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LA Deputy Gangs Investigated

newtboy says...

Isn’t it ALWAYS?
Guaranteed they are, at this moment, defending the police that shot an 11 year old child who called them for help …shot while he was following their orders.
The police/prison guard union is the most anti American anti constitutional entity in the USA, the only group that consistently defends the murder of innocent citizens, and is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington.

cloudballoon said:

The Union's response is ridiculous.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Stewart Rhodes, the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for leading a far-reaching plot to keep then-President Donald Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election.

Remember, that violent Jan6 attack against America by BLM/ANTIFA…I mean that totally normal tour of the capitol by civicly minded upright citizens calling to hang their VP like happens every day/nothingburger?
Odd how so many MAGA people are getting convicted for domestic terrorism and sedition that you claim never happened.
Sure is looking like your ever changing takes aren’t convincing judges, even Trump appointed totally unqualified “judges”.
Not looking good for Trump’s multiple cases. Firing squad is NOT off the table. His family should suffer the same fate….including Barron.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Giuliani’s just been sued for another $2 million for his false assault accusation he filed against the man who tapped his shoulder lightly in a grocery store.
His only lawyer quit last week citing non payment.
He is no longer allowed to practice law.
Giuliani has claimed poverty, saying he can’t even afford to travel for court. That’s what 6 years of shilling for Trump earned him….bankruptcy, criminal cases, civil cases, utterly disgraced and completely forfeited his reputation, gone from America’s mayor to America’s most despised mayor.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving douche bag. I hope he dies slowly and painfully in the gutter begging for change and being harassed by police.

Bonus- Trump’s White House lawyers with direct knowledge of the facts say to expect conviction and prison for Trump. 😂

Also, since you erased it before like the cowardly snowflake you’ve become,
Trump- “I was allowed to keep all the classified documents I stole.”
Parlitore - “I quit… Hey Jack Smith, you might want to investigate Trump’s lawyer Epstein for obstruction because among many other instances of lying and obstructing, he obstructed us from searching for classified documents at Bedminster.” ROTFLMFAHS!!

Trump Arrest Deepfakes Are Going Viral

newtboy says...

Guilty of every charge. 😂

Trump’s lackeys are out of power and the DOJ is no longer acting as his personal defense attorney. New prosecutors did their job, and got convictions.

A $5 million nothing burger. I’ll take one.

Let’s see…millions spent investigating Trump’s criminal administration and HUNDREDS of convictions, now 25 more convictions for Trump himself (and he immediately repeated the crime on the courthouse steps after his convictions, guaranteeing two more multi million dollar cases by Carrol alone), and hundreds more to come. You need to go to kindergarten math, because hundreds > 0… 25 > 0.
Hundreds of convictions to show, from Trump to pages and every level in between. This alone speaks volumes that the entire administration was corrupt beyond belief and had absolutely zero respect for rules, laws, or ethics.
Up to 10 serious criminal cases in the works for Trump….some filed. Hardly nothing.
I think you’ve proven again that your grasp on reality is tenuous at best, because you claim hundreds of serious felony criminal charges and dozens of convictions already for Trump personally is “nothing”.

Again, not addressing your made up $60 million number, but no matter how much has been spent it’s been a bargain, because it forced the administration to stop its illegal actions time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again.

$200 million (I can make up numbers too) spent investigating Biden and actually nothing found, no charges, no specific accusations, no witnesses, no evidence, nothing at all but blanket accusations that he’s somehow criminal, we just don’t know how yet.
>$200 million investigating Clinton (verified), same results, nothing.

Gonna be hilarious soon, the judge in NY is forcing Trump to take a class instructing him how he must handle the evidence in his NY fraud cases Aand that he’s not allowed to talk about it so, when he violates the court order and starts tweeting out the evidence, he cannot claim he didn’t know better. It’s a trap Trump cannot keep from walking into. He’s going to jail before he goes to prison because he’s incapable of following the basic rules everyone else must live by. 😂

bobknight33 said:

The charges are softer than a old mans dick.

