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The rise of ISIS, explained in 6 minutes.

scheherazade says...

Some bits it glosses over :

Puppet dictatorship is basically a description of every US and Soviet backed b-list nation on earth back then. The fact that it's a puppet state shouldn't be used to imply anything.
For example, the U.S.S.R. had modernization programs for its satellite states, building power plants, roads, hospitals, universities, etc, in an attempt to fast forward development and catch up with the west asap. They also did this while spouting secular rhetoric.
In a general attempt to undermine soviet efforts (*both sides tried to contain each other's influence world wide), the U.S. looked for any groups within the U.S.S.R. satellite nations that would be an 'in' for U.S. power/influence. For Afghanistan, this was the people most offended by the U.S.S.R.'s [secular] agenda, and most likely to make good on foreign anti-soviet backing - the religious Jihadists. Everyone knew very well what it would mean for the local people if Jihadists took over Afghanistan - but at the time, the soviets were considered a bigger problem than Jihadists (possibility of nuclear annihilation), so better to have Jihadists in power than soviets.

Also, Assad's release of prisoners was officially part of an amnesty for political prisoners - something the people and foreign groups were asking for.
Saying that Assad tolerated AQ or Isis is misleading. These groups gained power during the Arab spring, when a large portion of the civilian population wanted a new government, but lacked the military power to force change. Militants stepped into the situation by /graciously/ offering their military strength, in exchange for economic/resource/political support to help make it happen. After a short while, these groups coopted the entire effort against Assad. Once they were established, they simply put the people under their boot, effectively replacing Assad with something even worse within the regions they held. Assad lacked/lacks the military power and support to expel the militant groups, so they fight to a stalemate. But a stalemate is by no means tolerance.
One similarity that Syria has to Afghanistan, is that the anti-government kernel within the population that birthed the revolt, did so for anti-secular reasons. In Syria's case, it was in large part people from the region that had earlier attempted an Islamist uprising during Assad's father's reign (which was put down by the government, culminating in the 'hama massacre', leaving some intense anti-government sentiment in the region).
In any case, the available choices for power in Syria are 'political dictatorship' or 'religious dictatorship'. Whoever wins, regular people lose. It's not as if regular people have the arms necessary to force anyone to listen to them. Anyone with any brains or initiative knows that their best option is neither, so they leave (hence all the refugees).

The video also omits the ambiguous alliances in the region. Early on, you had the UAE, Saudis, and Turks supporting ISIS - because an enemy of your enemy is your friend. It wasn't until ISIS started to encroach on them that they tempered their support. Turkey remains ambiguous, by some accounts being the gateway/laundromat for ISIS oil sales... because ISIS is a solution to the 'Kurdish problem' for Turkey.
If you watch some of the VICE documentaries, you can see interviews where locals on the Turkish border say that militants and arms cross form Turkey into Syria to join ISIS every night.
Then you have countries like Iran and Syria fighting ISIS, but by official accounts these countries are the west's enemy. Recently, French leadership (after the Paris bombings) has stated that they are done playing politics, and just want to get rid of ISIS in the most practical manner possible, and are willing to work with Russia and Assad to do it.

It's worth noting that ISIS' main enemy/target is 'non Sunni Islam'. U.S./Europe tend to only mention ISIS attacks on their persons/places, and it leaves western people thinking that ISIS is against the west - but in fact the west is merely an afterthought for ISIS. For every one attack on a western asset/person, there are countless attacks on Shia, etc.


RetroAhoy: Syndicate

Onyx the Fortuitous short horror INDIEGOGO

The Mountain learns true power from champion armwrestler

ghark says...

Devon's well known in the community for having ridiculous endurance - he could happily sit there all day soaking up all of the Mountains attempts to pin him. He was also the guy that pretty much ended John Brzenk's undisputed reign at the top of the sport - and John was THE man for decades.

The other thing that's great about Devon is he's a pretty funny guy - google some of the Ottowa High Hooker's vid's, they're good for a laugh

Flying Whales

poolcleaner says...

Metal is inherently misanthropic. In a fun way, not a serious murdery way. Like the story of Sabbath's Iron Man or Norwegian black metal songs about demons overthrowing heaven, raping angels, and then reigning over earth. It's mostly shocking and funny. Then there's Babymetal, which is still misanthropic in sound but cute in their display. I posit a similar effect is occurring.

newtboy said:

I think it had more to do with the metal song with a simple and clear message about whales.

Michelle Obama on race in America

lantern53 says...

I heard it.

Funny how during the reign of the first black president we are closer to race war than we've ever been since the 1860s.

We also have numerous cops being ambushed and murdered, record unemployment, a Middle East on fire, etc etc etc.

Not even grammar school students are immune from the gov't interference, what with common core and school lunches that no one can tolerate.

What a mess.

Tearin' Up The Slopes With A Two Year Old

newtboy says...

Let's hope CPS doesn't get hold of this video.
It reminds me of my parents taking me down the double black diamond trail when I was 5. The moguls were taller than I was! After that, I had free reign to ski alone (also not smart). Today I'm sure that would not be allowed. Things sure were different 40 years ago.

Sizzler Commercial Circa 1991

poolcleaner says...

Aw shucks, I guess I'm the only Sifter to not hate Sizzler and America. And, I just ate at Sizzler's last week. Steak and all you can eat shrimp. At the very least, don't hate on the cheesy bread!!!!!

Do I get an America badge or a Sizzler badge or both? Because I deserve it.

If it wasn't for old people and meth addicts, I would not have had the pleasure of visiting this dying breed of restaurant. (At least it's dying over in socal.) And, yes, I am the reigning Duke of Sizzler on Yelp. 5 stars.

