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Rand Paul spars with ABC host over election integrity

Cyberpunk 2077 — Official Gameplay Trailer

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies Are a Fundraising Scam

geo321 says...

'the left rigged the election". lol Biden is corrupt as hell. Noone who thinks about the world 's history has anything good to say about Biden. If there was a real left wing coup I guarantee you it would not be for that asshole.

Chaucer said:

nobody is submitting false affidavits as an affidavit is the same as giving sworn testimony before a judge. Its a felony with a 5 - 15 year sentence. These are real affidavits uncovering the ways that the left have rigged the election.

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies Are a Fundraising Scam

Chaucer says...

nobody is submitting false affidavits as an affidavit is the same as giving sworn testimony before a judge. Its a felony with a 5 - 15 year sentence. These are real affidavits uncovering the ways that the left have rigged the election.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

cloudballoon says...

Since when it's the opposition/challenger that got the means to rig the system and NOT the incumbent in power?

If there's cheating, you can bet your house it's Trump & the Republican that's cheating in this election.

Trump's been saying the system's rigged since 2015. Yeah, in HIS (and the Republican's favor) due to the decades long gerrymandering of the districts. A true leader, when he/she sees something wrong (Covid-19, voting system, etc.) they'll try to fix it. What did Trump do to "fix" this? He only accuses & blames with no basis of proof and he made it harder for people to vote because voter suppression works in the Republicans' and his favor. Duh.

All the vote rigging and they still lost. Sore, sore incompetent loser cry babies.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

mram says...

The difference between the past and present, republicans and democrats, is that we've never had a president openly claim the entire system was rigged, broken, stolen.

I have no problem with due process on either side, but name calling and baseless accusations are not helpful. Quietly and politely take your grievances to the appropriate channels. What Trump is doing is in a nutshell, destroying people's faith in democracy.

Note that if you think this is a partisan answer, this works for either side in any context.

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

cloudballoon says...

Since when it's the opposition that's rigging their government voting system? It's ALWAYS the sitting government that got the power to and commit the rigging.

Just look and Belarus now.

The World's Worst Oil Related Disaster You've Never Heard Of

newtboy says...

Screw the money, it won't save or rehabilitate the poisoned zones. Instead arm the Amazonians with military grade weaponry, and legalize the execution on anyone involved from rig workers to lawyers for Texaco/Chevron to the CEO and their descendants, wipe their DNA from the planet. It will never happen again if we give them what they deserve, slow painful death by massive petroleum poisoning.

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Lol. Nope.

Another case of massive voter fraud caught today, this time the actual Republican Party itself is installing FAKE drop boxes for mail in votes in unauthorized locations to trick people into handing their ballots to Republicans instead of the election board. No surprise, but a serious crime with 4 years in prison for each one, and there are many.

Voters, check with your elections board before using a drop box. Republicans are trying another ploy to rig the election and steal your votes through felony and fraud.

Isn't it funny how every false claim you make against Democrats is actually what Republicans have been caught doing, not Democrats? You should stop making these claims, they only go to show how criminal and infantile Republicans are now.

More Republican voter fraud, like all the rest. Look it up, Dmitry.
All vote fraud is Republican these days. Trump told you all to vote twice, and if you do he still wouldn't win. (Please do, every time a moron votes for Trump twice, Trump loses both of their votes and they get to enjoy prison.)


bobknight33 said:

Dems are cheating via mail in votes.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

cloudballoon says...

Trump: "The election is rigged." YES it is. In Republicans' favor.

Trump: "He has done more in 4 years then any president/ Biden's 47 years" YES he did! He did far more damage to the country than any other Presidents/Biden. By far.

Helluva job, Trump! Congrats?

Hope you recover from your little flu.

simonm (Member Profile)

Doc Rivers

newtboy says...

Yes, but not all. I just can't convince my brother in Texas to forego his symbolic libertarian vote this year in favor of saving the country, but my lifelong Republican mother in California is voting for Biden.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Guaranteed this will be the dirtiest, most dishonest, most interfered with by foreign powers, most unfounded October surprises, most rigged election in living memory.
Nothing's guaranteed.
For example, Imagine if some early ballots are found with white powder in them, slowing deliveries further, and 95% of mail in ballots never get delivered....Trump likely wins and blames Antifa. Expect nothing less.

