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StrangeVidSift (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Its dogma got runned over by your karma. Awww.
...and the message he sent.....

StrangeVidSift said:
ahahaha, just saw your profile with your little ban police badge, oh wow, you kill me man! so cute
karma and good will unto you, may your days be filled with progressive thinking and much banning of ppls hard work whilst you shit on it in your chair.

cheers Boy.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Mammaltron (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Looks like another birthday/anniversary has rolled around for the hirsute [and chatty?] Mammaltron ... love that profile pic! Have a wonderful day. See ya next year [paws crossed]

MonkeySpank (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...


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Rating: 216 stars
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siftbot (Member Profile)

siftbot (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on graterbot (Member Profile) has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

This achievement has earned you your "Silver Tongue" Level 5 Badge!

Sharing on Social Media (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's not entirely true that you heard nothing back. I responded to you on your profile the first time you mentioned it. We know it's a problem and we've been discussing it. If it was an easy fix that we knew how to fix ... it would be fixed. I find it annoying too.

We had to go to SSL because of browser changes that Google made to Chrome - this is an unfortunate side-effect. We've tried a few things to fix it to no avail ... but we'll get there.

eric3579 said:

I addressed this issue privatley with the powers that be a week ago and have heard nothing back regarding a possible resolution. @lucky760 @dag

Any sifter out there have an idea for a potential fix of this issue? Possibly has something to do with SSL as it seems to have coincided with its implimintation

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

Yes We Can. Obama stories are shared. What a guy.

officer Izzo-getting fired for challenging a corrupt system

enoch says...

hey man,thanks for giving him a shot.
this was the first video i ever watched of officer izzo,and i forgot where i even came across him.

maybe facebook?
i dunno,but i have many facebook friends who are cops and corrections probably.

i really dug how he addressed the disparity of poor neighborhoods,and the working poor to those of more privileged he,as an officer,is forced to further compound their struggles by:tickets/racial profiling and as he pointed out..arrest arrest arrest.

from what i gather (because i couldn't find the original) he had posted a video that many of his fellow officers had found offensive and controversial.this video appears to be a clarification directed towards his fellow officers who could not understand why he was criticizing his own profession,and therefore criticizing THEM.

it appears he didn't go the "hey guys,i am sorry" but rather doubled down by clarifying what he felt law enforcement SHOULD be and not what it had become.

he blames the command staff,and in many of his videos he repeats that accusation.i remember even here on the sift we had a cop explain that many of the things we were all bitching about,and being offended by,were actually due to the command structure and not the patrol officers themselves.

which has a ring of truth to my ears being ex military.

i love how he directly speaks of how some patrol officers are forced to do unethical and immoral acts,while the command staff ignores those officers with the most facile of justifications:hey,it's legal.

that puts the officer at risk.just like a bad command staff in the military puts the enlisted man at risk.i mean,just look at the suicide stats for todays military..twenty two military men commit suicide daily,and how does the military brass respond?

those men had mental issues.

oh really? EVERY single one of them?
either there is a suicide epidemic or maybe..maaaaaybe...those who are in command,and whose responsibility it is for the well being of their men,are a gaggle of incompetent fuckwads.who do not have the courage nor integrity to own up to their own epic failures as commanders.

listening to officer Izzo,i suspect there are many parallels between military service and law enforcement.

i respect how he states he is doing this for the everyday patrolmen,even the ones who disagree and are criticizing him.

i think it is a good thing to hear a perspective from a man who does the hear that even the cops are going "what the fuck".

anyways,thanks for watching man,i hope others give officer Izzo a chance as well.

siftbot (Member Profile)

The Epidemic of Passable Movies

Drachen_Jager says...

I agree with ChaosEngine here, you don't have to be a chef to recognize puke on a plate.

And, on an entirely different bent, if you needed to be able to create something to critique it, nobody would ever be able to critique a big-budget movie, because nobody can make one of them, it takes a huge team.


So there. He has written, directed, edited, and even done sound work. (though to be honest, I have a bigger profile on IMDB than him, and I'm not exactly well-known)

spawnflagger said:

So... has nerdwriter ever made an even "passable" movie?
(or even just written one, if not directed/produced/etc?)

1st world problems = "All of our movies aren't GREAT like they should be."

dhdigital (Member Profile)

John Cleese and Eric Idle's New Song - "F*** Selfies"

ulysses1904 says...

I couldn't agree more, I never will see the appeal in this practice of taking picture after picture after picture of yourselves. With either the bug-eyed shit-eating ventriloquist dummy face, or the dull blank bovine staring at the computer screen look. Or the 3rd one, that combination unsure shrug smirk face that I have only ever seen when someone is taking a picture of themselves. There was a time when people only did that shit in front of the bathroom mirror, now it's their LinkedIn profile picture.

It's hard to take some MBA project manager seriously at the office after seeing their painfully close-up duck-lips bedroom-eyes headshot online. Or when they send me a Lync message and their bloated pasty mug shows up in HD technicolor on my computer screen. I can't click on IGNORE fast enough.

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