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This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

therealblankman (Member Profile)

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

deathcow says...

>> ^therealblankman:

It might sound odd, but I'm very passionate about shaving. I have tried everything that comes on the market, Fusion, Mach3 or whatever and they all suck donkey balls next to my single blade, double edge safety-razor, badger brush and good shaving soap. For those men who shave, especially black guys, wet-shaving simply can not be beat.
I've worn out 2 bristle brushes in 25 years of shaving. When the last needed to be replaced I treated myself to a really nice Badger hair brush- it was about $50, and is totally worth it. I'm allowed to have nice things. A five dollar bristle brush works just as well, but doesn't feel nearly as nice, nor does it make as nice a lather.
For soap Proraso Ultra-Sensitive is my current favorite. It's pretty inexpensive- a ten dollar tub lasts almost a year, and it is nicely moisturizing. Doesn't have a pretty scent, but that's okay. Not that it doesn't smell nice- it does, just not all pretty-like. I also use the standard Proraso green- it's loaded with Menthol and Eucalyptus so is really cooling on the skin- in the summer on a hot day if you use that stuff and cool water it feels like you're shaving with ice. There are some expensive luxury soaps and creams available and they are absolutely fantastic- An ex once gave me a cake of Geo F. Trumpers Limes, and I cherished that stuff for years- used it only on special occasions. You can also buy the old-standard "Mug" brand shaving soap for about one or two dollars at most drug stores- it works pretty good as well but is a little drying to the face- I keep a bar around and take it camping and backpacking.
The handle I use is a classic vintage "Improved" Gillette 3-piece screw-together safety razor dating from the 1930s, which makes it nearly 80 years old! How's that for economical? New handles are also available at specialty stores and online. The Merkur brand handles are particularly nice- I have one of those even though I still prefer the vintage Gillette. The old Gillette is also gold plated which does nothing to make the shave better but it looks cool.
As for blades, about three or four years ago I bought 400 Derby brand safety blades on Ebay for $50! I use fewer than 2 blades/week which means I've got a lot left, more than a hundred. I've also given away many packages to friends who wanted to try wet-shaving and none of them have gone back to their old (new?) ways.
Two passes gives me a clean and super-close shave, no nicks, no ingrown hairs, no burning, no bumps. Skin feels fantastic and I do very well with the ladies. Speaking of the ladies, most every woman I've been with has been very curious about the whole thing- the morning ritual with the brush, the special soaps etc. Some have even asked if they could try- which can lead to a lot of fun! Think that'll ever come about with your cheap spray-can of nasty foam or gel?
Men-do yourself a favour and throw away those over-priced mediocre multi-blade set-ups and chemical-laden skin-drying cans of shitty foam and shave like a real man. This is one thing your grandfather had right.

This was the post of the month. I saw a giant flag raising up behind you Patton style as you belted out this reference quality post.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

islaywombats says...

Apparently it's $1 a month plus $2 for shipping and handling. So... The three dollar shave club? Awesome commercial, though!>> ^spoco2:

I'm thinking that viral might have to go here.
Also... um
How the hell do you make money sending out blades every month for a dollar?
What's the breakdown
x cents on blades
x cents on postage
x cents on packaging
x cents on website/fulfilment
How many cents left?
Seems like you're running on stupidly tiny margins

jqpublick (Member Profile)

therealblankman says...

In reply to this comment by jqpublick:
I didn't know about the after-shave, I'll check it out. Thanks.

>> ^therealblankman:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 22nd, 2007" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#0b8f7d">gwiz665 I knew the part about the ladies would convince you.
For my fellow Canucks you can buy the Proraso line at Shoppers Drugs across the country. They also carry the "Real Shaving" products from England- I really like their after-shave balm, use it every day.

Cool. Let me know if you like it. I've used some of their other products as well- look at the "ingredient" list on the packages and it's all good stuff.

Love your avatar. Gorgeous mask, never seen one exactly like it- where's it located?

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

jqpublick says...

I didn't know about the after-shave, I'll check it out. Thanks.

>> ^therealblankman:

@gwiz665 I knew the part about the ladies would convince you.
For my fellow Canucks you can buy the Proraso line at Shoppers Drugs across the country. They also carry the "Real Shaving" products from England- I really like their after-shave balm, use it every day.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

PHJF says...

Everything you need is conveniently located on Amazon.

