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Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

GenjiKilpatrick says...

@newtboy With contentious topics like this, the conversation is barely "adult".

It's nitpicky and tangential because everyone thinks they alone are adding some great insight to the discussion.

@Babymech hopped on the "Anita doesn't owe anyone anything" cart.

@Trancecoach was closer to base but then got all "you see, it's really the blacks that are the problem"

@ChaosEngine choose the "well youtube comments are generally insulting & abusive.. therefore it's okay to block valid criticism too!"

Great, what does that have to do with the message of the speaker.
Or my point of "hey, why are you completely avoiding the overall message of the speaker"

Furthermore, what's the difference between Baby's condescending tone and my outright insults?

Both are belittling & incongruent with "adult" behavior/conversation.

Ultimately, he too is trying to swat down argument/opinion that doesn't mesh with his.

Regardless of my brash way of speaking, my points are still valid.

I do my research. I don't talk about topics I'm ignorant on.
And as I said, I was once a fan of Anita Sarkeesian and her videos.

Then I ran into her bullshit.

There's tons of evidence on youtube that points out Sarkeesian's hypocrisy.

So if you're uninformed, why not take it upon yourself.. to educate yourself.

You folks are barely any better then lantern or bobknight with your knee-jerky devils' advocate defense of a pseudo-intellectual prestige-hound who is unscrupulous in the way she pursues her agenda.

Next you're gonna tell me that somehow Bill Cosby isn't a date-rapist.

"Well you know, it was only 25-30 women with identical experiences/anecdotes. ..MJ is still definitely a pederast tho."

My point here is:

You all frame this video with your personal opinion BEFORE analyzing the entirety of it's message & context.

I get that, because it's a pot-stirrer.
But seriously, if you just think it out:

A - Gamergate is first world problem bullshit
B - It has garnered unwarranted hype and a counter-cult of white-knight SJW supporters.
C - It's being conflated with an ACTUAL very serious set of issues.
Online Harassment. Slut shaming. The depiction & plight of genders in pop culture. etc.
D - Actual victims & movements, ON BOTH SIDES, are being undermined by this frenzy.

Juxtapose that with the brutal home invasion & sexual assault..

Then ask yourself if the nitpicky personal opinion you're about to express maintains the situation & context.

Otherwise, you end up expressing terrible mindless thoughts like @Babymech.
in effect - "regardless of her peer's brutal rape.. she has no right to expect an outspoken proponent of women's rights.. to respond to her.. or call attention to the most disparaged & vulnerable/easily victimized members of society, female sex workers"

This is why the videosift community can barely be taken seriously.

It's like 4chan flamewars for boring old people. everyone is on my case for [aggressively] pointing this out.

PHO PHO PHO PHO PHO Bun cha gio, mmm.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

00Scud00 says...

It's funny because I've often felt that the attitude I get from Sarkeesian and SJW's is that I'm a misogynist if I'm not publicly voicing my outrage every time someone posts something abusive or threatening to them on the internet.
But, if an educated upper middle class white woman gets threatened over the internet then everyone looses their minds, but some pornstar slut gets raped for real and in the backs of many people's minds you know they're thinking that she obviously had it coming. So yeah, I can see where Mercedes is coming from on this one.

Jinx said:

I'm confused. Does Anita Sarkeesian have to publically announce her disapproval of every rape now in order to validate her position as a feminist? Is the expectation that she, and others, shut up about the constant harassment they receive until they actually get assaulted and raped?

Honestly, I'd save my anger for the men (or boys?) that committed this act and if I really wanted to help "Women" I'd give some thought as to what might be done to make such terrible occurrences less frequent.

Look at all the humans these cats keep in this house!

poolcleaner says...

It's less a story about a house of cats and more about a man and his two gay wives. I have no ill feelings towards homosexuals but polygamy my goodness.

Cats are all sluts though. Can't hate on that. Sluts are so cute when their furry and dumb. I feel like I'm becoming a gay furry watching this video. I want to move in with two men and have 100 cats roam free over my naked bodies.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Mordhaus says...

The absolute definition of a 'First World Problem'.

Boo hoo, someone stole my nude pics, so i'll take more and release them MYSELF! That'll show them, hear me roar, #takingbackthepower.

Is it wrong to steal pics and then slut-shame someone? Yeah. Is she to blame? No. Should she get over it and just block people from email and social media that are harassing her? YES!!!

I guaran-damn-tee that the women being raped and sold into slavery by ISIS and Boko Haram would slap her silly for getting into a tizzy over someone using mean words at her.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

SDGundamX says...