Even CNN is WTF on these charges.
DOJ and Election committee and the NY state DA all looked into this and said NOPE , nothing here. Yet NYC DA ran on getting Trump and this is the best he came up with. Recycled nothing burgers.

Yet another nothing burger.

Lets see 60$ million spent to "get Trump" since he came down the escalator and still ZERO.

60$ million and NOTHING to show . This alone speaks volumes that there is no there there.

So many hoping, dreaming that something, anything can be found. If 60$ Million has found nothing perhaps - you and your kind need to rethink this matter.

YouTuber Guilty Lying About Intentional Plane Crash

newtboy says...

Deserves whatever he gets. Every penny he made off the video and appearance fees should be forfeited, and he should see prison time. So much irresponsibility here, and obstruction, destruction of evidence, etc. 20 years is really under 7 years with parol.
I sure hope his license is revoked for life too.

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Every single person who’s read your posts knows for a 100% certainty that is a pure lie.

You only see black and white or Blue and Red. Always. You see nothing BUT color.

In your mind everything is “us vs them”, never “WE”. You think Black and White are the same thing as Wrong and Right. If a white woman in a red hat was leaving the hospital in this video and nothing else changed you would be outraged at the “abusive liberal police attacking innocent people”, you know it’s true as much as we do. Ashley Babbitt is proof of your undeniable racism, that’s why you absolutely refuse to discuss your blatantly racist and hypocritical stance on her vs black men peacefully walking (which is she’s an innocent victim of police brutality despite being the tip of a violent destructive murderous mob trying to overthrow the elected government by force, but unarmed unthreatening black men peacefully and legally walking should immediately submit/comply and let their rights be violated daily and violence is justified if they don’t).

Maybe you can twist your own mind enough to convince yourself you aren’t racist, but that just goes perfectly with all the other reality denying theories you believe like….
The 2020 election was stolen
Covid isn’t dangerous
There’s no racism in America
Banning travel by Chinese, but not banning travel from China isn’t a racist policy and will stop Covid
Trump is fighting election fraud
Lockdowns don’t work
Russia didn’t help Trump get elected
The Trump economy was great
H Clinton is going to prison
Police aren’t racist
Forest fires are getting worse because the forests aren’t raked, not because of climate change
Climate change isn’t real
Jan 6 was BLM
Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGgot terrorist, but had a lovers spat
Dominion stole the election
Soros stole the election
Cesar Chaves stole the election
Smartmatic stole the election
Italian space lasers stole the election
Hunter Biden stole the election
It’s not a crime to steal top secret classified documents, keep them unsecured, refuse to return them, lie about returning them, copy them, try to trade them, and to lie about it all to the FBI on sworn documents
Jewish space lasers are responsible for forest fires
Pizza gate is real, democrats are really pedophilic cannibalistic Illuminati lizard people that gain magic power from murdering children
Joe Biden raped a woman in the open halls of congress
Trump never raped a woman
Hunter Biden has well over $3 BILLION dollars from China
Jared personally EARNED $3 billion from the Saudi prince by selling them a classified enemies list our national intelligence community developed, nothing wrong with that
Trump didn’t abuse the office for personal/familial gains in excess of $3 billion
BLM murdered police, not the Boogaloo boys who were caught in the act

You never say the “should have complied with police, totally justified” bullshit when the victim is white (a rarity but it happens) and you nearly always excuse abusive police when they attack black people for “not complying”. You never care that “complying” means waiving their constitutional rights…unless it’s a MAGgot that’s “not complying”, which you always see as heroic patriotic bravery even when it’s paired with anti government terrorism and violence.

bobknight33 said:

Your statement is pure bull shit.

I don't see color. Just right and wrong

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Funny you only say that when it’s a black man or woman beaten for not waiving their rights, but absolutely never against white murderous pedophilic terrorists like Ashley Babbitt. When MAGgots are being violent, destructive, and murderous you defend them to the bitter end, call any prosecution a political witch hunt, and simply refuse to discuss facts.

