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Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Memorare:
A warm summer sunset on the beach is a staggeringly awesome setting for shrooms. The feel of the sun, sand and warm breeze on your skin, the sound of the waves and the gulls, the smell of the ocean, the giant golden setting sun glittering on the crests of the waves, omg it's the closest thing to a state of perfect being you'll ever experience.
Yosemite (or just about any National Park) is another Excellent place to do shrooms.

I agree 150% Having lived in Oregon for all of my trips (still live here). Nature was heartily available and ALWAYS made the experience an awesome one.

The only time I experienced a "bad trip" was when I was with a group of people I hardly knew, didn't have a place to live at the time (was living with my "girl friend" and was depressed about my living situation and lack of employment). It made for a really bad experience. This was on acid by the way, not shrooms.

Sex on shrooms is one of the greatest experiences I have ever had.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Memorare says...

A warm summer sunset on the beach is a staggeringly awesome setting for shrooms. The feel of the sun, sand and warm breeze on your skin, the sound of the waves and the gulls, the smell of the ocean, the giant golden setting sun glittering on the crests of the waves, omg it's the closest thing to a state of perfect being you'll ever experience.

Yosemite (or just about any National Park) is another Excellent place to do shrooms.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

MINK says...

my mate doesn't like shrooms so this study is bollocks!

urghhh... way to miss the point. maybe if you got your information from somewhere other than CNN it would make more sense.

I like how Trancecoach is doing a PhD and still "my mate's personal experience" is more important. Classic Web 2.0 "logic".

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

volumptuous says...

>> ^dbalsdon:
Years ago, my Uncle had a great 'long-lasting positive effect' from using shrooms. Went paranoid, refused help and bricked himself into a building, so nobody could get to him... Thankfully, they did though, but still.. great positive experience isn't it?
He now keeps himself to himself, and doesn't go out really.


So, your uncle's "bad trip" against millions of people through thousands of years history having amazing experiences.

Not very scientific.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

dbalsdon says...

Years ago, my Uncle had a great 'long-lasting positive effect' from using shrooms. Went paranoid, refused help and bricked himself into a building, so nobody could get to him... Thankfully, they did though, but still.. great positive experience isn't it?

He now keeps himself to himself, and doesn't go out really.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

9364 says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^Shepppard:
Shrooms aren't theraputic.
years ago my sister had a party here, and two of her friends took shrooms.
I still remember them freaking out so hard one of them actually wanted to go see my mom to make it better, but the other slapped her in the face and said that "We've gone too far now!"

It is true that mileage varies from person to person. Not to mention other mitigating factors like who you take them with, the environment taken in, your state of mind when ingesting, etc. Much care should be exercised in planning and preparation, before eating mushrooms all willy-nilly like.
For me, it was one of the best and most memorable experiences I've ever had with other human beings.

I agree completely. And it's not like the medical industry is just going to start giving prescriptions to mushrooms. If anything they'll make yet another pill form containing the specific chemicals, likely significantly 'watered down.' The drug industry is full of narcotic and hallucinogenic 'medicines.'

I personally have had my share of very positive experiences with a wide variety of hallucinogenic drugs both natural and man-made and I've found the 'magic mushrooms' are by far the least likely to produce a so called 'bad trip.' Especially compared to the likes of LSD. The experience mushrooms and other natural hallucinogenics such as Peyote, are a much milder, smoother and less grating effect, though often far more potent.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

AnimalsForCrackers says...

>> ^Shepppard:
Shrooms aren't theraputic.
years ago my sister had a party here, and two of her friends took shrooms.
I still remember them freaking out so hard one of them actually wanted to go see my mom to make it better, but the other slapped her in the face and said that "We've gone too far now!"

It is true that mileage varies from person to person. Not to mention other mitigating factors like who you take them with, the environment taken in, mental health/your state of mind when ingesting, etc. Much care should be exercised in planning and preparation, before eating mushrooms all willy-nilly like. Some people will experience adverse effects regardless, though, just like anything else.

