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artician says...

I'd not heard of this before. Checked out all available episodes after seeing this. It's quite funny if you're a gamer. Started losing steam for me by the later episodes, but probably worth checking out if you've ever played a PC RPG.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

noims says...

1. I tend not to like lists like these, so I always ensure that at least some answers are completely made up. In protest I will not reformat this list to make it more readable.
2. I was quite good at fencing. I was Irish national sabre champion, but that's a lot less impressive than it sounds.
3. I won Miss Fencing Intervarsities 3 years running. I'm male.
4. I'm a Monty Python fan to an unhealthy degree. I co-wrote the first Python FAQ online, based on actual questions that were asked frequently.
6. I have called every living member of Monty Python 'Michael' except Michael Palin. I called him Terry. None of them called me on it.
7. I have what amounts to a secret crush on someone here on the sift. They always say what I'm thinking, but far more eloquently than I ever can. I grin when they upvote me.
8. I have a Scaramanga-style extra nipple.
9. I have a son. My girlfriend's waters broke while I was watching Alien. I'm more proud of the second part than the first... lots of other people have tiny pet humans.
10. I was once kicked in the head by Armand Assante (a b-list-ish actor).
11. I can sing the names of about 20 particularly nasty diseases.
12. I'm batman.
13. I've been online since the 80s, but at this stage the web is pretty much read-only for me. I'm more active here on the sift than anywhere else, and that's not saying much.
14. I was in Russia during the 'invasion of Georgia' in 2008. In fact, I was in the mountains bordering the two countries and saw the situation almost first-hand. Before then I had little confidence in the news we get here in the west; now I have almost none. Stuff broadcast as fact was (to me) easily proven false at the time, and the subsequent UN report backs up my side of the story.
15. I teach tai chi.
16. One of my happiest memories is not sleeping with a hot (and very cool) Norwegian woman.
17. I once ran a marathon backwards. It's not as easy as it sounds.
18. My grandmother owned race horses, including one who holds a significant record in Cheltenham. She's quite famous here in Ireland (to a certain generation at least).
19. Online (and sometimes off) I tend to use anagrams of my name. The idea is that it's hard to find Noims from my real name (until someone ruins that), but not too hard to go the other direction. My avatar is based on the same principle. There are at least 3 other Noimses online, but I was the first.
20. My favourite piece of software is the vi editor (specifically gvim). I have no idea what my favourite book, music, or non-python film are.
21. I'm a keen gamer, but most offline. I hate Steam. I've been playing Nethack since the 80s, and still play in the devnull competition yearly... it's the longest running online game tournament there is.
22. I think one of the worst facts in the world is that marketing works.
23. I was in a metal band called the Bubonic Duck-Fuckers from Hell (BDF).
24. I used to be big into RPGs (role playing - not rockets). I once got first prize in 3 games in a single weekend convention with 4 game slots.
25. I love the number 12, and know all the powers up to 12^12. Consequently I dislike the number 5. I strongly tend to favour multiples/powers of 12 over those of 5.

Hella Pursuit, Ditches Coat, Gets Away from Cops

MASSIVE Yellow Jacket wasp nest in Florida

Star Trek: Bridge Crew Trailer

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

scheherazade says...

BTW, you can own Bombs/RPGs/Missiles/etc.

Just fill out a form4 to get one transferred to you from a current owner, or a form1 if you wish to make a new one.

If you get a class 7 firearms license, and make sure to make whatever you make available for sale to LEO/military, then you can also make new automatic weapons for yourself (usually by converting semi auto to auto).

You can also own tanks and fighter planes.
There are clubs where folks hang out and drive around in their tanks, and fly around in their fighters, and shoot heavy weapons, etc.

Granted, the expense and paperwork of all of these makes them something only wealthy/organized people can afford. And realistically, anyone who has the cash to play with these sorts of things has his ducks in a row to begin with. (eg. An automatic rifle runs around the 20'000 usd range.) With a median individual income of around 26k per year, practically everyone in the U.S. can't afford such items (or is unwilling to).

