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Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

Incredible Paper Airplane Throw

Structure Fire Millers Falls 11/8/22

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Good for the FBI.

Weed out bad on all sides.

Sadly you only see 1 side. you side is Holy perfect.

newtboy said:

What have you done now, Bob?

“A hardcore Trump supporter in North Carolina has been arrested after sending death threats to a liberal fact checking group because he believed that the fact checkers were defaming Donald Trump. And then as he was being arrested by FBI agents, he threatened to kill one of the agents, which of course has now gotten him slapped with even more charges because these individuals that support Donald Trump are just that deranged. Let me read this because this is absolutely horrifying. This is from Huff Post. The man, Steven Williams sent an email in September to progressive fact checking organization, good information Foundation, ordering members to cease and desist all defamation and slander of mega Republicans and Donald Trump. According to the complaint,” this is treason an act of war, and we will treat you accordingly.” He wrote, Williams allegedly also warned “lethal action will be necessary if any physical detainment is attempted.”

When FBI agents showed up at the door of his Stokes Tale (Scottsdale?) home last month after being alerted by the fact checking organization about the threat, Williams told one of the agents, “I'm going to take you out” the complaint states, he's now been charged with threatening to kill a federal law enforcement officer. “

Another MAGA terrorist outraged by facts.

This on top of the uncountable death threats to election workers over more false vote fraud accusations, including against Republican election workers, forcing many into hiding or into the protective custody of the police, all because you babies can’t accept you lost another election bigly.

Whittier Crash: 21 LASD Recruits Hit While Running In Road

newtboy says...

Roads are for cars, sidewalks are for pedestrians. Sadly, I doubt the police will acknowledge their role in causing this by taking over roadways as if they owned them. Don’t run in the street, people.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Gotta keep an eye on the roaches or they take over.
He’s not living rent free either…and his pathological need to stay in the public spotlight is costing him everything, hundreds of millions and maybe his freedom.

Pelosi has lived in your head for a decade rent free, and no amount of MAGA terrorism will evict her!
Clinton’s been in there three decades, stomping on the floors and overflowing her toilet.
Biden moved in 6 years ago, and so did his son Hunter soon after.

Trump will be out of mine the day he’s sentenced and his anti democracy moronic insurrectionist insane clown posse disbands or goes to prison with him.

If actions are any indication, you are sadly mistaken. He’s never demonstrated even slightly above average intelligence nor any knowledge on any subject….ever. Lol. Don’t forget, according to him, he lost more money than anyone in America more than one year in a row, and went bankrupt what, 6, 7 times? His only claim to fame is inheriting hundreds of millions and doing worse financially than if he had simply put it in low yield CD’s. He’s also facing criminal charges in 4 states and federal court, and more civil cases that I can keep track of including one upcoming for restitution for raping a woman and another seeking $250 million (that he’s unlikely to win). D’oh!

I retired at 30 with a nice comfortable life and few responsibilities. WINNING!

I would ask….since he says his strongest ability is reading people, what is it about him that make SOOOOO many of his “best and brightest” turn on him and according to him become the worst dishonest liars on earth the moment they lose favor or stop benefiting from stroking his ego? His unimpeachable honesty and high level intelligence? I think not.

Now, have you grown enough spine to discuss Ashley Babbitt?

bobknight33 said:

Trump living rent fee in that little head of yours. LOL

Trump in infinitely brighter than you. So don't worry about him Just take care of yourself.


moonsammy says...

Oops this turned into a semi rant. But I am legitimately open to discussion here, and am curious to get your thoughts on a few points Bob. That is, IF you're willing to actually think about them beyond the level of repeating talking points.

I find it interesting how divergent the two overall "sides" are in this country, in terms of where they focus. None of the issues brought up in this video are really on the radar of most progressives, beyond being aware some on the right are talking about them. And I'm guessing a lot of the concerns progressives discuss rarely come up in your chosen media landscape. A lot of the issues in the video are largely off of my radar, and I have to wonder how you feel they should be addressed - like, actual proposed solutions rather than just complaining about / worrying about them.

We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers

How many should there be? Arguably we have more than one already: there's Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and it seems that Sept 11th is often used for the purpose as well.