For me, it was one of the best and most memorable experiences I've ever had with other human beings.

Edit: Just read Duckman's post, sorry for the overlap.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Shepppard says...

Shrooms aren't theraputic.

years ago my sister had a party here, and two of her friends took shrooms.
I still remember them freaking out so hard one of them actually wanted to go see my mom to make it better, but the other slapped her in the face and said that "We've gone too far now!"

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Duckman33 says...

The Government made hallucinogens illegal because had everyone, or most people been taking them, it would be much, much harder for the Government to pull the wool over our eyes like they have been doing all these years. I had taken shrooms quite a few times as a younger adult and had been "enlightened" to many things during each of my trips. Can't say that they were spiritual. But I definitely saw things in a much clearer perspective. Believe it or not.

As her disclaimer at the end says. You MUST be sure you are in the right state of mind, with the right group of people before taking them or you WILL have a bad trip. And no, I have never had even one single "flashback" from shrooms or acid.

Oh and Flood, if I remember correctly, the Native Americans used hallucinogens to converse with their gods and go on "spirit walks". I agree with rosekat, the subject is up for debate.

cybrbeast (Member Profile)

rougy says...

I didn't know you were from the Netherlands.

I dearly want to move to Amsterdam and have been keeping an eye on the news there for a while.

The shroom thing bugs me; I'm sorry the French girl died, but for heaven's sake how can anybody be sure it was the shrooms? Young woman commits suicide for no apparent reason - not exactly ground shaking news I'm sorry to say. Sadly it happens every day and shrooms have nothing to do with it most of the time.

And another thing, if Britain would own up to their own prevalent drug problems, half of the problems in Amsterdam would disappear, since most of the problems are from the English treating Amsterdam the way Texans treat Juarez Mexico.

In short, I love your country and I love Amsterdam and I hope the right-wing Bible-beating assholes don't ruin it before I have a chance to move there.


In reply to this comment by cybrbeast:
Though the Netherlands is a good example of how decriminalization has worked and is effective, my country seems to be heading in the wrong direction again. The Christian right wing of our coalition would like to see marijuana made illegal again. They are trying to make it as hard as possible for coffeeshops to operate and are clamping down hard on the production of marijuana and the supply to the coffeeshops which is not decriminalized. This all while the mayors representing the big cities who actually deal with the marijuana issues want to start experimenting with regulating the production of marijuana.

The Christian right wing has also succeeded in making magic mushrooms illegal. All this was based on a media hype involving a few tragic incidents with magic mushrooms. One french girl committed suicide while she was under the influence and a few British tourists flipped out while combining alcohol with mushrooms. Something like 95% of the problems were with tourists. This is not strange because many of them come to the Netherlands to try them out, and often times do it without proper education and in a bad environment. While the government was passing these laws the public health and drug institutions were issuing reports that criminalizing mushrooms would not be productive and would actually harm public health. This seems so similar to how American prohibition and drug laws were undertaken.

I hope my government will change soon and seek the road of progress. We should be further legalizing and regulating the drug trade not the opposite. But even if our government would like this international pressure has always been hard on our drug laws.

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honkeytonk73 says...

Looks like the Jesus-hawks (BillO and Qshroom) are at it again.

They have apparently forgotten this 'plan' is now being revealed after it was devised and slated for implementation during the Bush administration. They haven't quite figured out that Obama doesn't sit on the throne and affect policy until January of 2009. I guess they don't even understand how the government of the so-called nation that they are so 'uber patriotic' about actually works.

But.. I can't fault them for their 'edumukashun'.

Shroom's mentioned 'stormtroopers' are the very troops he so strongly supported under a redneck administration.

So.. what about 'support our troops and our president or find another country to live in?' What about 'You are with us or against us?'. How does it feel to be on the 'other side'.... My Friends.

The coolest mushroom you've EVER seen.

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