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Fix Congress First: The Case for the Fair Elections Act

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I have - over the years - become fluent in the language known as "progressivese" and its sister tongue, "liberalese". Both languages fall under the umbrella of the master language, "propogandese". Some of you may not be familiar with these languages. I will look on this as an exercise in education, as I graciously translate the voice you hear in the video from his natural language of progressivese into English.

Most ambition legislative agendas since FDR...

Translation: Obama's agenda includes the most taxation & debt spending for wasteful social programs since Roosevelt's wasteful tax & spend socialist agenda.

"Moved quickly to pass stimulus package"

Passed a bill that too 800 billion dollars and put it into an unaccountable political slush fund that remains mostly unspent.

Moved quickly to bail out the banks

Obama voted for the BUSH administration's bailout while he was still a senator.

Well - I could go on through the whole vid but perhaps the point is made. This guy isn't reciting fact. It's an opinion based diatribe that blames everything on everyone except Obama. I'll give Obama credit in one thing though... His efforts to blame everyone but himself have clearly been effective with THIS video's malleable puppet. He's either an Obama administration plant trying to gin up the blogosphere, or he's the most easily manipulated tool on Earth. Probably the latter.

What Caused the Great Depression in the U.S.?

NetRunner says...

>> ^marinara:
1. You can't say that doing nothing is what we got Hoover to do.

I didn't say that doing nothing is what "you" (meaning Austrian Economists, apparently) got Hoover to do. I said getting Hoover and Mellon to let banks fail, balance budgets, and adhere to the gold standard are what "you" got Hoover to do, and what Austrians are calling for Obama to do.

2. Hoover provided loan guarantees to the banks just like Obama/Bush
3. Hoover pledged public money towards building projects
4. Hoover made business leaders pledge to keep employment high
5. Hoover created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to lend money and unfreeze the credit markets.

He did all of that in 1932, and not on the scale needed. Not every ounce of what Hoover did was wrong, nor was every ounce of what Roosevelt did right.

6. Hoover made the depression worse by tinkering with interest rates and taxes.

Oddly nonspecific what you say there with "tinkering". Hoover/Mellon raised interest rates and taxes. Obama/Bernanke cut them.

There is no rule, that says you always boost the monetary supply in recessions. Is there?

Actually, that is the short-form advice of mainstream economists. There is quite a long list of exceptions to the rule, though none apply right now.

Are all economic challenges the same? No!

I'm not saying they're all the same, but there's a lot about the current economic crisis that's very similar to the Great Depression.

Why is it so hard to believe the words in this video?

Because it's internally inconsistent, and cherry-picks facts around an obvious political agenda!

Is it so hard to believe that the Fed is operating on policies that benefit the few people who actually own the Fed?

Actually, no. But not all anti-Fed propaganda is created equal. Saying "Goldman Sachs got a sweeter deal from the Fed from anyone else because they have close ties to the board of governors" I believe.

Saying "the Fed destroyed the global economy on purpose, at least twice for private gain" requires a leap from the tenuous argument that the Fed caused both depressions (I'm not sold on the Great Depression, and I vehemently disagree about today's depression), to the Fed intentionally caused both for the economic gain of some small set of people.

Glenn Beck: McCain Would've Been Worse

What Caused the Great Depression in the U.S.?

NetRunner says...

Actually, it's pretty funny to me how he essentially says that the problem was that the Fed contracted the money supply in response to a crash. That's exactly what the Keynesian and Monetarist schools believe.

I also like how at 9:20 or so he says "the biggest gains happened when the National Recovery Act was overturned" well skippy, the National Recovery Act was trying to stop deflation by fixing prices. Not a good idea, definitely a drag on the economy, and not a part of the New Deal liberals want to repeat. He then says the "Agricultural Adjustment Act" (aka a farm subsidy bill) was struck down in 1936, and boom, growth immediately falls off (according to the chart), though his narrative blames that on the institution of the NLRA, which still exists today, and just protects the rights of workers to organize Unions.

