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Damn you sneaky Sea Lion!!

chingalera says...

-s'part of their hypnotic cuteness-Cute whiskers/no hands distraction skill. "It's either the dolphinfish or we smash your skulls in like abalone then eat your brains on our TUMMIEZZ!"

LiquidDrift said:

Kinda weird his reaction is to just let go rather than try and pull on it. Almost looks like he throws it towards the sea lion.

Unreal Cheerleader Acrobatics

Stu says...

It is true for the most part. I have friends who were cheerleaders and now are coaches and they are gay and most of the males they coach are gay. It doesn't matter in the long run. It's akin to how men with hardened skulls are attracted to football. Still amazing.

eric3579 said:

Do people still really think that? It sounds so 25 years ago.

The Dark Knight - Joker's Pencil Trick - Homemade

chingalera says...

This does not show the how-to, which looked like one simply edits the film properly OR, hides it inside the man's skull.
Got one for yas: Watch the scene in Dark Knight when the mayor winces BEFORE the fake now hanging Batman (fat Brian) hits his office window. Poor edit.

4 Year Old Drops Epic Beats

In Rare Interview, Assad Hints of Retaliation Against U.S.

chingalera says...

My god the man's skull....
Ok so, before anyone starts riding Bashar Assad's cock, please do a bit of research on this mealy-mouthed worm, he's a real piece-a-work. Groomed to retain power, fast-tracked military appointments and commendations yadda-yadda, a crew of spin-doctors around him for several years leading-up to his "popular" support he continually blathers-on about in the full interview.

Mankind oh-ye, piity all Syrians.

He didn't gain this so-called, popular support through any means other than intimidation, fear, and mind-control and the pressure to rise to the situation his ailing father no-doubt drilled-into him day and night.

cell phone justice-man beaten-tazed-teeth knocked out

chingalera says...

This is some Rodney King shit here.
Unfortunately, so many large cities (like artician here points out) have so many cops off the chain that this has become common-place thanks in large part to homeland security upgrades to civil liberties post 9-11. The shit is broken, and uniformed thugs are given free reign to smash skulls and destroy lives by turning humans into recycling by placing their names into the NET as "felons" or "suspicious" or "terrorist"

Note to the computer chair enthusiasts (oh, and members of Videosift who are law enforcement or former law enforcement??) who have the loop running constantly in their minds when they see something like this video that belches, "Well, if they weren't breaking the law" or, "cops were just doing their job" etc., yer fucking out of touch with the reality that is being created for you while you SLEEP, or, yer simply out-of-touch cunts who are still in the "good-ole-boys" club of the mind.

All these cops should be suspended without pay and crucified. Period. Don't care if the suspect was a fucking dead baby-skull rapist, these cops used extreme force to subdue and otherwise KILL this guy.

What you are witnessing is state-sanctioned attempted murder by a gang of thugs iwth ill-fitting uniforms and too many lethal toys. Petty, fucking thugs who need to be separated from the rest of the human population. Especially that fat piece of shit with the tazer...the thug with the club needs his own cell..The hotbox in solitary for about a year would be perfect.

Hydro-Dipping a Buffalo Skull

chingalera says...

Pretty uber-funky, eh? The craze with this stuff all over the web is coating yer dink-plastic parts, rims, motorcycle fairings and what-not, and (ugggh), rifle stocks or pistol frames....I was looking for a, "coating body parts" idea with it on YT, found a guy dippin' his arm and these....dipping skulls. Kinna cool.

artician said:

"Wow" doesn't really begin to describe it.

Guitar Swirling: Giving your guitar a swirly paintjob

Skater punched by kid's mom

harlequinn says...

Unconsciousness is the best indicator of head injury severity (for non-external bleeding wounds). He didn't go unconscious which means he didn't get hurt that badly. I'm guessing he didn't even receive a contusion.

At the 0:05 second mark he hits the ground and it looks to me like his head does not hit the ground until he relaxes it back and then he rolls sideways. But, given the bad angle, low resolution, and distance from the child, none of us can tell one way or another exactly how hard his head hit the ground. We're all just speculating that part.

I've treated lots of people with serious head wounds - mushed skull, subdural bleeding, etc. Not bleeding (either internal or external) is exactly what you do want.

Ryjkyj said:

And I know you're probably not a doctor, but a head injury that doesn't bleed is exactly the kind you don't want.