Also, I'm pretty sure every company in America had a video like this.

(Whispers: Sizzler)

You know nothing about dinner party etiquette, Jon Snow

Payback says...

Not really, if it were reigned in properly. Minimum star level, high "cost" of points (10+?), can't "double vote" your own sifts...
I'm not saying unlimited votes, just an additional one.

artician said:

That would go wrong so fast.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

lantern53 says...

Net neutrality is not bureacracy?

It is now, at least in the US. The gov't just decided to regulate it, which means we'll soon have a Dept. of the Internet.

I understand that some bureaucracy is inevitable. Again, bureaucracies are made to grow and grow and grow, which is what we now see in the US. It's large centralized power, which was not the intent of the founders.

Also, I don't see much benefit from socialized medicine. It only feeds the debt, which will be unsustainable. This is a concern since Obama has added at least $8 trillion to the debt in his 6 yr reign.

But I know with socialists...debt is just something invisible, or we'll let our great-grandchildren deal with the collapse.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

BoneRemake says...

It is not about how the trucker did not allow the other car to merge, it is the fact the stupid fuck tried to merge and continued to try and merge, the onus is not on the truck to move over, it is on the other driver to merge and change lane properly.

Reign downvotes on me, Babe

The Song of Eärendil

gorillaman says...

Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

In panoply of ancient kings,
in chainéd rings he armoured him;
his shining shield was scored with runes
to ward all wounds and harm from him;
his bow was made of dragon-horn,
his arrows shorn of ebony,
of silver was his habergeon,
his scabbard of chalcedony;
his sword of steel was valiant,
of adamant his helmet tall,
an eagle-plume upon his crest,
upon his breast an emerald.

Beneath the Moon and under star
he wandered far from northern strands,
bewildered on enchanted ways
beyond the days of mortal lands.
From gnashing of the Narrow Ice
where shadow lies on frozen hills,
from nether heats and burning waste
he turned in haste, and roving still
on starless waters far astray
at last he came to Night of Naught,
and passed, and never sight he saw
of shining shore nor light he sought.
The winds of wrath came driving him,
and blindly in the foam he fled
from west to east and errandless,
unheralded he homeward sped.

There flying Elwing came to him,
and flame was in the darkness lit;
more bright than light of diamond
the fire upon her carcanet.
The Silmaril she bound on him
and crowned him with the living light
and dauntless then with burning brow
he turned his prow; and in the night
from Otherworld beyond the Sea
there strong and free a storm arose,
a wind of power in Tarmenel;
by paths that seldom mortal goes
his boat it bore with biting breath
as might of death across the grey
and long-forsaken seas distressed:
from east to west he passed away.

Through Evernight he back was borne
on black and roaring waves that ran
o'er leagues unlit and foundered shores
that drowned before the Days began,
until he heard on strands of pearl
where ends the world the music long,
where ever-foaming billows roll
the yellow gold and jewels wan.
He saw the Mountain silent rise
where twilight lies upon the knees
of Valinor, and Eldamar
beheld afar beyond the seas.
A wanderer escaped from night
to haven white he came at last,
to Elvenhome the green and fair
where keen the air, where pale as glass
beneath the Hill of Ilmarin
a-glimmer in a valley sheer
the lamplit towers of Tirion
are mirrored on the Shadowmere.

He tarried there from errantry,
and melodies they taught to him,
and sages old him marvels told,
and harps of gold they brought to him.
They clothed him then in elven-white,
and seven lights before him sent,
as through the Calacirian
to hidden land forlorn he went.
He came unto the timeless halls
where shining fall the countless years,
and endless reigns the Elder King
in Ilmarin on Mountain sheer;
and words unheard were spoken then
of folk of Men and Elven-kin,
beyond the world were visions showed
forbid to those that dwell therein.

A ship then new they built for him
of mithril and of elven-glass
with shining prow; no shaven oar
nor sail she bore on silver mast:
the Silmaril as lantern light
and banner bright with living flame
to gleam thereon by Elbereth
herself was set, who thither came
and wings immortal made for him,
and laid on him undying doom,
to sail the shoreless skies and come
behind the Sun and light of Moon.

From Evereven's lofty hills
where softly silver fountains fall
his wings him bore, a wandering light,
beyond the mighty Mountain Wall.
From World's End then he turned away,
and yearned again to find afar
his home through shadow journeying,
and burning as an island star
on high above the mists he came,
a distant flame before the Sun,
a wonder ere the waking dawn
where grey the Norland waters run.

And over Middle-earth he passed
and heard at last the weeping sore
of women and of elven-maids
in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid,
till Moon should fade, an orbéd star
to pass, and tarry never more
on Hither Shores where mortals are;
for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.

deathcow (Member Profile)

enoch says...

all hail evil house and shall his reign be littered with bloody bodies of his enemies!
or beautiful naked ladies...
whichever floats your boat!

gratz buddy!

deathcow (Member Profile)

iron can

ant says...

*comics *parody *commercial

"From the moronic mind of BATFAN comes the motion picture event of the afternoon: IRON CAN, the incredible true story of the founding member of the legendary Appliance Alliance™.

Ultra Downy Jr. (now with floral scent!) stars as Tony Starch: Genius. Billionaire. Philanthropist. Can of fabric softener.

After being pressured into revealing his secret identity, Starch attracts the attention of the nefarious Fabrice Crimp, leader of a cult of creased cottons who believes that since the world isn’t flat, nothing should be.

Only Iron Can has the power-setting to flatten Fabrice and put an end to his ruffled reign of terror.

No one straight is safe. Everyone bent is probably ok for a change. The fate of looking presentable in a button-up rests on the nozzle of one can.

But even the greatest of heroes eventually run out of steam..."

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