What really cause the fall off was that Roosevelt was persuaded to believe that the depression was over, and it was time to cut spending, raise taxes, and balance the budget. Doing so immediately sent the economy crashing down again.

He also uses some voodoo to leave you thinking that because Obama thinks fiscal stimulus will help (and it did, even this video states that the economy recovered when the giant government stimulus of WWII began), he will somehow order the Fed to contract the money supply too. One, he can't, and two, we learned our lesson -- you need to expand the money supply in downturns, otherwise it chokes off the recovery. Bernanke is expanding the money supply.

He also defiantly ends with "it was not the free market and the gold standard that caused the problem", he's half right. With regard to the Great Depression, they were contracting money supply to get back onto the gold standard, and refusing to bail out the banks, which made a recession into a depression (not the free market). This economic problem was caused by the free market, and but Austrians cry out for a return to the gold standard, and that we let the banks fail.

We did it the classical/Austrian way in the 1930's, and it caused the Great Depression. Now you want us to do the same things you wanted (and got) Hoover to do, and got Roosevelt to do in 1937. Forget it.

Louis CK - Annoying Friends & Rape

How's Obama doing so far? (User Poll by Throbbin)

MrFisk says...

He has restored American significance on the world stage.
He's killed a lot of Al Quida in Pakistan with unmanned aircraft. U.S. troops have a reasonable and timely exit strategy.
I am waiting for the education reform he campaigned with.
People are still debating about the New Deal (although, I had never heard anti-Roosevelt propaganda until the Obama/McCain election) and it's almost certain to be continued after our demise. I think he's doing fairly well in this area, although, his hands seem to be tied by the bankers. It's a hell a shit storm to have to sail through and I trust in his ability to keep us afloat.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Way to dig up some quotes!

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Some quotes from von Brunn's writings:

LIBERALISM/JEWRY/MARXISM was the formula used by Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, both Democrats, to betray their Nation.

JEW aspirations, among which was the destruction of Germany, avowed enemy of LIBERALISM/ MARXISM/JEWRY and Fatherland of the White Race.

Under Roosevelt, LIBERALISM/ MARXISM/JEWRY triumphed over Western Civilization.

the LIBERAL establishment is engaged in a counterculture campaign designed to eliminate diversity through racial miscegenation.

As with ALL LIBERAL ideologies, miscegenation is totally inconsistent with Natural Law:

Big Leftist Democrat, yep.

Keep on drinking your own Kool-aid guys. Worms like Beck fuel people like this shooter.

Glenn Beck: Holocaust Memorial Museum Shooter was Left Wing

NetRunner says...

Some quotes from von Brunn's writings:

LIBERALISM/JEWRY/MARXISM was the formula used by Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, both Democrats, to betray their Nation.

JEW aspirations, among which was the destruction of Germany, avowed enemy of LIBERALISM/ MARXISM/JEWRY and Fatherland of the White Race.

Under Roosevelt, LIBERALISM/ MARXISM/JEWRY triumphed over Western Civilization.

the LIBERAL establishment is engaged in a counterculture campaign designed to eliminate diversity through racial miscegenation.

As with ALL LIBERAL ideologies, miscegenation is totally inconsistent with Natural Law:

Big Leftist Democrat, yep.

Keep on drinking your own Kool-aid guys. Worms like Beck fuel people like this shooter.

Chris Mathews Destroys GOP With Evolution Question

Pence Denies Global Warming, Evolution

Obama and Biden Go to White Castle, er, Ray's Hell Burger

Krupo says...

As much as it's annoying to see the press fawning over the leaders, this was fun.

