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RedSky (Member Profile)

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

jmd says...

>> ^ant:
I meant the whole movie was fan-made for non-profit so Paramount(?) wouldn't care?

the movie is a porn video that is sold for money. What we see on sift here is just the edited one that someone did. There is no way universal would sit still with actual ST footage in a porno.

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^WaterDweller:

>> ^rychan:
Heh, that actually has some nice moments. Action was pretty cheesy, though. Data did a good job, but seeing him fidget was pretty out of character.
It didn't seem like there were many porn scenes edited out this. Were there only 2?

The whole thing is probably feature length, judging by the size of the various rips floating around (from 700-1400 MB). This scrubbed version is 26-27 minutes. So there are probably more than two porn scenes in it. EDIT: when looking at the pairings, I see several possibilities: Riker-Troy, Geordie-Braun, Worf-whatever-her-name, Data-Tasha, and Picard-Crusher at the end.

Your assumption is correct. 2 hours long with 5 scenes that you mentioned...

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

ant says...

>> ^jmd:

>> ^ant:
>> ^jmd:
how are they able to get the rights to use the intro footage?

Isn't it fan-made?

Ahh, I thought the intro was used in the actual star trek porno.

I meant the whole movie was fan-made for non-profit so Paramount(?) wouldn't care?

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

SFW-entire XXX Star Trek parody, scrubbed of naughty bits

WaterDweller says...

>> ^rychan:

Heh, that actually has some nice moments. Action was pretty cheesy, though. Data did a good job, but seeing him fidget was pretty out of character.
It didn't seem like there were many porn scenes edited out this. Were there only 2?

The whole thing is probably feature length, judging by the size of the various rips floating around (from 700-1400 MB). This scrubbed version is 26-27 minutes. So there are probably more than two porn scenes in it. EDIT: when looking at the pairings, I see several possibilities: Riker-Troy, Geordie-Braun, Worf-whatever-her-name, Data-Tasha, and Picard-Crusher at the end.

Star Trek: The Next Generation: A XXX Parody [SFW trailer]

Dead Squirrel, Little Girl and a Video Camera

ryanbennitt says...

Bath time? I would have hosed her down outside with cold water and scrubbed her with soap before letting her back in the house.

Our cat would kill squirrels, thankfully he was selfish enough to eat them himself rather than bring them back home.

How to stop cats from peeing on your cars!

Payback says...

>> ^ravioli:

Since it's on the same subject, a little cat helping needed here : one of my cats started peeing on the wood floor next to the litter box. I don't know why he doesn't go in the box anymore. Mopping piss twice a day and seeing the floor degrade is driving me nuts! Anyone knows how to prevent him from peeing on the floor ??
(please don't say "He's thinking outside of the box"!)

If he was only thinking, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Seriously though, have you taken it to the vet? Urinary infections cause all sorts of behavior. Also, try dumping all the litter out, scrub the box, use fresh litter. Put the box back over the spot its been peeing.

The People's Budget

ghark says...

>> ^silky:

In Australia, The idea of a budget reply is to do whatever you like. It doesn't matter as it has no value except to win votes. I have never seen an oppostion budget that has actually been implemented. Anyway, it looks like our target here of getting back to surplus to 2013 is pretty good.
Knowing the US people, they would never stand for in principle a reduction in military spending in a general sense. If they said, cut certian new technology programs back that would be implemented insted, then that would have a better chance of getting through the public. Investment in infrastucture is ALWAYS in these kinds of things.
The tax breaks endings for the top-end is simply vote-grabbing. Can't they get these top guys to be involved in fixing certain issues instead. That would be a new idea: anyone earning over $10 million in a single year needs to fix a component of the total system that would have indirect symetary in their field: "You! Mr Gates! You now have to fix the transportation system!" They have to use their own money, and don't have to pay any tax.

Ironically, that would also allow them to create jobs with the extra money they are not getting taxed, something the propaganda machine always says happens with that money. It seems like your suggestion would be common sense, and I always kind of hope to read stories about the good things they are doing in this regard. However the stories are usually always the opposite, they use their money to meet their own ends; e.g. Bill Gates is a supporter of Atmosphere scrubbing, so he's spending money to ensure pollution can continue as per normal, and he thinks we'll just be able to release other chemicals to scrub CO2 out of the air.

Gwiz665 becomes royalty, starts talking to skulls (Woohoo Talk Post)

This Indian robot movie might blow your mind

bmacs27 says...

So I just watched the movie, having been inspired by this clip. I'll tell you, the movie is more i-Robot than terminator in a lot of ways. For instance, the movie is 3 hours long, and this 10 minute clip had about 50% of the real action scenes in it. There are a number of other more Matrix style action scenes with a single robot, and a bunch of scrubs, but otherwise it's wysiwyg. There are about 20 of your typical bollywood song and dance numbers (which is not to be scoffed at, considering it generally constituted Ms. Rai dancing and dressing suggestively).

Still, I think it was better at being i-Robot than i-Robot was, largely because of the 20 minutes of CG filled gratuitous action. So long as you go into it appropriately inebriated and prepared to laugh, it's worth filling a rainy day with.

The Battle Hymn of the Sarah Palin

Trancecoach says...

Divine inspiration from somewhere in the heartland.

She's a cold blast from Alaska
Ingrained with common sense
She's not a Harvard lawyer
But she knew what the Founders meant
A cold blast from the north
That freezes Congress in their tracks
With God and the Tea Party
She's gonna take it back

Sarah Palin, she won't listen to their bunk
Sarah Palin's comin' south to hunt some skunk
Sarah Palin, she'll throw them all in jail
And when she gets to Washington
It'll be cold as hell

Sarah has the wisdom
To walk through an open door
She is stomping out the wretches
Where the evil lines are stored
She will scrub the floors and sweep the riff raff into cracks
With God and the Tea Party
She's gonna take it back


Congress patted themselves on the back
For some new bill they just passed
I watch as my freedom slowly runs through an hourglass
They think they spend our money better than we do
But they can talk until they're blue and old
'Cause if they ever gave us anything
They always wanted something in return
Sarah knows.

Sarah's marching home

Battle: Los Angeles - Full, Theatrical Trailer HD

spawnflagger says...

This trailer had more plot than the entire movie Skyline, which was a recent forgettable about aliens invading LA. Although the guy from Scrubs got squished, that was fun.

I think if an alien race wanted to wipe us out and take our resources, then they would just use some chemical/biological/radioactive agent sent from space and skip all the ground-war BS. You could take the first 3/4ths of the movie The Happening, then just add some alien scenes at the end instead of all the "mother nature fighting back" crap.

But really all you need in a Sci-Fi movie is Mila Kunis and Summer Glau making out at some point. Hollywood Gold.

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