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Rotationplasty - Medical science does what?

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kymbos says...

This video is from a while ago. I'll have you all know that after the reconstructive surgery, she had a long and successful life, growing up to be Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki-Moon.

Think about that.

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gwiz665 says...

Go away.
>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

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yellowc says...

Kids fuck up all the time and the human body is not that fragile, no not even on a kid. If you mean to tell me, you have not seen COUNTLESS kids fucking face plant hard and get up fine (well, far less dramatic than your face surgery anyway, there's going to be a bruise), then your own experience with kids must be very limited and you're talking out that thing people have on the internet, their ass.

Thanks for the ethics lesson though, you can continue riding that morality horse all the way back to HighHorse Ranch.

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

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Raaagh says...

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

Holy fuck. You suck.

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Payback says...

After watching the video numerous times, she gets her hands out in front of her. The sound isn't her head/face hitting the concrete. I doubt she is hurt.

Although, (@digitalbombdog) you obviously haven't been on teh Internets very long if you think "Ooh! We should upload that video of when Katie had to have her face reconstructed. That was high-larious!" isn't exactly what half the parents on youtube say just before hitting UPLOAD.

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digitalbombdog says...

Yes, the kid fill and hit her head. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's just fine and it wasn't that big of a deal. You know why? Because her parents posted a video of it on the internet. I seriously doubt that her parents would've been like "Ooh! We should upload that video of when Katie had to have her face reconstructed. That was high-larious!" Or, at least, if that is the case, then you've got more to worry about than those of who laughed at this kid going "Bwaah!"

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enon says...

Here's how I look at it, I'd laugh if it happened to any one of my younger siblings (it's cool the opposite is true). She wasn't run over by a tractor and she'll certainly live, just chill out...

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

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charliem says...

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

People getting hurt has always been hilarious.
Whats your problem?

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albrite30 says...

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

Maddow: US quietly testing escalation of war in Pakistan

Mauru says...

It's not been limited to Obama, but a long thing in US (and other nation's) history, with the occasional "collateral damage" hidden in diplomatic paperwork.

I think Pakistan "closing down" the land-line to Afghanistan is a mere bargaining chip for reconstruction funds and an attempt to demonstrate its supposed national sovereignty to its own people in light of recent events (the flood-catastrophe, even requiring financial/humanitarian aid from its "nemesis" India).

With the local infrastructure weakened by the floodings Pakistan might even need US intervention to keep local landlords from returning back to power (you might recall something similar happening last year with parts of the pakistan border regions forming a semi-autonomous Islamic-sharia-state).

That's me hoping at least.

U.S Soldiers Are Waking Up!

mgittle says...


Really? Reagan? I see you've bought into an incorrect historical narrative, a.k.a myth, that paints Reagan as some sort of conservative/libertarian god. Allow me to type some stuff that you won't believe because you're clearly in some sort of fantasy land, but is true anyway.

The economic model put into place during the Reagan years (supply-side economics) was, to put it bluntly, a one-hit wonder. It worked in that situation, in that time, and it has "worked" pretty well until recently, though its collapse has been fairly inevitable.

Our legal tender law forces everyone to use our governmentt-issued fiat currency. This combined with our fractional reserve banking system is what allows Reaganomics to seem like a good idea. All of our money is debt. If everyone (including the government) paid back all their debt there would be no money. So, when you vastly increase the national debt (defense spending in Reagan's case), there is more money(debt) created. Banks create money(debt) from nothing when someone signs a piece of paper promising to pay the money back with interest. When there's more money(debt) in the system, it's a lot easier to get credit and therefore easier to start businesses, etc. Combine this with low taxes and corporations will invest in factories and such and create jobs.

That's the logic, anyway.

Problem is, the reality of what has actually occurred as a result of supply-side policy is vastly different. The frustrations expressed in this video are a direct result of that. Really, since legal tender law was passed under Nixon, we've had a series of boom/bust failures in our economic system that everyone's pissed about in one way or another. This includes all subsequent administrations regardless of political affiliation.