Imo, there are two simple things people can do to help keep mail in ballots from overwhelming the usps....1) don't order packages for delivery after Oct 14 or earlier, and 2) hand deliver your ballot to an official drop box or polling place, making certain to sign wherever necessary.

surfingyt said:

There's also a number of 3rd-party voters that will be voting "the lessor of two evils" this election. These videos help ease their minds too.

When Trump loses this election by a very wide margin it will send a huge message to those in charge and those who lost.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I'M not a drunk, Bob. Funny you think that's a solution to disappointment. Nothing like a depressant to chase away the blues, eh. That's as logical as anything else you believe.

BIDEN is losing coherency!?! Compared to Trump, he's like a professional spoken word poet.

Keep dreaming. Trump won't get any democrats, even the disillusioned. They'll stay home. This isn't 2016 when the Democrats cheated themselves to put up the worst possible candidate, Clinton, who drove republicans, independents, and disillusioned democrats to the polls to vote for Trump even more than Trump did, and he still had 3000000 fewer votes.

Higher taxes beats bankruptcy, which is our path under Trump. Funny, 4 years ago and for 8 years before then the growing debt was all important and proof of Obama's failure, now it a nothing burger, but no, you aren't a brainless hypocrite, no, never.

The democratic party is so left that in the 80's they would have been far right wingers.

No, they'll avoid the armed thugs Trump is sending out to intimidate voters and vote by mail in waves. I just hope enough go to the polls or drop boxes and avoid the post office altogether so Trump's main plan to rig the election by decimating the post office intentionally will be castrated.

Trump could win, but it won't be legitimate if he does, and won't be recognised internationally because they aren't duped like you. He's made certain it won't be a fair or open election in every way possible, even ways that are clearly illegal, the world knows it.

bobknight33 said:

Don't worry about me.

You just get a bottle for election night so you can cry you massive loss.
Biden is is losing coherency, mentally diminishing. Un-electable.

Trump will get Democrats that are fed up with their defund police, pro riots, anti cop positions. Not to forget the stupid foolish green new deal, higher taxes and legalize illegals.

Democrat party is so left that no one will be voting for it election night.

They will cause mass chaos with the mail in voting. But will still loose.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You know I won't click on your links since you sent me to that virus hosting site. How about name an instance and I'll investigate myself, I certainly won't trust your sources....especially when it comes from a Trump tweet. Get real, I expect another "professional opinion" like the doctor that supports hydroxy, and alien DNA in medicine, lizard people, and demon sperm as the cause of all gynecologic issues, not facts...he hates facts, they never agree with his uninformed opinion.....but he loves the uneducated, they'll believe his insane bullshit and never check for themselves.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT YOU MORON.... I checked first then read doesn't say this was fraud, much less democratic fraud, it makes no mention of political affiliation, but based on recent history chances are great that, if it's fraud, it's Republicans. How long were these few dead people dead before the election? Could they have been alive when the vote was mailed in? Doesn't say. How many cases are considered fraud by the election board? None I could see.

What it did say was many didn't receive their ballot in time to vote, or at all, because Trump and friends hobbled the mail services causing delays that suppressed thousands of votes. It also said most votes that were disqualified had issues with either the signature, something Trump claims isn't being checked, or the section for someone to deliver the ballot for the voter, something else he claimed isn't checked. Kinda blows his claim that fraud is rampant and unchecked when his evidence is the votes that didn't pass the checking they did of them. His solution, suppress tens of millions more votes. Evidence of Republican vote suppression, not democrats vote fraud.
A vote denied is a vote stolen.

This article actually makes the point that any possible vote by mail fraud will be caught, not that it's a problem.

This is Trump and friends interfering in the election by your estimation, Bob. If it's fraud because people didn't get their ballots, or they were delivered too late to count, and they didn't get them because the post office is slowing down at Trump's order, that's Trump and co. committing election fraud.

Not true, mail in ballots are exactly the same as absentee. There's never been a distinction made before this election. There are multiple states that have had universal mail in voting for decades.
There is no difference in the processes, despite what Trump and Fox have told you. They're liars, you know it. The only difference is you don't have to lie about your ability to get to a polling place with universal mail in voting. The article Trump had you link to proves it conclusively....those votes were disqualified because they did check signatures and more.
Trump's entire family votes mail in, even though they have no reason to. They're all registered in multiple states too....from what Trump says, that's proof they're committing vote fraud.

