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Girl on Acid Totally Freaking Out

choggie says...

>> ^enoch:

nice friends she has there.
" is a good idea.sally is starting to loop into a bad trip.let's put her in a confined area with crappy music and leave her alone".
great work retards.
here is what i think based on almost no information,but i'll take a swipe anyways.
something happened while this girl was starting to peak.maybe it was intentional by some douchebag or her mind perceived something in the wrong context and it kicked her mind into a loop.(think a scratched cd skipping).
the worst and LAST thing you ever want to do with a friend in that situation is to leave them ALONE with their own mind.
you get that person,as gently and calmly,to another location with different scenery and different sounds.
talk that person down.. are not having a heart attack it is in your head.
no..your face is the same as it was an hour ago and is not peeling off.look in the mirror? see?
mirrors are $$$ btw in this situation but only after you have calmed the person down.they will just trip out on themselves for hours.
a calm voice and sincere compassion can go a long ways in helping someone steer clear,or out of,a bad trip.
there are also times when you are too late and the person is in a full blown psychotic break.
in that case all you can do is stay close,keep watch and many times just hold them and tell them it will be ok,even if they dont recognize you.
my sons are grown and since they are MY sons i hold no illusions that they will not(and already have in some instances) experiment with advice has always been the same:
because by what i have seen evidenced here is that these retards couldn't find there way out of a paper bag with a flame thrower.
they have done their friend a huge disservice by their ignorance.
not the first time i have seen it though.
i kinda feel sorry for that poor girl.
eight hours of the same thing playing over and over and over.
whatever mind-altering perception she could have experienced is toast due to friends being retarded.
fucking ass-wipes,may they lick the balls of a syphillis infected rhinocerous.

My sentiments as well, avoid the loops through proper psycho-navigation-some folks do this naturally, others need the coach-once your are in familiar territory, things are fine.....sometimes! Whoa, ok, not always that predictable....when in doubt, curl up in dark ball....mmmmmmmmmmmmm dark ball!

Girl on Acid Totally Freaking Out

enoch says...

nice friends she has there.
" is a good idea.sally is starting to loop into a bad trip.let's put her in a confined area with crappy music and leave her alone".
great work retards.

here is what i think based on almost no information,but i'll take a swipe anyways.
something happened while this girl was starting to peak.maybe it was intentional by some douchebag or her mind perceived something in the wrong context and it kicked her mind into a loop.(think a scratched cd skipping).
the worst and LAST thing you ever want to do with a friend in that situation is to leave them ALONE with their own mind.
you get that person,as gently and calmly,to another location with different scenery and different sounds.
talk that person down.. are not having a heart attack it is in your head.
no..your face is the same as it was an hour ago and is not peeling off.look in the mirror? see?
mirrors are $$$ btw in this situation but only after you have calmed the person down.they will just trip out on themselves for hours.
a calm voice and sincere compassion can go a long ways in helping someone steer clear,or out of,a bad trip.
there are also times when you are too late and the person is in a full blown psychotic break.
in that case all you can do is stay close,keep watch and many times just hold them and tell them it will be ok,even if they dont recognize you.

my sons are grown and since they are MY sons i hold no illusions that they will not(and already have in some instances) experiment with advice has always been the same:
because by what i have seen evidenced here is that these retards couldn't find there way out of a paper bag with a flame thrower.
they have done their friend a huge disservice by their ignorance.
not the first time i have seen it though.
i kinda feel sorry for that poor girl.
eight hours of the same thing playing over and over and over.
whatever mind-altering perception she could have experienced is toast due to friends being retarded.
fucking ass-wipes,may they lick the balls of a syphillis infected rhinocerous.

Health : Australia / New Zealand / Weird

Humanity vs. Yosemite Timelapse in HD

Opus_Moderandi says...

Watching videos like this, I always expect to hear Sigur Ros playing... and I love Peter Gabriel (The Last Temptation soundtrack is awesome) but, I thought the track chosen was a little too "dark" for this kind of scenery... imo

Hypnotic train journey in Norway

R/C Madness: TRex 600 Helicopter - Amazing Tricks

DrivelsAdvocate (Member Profile)

ctrlaltbleach says...

Both of those look like nice little towns I wonder how hard it is to find a job there.