Things called NFA items (rockets/artillery/etc) are registered, but not denied. Since AFAIK the mid 1930's, only a dozen NFA item owners have been convicted of a serious crime, and none of those crimes involved any NFA item. Only one shooting involved an automatic weapon, and it was committed by a police officer that lost his mind.

Other than a periodic flashy event like Fla, practically every gun crime is committed by cheap pistols. Crime and lack of wealth go hand in hand. Poor people are less likely to be educated, less likely to be from a stable well adjusted home, more likely to grow up in a strife ridden neighborhood, and less likely to be able to afford more than a cheap pistol. This is why you never hear about rockets/tanks/etc regarding crime - if the typical criminal could afford them, he wouldn't have to be a criminal. Realistically speaking, the U.S. is wealthy as a nation, but as individuals, people are not that well off. Majority of the country lives hand to mouth. TBH, that's the real problem. That's not to do with exceptions/unicorns like Fla - only with the most common/likely case.

As a side note, Swiss civilians are more heavily armed than U.S. civilians. But as a people they have their heads on straighter, so gun attacks are rare.


ChaosEngine said:

I'm sure there have been any number of legal precedents set. Doesn't change the fact that the major point of the second amendment was not self-defense.

Besides, it's an anachronism. You can have all the guns you want, but you ain't defending shit if your (or another) government decides to go full Hitler.

Look, you're already not allowed bombs or RPGs or missiles or whatever, so your right to bear "arms" has been infringed.

Aside from the raving Alex Jones style lunatics, everyone already agrees that there are limits on the weapons available to civilians. So the second amendment isn't inviolate. It's just a question of degrees.

Besides, pretty sure the constitution has been changed before (14th and 21st most famously).

But again, I'm just glad I don't live in a country where people genuinely believe that they need a gun for home defense.

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

ChaosEngine says...

I'm sure there have been any number of legal precedents set. Doesn't change the fact that the major point of the second amendment was not self-defense.

Besides, it's an anachronism. You can have all the guns you want, but you ain't defending shit if your (or another) government decides to go full Hitler.

Look, you're already not allowed bombs or RPGs or missiles or whatever, so your right to bear "arms" has been infringed.

Aside from the raving Alex Jones style lunatics, everyone already agrees that there are limits on the weapons available to civilians. So the second amendment isn't inviolate. It's just a question of degrees.

Besides, pretty sure the constitution has been changed before (14th and 21st most famously).

But again, I'm just glad I don't live in a country where people genuinely believe that they need a gun for home defense.

SDGundamX said:

To understand the wording of the second amendment, you have to take into account the history behind it. I'm not sure how familiar you are with American history, but this scholarly article is a great read on the topic, and demonstrates that guns have been kept and regulated (the most important terms of the amendment that often get completely overlooked by guns rights advocates) by Americans for both personal and collective defense since the Colonial period.

It's important to note that the Revolutionary War was literally started at Lexington and Concord when the British government, "Came fer our gunz!" That event informs a great deal of the rhetoric, and it is not at all an exaggeration to say that had the British government successfully disarmed the populace earlier, the Revolution might never have had a chance for success.

Regardless, there are an overwhelming number of legal precedents now that support the notion that the Constitution allows guns to be owned by U.S. citizens for self-defense purposes. That horse has long been out of the barn, so arguing that the constitution does not specifically use the words "self-defense" is a complete waste of time. What is not a waste of time is arguing how far the government (state and federal) can go in "regulating" the sale, carrying, and use of firearms.

Military will refuse to obey unlawful orders from Pres Trump

Mordhaus says...

He might be correct in theory, but realistically they will follow all but the most heinous orders. It is entrenched in them the longer they serve to follow commands and the threat of military prison is there as well. For something like this to happen, it would require 100% agreement and compliance between all levels of the commanding officers on a very controversial decision.