Non compliance with illegal orders.…because they had zero reason to ask him a thing, no reasonable suspicion of any crime but released the dog anyway.

Why is it you don’t think these non white citizens have CONSTITUTIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS? Why do you believe this one group should always cheerfully waive those RIGHTS and comply or it invites a violent attack from police, but you NEVER say that about white people (unless they’re obviously far left whites)? Never mind….it’s obvious why.

Maybe you should carefully examine your own true motives, because what you claim are your motives don’t match what you say and do.

Babbitt was an active violent destructive terrorist trying to murder US representatives with a murderous mob that had killed or tried to kill hundreds of police…like every MAGgot there. They all deserved at a minimum a good tooth breaking beating and assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest and interfering with police duties charges, right? They didn’t comply…have some consistency.

The law and courts ALL disagree that this is in any way acceptable, that’s why these victims get multi million dollar settlements. I say bankrupt Galveston so bad they change their police policies to match the law. Give this man $250 million. You say arrest him and put him in prison for resisting arrest (but not anyone white who did the same on Jan 6, they were exorcising their rights).

Clearly you think this is fine…but only against non MAGA. That destroys your pretend stance that you want financial responsibility, because you know every time this happens it costs taxpayers millions.

Eat a bag of baby dicks Gary.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another video of what happens due to non compliance.

Judiciary Committee Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

newtboy says...

Oops…all those bribes Thomas didn’t report…the bribes that MADE him rich...the tens of millions of unreported income for himself and millions more for multiple family members including his wife, “son”, and mother that he sold his court decisions for….he also didn’t report to the IRS or pay taxes on it. That’s undeniable intentional massive tax evasion, millions in tax liability he evaded, that is not just a removable crime but also serious prison time.
Gorshuch too.

bobknight33 said:

So people at supreme court should only be allowed to hang with poor people?
News Flash These justices are fairly rich themselves.

secret personal enrichment?
Your the F idiot
He not hiding anything.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

4 more convicted of seditious conspiracy over Jan 6, more to come.
So much for “it wasn’t sedition”. 100% proven in court that it was.

Another massive “L” for your collection. They just keep coming faster and bigger constantly. Carrol is about to hand out another since Trump isn’t going to defend himself against the rape accusation…his team is putting on no defense at all!! Not one witness! Not even a character witness (smart, any they presented would be eaten alive on the stand and make Trump look worse).

I love it when a plan comes together…Jack Smith is now investigating evidence tampering and obstruction for tampering with the surveillance tapes of the rooms where Trump held the classified documents he stole and lied about keeping….tampered with after they were subpoenaed. Each charge carries up to 20 years in prison. The hits keep coming….far worse hits than parsing what the word “is” means.

Judiciary Committee Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

newtboy says...

No, you fuckwit. You are always releasing the paper tigers you love to fight. Heroically battling windmills. 😂

They should only be allowed to accept minor gifts they report like a normal under $100 meal, not $1 million vacations that are specifically barred by law, not sale of properties at extreme profits that’s intentionally hidden from financial reports which require their report by clear unambiguous law.
It’s not one bit about “hanging out”, it’s about selling access to justices to people with cases before the Supreme Court in secret, about buying opportunity to present your argument to justices away from the court with no rules or opposition and prejudice them towards your position, and to pay them to accept those positions.

(Side note, it’s not illegal but this also 100% destroys the fake “Everyman” persona Thomas has lied about for decades….saying he prefers Walmart parking lots to expensive beaches and old RVs over luxury travel, but spending all his vacations on private luxury beaches, exclusive luxury resorts and retreats, and globetrotting on private planes. Every word you’ve ever heard from this man is a lie. Every. Single. Word. Ever.)

News flash, these billionaires had no interest in being friends with the justices before hey were on the highest court…they aren’t old friends, they’re new benefactors found after they became powerful justices mislabeled as “friends”. Guaranteed, if Thomas is removed, he will never hear from Crow again….not once.