Skater punched by kid's mom

newtboy says...

I'll start by apologizing for the long reply...
I looked as closely as possible in HD fullscreen and on my computer the head never touched ground. More to the point, the child never reached for his head. Either way the point is moot, the mother never once even glances at the child to determine injury.
I did look closely, down to street view, at the whole park, and what I saw was it seems that in the non-skate areas there is a different texture to the ground (around the pool, playground area, etc.)
From my viewpoint (and I admit I could not read the park rules, I tried from every angle) the rest of the park is built specifically for skating, and has obstacles designed to skate on that have clear marks on them that that's what they are used for. The area you think is the only skate area has ramps in and out to skate on, so perhaps I'm wrong, but the implication of that design is you can skate everywhere. If I'm wrong in that guess, I'm wrong. There's no way to tell for certain from what I can see. That said, I draw the line at the areas designated for skating, and not in the areas designated for other things. As I've repeatedly stated, the skater bears some responsibility for not looking in a public place, but mom bears far more for allowing child to run free in a public skate park, especially when he was headed straight towards the street with no one watching until he screams.
I do admit from what I see this park is not well designed, as there is not a clear separation of the skate area and non-skate area, or a path from one non-skate area to another. If all the areas besides the small rail/bowl area are not for skating, they certainly should not have built it filled with skating obstacles and ramps, knowing that skaters will skate them.
I guess I misunderstood, yes, he was skating towards the picnic tables, but was no where near them at the end of his run, so who's to say he didn't plan on turning left into the rail area or stopping after the kick flip? The child was headed for the street, agreed?
Barrels out from behind an object is what children often do, and why they get hit, they don't know to look first.
Kid's mom is not seen until after the incident, then walking from the pavilion, she was not with or watching her child from every thing I see.
My reaction to blame the mom is because she was not watching her child and went off because that inattentiveness led to an accident, and she was the one responsible for her child's safety, no one else.

second post reply starts here:
OK, that's clearer that you don't excuse her actions. I accept and agree with that.
Expect the parent to be upset, absolutely. Expect them to be aggressive, not really but many people go that way. Expect them to be violent to address their own parental failings, not at all. Expect them to understand they (not the skater) is 70%+ at fault for not supervising a toddler? Never, parents rarely accept their failings and almost always deflect responsibility.
I feel you miss-state the situation. I say he should have hit her to stop her advance, not if she stopped, at the end of the video, she's still attacking. That's self defense, and using the skateboard in that capacity seems fine to me. We may disagree, people are different.
I think you hit the nail on the head in your last paragraph...we just don't see it the same way. I feel like many parents have a natural defense mechanism of responsibility deflection, and I don't accept any responsibility for other's children, and would never expect them to take it for mine. I understand the mindset of parents that believe we all have a responsibility to take care of their children, I just disagree with it.
I also disagree that age is an excuse, if the child is too young to watch out for itself, it's 100% the parent's responsibility in my eyes, not mine.

And then there's the new idea that this discussion is all about a faked video. If true, the parent is still irresponsible for letting their child be run into on concrete where he may well have broken his skull, but maybe not completely out of control crazy violent.
Again, apologies for the long post.

Ryjkyj said:

OK, OK... I know I'm talking to a person who can't see a kid's head hit the ground in a video where a kid's head clearly hits the ground but please do me one favor:

Look at the park layout from google maps that Eric posted above. Really zoom in and get a good look. What I see is a skate park on the left with some soccer fields further on and a parking lot on the right. In between, there's a narrow pathway leading from one part of the park to the other. That's why we see all those people walking through there in the video. They're not walking through the skate park, they're walking along a path.

Now, by your rational, this guy is allowed to skate wherever he wants in this park with no responsibility for running into anyone who happens to be walking through(since a toddler runs at about a normal person's walking speed, maybe a little faster). So I'm curious, where do you draw the line? Is this guy literally allowed to rail slide up the play equipment? Slalom between the swings? I really want to know where you think the line is. Are you really saying that the only path from one end of this overall park to the other runs right through the skate park portion of it? And everybody that walks through is supposed to expect skaters that aren't watching where they're going?

I only get so specific because a skateboard is a vehicle. You can ride one in many public places and I'm all for that but you bear a responsibility for hitting someone just like you would on a bike or in a car.