I love the report from the CSM:

"The Daily Guidance from the White House said “12:30 lunch in Oval Office, closed press.”
But now we know better. By “we,” I mean the White House press corps, where this reporter had pool duty Tuesday.
Those wild and crazy guys at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue summoned the motorcade, and off we went across the Roosevelt Bridge into Arlington, Va., to Ray’s Hell Burger — a joint so new it still doesn’t have a sign up.
Obama and Biden entered through the front door. The press pool — yours truly included — entered through the back. At least Barack and Joe didn’t pull rank and cut the line: The leaders of the free world, all spiffed up in suits and ties, stood patiently with the regular lunch crowd, waiting their turn.
Obama then looked toward the pool and said, “Who’s taking orders here? My treat to the pool.”
Some declined, but others didn’t want to seem ungracious, so we ordered burgers. (Note: The five of us who did order are making a donation to charity, in lieu of attempting to reimburse POTUS. Caren noted that Obama has fed the press before, such as during the campaign, when he bought ice cream.)
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.
When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. A guy named Tim Murray took Obama’s order.
Then Obama took an order for his body guy, Reggie Love, and relayed the press’s order as well.
“These are to go, ‘cuz you guys aren’t gonna have tables.” Then: “We’re paying, or these people [the pool] are gonna write about how we’re free-loading.”
Obama pulled out some bills and paid, putting a $5 bill in the tip jar.
Biden ordered a Swiss cheese burger with jalapeno peppers. Biden paid for his order separately, with cash. He also got some food to go.
Then Obama said to the pool: “You guys are cheap dates. I can’t believe I couldn’t get more of you to order a burger.”
Obama and Biden sat at a table and had their lunch, while the pool waited outside. At 1:05, they emerged. Crowds cheered as Obama stood on the running board of his limo and waved.
Motorcade back at White House at 1:14 pm. Obama and Biden emerged from the same limo. No doubt they were prepping for the next event on their calendar — a closed-press meeting with President Shimon Peres of Israel.
I closed my pool report with: “I’m still waiting for my burger.” But I just heard from the pool minder, Ben Finkenbinder, who says my burger is waiting for me.
Gotta run."

Empahsis mine.

Funny stuff.

This Week In Unnecessary Censorship - March 13, 2009

This Week In Unnecessary Censorship - March 13, 2009

BOO! GAAAH! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

blankfist says...

First, I never said it disappeared into thin air. I get that there was a split, and people left that party. But, the party itself is gone. Just like the National Republican Party is gone. You don't hear people running as a Democratic Republican, do you?

Second, what straw man? The point of a straw man is to deceive. I wasn't trying to deceive you. Just because I don't dance for you when you ask me to dance, doesn't mean I created a straw man. I found your Virginia/West Virginia question to be needlessly verbose and irrelevant. Shall I entertain you like a good monkey and answer it?

Third, I'm not hung up on the "logo". I am trying my best to illustrate to you how that party was created as a separate party under Jackson. Period. Changing a logo or a mascot does not make a new party. Now you're just being childish.

"A political party in the United States that was opposed to the Federalist Party and was founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1792 and dissolved in 1828."

And why was it "dissolved" in 1828? What big party was formed in 1828? Hmmm. Oh, that's right, the Democratic Party! Want more examples? How about your own site: They claim it was "dissolved" in 1828, as well.

How about here: "In the late 1820s, the party split into factions and dissolved. Along with some ex-Federalists, supporters of Andrew Jackson, led by Martin Van Buren, organized themselves into an offshoot of the Democratic-Republican Party called the Democratic Party. The link between today's Democratic Party and the party founded by Jefferson was a theme emphasized by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s and other Democratic politicans throughout the years."

Though, I do see that written history favors the idea of The Democratic Party coming out of the Democratic Republican Party more than it favors the National Republican Party coming out of it. I will concede that much. Still, it appears the Dem-Repub Party was properly dissolved, as I said.

I know you like obtuse analogies to explain your point, so let me try one for you. If you moved out of your home and I moved in after you, am I now you? If I dress up in a Spider-Man costume, am I Spider-Man? If started a band and called it The Rolling, was Mick Jager the founder of my band?

BOO! GAAAH! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

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