We can go through all the stuff...the 1987 stock market meltdown, the S&L crisis, the creation of complex speculative financial instruments, the Financial Services Modernization Act...the list goes on. This stuff occurred under Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush again. It's not a Democrat vs. Republican thing. It's not a Right/Left thing. Until you open your mind to realizing that, you're going to be effectively asleep.

Most people don't even know how to express their problem with what's going on economically in our country, and so you have this sort of general anger that's let out in various ways. Tea party, Obama haters, Bush haters, etc. None of that matters, though...none of these (important) social issues like abortion, gun rights, gay rights, etc, really matter until our money system is reconstructed in a way that jives with reality and sustainability.

Afghanistan: We're f*#!ing losing this thing

rougy says...

>> ^RedSky:

Let's not beat about the bush here, if the US leaves it will create a power vacuum, likely inciting a civil war that will engulf the country and have a much higher death toll than currently. Not to mention, the last time the US left Afghanistan in a state of disarray, it didn't turn out that well.

A civil war between whom?

The USA isn't helping Afghanistan. It's just bombing it and shooting its people.

There has been no reconstruction, no real progress of any kind.

If you asked the average Afghani if they wanted the USA to stay or to leave, I'm pretty sure you know what the answer will be. So why not respect their wishes?

Live Video of Asteroid Impact on Jupiter

rich_magnet says...

Live refers to the fact that the video was recorded while the impact occurred, rather than being reconstructed from stills or severely time-shifted as many such astronomical events often are. It's a heck of an impact.

Dinosaurs Died Out Before Man Came Around, Right?

NordlichReiter says...

One of the best examples of soft-tissue impressions in a fossil dinosaur was discovered in Petraroia, Italy. The discovery was reported in 1998, and described the specimen of a small, very young coelurosaur, Scipionyx samniticus. The fossil includes portions of the intestines, colon, liver, muscles, and windpipe of this immature dinosaur.[45]

In the March 2005 issue of Science, the paleontologist Mary Higby Schweitzer and her team announced the discovery of flexible material resembling actual soft tissue inside a 68-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex leg bone from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana. After recovery, the tissue was rehydrated by the science team.[46]

When the fossilized bone was treated over several weeks to remove mineral content from the fossilized bone-marrow cavity (a process called demineralization), Schweitzer found evidence of intact structures such as blood vessels, bone matrix, and connective tissue (bone fibers). Scrutiny under the microscope further revealed that the putative dinosaur soft tissue had retained fine structures (microstructures) even at the cellular level. The exact nature and composition of this material, and the implications of Schweitzer's discovery, are not yet clear; study and interpretation of the material is ongoing.[46]

Newer research, published in PloS One (30 July 2008), has challenged the claims that the material found is the soft tissue of Tyrannosaurus. Thomas Kaye of the University of Washington and his co-authors contend that what was really inside the tyrannosaur bone was slimy biofilm created by bacteria that coated the voids once occupied by blood vessels and cells.[89] The researchers found that what previously had been identified as remnants of blood cells, because of the presence of iron, were actually framboids, microscopic mineral spheres bearing iron. They found similar spheres in a variety of other fossils from various periods, including an ammonite. In the ammonite they found the spheres in a place where the iron they contain could not have had any relationship to the presence of blood.[90]

The successful extraction of ancient DNA from dinosaur fossils has been reported on two separate occasions, but, upon further inspection and peer review, neither of these reports could be confirmed.[91] However, a functional visual peptide of a theoretical dinosaur has been inferred using analytical phylogenetic reconstruction methods on gene sequences of related modern species such as reptiles and birds.[92] In addition, several proteins, including hemoglobin,[93] have putatively been detected in dinosaur fossils.[94]

Read the 4th paragraph. This video is full of quote mining and general bullshit.

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