Oh, I totally get what you are saying. You've seen my comments in other threads. You know I think there are definitely social issues with how women are both perceived and treated in real life and portrayed in media. Yeah, absolutely, we can look at this story from the perspective of "men behaving badly" because they have the power and they can. And they certainly did. Totally agree with you that it is misogynistic behavior and that we can use the story as an example highlighting social problems and showcasing how one woman tried to turn the tables.

But that's only one perspective to view the story from. We can also view the story as a cautionary tale about Internet safety in the 21st century and comment on how the victim in this case actively (albeit completely unintentionally) contributed to her own victimization. And that's another valid perspective. Personally, I don't see them in conflict, nor do I see the need to shout down one perspective in favor of the other. I could see someone coming along and trying to use the 2nd perspective to negate the 1st (i.e. something along the lines of "she got what she deserved because she behaved like a slut") but ironically a comment like that would only validate the 1st perspective even further.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

ChaosEngine says...

That's a really tired analogy.

She didn't "leave the doors and windows open". The house was locked.

What you're saying is "don't give your partners a key to your house, they might go nuts later and steal your shit".

There's no middle ground here. She did nothing wrong. NOTHING.

Yeah, she could have "prevented the crime" by not posing for the photos. But she shouldn't have to. If two people want to share intimate photos of each other, it's no-one else's damn business.

Put it this way. Let's say she and her partner decided to have a consensual threesome or do whatever other non-traditional intimate acts society doesn't consider "normal". Should she not do that? After all, her partner might later decide to tell everyone she's a "slut" or a "freak" or whatever. At what point do you start telling people what they should do with their partner?

SDGundamX said:

Look at it from another perspective. If I constantly leave my house unlocked with all the ground floor windows open when I go out, do I deserve to be robbed? No. But through my actions have I made it exponentially more likely that I'm going to be robbed? Yes. Does that mean the robber should get a lighter sentence if caught? No. Could I have easily prevented the crime from happening by taking basic precautions? Yes. Does that mean the crime is my fault? No. But was I naive to think that no one would ever rob my house? Absolutely, unless I happen to live alone on a deserted island!

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

ChaosEngine says...

No, there is a world of difference between having a responsibility for your plight and choosing how you respond.

The correct response to being assaulted, robbed, or otherwise offended against, is never to bow down to what your attackers want. You can apply this logic to all kinds of situations.

Don't want cat calls? Don't wear a sexy outfit.
Don't want to be gay bashed? Don't go into the rural south.
Didn't want to be shot? Shouldn't have published those cartoons.




But funnily enough, no-one ever tells a white guy that if he didn't want to be car-jacked, he shouldn't be driving that corvette.

It's pretty fucking awful that the assholes who stole the photos manage to be both puritan and lecherous at the same time. Telling the woman she's a slut for posing naked whilst masturbating to the images. It's the height of hypocrisy.

And meanwhile, you have a bunch of guys telling her what she should or shouldn't do in the privacy of her own home.

Sniper007 said:

If victims have no responsibility for their plights, then they have no ability to respond and they will forever remain victims.

What They Didn't Tell You About Mike Tyson's Rape Conviction

modulous jokingly says...

Apparently the thing they didn't tell us was that the victim was a dirty slut who was asking fer it and the jury was stupid, lazy ignorant bastards also the judge had it in for him. Because that narrative never plays out in rape cases, I'm glad I watched Fox's exploration of this deep angle.

Maybe I should have faith in the violent impulsive cokehead sports cheat, after all.

Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox

newtboy says...

Absolutely. What these people seem to be saying it it's OK for SpiderMAN to pose like that, so OK they didn't even notice it, but if SpiderWOMAN does it she's being a provocative whore that needs to be slut shamed.

totally reminded me of this....

Fusionaut said:

When it comes to Spiderman and Spiderwoman it could actually be argued that it is sexist to consider the Spiderwoman image offensive and the Spiderman image inoffensive. And.... GO!

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

JustSaying says...

