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Trump Bloodbath statement Has leftest spin the lie

newtboy says...

Nice try at spinning away from what he said, repeatedly.

Trump is clear and consistent…when he loses he will direct his cult to riot and attack liberals and the government, again….he’s already told them to be ready.
When he said if he loses there will be massive bloodshed across America, he means exactly that. Nobody is fooled by the idiotic excuses and lies, @bobknight33. It’s far from the first time he’s said that.

That’s why there’s an industry selling “ready packages” for assaults to MAGA like the Rittenhouse Pack that includes (but isn’t limited to) full ballistic body armor, additional ceramic body armor plates, multi magazine holsters for multiple extended mags in multiple calibers, trauma pads and other first aid, and hydration because it’s thirsty work taking over a nation by force. These aren’t defensive items, they are assault items being sold exclusively to MAGA.
It’s why people like Bannon are telling their crowds to be prepared to go to prison to get Trump in office and dismantle the “administrative state” (by which he means the Federal government). These are crowds of MAGA politicians and appointees. You don’t go to prison for being peaceful lawful citizens.

WE ALL SEE THE PLANS HERE. You should know, vests don’t stop black talons or other Teflon coated bullets, and we know it.

He said the foreign car industry will fail if he wins, can’t sell those cars but that’s the least of your problems because it will be a bloodbath FOR THE COUNTRY if he loses and that (lower car sales) will be the least of it. That is the context, he’s calling for/predicting a bloodbath across America BY HIS FOLLOWERS if (when) he loses the election, not predicting a bloodbath in the auto industry (like the one that happened his first term).
I know that’s clear to even you, you just can’t admit it or you think you’ll give the game away…but nobody is fooled. Plausible deniability requires plausibility.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Any source that won’t tell your lies you declare “not credible” but you still listen to right wing propaganda despite every single source misleading you constantly. You yourself are not credible in the least.

It wasn’t a tweet, it was mostly repeated statements from the campaign stage. Look it up yourself then discredit your own sources…

…but here’s the Toth about rescinding the constitution….
About ending 3 part government with checks and balances….

I’ve told you when, repeatedly, because you are incapable of even attempting to learn for yourself (or even learning with the help you constantly demand). You cannot be enlightened. You insist on remaining in the dark.

bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

mram says...

It's exhausting chasing down this rabbit hole for you.

I'm going to focus on just one part of this -- does he want to rewrite the constitution?

Just understand that a lot of his rants, his diatribes, his verbal diarrhea, is like the fruit of the poisoned tree -- it's all flash paper and if you even examine it slightly, it has no foundation in reality whatsoever. There was no rigged election, therefore everything even derived from that premise is WRONG. Full stop. No exception.

He has contempt for any process of procedure that goes against his will and has spoken up against it.

Any president who claims to "preserve, protect, and defend" the constitution then wants to gut even pieces of it at a whim based upon his own fabricated, misleading, false, repeatedly disproven agenda is unfit. Consider yourself enlightened.

And that's just the first point.

bobknight33 said:

When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

On the campaign trail. Repeatedly. I’ve seen him say all but the seal team 6 bit, and absolutely wouldn’t put it past him.

You are intentionally in the dark and refuse to be enlightened. When you’re presented with facts that should make you think, you instead slink away in silence looking for your next chance to contradict reality.

bobknight33 said:

When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

$96 million wasn’t enough to get Trump to learn, and both on the campaign and TV interviews again lied about Carrol, the same idiotic lies (that he didn’t rape Carroll) that were disproven in court in the first case and cost him another $91 million for repeating after he lost that case.
The first judgement was $5 million, the second $91 million with interest. How much do you think the third award will be? 😂 (edit- if it goes up the same amount it will be about $1.3 billion for another case he’s already lost and an injunction that will end in prison.)

Trump world is crumbling and I’m so there for it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And again, another criminal commits crimes for Trump, this time Wiesselberg has pleaded guilty to (more) perjury in the Trump org trial to protect Trump’s assets (he failed, but still lied).

MORE MAGA going to prison for Trump’s criminal acts, and for their own criminal acts in trying to shield him from them.

The illegitimate Supreme Court should be next. They have ignored the law in every case Trump has brought them to pay him back for their seats (and the millions in payoffs/bribes it has brought them). I hope they decide the president is above the law so Joe can have Don’s entire crime family disappeared without worry of prosecution…maybe a few justices too.

OH MY FUCKING GOD…REPEATEDLY AT HIS RALLIES THIS WEEK MAGGOTS WHO LED THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND NATIONAL ANTHEM DID NOT KNOW THE WORDS TO EITHER! This is how patriotic you morons actually are…not one whit, it’s all a fraudulent mask and cudgel, not a belief.

