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Oxen_Morale (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I did put both the name and the little ears in the tags, it's just the original yt poster who called them shells.

Oxen_Morale said:

I've been to Bari and this is not Shells, it is Orecchiette (the plural form of orecchietta, from orecchio (ear) + etto (small) is a variety of home-made pasta typical of Apulia, a region of southern Italy. Its name comes from its shape, which resembles a small ear.

Making Pasta Shells by Hand - Bari, Italy

Oxen_Morale says...

I've been to Bari and this is not Shells, it is Orecchiette (the plural form of orecchietta, from orecchio (ear) + etto (small) is a variety of home-made pasta typical of Apulia, a region of southern Italy. Its name comes from its shape, which resembles a small ear.

Ghost in the Shell - The New Movie Trailer

jmd says...

To those who have not kept up on the series, here is a foot note.

After the original Ghost in the shell movie, the second movie was loosely based on the series and has since forth become the end of its line.

Stand alone complex is a TV series based on the same world as the original movie but the movie never happened. Stand alone complex consist of 2 26-episode seasons and an OVA movie. There is no "ending" to the series and it is ready to continue from this point if they want.

Ghost in the shell: Arise is an origin tale consisting of 4 OVA episodes detailing how Major Kusanagi picked the team and became the leader of Section 9, and the purpose of Section 9. Later on, Arise was split into a 10 episode "season" suitable for airing on TV, with 2 episodes at the end dedicated to new content.

Ghost in the shell: Shin Gekijōban, the movie trailer we see here, is either a continuation or a side story near the end of Arise. And holy crap I hate those english voices.

If you are wondering if any of it is worth watching, I consider the entire series to be a masterpiece. Stand alone complex is quite deep and loaded with content while Arise is a little light on content and really makes you want more. Luckily it gets better after each OVA.

Oh, also you will see movies related to Stand alone complex called laughing man and Individual Eleven, these are the first 2 seasons with all the side stories hacked out and only the main story arc shown. Avoid these.

OverLord (Member Profile)

More studies confirm Calcium still doesn't prevent fractures

MilkmanDan says...

OK, his studies beat my anecdotal bias.

...That being said, I will continue to eat breakfast cereal with milk pretty much every day (as I have since I was very very young), and be strongly tempted to attribute my own lack of having ever broken a bone to that.

The other anecdote I have in my favor is coming from a farm family that raised chickens. I grew up in a prairie grassland area (converted to irrigated farmland thanks to aquifer access), while my cousins lived a couple hours away in limestone hills ranchland. Both of our families raised free range chickens.

Our chickens produced very thin-shelled eggs, and displayed behavior to suggest they were calcium-deprived. For example, our chickens wouldn't cannibalize their own viable eggs, but if we threw empty shells to them they would fight to eat the shells. Same but to a lesser extent for leftover bones, etc. (I assume they fought less over these because bones are harder to near impossible to break down with a beak). On the other side of the table, we sometimes exchanged eggs with my cousins, and their chicken's eggs were always extremely thick-shelled and hard to crack open.

When I asked about that, my folks told me (and later my Biology teacher confirmed) that was because the sod/soil around my home and flora and fauna growing from it contained very little natural calcium. Chickens raised in our area would often be supplemented with commercial feed that contained extra calcium, but we let ours range for food and eat table scraps; almost never supplementing their food with any commercial stuff. But the limestone (aka calcium carbonate) around my cousin's house contained very high amounts of natural calcium, which was naturally infused into the plants / grains / insects that their chickens ate, giving them incredibly thick shells.

So, I guess that while calcium intake apparently doesn't have a very statistically significant impact on human bone growth, I think that it must have a much more significant role to play in egg thickness if you happen to be a chicken... At least if you compare extremes of low natural calcium diet versus extremely high natural calcium diet.

AeroMechanical (Member Profile)

Enterprise-D Virtual Tour

MilkmanDan says...


Just noticed the three shells in the head...
Finished. Pretty cool, but feels empty and weird without crew. Plus they missed a great opportunity to be meta by not taking the virtual tour by the holodeck...

Fireworks grow up - 2" shell, then 2.5, then 3, 4... 48!

Fireworks grow up - 2" shell, then 2.5, then 3, 4... 48!

Guns with History

bremnet says...

Yeah, you got me there. Clever girl.

You want credible sources?

Here ya go:
(and the debate rages on)

Am 100% in agreement - "The problem is that it's simply way too easy to get a gun in the US." As a Canadian living in the USA for the past 15 years, not wanting to become a US citizen because I'd have to cut out half my brain, I've been through Canada's attempts at gun control too. Can't even buy a box of .22 shells at home without completing a classroom course (or is it two now?) which I think is the door swinging too far the other way. Worth noting perhaps is the incidence of gun crime in major metropolitan centers in Canada *appears* to be on the rise... would be nice if someone out there could do a comprehensive update using the same methodology as e.g. Mauser to see if it's real.

ChaosEngine said:

Congratulations, you've managed to recognise an obviously tongue-in-cheek comment by applying basic reading skills. Oh no, wait... you didn't.

You want credible sources?

Here ya go:
correlation of gun ownership with suicide and homocide
How right-to-carry impacts the crime rate (hint: it's not good)

Understand, I don't want to ban guns. I have friends who hunt and shoot a lot, (I've done it myself a few times and quite frankly, shooting is fun).

The problem is that it's simply way too easy to get a gun in the US. You know why you have "armed thugs" breaking into your house? BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS A FUCKING GUN. In other 1st world countries, most break-ins are unarmed, because as Jim said, most people just want your TV.

Now, it may be that the ship has sailed in the U.S. because you failed to do anything about this for so long. But it would absolutely make sense to make it just a bit more difficult for anyone to have access to a gun.

Mesmerizing Bidirectional Model Train

Pastor Dewey Smith On Homosexuality And Hypocrisy

FlowersInHisHair says...

I disagree with the "we all need Jesus" bit. Other than that, unremarkable stuff of the type many non-religious (and some religious) voices have been saying since the gay rights movement broke the shell. Only notable for that fact that it's coming out of this particular vitriolic preacher.

Magician Shin Lim Fools Penn and Teller

newtboy says...

Building a helicopter is not the same as 'magic', where the important part IS all the little things you do to make it look magic.

Or do you just want an explanation like "he does it with slight of hand"?... because that is how he did it in a nut shell.

mxxcon said:

When I watch "how it's made" segment on helicopters, it doesn't mean I want to know every single detail so that I can build my own.

stingray vs molting spider crab

Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece

TheGenk says...

In my non-expert opinion the only way to really help Greece at this point is to release a significant amout of debt and set the interest of the rest to zero. (Instead of trying to keep on profiting on their misfortune)

And I fear a Grexit will inevitably lead to the worst case scenario for both Greece and the EU, hyperinflation in an european country.

After having read some more stuff about Greece and monetary shell games aka economics I've come to the conclusion that zero interest debt would not actually help. Interest for goverment bonds has been declining worldwide over the last decades, yet government debt has increased proportionally.
Why is that? Well, if you, as a politician, can borrow more money for the same amount of effective interest to fulfill your election promises in order to stay in office for as long as possible then why the hell not? Some day you won't be in office anymore and the higher government debt isn't your problem anymore.
So in the end, lower interest rates may not be 'helpful' for the greek government to balance their budget.

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