News flash, Justices are only rich because they illegally take bribes in the million dollar range for the sale of their decisions in court. They were not rich before becoming justices. Do you think American justice should be for sale to the highest bidder…should Soros be in control of everything because, as you believe, he bribes everyone everywhere. (Hint- you would clearly call for prison nonstop if you could prove he bribed anyone).

No, you don’t think, you just defend every righty crime no matter what it is and make up lefty crimes out of thin air.

You fuckwit. He hid EVERYTHING. Tens to hundreds of millions unreported, every penny of which he absolutely knew must be reported by law, he reported most before finding out Scalia had gotten away with not reporting tens of millions and over 70 million dollar international hunting trips, one of which he died on….today it was revealed Crow secretly, totally unreported, paid for Thomas’s ward/child’s tuition at hyper expensive (Tuition at the exclusive Hidden Lake Academy cost more than $6,000 a month) private schools….on top of million dollar vacations for the entire family, businesses created for his wife and huge salary for his wife unreported, property sold by Thomas above market value then handed back for free with major improvements, the list of bribes discovered from this one billionaire grows daily….hint, he’s not the only one.

Yes, dumbshit. If as a judge you sell your decisions about the law in America for a cash bribe, that’s secret personal enrichment. I know, two 3 syllable words together is way above your comprehension level.

Edit: Maybe that’s the problem. Let’s try this….
He big steal lots of times…lots big steals two. Big lies to. Him sell law four cash bribe. Your thinks say that ok fine, he MAGA hero, so he can no bad. That dumb.

Big surprise….because conservatives were caught taking them over and over and over and over and over you now have absolutely no problem with bribery at the highest levels….but you’ll lose your shit and start screaming “hypocrisy! Criminals! Lock them up!” if any non MAGgot gets caught accepting a sandwich.

bobknight33 said:

So people at supreme court should only be allowed to hang with poor people?
News Flash These justices are fairly rich themselves.

secret personal enrichment?
Your the F idiot
He not hiding anything.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

De facto leader of your party, Manly Traitor Greene, has now declared her intent to make adult websites illegal in America…because freedom?….sounding a death knell for your party.

She claims she just found out adult films are on the internet and they should be illegal.
PS- Internet porn is more popular in red states than blue states.
More moral panic by serial cheating philanderers.
Enjoy following racist anti constitutionalist morons into the gutter.

Bonus- Trump’s conspirators in Georgia are turning on him, including his fake electors. The Trump lawyer hired to represent all the fake electors has been removed because she wasn’t representing them she was protecting Trump, she wasn’t reporting that some wanted to turn in others for crimes (creating conflicts of interest), and she never told them they had been offered immunity if they testified (a disbarable offense).
Some others are joining Trump in his motions to quash indictments and special grand jury reports and to remove the DA….a terrible move because it ties them together and may be the straw that makes this a RICO case…meaning everyone involved can be found guilty of every serious crime involved…including Trump. Doh!

Oh sweet Jeebus…Michigan Republicans are fighting AGAINST the repeal of ancient laws that make living with another person you aren’t married to a crime with 1 year in prison….butnooooo, Republicans aren’t the party that wants to run your life for you, that’s obviously the Democrats, right? 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Proof? What every country besides Russia is reporting, what every western media company besides pro-Russian Fox (and the other far right media that gets their news from Fox then exaggerates) is reporting….and logic.
Russia’s military is large but under funded and OLD. They’re out of professional soldiers and new equipment and money. Ukraine is getting more, newer, more advanced equipment and training daily from dozens of sources, just hired 40000 more soldiers/mercs, and has logistical support Russia can’t even fathom. You think this means Russia is about to crush Ukraine….with no reasoning behind that. Derp.

Watching the map provided by Putin and acting like its reality is. Lol. He said Kiev would be Russian in 2 weeks. Now it looks like Crimea won’t be Russian in 2 months. Derp.