More likely is that the orders would be filtered and interpreted by the actual lower level commanders in a way to make them ineffective. For instance, if Trump ordered a drone strike on illegal immigrants (just an example based on his dislike of them), the drone might encounter mechanical issues or just miss the target. Soldiers, by and large, are great bullshitters. Trust me, if you ever play pen and paper RPGs with them it is fucking hilarious how they work out ways to dodge 'orders'.

Dungeons & Dragons: The Most Exciting Game in the World

Mordhaus says...

If you can manage to get a good group of folks together, most pen and paper RPG's are fun as hell. People that have grown up used to letting computers and consoles do the imagining for them don't really seem to get how fun it is to use their own minds to create worlds to play in.

Of course, on the flip side, if you have a bad group it can sour you on the experience for quite some time.

if blizzard were 100% honest with us

MilkmanDan says...

He says (posing as a Blizzard exec) @3:44 --
"all of our franchises are based off of other people's games:
Hearthstone -> Magic the Gathering
Starcraft and Warcraft -> Warhammer
Diablo -> Baldur's Gate
Overwatch -> Team Fortress 2"

I can't comment on the first and last. Star/Warcraft being influenced by Warhammer makes sense. Diablo being influenced by Baldur's Gate... Not so much (I'd even disagree with saying Diablo as a *franchise* being influenced by BG as a *franchise*, ignoring the timing issue of original Diablo vs original BG).

I too was disappointed with Diablo not being "RPG enough" compared to, say, the Ultima series. But once I got past that, I actually had a lot of fun with it (and Diablo 2).

artician said:

Did he say that? I didn't watch it. I remember myself ranting about Diablo 1 not being "enough of an RPG", and my room mate at the time had to point out it was never trying to be. I dunno.. I was a dumb young man at one point, too, but at least I knew which game came first, (though that might be the benefit of having lived through it).

if blizzard were 100% honest with us

artician says...

Did he say that? I didn't watch it. I remember myself ranting about Diablo 1 not being "enough of an RPG", and my room mate at the time had to point out it was never trying to be. I dunno.. I was a dumb young man at one point, too, but at least I knew which game came first, (though that might be the benefit of having lived through it).

MilkmanDan said:

Diablo (December 1996) is a clone of Baldur's Gate (December 1998)?

Maybe Diablo is a clone of DnD, but that's a stretch unless you are willing to say that every CRPG (and action RPG) is a clone of DnD...

if blizzard were 100% honest with us

MilkmanDan says...

Diablo (December 1996) is a clone of Baldur's Gate (December 1998)?

Maybe Diablo is a clone of DnD, but that's a stretch unless you are willing to say that every CRPG (and action RPG) is a clone of DnD...

Zero Punctuation - Fallout 4

dannym3141 says...

I really have enjoyed Fallout 4, but having watched this i'm surprised that i kind of agree with it. I think out of all the quests i've done in the game, a good 90% of them must have been to kill everything in a certain area, sometimes even when i'd already cleared out that area. Mindlessly ferreting away huge amounts of scrap stuff and making trips home just to store it was boring as hell, a better option would have been to let us strip useful stuff out junk and have it weigh less.

It says something for what they've put together when you think that it makes almost all of the critical errors of rpg making and still somehow manages to make me enjoy it. But i think the mistakes it does make takes away from its longevity, i played all the time for a few weeks and now not at all, and i can't quite bring myself to finish any of the main storylines.

Zero Punctuation - Fallout 4

mentality says...

Completely agree with Yahtzee. Never liked Bethesda RPGs and have no idea why they're so popular. Witcher 3, now that's a great game.

:)iest Fallout 4 Family

ant says...

I'm an action RPG like Diablo games. Not a fan of turn based, but lately I do like them. I just don't have time and energy to play games like I used to.

artician said:

I know the feeling! First and second games are worth a playthrough though if you can stomach the retro graphics (some can't). It's one of the only RPG's I know of that react to ALL your statistics, like this example of a playthrough with 0 intelligence.

THAT is one of the greatest things ever.

I'm surprised you skipped those games. Not an RPGer?

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