I'd argue we should spend more time acknowledging and understanding the principals behind WHY our soldiers died in the various conflicts which caused them to fall in the first place. Let's make sure our citizenry appreciates what we collectively rejected in the Revolutionary war. Why it was important that we kept the country together rather than allowing the south to split off in the mid-1800s. Why we chose to honor our diplomatic agreements and support our allies in WW1. Why we fought against the countries and governments we did in WW2. What our goals were in Korea and Vietnam, and what lessons we learned from those conflicts and from the Cold War in general. Commemorating and remembering those we've lost absolutely matters, but if we're ONLY doing that while forgetting why they fought OR ignoring what we learned then we're doing them an equal or greater disservice. Remember that America was built on the idea of forming "a more perfect union" - not a perfect one, a MORE perfect one - a work in progress. We're striving towards an ideal, not assuming we're already there. Learning from our past successes, failures, and our struggles around both outcomes is vital. If our self-analysis is no deeper than hero worship we'll never make real progress towards that theoretical perfect union.

The only mask that's gonna save us is duct tape on their mouths

Yeah, sound medical advice and evidence-based science is terrifying. Better to shut up those whose words we dislike, because we're reactionary authoritarian babymen. I truly do not understand being more afraid of reasonable safety measures than of a virus which has been shown to cause serious harm in the short and long terms. The only reason this "masks = liberal / maskless = conservative" crap came about is because politics has devolved to the level of team sports in the US, and one party has chosen "the opposite of whatever our political opponents say" as their entire governing philosophy. (And yes, ONE party - research and understand the GOP's 2020 platform if you want to argue the point.) This video even seems to reach a reasonable conclusion at the end, while coming up just short of that final logical leap to "maybe I should question what the public faces of MY side have been claiming in this Us vs Them madness." Seriously - keep going friend, you're almost there! George Washington was 100% right in wanting to avoid political parties being a force in the US, and it makes me immensely sad that his fears came true.

Big oil runs the world / the only wars to get fought are with the countries who have natural resources they want

Solid point here, no sarcasm. The US military has long been a tool of our profit-driven form of "free market" imperialism. A really great way to combat this, specifically with an eye to ending Big Oil's goddamn death grip on our foreign policy goals, would be an aggressive implementation of renewable energy projects. Remember the space race? America can be an absolute beast at clever engineering solutions when we dedicate ourselves to it. Fuck the petrostates, we have the available land and resources to absolutely kick ass in the realms of solar and wind power, and be leaders in the the post-hydrocarbon reality. We can certainly agree on that, right Bob? Left / Right nonsense fully aside, I think any reasonable American can agree on at least two points: let's stop sending heaps of cash to buy oil off of the Saudis (etc), and Fuck Cancer.

But if a white man acts too white he's white trash / he's a racist he's a bigot he's a monster

What the fuck is this horseshit? What does "acting too white" even fucking look like? Watching NASCAR on a sailboat while listening to polka? Typically when I see racism from white people it's in the form of denying that brown-hued people deal with any additional difficulties in life due to their skin tone, or denying that there have been structural obstacles for them through history, or lamenting that their white children are being burdened with a broader lens on culture or with (gasp! shock!) an accurate accounting of actual US history, including the ugly bits that we shouldn't be proud of (but MUST learn from). I'm progressive / lefty as fuck and there is no aspect of "white culture" or "acting white" which upsets me in the slightest. UNLESS one counts "denying racism exists / has ever existed" as a fundamental value of being white. Which... why would anyone want to claim that nonsense? If you want to listen to classic country music in a rusty pickup truck while driving to an evangelical church, then discuss hockey over Buds after 18 holes with the rest of your tractor pull team, then absolutely go nuts my fellow caucusoid! Just recognize and understand that your life experiences may not be the same as those of others. Further, if we care about trying to avoid unnecessary, avoidable unfairness in life (recognizing that life will never truly be fair, for anyone), then it might be reasonable for some governmental / legal / structural recognition in furtherance of that notion. There is absolutely room for legitimate policy disagreement here without being accused of racism. It's denial of others' reality which tends to garner the label of racist (sexist etc) - steer clear of denying the lived experiences of other people, allow for the possibility they may have encountered difficulties you haven't / won't, and we've room for further discussion.