Lest you forget, the CDC stated unequivocally that mail in, not in person voting is the ONLY safe way to hold an election this year.
Lest you forget, Trump has said unequivocally that if every eligible voter voted, Republicans would disappear instantly. The ONLY way for Republicans to win is to disenfranchise millions of voters. That is why, when logic and reason say the post office should be expanding operations to prepare for weeks of high mailings, but instead they are cutting hours, removing 10%+ of their sorting capacity and removing an unknown number of mail collection boxes, already creating massive backlogs in normal mail service of weeks to months, making them incapable of fulfilling huge numbers of contracts they have which will cost them package delivery business they desperately need to survive when they should be ramping up. Only a brain dead slug can't see that's intentional, especially when Trump goes on TV and says it is, intentionally done to suppress the Democratic and independent vote because if they vote, he'll lose.

Trump refuses to fund even normal operation at the USPS because it would make delivering ballots easier.
You know he agreed to fund the post office, including money needed to greenlight universal mail in voting, if Democrats give him tens of billions for tax cuts and pet projects for himself, right? So, he's saying he will allow election fraud for a price? Or is it more likely he's willing to give up a dishonest and failing political ploy for a bribe?
You know this is tax payer money meant to fund civil services, right, not some handout? It seems you think funding essential civil services is a gift in your mind, not an obligation. So you'll stand behind Biden if he halts all funding for police and military until they get their act together, right? (Not that he plans any such thing, I'm making a point about your hypocrisy as a defense for intentional election disruption and massive voter suppression as a campaign strategy.)

The international community disagrees. When only 10% of votes are cast this election, the world will declare the election a fraud, so will 90% of Americans. Talk about dividing the nation for one man's gain. That's why we think you're Russian, Americans care more about the nation than their cult leaders.

The check and balance comes at registration, and again when the vote is counted....just like absentee votes. Trump is lying when he claims they aren't validated.

Trump disrupting mail service in any way possible to deny voters a chance to vote safely, also closing thousands of polling places (mostly in democratic leaning areas) from lack of staff IS election rigging....he has said specifically on television it is done to sway the election results by suppressing a majority of votes, leaving only the method he polls best with, unsafe in person voting which the CDC said clearly is a recipe for disaster and will kill people. He doesn't care a whit that hundreds more Americans will die and thousands be disabled because he forces them together to fulfill their civic duties, not his problem because he's mailing his vote in (so he has time to go golfing, watch TV, and tweet all day, not because he can't vote in person btw).

bobknight33 said:

You are wrong

yet another example of voters not getting their voting mail

Least you forget that mail in ballot, the democrats want so badly is not the same as absentee ballot. There is a proper proecess for absentee and none for mass mailing vote by mail.

where the check and balance of the mass mailing?

Also Trump not giving $ for this Democrat push is not election rigging or anything else.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You are wrong

yet another example of voters not getting their voting mail

Least you forget that mail in ballot, the democrats want so badly is not the same as absentee ballot. There is a proper proecess for absentee and none for mass mailing vote by mail.

where the check and balance of the mass mailing?

Also Trump not giving $ for this Democrat push is not election rigging or anything else.

newtboy said:

1) you never said I was wrong, as usual, when your nonsense was challenged, you just went silent, later trying to move on to different topics but never addressing your claim about known cases of Democrats cheating, committing vote fraud...and still not producing a single one.

2) it's never up to me to corroborate your lies and misconceptions, I take zero responsibility for that. If I choose to contradict them, with as much evidence as I see fit, that's my choice. Remember when Republicans were about personal choices? I member.

3) again, so now I know it's intentional, when asked for evidence of Democrats committing vote fraud you come up with another article about Trump intentionally defunding the USPSand his cronies dismantling the systems they've used for years so vote by mail can't work because, as he said, if everyone voted, there would never be another Republican elected, in the process destroying the mail system so checks, medicines, important documents, etc can no longer use the USPS for anything that can't be delayed 6 weeks. That is not proof of Democratic voter fraud, since you seem confused, it's proof of Republican fraud.

Try again, you're failing miserably, actually making my case stronger in your efforts.

BTW, Trump has until today to prove the non existent vote by mail frauds or his case to stop Pennsylvania from going vote by mail is tossed, which is why they hit Pennsylvania hard with USPS degradation, removing 650+ sorting machines nationwide that sorted >21 million pieces of mail per hour, 10% of their capacity when they need to be expanding, now being done by hand at much greater cost and far cut costs how?

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