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Police Shoot and Kill 80-Year Old Man in His Own Bed

lantern53 says...

You need a court order to conduct a raid like that.
Anyone ask the judge what his reasoning was for signing the search warrant?
Oh, I forgot, judges are the be-all and end-all for justifying the law.

Police Shoot and Kill 80-Year Old Man in His Own Bed

VoodooV says...

Aren't they required to have cameras on them to record the raid in order to assist in investigations just like this?

or is that just a requirement in certain states?

Probably aught to be a federal law. Prosecute these cops and make sure that this meth "expert" no longer has a job

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...

#2 They weren't dealing drugs in that video, were they? And the Oakland vice squad does conduct raids, does it not? I personally know a detective who worked there for years.

#3: "how many slaves do you own?"

Obviously slavery violates self-ownership rights. Shooting a gun on your own property violates no one's rights.

#4: "They document it in hopes the police will do something."

Don't hold your breath.

#5: "Business won't move to these places UNLESS you give them incentive (like tax huge breaks "

Sure, like in Pittsburgh or Singapore.

> "they do not just go there and fix things unless we all pay to let them."

Tax breaks is not "paying them." In fact, you have no moral right to tax. Taxation is theft.

#6: You're too vague positing little more than a bunch of opinions and declarations. Nothing here which really warrants a response.

#7: "They don't allow crime on their (ever expanding) property, period."

That's what I said. Only "public" property allows that kind of violent crime. No legitimate business would. So, while Disney can raise the standard of living on and around its grounds, it's under no pretense to maintain the civility outside of its property.

> "They show clearly that private ownership/control leads to MORE regulation, not less, it's just not government regulation."

When I say "regulation," I mean state-imposed regulation. Of course, however someone wants to regulate within their own private property is within their rights to self-ownership and private property. It's fine since it is not aggression/coercion. I'm not against private regulation. In fact, I regulate who enters into my house or uses my car. Duh. Don't you?

#8: "Oakland HAS been high crime with little money"

This is often the case. The same underlying causes for crime and poverty.

> "Much if not most of the crime happens in parking lots and buildings, on private property, not in the street."

Certainly not while the owners are using the property or while they are liable for allowing a crime to occur there. But tell me: where specifically?

I was making reference to what is happening in that video. If you want to talk about other specific instances, then tell me which ones and we can look at each one specifically.

> "Your apparent assertion that police have unfairly and wrongly stopped mob justice that would assuredly solve all the crime (by committing crimes against criminals) is laughable."

I don't know where you get this "mob justice" from. You are reading into what I said or something.

#9: "nor can you for $35 a month."

Yes I can, and better than what the police offers.

> "People will gladly take your money, but what do they do for you?"

If you are talking about the police, then nothing really.

> "Your taxes are not used only for 'security' you know."

Technically, they are used mostly to pay for war and the national debt. But police is also paid from taxes.

#10: "Most honest people in Oakland are struggling, or they wouldn't live there."

I don't know if this is true, but apparently you do. Somehow, I doubt they are struggling so much that they cannot buy a gun.

> "they can't afford rent and food"

Most "hardworking people" in Oakland cannot buy food? Really?

> "especially when you and yours stop paying taxes and all services they depend on to survive dry up."

I guess they'll still have you to pay for them and the wars and the debt. Although I'm not against charity, in fact I am actively engaged in such activities. But if you need my money, then put the guns away and ask nicely.

> "it's insanely easy to buy an illegal gun there"

But most law abiding people don't want to break the law on this or many other things.

> "Yeah yeah, I just know nothing, so ignore me."

I kind of do.

> "I don't think Oakland is a libertarian dream"

No, that was @enoch who said it was.

> "it's what you get when you de/under fund police and have terrible governing."

You always have 'terrible governing' when it comes from the state, politicians and such. It's a logical fallacy to conclude otherwise.

> "I don't think the answer is to stop governing and policing, it's to do it better (which doesn't necessarily mean more)."

Sorry, but this will NEVER happen. (But, hey, good luck with that. I'm certainly not stopping you. Go ahead. "Do better.")

> "Where is this utopian free market that has "much less poverty" you reference as evidence, I can't find it."

Then you must not be paying attention. Virtually all progress comes from the free market.

And again, if you are not interested, then it doesn't matter if you find it or not, does it? It's your life. You decide what you want and go ahead and do it and live with the consequences.

> "Ahhh, so you admit, anarchy is preferable to you over a government that's not libertarian...hmmmm."