Edit / final point: I voted the video back up to 0 from the -1 where I found it. Because while I disagree with a lot of the positions taken by the performer, they may have reached them through no fault of their own and with no true malice. Misinformation / disinformation is a devious shit of a motherfucker, and the rot it causes can run deep. It is painful to abandon deeply-held beliefs, on a fundamental level. If nothing else, the video gives us room to discuss some specific viewpoints held by people who think of themselves as good, but which can lead to harm.

Try to leave Home Depot without checking out...

newtboy says...

The problem with all of this is the employees are told to not physically stop thieves for liability purposes, so the alarms do little. The Bluetooth chip disabling tools is a good idea, but sadly most stolen tools are sold in flea markets or online where the thieves just won’t say the tool doesn’t work then disappear after the sale. It needs some obvious highly visible warning that the tool is inoperable.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes. Kids are capable of understanding these concepts at very young ages if you’re just honest with them and don’t dance around facts. It’s the lies, obfuscation, misdirection, and misinformation that makes them confused and prone to stupid permanent decisions and unhealthy/unsafe experimentation.
Just say no was an abject failure. Same with abstinence only sex education. Every attempt to hide the facts from kids ends with kids finding out the hard way.
What’s more, it’s often painfully obvious when a child born with male genitalia has a female brain, and vice versa, and stopping or delaying puberty is a reversible way to make their transition as adults much more successful and less invasive. There’s no legitimate reason to oppose that type of reversible treatment when everyone involved agrees it’s called for.

No. Ignorance ALWAYS does more harm than good….as do palatable lies.

Keeping kids ignorant leads to dangerously ignorant adults….something you know about.
More knowledge is always better and leads to informed, well considered decisions.
More ignorance is always worse and always leads to kids making uninformed decisions, often horrible decisions.

But the GOP says “to keep ‘em dumb, get ‘em young.”

The idea that informing curious children that their sex can be altered (with years of difficult, very expensive treatments and eventually painful risky surgeries after years of long term psychological counseling and doctor consultations) is “grooming” them, is convincing them to alter their sex, is moronic and says WAY more about those that claim it than they understand.
Did you want to change your sex from the first time you heard it was possible? Is that why right wingers say they think that? It’s the only logical conclusion.

Sad you are still incapable of addressing the traitor Ashley Babbitt who fucked around with police and found out. That says volumes.

bobknight33 said:

Your talking about kids, not adults.

This is more harm than good.

Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials

newtboy says...

“Did we know about STOPPING immunization before the roll out?”
That’s a different question form “Did they test for immunization?” As he extrapolates.

Anything that safely lowers infection rates MUST by definition lower infection/transmission rates. The vaccines were all proven to lower infection rates and severity before they were released to the public.

WTF is this about Covid Passports? Does he not remember it took months and months after vaccinations started to implement covid passports, by which time we had data on transmission, and the vaccines DID lower transmission significantly. We also had early immunity data by then that indicated vaccinations did impart some immunity (we didn’t know for how long for a while). Just such stupid rewriting history, Bobby….as usual. I know you can’t remember facts at all, now I know why, you watch these videos that intentionally scramble facts and dates to create some conspiracy you can get outraged about, because if you aren’t outraged at your enemies, you lost. 🤦‍♂️

So sad, @bobknight33, you’re still fighting vaccination …at least it’s not because Bill Gates put microscopic computer chips in it to control your brain, like you used to believe. Watch Eric’s video above if you care to understand why your video was nonsense.

Now, Ashley Babbitt, got what she deserved, should have complied with police instead of fucking with them, in fact every violent Trumpist insurrectionist should have been shot dead, correct? Or does that only go for non whites?
They should still be shot dead for treason, right?
If you can produce no answer, that’s a shame filled “YES”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What’s this rambling about a mirror?

Because it’s not a real thing in grade schools, as the right claims falsely. It’s a real advanced course in law school 100% intentionally mischaracterized then claimed to be being taught in K-12….all outright lies by far right wing actors meant to politicize racism as a divisive ploy, and your side chose the “pro-racism” side.