Most maps show Russia losing territory daily and the Ukrainian counter offensive has yet to start. Russian commanders say they have no ammo, soldiers are starving, equipment is 50 years old, broken, and they don’t know how to operate it because they’re prisoners and draftees not military.

Um…what did you do…YOU posted unverified reports from unaffiliated “reporters”. Then you claimed I wasn’t showing you the daily “proof” videos showing Ukraine was winning, which I then provided, including a link to the YT channel that posts one almost every 5 minutes of Ukraine winning the war, but unlike you was honest that it often came from “unaffiliated reporters” (like those you post, dummy) so shouldn’t be accepted as “proof”…but they do exist, I’m just more honest than you and don’t constantly post unverified claims by anonymous internet “reporters” that usually are just some guy in mom’s basement…but I could…you however post them constantly and act like they are real, verified NEWS not more Russian propaganda….and you never notice they are always lies, always misdirection, always bluster, never factual.

“ So you rather accept what is pushed onto you by media? Knowing that it is manufactured consent, not trustworthy, spun to teh side your on.” (Says the guy posting direct Russian propaganda constantly and BELIEVING it!?!)
Sweet zombie Jeebus, go to fucking school Jethro. I had infinitely better English skills by 2nd grade…and a better idea of how to do critical thinking rather than accept what I’ve been told because it’s a pleasant lie. You clearly failed at both in second grade and haven’t improved in your skills since. There is absolutely no way you earned a degree anywhere better than the defunct fraudulent Trump U. Even as your second language, your English skills are bad, horrible when you realize you’ve been practicing for 13 years with no improvement, Vlad.

bobknight33 said:


Watching a map and seeing Russia gaining territory is not boot licking nor propaganda.

Im just watching a map.

unaffiliated reporters’ reports.------------ So you rather accept what is pushed onto you by media? Knowing that it is manufactured consent, not trustworthy, spun to teh side your on.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You really have absolutely no clue what’s happening, do you?

He’s likely going to jail (not prison) because he is completely incapable of following the courts order to not talk about the witnesses in his CIVIL rape case and attempt to publicize his baseless claims already denied as arguments in court…to poison the jury. Also because he’s been trying to find out names of everyone involved from jurors to prosecutors to witnesses and their families so he can dox them to his terrorist cult and get the death threats started, despite the judge ordering it all off limits.

Too bad for you a Biden rape or a Clinton rape have never been alleged (except for that one total nutjob that tried to accuse Biden of raping her in the middle of the public halls of congress and was proven to be a nut and liar). I don’t think either lives in New York anyway.

No flood gates opened. The law allowing her case was a one time only single year window when victims got one shot at financial justice. It may be responsible for up to 10000 cases being filed (most won’t get to court)…NY state can handle that, in 07 they had nearly 1000000 cases filed. Californians had a similar 3 year window that was barely noticed…you only care at all because Trump is caught in this one.

Ex wife?…No one mentioned any ex wife rapes…. Are you worried about something you thought you got away with? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Another fail bob. More whining for criminal daddy Trump.

Lock him up, Lock him up, Lock him up, Lock him up, Lock him up!

bobknight33 said:

"Trump’s about to be in jail "

You hope in year dreams.

Also a "rape" from 1990's really
So I can claim rape from 30 years ago --

A biden rape or Clinton rape or some ex wife rape. Think about it -- What flood gates will open?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s about to be in jail because he continues to violate the judges order about his rape case by making MORE public statements and accusation already precluded by the judge from being brought up his case as an end run around the judge by making it public information …exactly as he had been warned not to do REPEATEDLY.

The judge is pissed.

Won’t it be great if he goes to prison because he can’t control himself in a civil case? How do you think his criminal cases are going to go? 😂

Lol. Trump was so preoccupied thinking about the woman he raped decades ago that he completely forgot his WIFE’S birthday yesterday….or maybe not having to see, hear, or even be mentioned by Trump (who was busy rage tothing lies about his rape victim all day) was her gift.

