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Ricky Gervais And Colbert Go Head-To-Head On Religion

harlequinn says...

Yes, I fully understand his intended point. And as I put forth, it's wrong. Using the scientific method you very well may not come to the same main theories today. We may end behind, develop something parallel to, or skip them to a more advanced point entirely. All because science never shows a truth. It shows a human's best interpretation of fleeting data that is quickly shown to be "wrong" by the next set of data (which is "less wrong").

Payback said:

I think the idea is the scientific method will, over time, after a complete loss of the knowledge gained, come to the same main theories we have today. Religion, on the other hand has little chance to be remotely similar to its present form without humans brute-forcing its tenets and stories. Much like the religion of the Mayans won't spontaneously evolve again without (the science of) archeology.

nanrod (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Yeah ... I can relate! My big two were "Do you want one great present or two regular presents" [ugg] and, when I started going to school, I was one of the older kids in class. I was bored to tears, could have skipped the fourth grade [my parents wouldn't allow it] and could have graduated high school in the middle of my junior year [also not allowed]. By that point I had no desire to pursue higher education and moved out of the house while my parents were on vacation the summer I graduated HS. It would have been a knockdown drag on to even broach the subject [not so] Good Times

nanrod said:

Thanks for the sentiments but it's hard to have anything but a quiet day when even your own family is partied out after the holidays and your birthday always seems to be the first day back to school or work. I shouldn't whine, December 23 probably isn't the best time for a birthday either, and on the bright side I was the New Years Baby.

Adam FAILED to Ruin Tesla

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

These guys love Teslas a lot - and so do I but anyone can see that they are only relatively better than ICE cars. Why not skip the car and take public transport - and rent a car when you really need one for that trip to Costco.

Godless – The Truth Beyond Belief

newtboy jokingly says...

If he atoned for all sin, why is disbelief still a sin? All sin is either atoned for or not. It seems you're position is that he didn't actually atone, he just made a deal for those in his adulation club to get 'get out of hell free' cards, those not in his club get jack squat, right? So much for real atonement for all. I told you he skipped out of hell too soon.

shinyblurry said:

Whether we are able to fully comprehend it or not, the important issue is that to God, Jesus' sacrificial death was justice for all sin. That is good news for us! That means that we can be forgiven and receive eternal life.

ricin (Member Profile)

Awesome anime fight scene (One Punch Man)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Canada's new anti-transphobia bill

dannym3141 says...

Sounds like an exercising in rearranging the furniture on the Titanic to me.

In a world where discrimination and separatism is qualitatively and quantitatively on the rise, people in charge must be ecstatic that they can appease people without having to do anything meaningful that might piss off the extremists on the right, or "shareholders". And people are so used to being told that change is only possible through incremental adjustments that they'll eat it up like candy and think this is progress.

"People people people, if you're going to call someone a filthy tranny and throw fast food at xem on public transport, at least use the proper pronoun when you verbally abuse xem."

When there's a hole in the boat and you're taking on water, the least of your concerns should be about what language you use to describe the in-rushing water or shape of the hole, nor arguing over the colour of the material you use to repair it.

I'm sure some people will see this as a victory. Until next time they apply for a job and not get hired due to transphobia. And the manager of the company, with a gleam in their eye, begins the rejection letter with 'Dear bun/bunself', then sniggers to themselves and says "fucking trannies."

What I'm trying to say was summed nicely in a tweet i saw the other day:
ALTRIGHT/NEO NAZI: your all going to the gas chambers!!!

If this is the extent of what activism is able to achieve, i should say that the establishment/elite have won by pacifying and declawing the protesters. It's no longer about breaking the shackles of oppression. We can't go around breaking shackles everywhere - think of the effect on the economy? And what about people getting hit by shrapnel? No, instead the LGBTQ community will be given multi coloured chains, the black community will be given slightly longer chains, and we'll pad the shackles with silk so that everyone is much more comfortable. Don't complain about the concept of being chained, instead complain that your chain is not as nice as the next guy's chain.

It's as though the great struggle of protest and civil disobedience has been taken over by the liberal intelligentsia, and the worst kind of discrimination faced by a 20 year old middle-class university student with rainbow coloured dreadlocks and a nose piercing is the letter they receive about their student loan that begins "dear sir/madam". So they go out and march about it and think they've made progress when they get their own pronoun. In their life, in their experiences, they are treated equally in other respects, so they think they ARE fighting inequality.

But for the working class male or female transsexual who gets filthy looks and a seat isolated by themselves on public transport, to travel to their entry level job where they've been skipped over for promotion for not looking the part, or getting the right level of respect from the trans-phobic staff, getting snide whispered comments from customers about the size of their hands, getting abuse yelled at them as they travel to have a night out at the ONLY trans-friendly bar within a 20 mile radius....... I get the feeling that receiving a letter with the correct pronoun isn't exactly going to change their fucking lives.

To remove a weed, you go for the roots. Some wanker calling you him/her when you prefer bun/bunself is not the root of this problem. The problem is that they are trans-phobic, not the language - which is just the tool they use to discriminate against you. To change the language and think that you've won is a bit like redefining room temperature and claiming you've warmed everybody by a few degrees.

If you march for equal rights, fair pay, fair treatment then people are going to see that and join your protest because they also want those things. Those things will solve the problems faced by the trans community, feminists, masculinists, minorities alike! And through common goals and by supporting each other en masse for simple, unified goals like EQUALITY, progress will be made, change will happen. It is a concept called solidarity and seems to be going out of fashion, but our grandparents knew.

The objective for the establishment is to drive a wedge between groups of people so that their demands are more manageable, and they can be turned on each other. Feminists, masculinists, LGBT, everyone... can't you see how better off you'd be marching together for common values that lie at the core of what every human wants?

Wall of text, sorry... and I know it looks like i'm being insensitive. So congratulations, genuinely, for getting someone to use your preferred pronoun if that makes you feel better. But whilst people have been fighting tooth and nail to get their own pronoun (in civilised settings only), we've suffered huge leaps backwards in freedom and tolerance behind their backs whilst they were bent over intently concentrating on the finer detail of what their ideal equality looks like.

This is how fast fire can spread. Warning: disturbing

newtboy says...

If I remember correctly, the band made it out the back. I can't remember if they were convicted or if so, of what, but they sure should have been. Pyro in a tiny club like that with no fire protection and seemingly at least double capacity sure spells 100 counts of manslaughter in my eyes.
*terrible, absolutely terrible. I should have skipped this one.

Why Are Hops Used In Beers?

Riding a C90 through India

Samantha Bee's Pussy Riot Vagina Monolog

Kayaker Caught in the Grip of a Hydraulic Sieve

Removing rusted nuts using a candle and a lighter

Stung by a Cow Killer

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