In my opinion, a government cannot be libertarian. The logical conclusion to libertarian non-aggression is anarchy, i.e., no ruler; no state. A "libertarian" state is not really "libertarian." It's a contradiction in terms.

> "I don't think the working people of Oakland, or most anywhere else would agree."

So what? Who cares if they agree or not? They obviously don't agree and, therefore, as you say, they live in Oakland and are "struggling." If most people in Oakland agreed, they could probably turn things around. But as you say, they don't. So they, like everyone else, must live with the consequences of their decisions, their beliefs, their behaviors.

See, the good thing about being libertarian is that you don't really need to convince anyone of anything. That futile endeavor is the lot of those who hope -- against all evidence -- that they will somehow get "good government" if they can only convince others to elect the "better politicians." I sincerely wish you the best of luck with that. I'm certainly not counting on it ever happening. You have your idea of what "good government" means and how to get there, and so do many millions of other people. And they obviously don't agree.

> "And back to 'praxeology', an infant 'science' with questionable if any results."

Questionable in what way(s)? What do you know about it?

> "BTW...I was a libertarian until the Tea party came along...then I had to re-think."

The Tea Party is not libertarian. They have some libertarian preferences, but that's it. They are certainly not anarchists.

Anyway, in sum of all of this, let me say that, if you think you have the answers, then I encourage you to put them into practice. See if you can and deal with the problem!

newtboy said:


chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Sir...lower than low and you can't tell the real from unreal-I am a musician and a friend to humanity and all you want from me is to see me burn-You are sadly mistaken in your assumptions and have dealt me a personal disservice,

I mean you no personal ill-will and have seen this before from other abusers of this site.

Cut and paste and declare the righteous of humanity unworthy based on nothing but your own delusional fantasies of right and wrong.

I have no history here of anything but calling shit when I see it and you sir, are THE epitome of the dregs of the worst of humankind.

You place yourself in a false position of a 'holier than thou' saint and read into my jovial and playful banter nothing but hatred and an unforgiving soul, some vile pervert....I assure you, I am so very far from some pedophile, no user of women, on the contrary-You have no idea the depths to which your own delusion has brought you and the entire site in declaring me in your self-righteousness some petty piece of human garbage as to accuse me of such a thing.

There are more than a few people here who can attest to my kindness and sincerity towards the women of this place, on YT when so many complete douchebags offer-up their vile words to young people trying to interpret music and are derided by those who hate themselves so much that they can only criticize, berate, and belittle the efforts of sincere people trying to share their love for music and humanity with the world only to have idiots and assholes insult their efforts.

My "request" to you was a joke directed at your persona here of enforcer, of resident cop hell-bent on finding any way possible to undermine anyone who comes here as a new user under the guise of following protocol-I have treated you as a friend and equal always and now....with evil intent and a sincere and violent hatred for me as a person you would have me thrown to wolves.

I had absolutely no indication that someone would or could, stoop as low on this site but as it is with people who don't even know who or what they themselves are, I am once again surprised and bewildered at the depths to which humanity can sink, when all is exhausted but ego and self-loathing.

If you would care to post this to the sift-talk arena and have tenured and long-time users here who know me, who trust me to be who and what I say I am I would be honored to show you and the entire site, even if it mean a permanent ban from this site of myself, just how completely wrong you are in your knee-jerk assumptions and delusional accusations.

I can have at least 3 adult, female users of this site who I and the community trust to be straight-up moral and ethical and righteous attest to my honesty and to a friendship that endures on and off this site.

I have no reservations about anything I have said or done here to foster love and community and it is YOUR delusional self-righteous anger and self-hate that has brought you to your retarded and vile accusation and assumption.

I agree with you one one thing, that this particular issue need not be a private matter but one that the entire site's users need see.

SO here we are once again, letting the community of users here let a few delusionals decide the fate of a sincere human being.

SO be it, I should have known better than to walk bearing my heart and soul into a small den of feral creatures and expect them to be able to see beauty and a sincere love for all of humanity.

Your accusations again, are unfounded and completely left of field, and you are dead-wrong in assuming that I am some perverted, hind-brained animal that would take advantage of a complete stranger.

That poor girl who sang that Beatle's tune and was banned had a lovely voice and whoever posted her video here I am sure, had no intention of doing anything but promoting her confidence and and sincere love for the music she was trying to share with the world.

I was going to go to her you tube page and apologize on behalf of myself and the site for her offering having been dashed-to-bits on the rocks of petty rules and a declaration of her unworthiness through some crap system of votes and regulations.

I feel very, very sorry and pity the type of person who can't discern the truth from a lie or see someone for what they are in their essence.