Shogun - Trailer

newtboy says...

Considering its glowing reception so far, it would be a surprise if they don’t try to find a way to extend it. It’s a rare successful idea that isn’t repeated to death by Hollywood…this is already the second time around for this story (and it sounds like it’s much better than the first from what I’ve read).
It would be a shame to change countries…it’s a fictionalized but semi-historical drama, so the story can continue for centuries with barely any plot writing required, just dialog.

ant said:

It's a miniseries according to IMDB. Maybe they will spin off with another country or something like China.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gonna make a guess…

…now that it’s public knowledge that the lying fake “whistleblower” that is the main (and only first hand) witness for Republicans, “the most corroborating evidence we have” -Jim Jordan, investigating the Bidens, their “highly credible source” is in fact by his own admission an active Russian agent who has been spreading the Russian intelligence agency’s propaganda specifically designed to hurt and divide America, (and remember all the other witnesses based their testimony on what he claimed, not one had knowledge of the facts beyond what this Russian agent reported without evidence) you are still not prepared to admit the entire series of baseless accusations is a political farce being put on by complicit Republicans to interfere in the election.

Yes, he has admitted he is a Russian intelligence agent. Yes, he admitted he met with other Russian intelligence agents about this topic. Yes, he admitted those agents provided the lies he told about the Bidens which the MAGA representatives repeated constantly, all of which he now admits were Russian intelligence agency lies.

Yes, he admitted this to the FBI last week.

Yes, there is evidence the Republicans knew all this before starting the impeachment investigation but hoped it wouldn’t come out. There is no longer any question that they are also Russian agents, it has yet to be proven if it’s intentional or by gullible incompetence, but that should be investigated and prosecuted, don’t you think? The American people need to know if Russia is paying American politicians to work in favor of Russia and against American interests…RIGHT?

Even your new favorite news outlet CNN admits it! 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


You don’t honestly think there’s one person here who agrees with you, or that doesn’t see every infantile attack as an admission from you, do you?
I mean, I’m not the one who believes every idiotic lie that comes out of a repeatedly convicted con man, rapist, chomo, and fraud. I’m not the one who goes deaf blind and mute every time their stupidity is proven to be pure delusional twaddle.

Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about trying to get your information from somewhere that can show you entire sentences without quick cuts that 100% change what the speaker is saying? No, then you would have nothing to post, because nothing you post is honest or reality, sucker.

😂 That’s it Bobby, I’M gullible, you’re informed! 😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂

BTW- Trump has blamed losing Santos’ seat on the MAGA candidate not endorsing him, forgetting that she absolutely fully endorsed and defended him multiple times on camera. D’oh!

Bonus- Trump lost his final bid to throw out the 34 felony count case in NY for business fraud in his pornstar payoff case. GOING TO CRIMINAL TRIAL ON 34 FELONY COUNTS ON March 25.
Hilariously Trump is denying his own statements and social media posts are his statements and posts….not very smart, it’s only going to annoy the jury and expose him as an infant. It’s also going to give the prosecution to bring in Daniels to describe their sexual encounter and the payoff in vivid televised detail.

bobknight33 said:

Your so gullible and blind.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Lincoln Project co-creator, Rick Wilson, reminds Trump what an ineffectual whining punk ass bitch he is, reminds him of the forgotten threats to sue the Lincoln project, and reminds everyone that the border crisis is now 100% Trump made and belongs to MAGA who just blocked $20 billion to secure it and overhaul immigration and voted to keep immigration a problem, for Trump.
Enjoy @bobknight33

Woo-Hoo! Democrat Souzzi just won MAGA Fraud Santos’s vacated seat in the house, further narrowing the razor thin majority in the house even before the election in the fall when it will likely evaporate from a tsunami of new and redrawn congressional districts thanks to so many Republican states trying too hard to disenfranchise too many minority voters (mainly blacks) so dishonestly even their own state courts couldn’t ignore it any longer and had to strike down the blatantly racist districting in multiple Republican states and redraw them themselves when the racist Republican legislatures refused to redraw them fairly themselves repeatedly.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww….does it huwt youah wittle heawt to heah de twuths?

Baby shouldn’t pick fights then cry about it.

Trump brought it up, toddler. Don’t throw yards of stone when you live in a sugar-glass house. Especially don’t whine like a bitch when all your windows end up broken.

Why doesn’t he focus on real issues instead of festering on personal attacks that make no sense like bringing up Haley’s husband not campaigning but omitting that he is deployed overseas in the military, not avoiding her at all costs because he despises and distrusts her…but Melania is missing because she despises, distrusts, and doesn’t respect Trump, not because she is unavoidably indisposed.

