people you're parents said they didn't want you around.

keep them out the house so they don't keep you out of your mind.

1: Adolph, 'AntiFa' means anti-fascist. my uncle, WWII vet, is one. respect.
2: Although, voting for a creamsicle does deserve SOME derision.
3: 'jeez-us and not 'hey-sooz' AKA your kid's next boss

BTW: found your mom delightful. not bored at all. or at least for the time i paid for. (not nice. sorry. didn't want to be left out of guy time)

One of Trump's Biggest Scams, the Foxconn Deal, Falls Apart

luxintenebris jokingly says...

FOX CONN (like what signal do you need?) bernie madoff smiles up at them now.

yup. would enjoy bk33 or tangled's take on this chess move.

every three-card monte dealer suddenly opened shop outside the WS capitol building on hearing this deal.

remember seeing this unfold, in the news, and thought "aren't they gonna be surprise to see what comes out of that can o' pringles?!"

bad move. morally questionably also. this is the company that had employees committing suicide on site. still could be. like that wasn't a red flag? kill their workers and they'd go easy on a cheesehead? (seriously? if they [at least] visited one of FC's factory wouldn't they've asked "what's those nets for?")

the deal reminded me of the ending scene in 'Angel Heart'... O'Rourke (playing Gov. Walker) and DeNiro (Foxconn or themselves). you know the one? (if you don't ***SPOILER ALERT*** skip the clip)

BSR (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

There are training masks already people use for that exact purpose.

BSR said:

I would think if you practice with a mask on you would train your body to breath with the restriction. When the time comes to safely remove the mask you'll be that much stronger. Like training with a backpack on.

"People should NOT wear masks when exercising as masks may reduce the ability to breathe comfortably."

"Comfortably"? Fuck! Cowboy up already! Pansy.

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

He he... you used "ilk." 🤭

newtboy said:

Let’s hope so. He knows what he’s doing. If Obama is really pulling the strings then I assume you won’t be insulting Biden anymore since he’s not really in charge, right? Derp.

I disagree, but ok, kill off “conservative” media and we’ll get rid of the half that’s all lies, media issues solved. Just get rid of all opinion programming and channels masquerading as news and the effect is the same.

But to be sure, they didn’t cause all the division, but they did help Trump exploit and amplify it by misdirecting republicans so thoroughly that pederastic vampire cabals that get political power and youth through infant blood cocktails and the fictional recreational use of adrenochrome sounds real and reasonable to half of them... (ridiculously taking fantasy scenes from Clockwork Orange and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as factual accounts, recreational use has never happened and the few clinical studies indicated it causes Schizophrenia and other obvious mental disorders) idiotic they convinced conservatives a foreign president who has been dead over 8 years actively interfered in the last deceptive they gladly and knowingly repeated the lies Trump fed them about election fraud as if they were fact to the point they were sued for billions in damages their lies caused American companies while not reporting that every agency tasked with election security contradicted their specious and spurious claims....with evidence to back them up unlike the claims of fraud.
Without the division right wing nut job conspiracy theories (and those who believe, repeat, and amplify them) have done, yes, America would be rocking. Sadly, you and your ilk have not returned to reality yet....tens of millions of you are just waiting for Q to tell them why reality is wrong and they’re correct.

Squirrel jumps on UPS delivery man

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhhhhhahahaha. YOU are saying I can't think....and you're repeating Donny's lie that poor little Donny was cheated!? Aaahhhhhahahaha. Sometimes you really make me smile, buddy.

bobknight33 said:

Biden not a leader and all know it. The party had to cheat to get him in.

Keep you head up CNN back side and stay in the dark. Democrats like that, people who can't think.

Single dad adopts baby with Down syndrome rejected by 20 fam

After Four Long Years, Dogs Will Be Back In The White House


newtboy says...

Nothing but his own words....hitting on 10 year old girls and his own daughters. It must be you get pissed at that douchebag Trump for smearing poor little Trump, or do you defend snowflake Trump from that lying asshole, Trump?

Trump will mean he'll lose control, slip, and crumble, taking his cult with him? Cool!

We know you'll be smiling thinking of American cities burning. You are an enemy of America, after all. Another red tsunami 2020

bobknight33 said:

Nothing but smear.

Trump is a leader and doer. Biden is just a follower and would be a puppet for the far left.

Trump will land slide tomorrow.
When your radicals start burning , looting, killing in you Democrat cities I'll be home smiling and thinking that these fascist are just creating more Republicans for 2022 and 2024.

Tomorrow will be a MEGA GREAT day.


bobknight33 says...

Nothing but smear.

Trump is a leader and doer. Biden is just a follower and would be a puppet for the far left.

Trump will land slide tomorrow.
When your radicals start burning , looting, killing in you Democrat cities I'll be home smiling and thinking that these fascist are just creating more Republicans for 2022 and 2024.

Tomorrow will be a MEGA GREAT day.

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