It’s an advanced law course taught in law schools since the 80’s, not a concept that all white kids should feel guilty and morally inferior being taught in middle schools.
It’s been rebranded as this catch all phrase for anything far right wing nuts don’t like….like history…and most of what it claims is happening is nonsense, just like kids identifying as cats and shitting in litter boxes in school. That is historical fact admitted by the man who intentionally rebranded it to make it political. Read.
You can’t define crt, you just know it’s bad and you hate it. So lost and gullible are you. You believe the most idiotic nonsense.

Once again you buy the fake boogie man hook line and sinker without doing a stitch of research on reality, maybe you read a few far right wing tweets by some ignoramuses or liars (or both), but you clearly haven’t strayed outside the echo chamber, you rarely do.

Here’s one take on the history of the intentional bastardization and hyper exaggeration of the concept as a political tool. Try reading the whole thing.

Now, Ashley Babbitt. She deserved to be shot and shouldn’t have fucked with police, right?
You ever going to grow a pair and answer a simple question? Undoubtedly not, you can’t ever answer questions, only repeat loaded questions someone else handed you. It’s really sad and makes you a sniveling coward. Expect it to be pointed out daily.

bobknight33 said:

Once again you can not look yourself in the mirror.

You cant even except that CRT is real. Its a real concept.
So lost are you.

Dave Smith Breaks Down the Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No bob, like crt, this is a figment of a deranged delusional mind that knows they can sell it for massive profit, not a real thing anywhere but right wing propagandists notebooks.
Just another of the myriad of fantasy boogie men you’ve been sold to keep you outraged and unthinking. It works all too well on your ilk, you NEVER verify anything that gets you upset, because you absolutely love to be upset and mad at a target, whatever target. It’s made those selling the outrage mountains of cash too. Sadly, it’s made you a laughing stock that sounds like you wear a tin foil hat most of the time…..

The idea is just as serious as my title…the kid does NOT identify as a dog toy…just like kids are not identifying as cats. It’s just an insult, derision of the trans community as silly, not even a serious claim….but you buy it.

… you REALLY believe kids are “identifying as cats” at schools, and schools are accommodating them with litter boxes and letting them roam naked?! REALLY!?! YOU’RE DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT!?! Er mer gerd!

You are so unbelievably gullible. You will buy any insanity that insults your many, ever growing number of enemies. Remember, you believe people dead for over 10 years helped defraud the election against Trump….zombie dictators, or time traveling dictators, you choose….but they used Italian space lasers to change votes in the machines. You bought that, bob.

It is your side that invented this nonsense, bob, as derision of real issues you are intolerant of because you’re incapable of serious discussion of serious issues, your entire “side” is (and your side is the anti reality side, bob.)

Now-Ashley Babbitt

bobknight33 said:

The radical left came up with this shit and forced it on America.

Dont blame my side.

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

bobknight33 says...

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

Jan 6 is over hyped just to continue to jump on Trump hoping to not to run in 2024 or at least not have the votes.

Biden is a Joke, feeble old man.

Would you would vote for him in 2024?

newtboy said:

He’s not a 50 year old white guy, so cue @bobknight33 justifying murder for an infraction, but denouncing prison sentences for treason and murderous sedition.

Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal

newtboy says...

Granted, it’s an assumption, but it would not be the same without Spear. To me, the story started and ends with him….as it should. Tartakovski has said this is the end of Spear and Fang, and he doesn’t want a season 3 to be about Spears daughter if there is one.

I’m sad it’s over, but it was an appropriate end, and I’m glad it ended well and didn’t drag on until it sucked.

I also look forward to what he’s cooking up next.

cloudballoon said:

Where did you hear it's ending? As hard as it is to imagine a S3 watching S2's finale, it's not officially cancelled (but nor renewed).

Even if so, I'm not sad. I don't mind any good series ending of its own terms, when it reached a story arc's natural conclusion. And S2's finale certainly felt like a Tartakovsky story's endpoint.

An incredible series, even better than Samurai Jack. Looking forward to new (ad)ventures from Taratkovsky, his storytelling chops is insane.

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