And I wasn't saying that the kid was running towards the picnic tables. I was saying that the skater was heading toward them, which it seems you agree with since you said the kid was running away from them. (BTW: Where do you get the idea that this kid "barrels out from behind an object?" What object?)

What it looks like to me is that this kid and his mom were coming from the north end, maybe the kid gets excited running to the play equipment on the south end when a guy, skating down the middle of the only path through the park, runs right fucking into him with a skateboard.

And the first reaction everyone has is to blame the kid and his mom? For running down a path through a park?

Skater punched by kid's mom

lucky760 says...

How far away the mother was and what a terrible mother she is is irrelevant. Even if she was Mother of the Year she still wouldn't have been hovering over her son with a leash she could use to yank him out of the way to safety.

The bottom line is the skater was a douchecock for being so careless as to potentially seriously injure that defenseless, innocent little boy. Yes, smashing someone's head to the concrete can be fatal. It's very common for someone to impact the ground with their head and die from the resulting brain trauma. (It happened to a Marine in the news last week. It happened to a guy I knew in high school. It happened to Natasha Richardson. It almost happened to Larry Miller, but they saved him by removing his skull.)

For his fucking selfishness and ignorance toward people around him he deserves more than a single punch to the face. It should be beaten into him to watch out for bystanders and especially small children when practicing his poser-ass skateboard tricks.

Of course, he, like many people commenting here, surely feels he didn't do anything wrong, so I'm sure he'll take nothing away from the incident except that some little asshole kiddie got in the way, causing himself to get an owie, and his low-life absentee psychopathic mother is just a raving lunatic.

What you're not being told about Snowden and Booz Allen.

chingalera says...

That tool McConnell has that look of the classic intelligence insect:

Big, scary skull
Forced smile (his resting face being a permanent frown)
Scripted, emotionless newsspeak
Ex-Military written all over his manner and tone

It's a goddamn cockroach infestation in the dry-goods pantry is what it is and weevils in the fucking flour tin!!

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

JustSaying says...

I love the 2004 Punisher game. I love it.
You can "interrogate" people in it, meaning you outright torture them for information or gratuitous, explicit death scenes. You can shove people into woodchippers, drill holes in their skull with a powerdrill, chromeplating heads or smash their pelvis with a prison cell door to pieces. Additionally there are four basic "interrogations" that you can do anywhere from banging peoples head open on the floor to threatening them with a gun (that goes off a lot). And that goes on top off the usuall ultraviolence you find in such first and third person shooters.
However, the game mechanics reward you for not killing people during interrogations and using them as well as the human shields tactically. I started playing for points, not mayhem. Which is really hard to do if you hide in a coffin with an M60 during a mob burial. It's nice to see the Punisher impaling people on actual Rhinos or crushing them in giant gears in Tony Starks living room but I'm playing to get the gold medal on that level, I wanna take the flamethrower to the zoo.
The game mechanics were really great and rewarded strategy and restraint with unlockable stuff. You actually became less violent in exchange for concept art and additional gear. That game is awesome.
The only thing that ever made me want to be violent was the way certain people behaved towards me or others. Games just feed my morbid sense of entertainment.

Procrastinatron said:

But it's never more than a bonus. I do enjoy it for the sheer brutality of it (and that sound - like a popping balloon), but it's never the focus of the game for me. In fact, most of the time, despite the fact that the game is based on killing, I am mostly concerned with the basic mechanics of the game, and the constant competition I am in with myself.

Cornel West: Obama has no moral authority

Yogi says...

I think the big guns is droning Abdulrahman Anwar Al-Awlaki, the 16 year old son of Anwar Al-Awlaki. Born in Denver in 1995, an American citizen was killed by a drone while he searched for his recently droned father in the desert in Yemen where we are not at war. The teenager could only be identified by a piece of his skull which had his hair on it.

Robert Gibbs, Obamas former Press Secretary justified it by saying the boy "should [have] had a more responsible father."

Fuck Obama.

radx said:

Beyond the 10 minute mark, Cornel West brings out the big guns: Wall Street, torture, decades of solitary confinement in California, hunger strikes in California/Gitmo, force-feeding.

new zealand has some great music-lorde-royals

ChaosEngine says...

Heaps of good kiwi music in all kinds of genres.

There's drum and bass,



and whatever the hell Kora are doing this week

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