Related Posts: Basrats and Bereta: Construction Cat Calls
I found that especially funny because of these "dress like a slut, get treated like one" type of responses here.
I know, the word "slut" isn't nice and I'm not good a political correctness (I actually loathe it) but maybe the problem is not with the word but with our associations with it.
You see, the problem I have starts with the idea that there's something wrong with sluts. As a man (and therefore certainly a pig, at least in my case) I enjoy sluts tremendously. They are women who share, at least in general terms, my sexual morals and enjoy their sexuality as much as I do (theirs and mine). I see nothing wrong with that. Sure, I dislike STDs as much as anybody but being slutty doesn't mean automatically being careless, just more at risk. Maybe I just don't understand men who like their female sex partners to be well behaved little princesses. They either prefer very conservative sex (you know, when blowjobs seem kinky) or they are strangely rapey. Maybe it's just our manly discomfort of loosing control over female sexuality.
Then there is this notion of dressing "like a slut". Sure, there is unappropriate clothing. I wouldn't go to a funeral in my Spongebob Squarepants pyjamas. But why is it in todays times, in the western world that is covered in billboards full of women in bikinis, so wrong to walk the street dressed in your best "sexy hooker" halloween costume? Are these women on the billboards, the ones who strike sexualized poses to sell me beer, dressed like sluts too? Is a bikini "slutty clothing"? I'm pretty sure my mom once wore one and yours probably too. As long as the important parts are covered, it should be fine.
The real issue, though, is the idea that anybody has a right to comment on that. Loudly.
If I have a right to comment sluttly clothing, can I also comment on other clothing that isn't the percieved norm? Do I get to shout ghost and terrorism related jokes at women in burkas? Can I yell at cops to come and strip-search me because I have a thing for uniforms? Should I yell at anyone with unfortunate clothing choices? "Hey lady, don't shake that ass, it's too fat for these pants! I don't want the Blob to escape!"
No, it's only sexually provocative clothing that gets these reactions. And that's why I like the video above so much, because it shows what kind of comments you get. It's never "young lady, I disagree with your clothing choice and insist you put on something decent!" nor "What a beautiful skirt, is it silk?"
It is always amused, approving and at the same time disrespectful and sexually dominant. Often gleefull and too often actually misogynistic.
These are never positive comments and even if the words seem positive, they're harassment. It's nothing but sexual harassment. Otherwise these men would be yelling "Young lady, I disagree with your clothing choice and insist you put on something decent!"
Dress like a slut, get treated like one, that's just a lame excuse for men trying to control female sexuality.
Personally, I think if you dress like a slut, I should treat you with respect and kindness. Because I want sluts to like me. I'm a pig.

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

Ickster says...

She dressed the way she wanted to. You're the one who decided it made her a slut. What about the way someone dresses gives someone else the right to act like an asshole towards them?

I think the style of wearing your waistband around your thighs is low-class; I think people who wear neckties at work tend to be ass-kissers; I think people who have piercings and/or tattoos all over are fashion victims who will regret their choices in another 20 years.

None of those things gives me the right to make comments to any of them; I may form opinions, but I keep them to myself. Why? Partly because I don't want the conflict--something that guys commenting to women aren't worried about--but also because I know I shouldn't be so judgmental and I try to avoid being an asshole.

Chaucer said:

Help me understand this @ 1:40... "I know I dress provocatively, but I dont think I should have to deal with this."
Uhm, if you want to dress like a slut, dont you think you are opening yourself up for these types of comments? There is a cause and effect relationship here. And dont try to tell me dressing like a slut helps keeps her thighs cool...

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

Chaucer says...

Help me understand this @ 1:40... "I know I dress provocatively, but I dont think I should have to deal with this."
Uhm, if you want to dress like a slut, dont you think you are opening yourself up for these types of comments? There is a cause and effect relationship here. And dont try to tell me dressing like a slut helps keeps her thighs cool...

Women Deserve to be Raped - Outrage

SDGundamX says...

We had a guy like this on our college campus back in the 90s. He also called himself "Brother" something-or-other and used to stand in the quad yelling at girls that walked by in mini-skirts that they were whores and sluts and would burn in hell. The university protected his right to free speech until the boyfriend of one of the girls he verbally accosted punched him in the jaw and sent him to the hospital. The boyfriend was arrested by campus police and charged with assault.

So moral of the story--in the United States you don't legally have the right to not be offended/insulted in a public space. I'm glad to hear in this news story that other students defended his right to speak freely and while on the one hand I'm glad some students decided to counter-protest him, I can't help but feeling the fastest way to make him go away is to completely ignore him and show how irrelevant both he and his crazy ideas are.

Emily's Abortion Video

BoneRemake says...

FUCK THOSE BASTARD FUCKERS, they are better off dead than to have parents that would kill them. Who else would take care of them ? the shitty slut that fucked her way into this position ?? or the sperm Donor who let this Scarlett whore achieve her goal ??

lantern53 said:

A woman kills her baby and she's a hero? What kind of upside-down world do you live in? Good God.
I like how everyone who supports abortion has had their chance at life.
What a sad state.
This woman will live to regret this horrendous decision.

Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance

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