Get some Proraso, get a badger brush, get a Merkur, and you're set for a good long while. While they stopped selling safety razors, any market still carries safety razor blades for one or two bucks a pack. Sure you can buy "designer" blades, but the cheapass ones from Walmart are fine by me.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

gwiz665 says...

The man makes a convincing argument!>> ^therealblankman:

It might sound odd, but I'm very passionate about shaving. I have tried everything that comes on the market, Fusion, Mach3 or whatever and they all suck donkey balls next to my single blade, double edge safety-razor, badger brush and good shaving soap. For those men who shave, especially black guys, wet-shaving simply can not be beat.
I've worn out 2 bristle brushes in 25 years of shaving. When the last needed to be replaced I treated myself to a really nice Badger hair brush- it was about $50, and is totally worth it. I'm allowed to have nice things. A five dollar bristle brush works just as well, but doesn't feel nearly as nice, nor does it make as nice a lather.
For soap Proraso Ultra-Sensitive is my current favorite. It's pretty inexpensive- a ten dollar tub lasts almost a year, and it is nicely moisturizing. Doesn't have a pretty scent, but that's okay. Not that it doesn't smell nice- it does, just not all pretty-like. I also use the standard Proraso green- it's loaded with Menthol and Eucalyptus so is really cooling on the skin- in the summer on a hot day if you use that stuff and cool water it feels like you're shaving with ice. There are some expensive luxury soaps and creams available and they are absolutely fantastic- An ex once gave me a cake of Geo F. Trumpers Limes, and I cherished that stuff for years- used it only on special occasions. You can also buy the old-standard "Mug" brand shaving soap for about one or two dollars at most drug stores- it works pretty good as well but is a little drying to the face- I keep a bar around and take it camping and backpacking.
The handle I use is a classic vintage "Improved" Gillette 3-piece screw-together safety razor dating from the 1930s, which makes it nearly 80 years old! How's that for economical? New handles are also available at specialty stores and online. The Merkur brand handles are particularly nice- I have one of those even though I still prefer the vintage Gillette. The old Gillette is also gold plated which does nothing to make the shave better but it looks cool.
As for blades, about three or four years ago I bought 400 Derby brand safety blades on Ebay for $50! I use fewer than 2 blades/week which means I've got a lot left, more than a hundred. I've also given away many packages to friends who wanted to try wet-shaving and none of them have gone back to their old (new?) ways.
Two passes gives me a clean and super-close shave, no nicks, no ingrown hairs, no burning, no bumps. Skin feels fantastic and I do very well with the ladies. Speaking of the ladies, most every woman I've been with has been very curious about the whole thing- the morning ritual with the brush, the special soaps etc. Some have even asked if they could try- which can lead to a lot of fun! Think that'll ever come about with your cheap spray-can of nasty foam or gel?
Men-do yourself a favour and throw away those over-priced mediocre multi-blade set-ups and chemical-laden skin-drying cans of shitty foam and shave like a real man. This is one thing your grandfather had right.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

therealblankman says...

It might sound odd, but I'm very passionate about shaving. I have tried everything that comes on the market, Fusion, Mach3 or whatever and they all suck donkey balls next to my single blade, double edge safety-razor, badger brush and good shaving soap. For those men who shave, especially black guys, wet-shaving simply can not be beat.

I've worn out 2 bristle brushes in 25 years of shaving. When the last needed to be replaced I treated myself to a really nice Badger hair brush- it was about $50, and is totally worth it. I'm allowed to have nice things. A five dollar bristle brush works just as well, but doesn't feel nearly as nice, nor does it make as nice a lather.

For soap Proraso Ultra-Sensitive is my current favorite. It's pretty inexpensive- a ten dollar tub lasts almost a year, and it is nicely moisturizing. Doesn't have a pretty scent, but that's okay. Not that it doesn't smell nice- it does, just not all pretty-like. I also use the standard Proraso green- it's loaded with Menthol and Eucalyptus so is really cooling on the skin- in the summer on a hot day if you use that stuff and cool water it feels like you're shaving with ice. There are some expensive luxury soaps and creams available and they are absolutely fantastic- An ex once gave me a cake of Geo F. Trumpers Limes, and I cherished that stuff for years- used it only on special occasions. You can also buy the old-standard "Mug" brand shaving soap for about one or two dollars at most drug stores- it works pretty good as well but is a little drying to the face- I keep a bar around and take it camping and backpacking.