Trump’s wife(s) hates him and knows he was a terrible president and a repeated rapist and cheater and smells like a sewer, that’s why she won’t be seen with him and won’t campaign for him. Guaranteed part of her prenup is she is barred from saying anything negative about Trump in public or she gets nothing in the upcoming divorce, that’s the only reason she isn’t campaigning for Biden and living with Hunter. You know it’s true.

bobknight33 said:

Why do you waste your time on non issues?

Just focus on real issues like Democrats only care about getting illegals in just to have more Democrat voters. You don't count only illegals matter to that party, yet you fester on Mrs Trump not showing up.

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

It takes much longer to debunk a baseless claim than to make one.

The trials and repeated losses have taken their toll…but Trump was always prone to anger at the drop of a hat so it hasn’t changed much.

Buttle said:

Good Lord, you guys are long winded. No way I can keep up with you.

What I want to know is, why does he seem so angry all the time? When Reagan's brain turned to mush he still managed to present as genial and distinguished.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Oooo…not a good look…Trump, whose estranged humiliated repeatedly publicly cuckholded wife has been 100% absent since he was found guilty of raping Carrol and won’t be seen in public with him and hasn’t been to a single campaign event, made fun of Haley because her husband isn’t out on the campaign trail with her…he knows he’s not campaigning with her because he is deployed overseas in the military!

Not very smart to, once again, insult and demean the service of those in the military while campaigning to be their leader.

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Biden had full clearance when his staffers stored documents he was allowed to have that were not labeled classified but turned out to be. None were near the level of classification of the nuclear secrets Trump intentionally stole, none were even clearly labeled classified. He had no knowledge of them being stored there, and thought they were in the national archives, still he did a search himself and discovered them and immediately turned them in, allowing the fib to search for more without warrants.
As POTUS Biden can pardon himself for past mistakes anyway. 😂 He could also pardon Hunter if he wished.

Senators can have security clearance too, dummy…especially if on committees like the foreign relations committee. Derp.
There is no indication that he ever procured documents he didn’t have the clearance to handle.

Trump wasn’t potus so had no remaining clearance or right when he intentionally stole thousands of well labeled highly classified highly sensitive docs on his way out of the whitehouse, and at no time was he allowed to possess them legally outside a SCIF. He was notified by the national archives and he lied about taking them, refused to return them, then lied about having returned them. He knowingly retained them and kept them in unlocked public areas where the public had unfettered access to them proven by the multiple photographs guests took of them. He actively hid them repeatedly when notified of an upcoming search the fbi had to get a warrant for because he refused to let them search for missing documents they knew he had without one. He then tried to erase and destroy the security tapes that prove he did everything I just accused him of, he even ordered a pool be pumped into the room housing the security servers in an effort to destroy evidence, but was so incompetent that they were easily recovered.

Your bulb burnt out 9 years ago when a racist tv idiot and convicted con man announced his candidacy and you said to yourself “that’s my ride or die for life, I just love that man so much it hurts”…but it was just a 5 watt black light bulb to start with….very dim.

bobknight33 said:

As a POTUS Trump is allowed to have classified docs.

Senators ( Biden) are not allowed.

The bulb in this man is dim and fading.

How Al Green Ruined The Impeachment Scam

newtboy says...

😂 Total 100% exoneration! 😂

The political hit piece fabricated by a Trumpist operative tried in every dishonest way to impugn his character, proving conclusively that it’s not an investigatory report it’s an editorial opinion article, but even he could not make even a minor case for criminality even to MAGgots willing to believe anything no matter how hard he twisted the evidence.
There’s no evidence of any crimes, that’s why there’s no recommendation for prosecution.

😂 100% exoneration, absolutely zero evidence of any possible criminality, unlike Trump who has provided 100% proof of treasonous criminality in dozens of ways. 😂

Edit: Meanwhile Trump doesn’t know who is president today, who he was in an election against in 2016, or who was president in 2020, does not recall that we already fought WW2, doesn’t know foreign leaders or countries, can’t distinguish Haley from Pelosi, and often doesn’t know where he is…all proven repeatedly in videos of him trying to speak at high school gymnasiums that can’t be filled, videos that include the crowds leaving as he speaks because they’re hearing the dementia unfiltered and it’s a turn off.
When you talk about Biden flubbing words 95% of the time you can’t provide video, just snide comments from biased third parties, and when you can provide video it’s highly edited to pretend a slight stutter is a mental disorder. Every time you actually see him speak unedited even you have admitted he was surprisingly lucid and intelligent. Trump’s gaffs need no such production, they’re unavoidable every time you watch him speak in a rambling stream of consciousness for even just 30 seconds.

bobknight33 said:

DOJ found Joe guilty as hell for holding classified documents but too feeble to prosecute . Yet Feeble Joe stays POTUS. This wont age well,

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