Bonus - Trump’s Proud Boys in their closing statements in their seditious conspiracy case blamed their violence and attempted coup on Trump, saying he told them directly to try to foment a coup, that he increased their membership with his public call for them to “stand by”, and that he should be a co-defendant.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You are the epitome of a laughing stock…you win…here’s your “biggest boob” trophy. 🏆
Oh you dumbshit….The Washington Free Beacon (a right wing publication) and Paul Singer, (a far right mega donor) paid for the Steele dossier about Trump, then later sold it to Clinton. That’s a fact.
Republicans created the Steele dossier, and most, like 90% of it, is confirmed to be correct, none of it was ever proven false (EG- if the dossier said an anonymous source said Russians have pee tape blackmail material against Trump and it is never found, the dossier wasn’t proven to be wrong at all, it just reported the claim). People (like Manafort) went to prison for charges stemming from it.

But you [are] a foolish ignorant man has no idea of any reality because you watch slanted one sided internet propaganda from anywhere as long as it’s anti American. It’s never correct, it never includes legitimate sources, and it’s 100% anti American, anti constitution twaddle and inconsistent lies.

Since you believe anything you see online, watch this unverified report and enjoy…

You said near 3 weeks ago that Bakhmut HAD fallen and was under 100% Russian control, proven by the faked Russian propaganda film of someone raising a Russian flag somewhere and declaring victory, but Bakhmut is still not taken, Russians are losing 1000 troops a day, and Ukraine just got 40000 more troops and billions more worth of current military equipment, Russia is using 70+ year old equipment they’ve never trained with and is dropping bombs on itself.
I’m taking sides, I’m with democracy and stability by treaty.
You are too-siding with Russia, despotism, expansionism, and lies.
Russia is losing ground, losing soldiers, losing equipment, losing borders, losing its long term stalemate with NATO, losing billions from sanctions, and is losing this war. Facts are facts, and you’ve never met a real fact you could agree with.

Russia entered Ukraine because they tossed out the Russia installed “president” (his first “election” was thrown out as a total farce). Yanukovych delayed signing a hugely popular pending association agreement with the EU, choosing to accept a hugely unpopular and bad for Ukraine Russian trade deal, leading to his removal from office and, surprise, cushy retirement in Russia.

NATO had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia breaking the treaty from the 80’s in which they and the United States guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty and border security in perpetuity if they gave up their nukes. That included Crimea, which Russia invaded too over nonsense lies.
They declared Crimea under terrorist attack (it wasn’t) and invaded “to protect the citizens”. They did the same in Ukraine, recognizing the terrorist separatists as the legitimate (unelected) government and declaring the real government were terrorists attacking peaceful Russians in Eastern Ukraine. (The same peaceful Russians that shot down a commercial airline full of innocent people completely uninvolved in their conflict).

Putin said the purpose of the operation was to "protect the people" in the predominantly Russian-speaking region of Donbas who he falsely claimed that "for eight years now, [had] been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime". Putin said that Russia sought the "demilitarisation and denazification" of Ukraine, and insisted Russia wouldn’t occupy any of Ukraine….all pure lies. He now says he intends to remove Ukraine from the map and Ukrainians from the gene pool.

It had absolutely nothing to do with NATO….NATO wasn’t considering giving Ukraine, Sweden, or Finland membership before the land grab invasions. You lackwit. If anything it was fear that Ukraine might join the EU….but really it was the loss of their installed Russian president that was beholding to the Kremlin, not any of the lame excuses they’ve made since.

You just love to rewrite history and always expect everyone else to be as ignorant of reality as yourself. Sadly for you, some people have memories longer than a methed out gnat and know why things happened, not just what the perpetrators of crimes say today that contradicts everything they said yesterday and before.
There’s no agreement to not expand NATO. Who told you that, Putin?

But has the actual history, or the nuclear treaty, or the ousting of the Russian planted president by the populace and installation of their chosen president (exactly what you hoped for with Trump on Jan 6 except instead of 2000 people it was the entire country performing a coup) been given on your fake propaganda websites? If so, you missed it all.

bobknight33 said:

You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?

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