All the power-points I garner from maintaining the site's embeds, have you noticed??
I give them away to the underdogs, to the talented sifters who find beauty and joy in what they offer to the community. My usual criteria is to promote ignored offerings or to promote when I read a description in an embed of how much they personally enjoyed a video or that it touched them in an emotional way lending to joy or happiness. I resurrect dead videos in order to immediately give points and another chance to people with a view to raiding their spirits and status on this site.

I tend to promote music quite a bot and to DOWN-VOTE embeds people place here in order to insult another's ideologies or philosophies OR, when i see an inordinate amount of embed form a user that showcase human-tragedy for the sake of entertainment .

I care about life and truth my friend, not fantasy, death, pain, or lies with a view to self-promotion.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of my character, and I seek to prove you so before this entire community or be run off this site for the very last time.

I am keeping a copy of this response to my joking message directed again, at your joy in watching users get banned of self-linking which I posted to you with a view to pointing-out a character flaw, so that you won't twist my words and use them to satisfy your personal mission to see me gone form here.

chicchorea said:

(Copied from my profile page)

chicchorea says...

Really...a 13 year old to be kidding....

Low, sleazy, and slimy...schmarmy, even for ....

...and monumentally clueless besides....

This is unworthy of "private" status.

elder scrolls online-actual group gameplay

Yogi says...

I've played a bit of Skyrim but couldn't really get into it. The social element of WoW kept me coming back for years and years. I'm thinking that this could hit the right spot if it's fun enough and attracts enough people to have some big guilds and big raids.

Sift Guild?

Sarzy (Member Profile)

VICE Meets Glenn Greenwald: Snowden's Journalist of Choice

Yogi says...

It isn't but they always try to do something. Interestingly in America the press are pretty much immune to the bullshit Glenn and his colleagues have had to go through. Example, the Guardian was visited by I wanna say MI5, some british cunts. Anyways they came in and told them to destroy everything they had from Snowden, and watched them do it too. They took grinders and magnets or whatever to the computers destroying their harddrives with all the information. Information that is in the Guardians places in America, it's just sitting in New York. The brits ain't care, they want that stuff to be stopped too and they asked Obama I'm sure but in America we fought for that shit and they leave the press pretty much alone.

The British cunts have done this before too, they of course held Glenns partner at the airport and confiscated his many electronical things just being dicks. The BBC has itself been raided before by the Rozzers (???) for some stupid shit.

Look I hate on America a LOT, there's tons of shit I don't like that this country does but we seem to have gotten Press Freedom right. That wasn't an accident that was fucking fought for Hard and Long. Now the press and it's ideological and indoctrination bullshit is another story. But whenever there's been leakers in this country they've had a paper or some news outlet they could go to and those news places would tell the story. They LOVE looking like they're left wing but they don't really do any of the day to day real shit, because they're funded by corporations.

Sagemind said:

Is it still illegal in any way to report that the government is doing something illegal?

60 Minutes: Hollywood's Villain: Kim Dotcom

EMPIRE says...

the truth is, yes, the guy is a douchebag, he's annoying, he's full of himself. There's very little to like.

But the raid was completely stupid; the investigation a joke; and the claims pathetic;
The mere assumption of "1 person downloading a movie" being equal to "1 less dvd or movie ticket sold" is infantile and moronic.

SDGundamX (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

The Raid 2: Berandal (Indonesian Trailer)

HugeJerk says...

I love action movies that don't obfuscate the action with 5 cuts a second and massively shaky camera movements. The Raid is the only foreign language movie I've watched more than once in the last decade... and probably the best action movie since the first Matt Damon Bourne movie.

Former Scientology Executive Claims Torture by Church Leader

Hawthorne, CA Cop murdered a pet

arekin says...

The evidence supports that, what with the number of police raids that take place over youtube footage. Seriously, these guys are clearly right across the street from the other guy who was detained. They are even heard commenting on the other guy ("look at this dude"). They can also be heard yelling at the cops to warn them that the dog is out and running up on them. The cops knew they were there and exactly what was going on.

mxxcon said:

They were allowed to take the video away because cops didn't know they were filmed. I'm sure this is only temporary. I'm sure they will be dragged into this, their homes raided and searched for this and other footage.

Hawthorne, CA Cop murdered a pet

mxxcon says...

They were allowed to take the video away because cops didn't know they were filmed. I'm sure this is only temporary. I'm sure they will be dragged into this, their homes raided and searched for this and other footage.

arekin said:

Notice how the guys across the street from the guy being detained were fine continuing to record, were allowed to take the video away (despite showing a cop shooting a dog).

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