In reply to this comment by DrivelsAdvocate:
To a large extent it depends on what areas you plan on visiting. I'm not a big fan of London myself, but it is obviously a big draw because of all the tourist locales such as Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament, etc. It's not that it's particularly unfriendly, it's just like any other large city - full of hustle and bustle, and that's really not my thing. My sister, however, lived in London for five years and loved it, so I guess each to their own. I much prefer the scenery of the North of Scotland, places such as the Cairngorms, Aviemore and Fort William. Beautiful areas, and no urban blight in sight.

I just saw 2012 (Blog Entry by dag)

Zero Punctuation: Brütal Legend

NetRunner says...

Pretty much sums up my feeling about the game. I loved the concept and humor, and the first third or so of the game, but then once the RTS stuff comes to the fore, I ceased enjoying the gameplay. From that point on I was just in it to unlock the new scenery, and to try to get to the part when the story started to really get interesting. Unfortunately, the latter never happened.

I do want them to make a sequel though. The world is just absolutely fantastic, and if they would just have delivered on the actual game portion, it would have been an instant classic.

Ditch the RTS portion, and make it action hack n' slash + driving, and they've got a real winner.

Minuscule: Catapult Grasshopper - funny animated short

cybrbeast says...

I only discovered of this series, by watching one of the videos hehe. Their videos are amazingly and creatively created. It all just very fun stuff and I love how they made their insects fit in their world.

>> wiki:
Minuscule is a growing collection of short animations that follow the day-to-day existence of anthropomorphic insects. The characters are modelled on computer in 3D and are then set against real scenery. Each animation has a short, self contained and often humorous storyline. The audio is a combination of genuine insect and ambient recordings, and sound effects such as car or helicopter or aircraft engines, synthesized buzzings etc. Throughout each episode, no (human) words are ever spoken, Nevertheless, Anthropogenic 'insect like words' are often trumpeted by the various protagonist insects. The background settings are mostly of rural France, and include farm houses, fences, cars, road surfaces, drains, gutters and garbage bins. Humans themselves appear only peripherally (if at all) & the only consistent peripheral witnesses to many of the goings~on, are cows that appear as disinterested bystanders.

Now I'm off to watch the other ones

Slum artwork will blow your mind

TheFreak says...

>> ^poolcleaner:
>> ^longde:
Nice, but it would get annoying to see that every morning.

I used to wake up to the same Vietnamese breast augmentation ad outside my apartment every day. Now THAT is annoying. That was years ago, and you know what? I drove by my old neighborhood and it's still there. I prefer the artistic expression to the commercial ad placement. Really, it's one or the other -- or nothing at all, but desolation and monotony of your every day life.

And somewhere in the world somebody's staring at a PETA billboard out their window who wishes they could be looking at an advertisement for boobs.

Somewhere, somebody has all the money and advantages they could want in life and is miserable while somebody else is living in a slum in Africa and believes she can do anything a human is capable of doing.

It's amazing how little our surroundings, possessions, circumstances or the scenery beyond our windows has to do with our outlook on life.

Joke for a promote (Comedy Talk Post)

Throbbin says...

A biologist travels to the far north to conduct a land-survey of the effects of climate change on Arctic ecosystems. He hires a local Inuit guide to take him out onto the tundra, and they set off on a dogteam.

After a few hours, they stop to have some tea and warm up. The biologist walks over to the nearest hilltop to get a better look at the scenery. He is completely lost, and asks the Inuit guide to come up to the hilltop to show him some landmarks. As the guide gets up there, he sees a Polar Bear not 30 feet from them on the other side of the hill. He pulls out a Swiss Army Knife, and tells the biologist to slowly back away towards the dogteam, and not to panic.

They retreat to safety, and travel for another hour before stopping for some tea. The biologist turns to the guide and says "You only had a Swiss Army Knife back there. Could you really kill the Polar Bear with it?"

The Inuit guide laughs and responds "No, I wouldn't have killed it if it attacked. All I'd have to do is stab you in the leg."

Scuba Diving in Flooded Meadow - Breathtaking Scenery

Scuba Diving in Flooded Meadow - Breathtaking Scenery

rychan says...

>> ^ponceleon:
What floors me the most is the clarify of the water. I've never seen flooding which was this clean before...

Absolutely, I'm astonished by that. The water must pour in very gently and something about the geology (very rocky, poorly developed soils?) must prevent it from silting up.

Amazing sift, should be #1. Any time I see some new phenomena that I didn't know the Earth could produce I'll sift it very enthusiastically

nomino (Member Profile)

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