The handle I use is a classic vintage "Improved" Gillette 3-piece screw-together safety razor dating from the 1930s, which makes it nearly 80 years old! How's that for economical? New handles are also available at specialty stores and online. The Merkur brand handles are particularly nice- I have one of those even though I still prefer the vintage Gillette. The old Gillette is also gold plated which does nothing to make the shave better but it looks cool.

As for blades, about three or four years ago I bought 400 Derby brand safety blades on Ebay for $50! I use fewer than 2 blades/week which means I've got a lot left, more than a hundred. I've also given away many packages to friends who wanted to try wet-shaving and none of them have gone back to their old (new?) ways.

Two passes gives me a clean and super-close shave, no nicks, no ingrown hairs, no burning, no bumps. Skin feels fantastic and I do very well with the ladies. Speaking of the ladies, most every woman I've been with has been very curious about the whole thing- the morning ritual with the brush, the special soaps etc. Some have even asked if they could try- which can lead to a lot of fun! Think that'll ever come about with your cheap spray-can of nasty foam or gel?

Men-do yourself a favour and throw away those over-priced mediocre multi-blade set-ups and chemical-laden skin-drying cans of shitty foam and shave like a real man. This is one thing your grandfather had right.

TYT: Anti-Climate Change Propaganda For Kids

coolhund says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^coolhund:
its a major scientific controversy

No, it's not.
It's the same tactic they use with creationism. "Teach the controversy" and so on.
The scientific consensus is that climate change is real and man-made. There isn't really an argument within the scientific community about this (at least, not from anyone who's actually studied the science).
Hell, even the Koch brothers own study agreed with AGW.
Just apply occams razor.

The consensus is non-existent. There are hundreds of scientists who oppose it. There are over 450 peer-reviewed studies which oppose it.
Oh and just btw: A consensus doesnt mean anything, because physics are not democracy, as Einstein said very nicely once:
"If I was wrong, one would be enough."

This AGW hype is no science. As climate scientist and former IPCC lead author Prof. John Christy of UAH put straight:
For example, we were told by the IPCC that „milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms” (TAR WG2,

After the winters of 2009-10 and 2010-11, we are told the opposite by advocates of the IPCC position, „Climate Change Makes Major Snowstorms More Likely” (

The non-falsifiable hypotheses works this way, “„whatever happens is consistent with my hypothesis.” In other words, there is no event that would „falsify” the hypothesis. As such, these assertions cannot be considered science or in anyway informative since the hypothesis' fundamental prediction is „anything may happen.”

TYT: Anti-Climate Change Propaganda For Kids

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^coolhund:

its a major scientific controversy

No, it's not.

It's the same tactic they use with creationism. "Teach the controversy" and so on.

The scientific consensus is that climate change is real and man-made. There isn't really an argument within the scientific community about this (at least, not from anyone who's actually studied the science).

Hell, even the Koch brothers own study agreed with AGW.

Just apply occams razor.

"Rompecabezas" by Aterciopelados

ulysses1904 says...

I made an attempt to translate the lyrics to English. Like any text it flows better in its native form and is open to several interpretations. Lyrics that rhyme smoothly in their own language often come across as clumsy when you try to approximate them in another language. This is my first attempt at lyric translation, I welcome other interpretations.

Your embraces
They shattered me like saber blows
Your eyes were like razors
I was devastated and overwhelmed with tears
The flame of your mouth was red and crazy
it burned me and blew me away

I will begin a new life
A puzzle that I have to put together
Far away from your influence
This cruel sweetness that invaded me

Your promises grew like weeds
like the sadness inside of me
Your meanness took me by surprise
you are very skilled at hurting
Your caresses seemed so delicious
but bad news, they were pure evil

I will begin a new life
A puzzle that I have to put together
Far away from your influence
from that madness that twisted my faith

I no longer want to run after you
I no longer want to scream your name

Far away from your influence
From the near-death that was your love
I will begin….

Fake, Toxic Eggs and Grapes are Made and Sold in China

longde says...

Not really. I want to know how stable this business is. With large volumes, a razor thin margin can mean huge gains or huge losses. What happens if an illegal fake egg manufacturers goes into the red a few million for a few quarters? It would be interesting to understand the consequences to a venture that doesn't have to answer to shareholders but must have to pay some piper.>> ^CaptainPlanet:

>> ^longde:
@Asmo I meant profit in absolute dollars (or RMB) per egg. The four fold number is a comparison only; they don't give the profit margin nor the profit in dollars per egg.
Is it $0.01/egg profit or more or less?

the relevance of your inquiry is greatly diminished by considering the magnitude of production.

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