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Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

ChaosEngine says...

Amazing photography, but....

Ok, the jumping and the eyesight is impressive, but mapping the world in 3 dimensions... I would have said almost any animal is capable of that, otherwise, they would spend their time bumping into things.

As for learning and problem solving, the video doesn't really give any indication as to how we know that. Sneaking up on your prey and avoiding the potentially dangerous parts of it is something almost all predators do. It hardly qualifies as "genius".

I'm not saying the spider isn't clever (well, clever for something with a brain the size of a pinhead), but this doesn't really give a good example of that.

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

Why Australian snakes are so venomous

oritteropo says...

I read an interesting article on the BBC's web site on exactly this question -

It makes some of the same points as this video, but also has an additional one in regards to why some animals are so toxic to humans: Bad luck! We aren't their targetted prey, so it's pretty much irrelevent to them whether their sting can kill one or 1,000 humans.

Bad luck comes into it as well. A bite from a Sydney funnel-web spider is extremely dangerous for humans, whereas rodents are relatively unaffected by their venom. Since these spiders evolved to eat neither rodents nor humans, this can be seen as nothing more than an unfortunate alignment of the spider's neurotoxin with a receptor on some of our cells.

garmachi said:

The "Why" doesn't get addressed until 5:20, and even then it's preceded by "I think it's because..."

The first five minutes are some pretty good filler though.

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

Mordhaus says...

Let's be realistic, most of the work our war planes do has collateral damage. We don't simply use them on 'the bad guys', but again that is a simplification to allow you moral latitude.

Non-smokers are no better than smokers, I know since I used to be a smoker. Just because I decided that I no longer wanted to smoke doesn't mean I feel the need to go up to someone smoking and start telling them how much better I am that I quit. Again, I'm not any better of a person than they are, I just chose to do something different. That is one of the things you can't seem to grasp, because you continue to say that morally you are more good than someone who does not practice a vegan lifestyle. You aren't.

As far as the functional capacity for feelings, of course animals feel pain, it is a stimuli that helps in their survival instinct. That instinct is what drives them to avoid pain because it means they might not survive. It doesn't mean that they have the logical thought capacity to relate pain to more than an instinctual response. I am pretty sure that no pig ever felt pain and said to itself, I feel pain therefore I exist as a being, they felt the pain and instinct told them to get away from it. Plants even have stimuli that they will respond to in order to grow or try to avoid damaging forces, but they aren't self-aware. Neither are animals until you get to a certain level of intelligence, like dolphins or great apes.

I grew up in the country, I have seen first hand and used my hands in regards to the butchery you speak of. Never once have I had a pig who had seen another be slaughtered do anything that would give me the belief that they were responding in any other fashion than a "shit, flight time since I might be next" natural instinct that is in all prey animals. Factory farms may not be totally humane, and that should be reformed, but all they are doing in the end is killing prey animals on a much larger scale than I did growing up.

transmorpher said:

The warplane is designed to kill, but who is it killing - is it killing an evil dictator in order to save innocents? It might be on a peace keeping mission to discourage any killing. If it the warplane is killing only people who would otherwise be killing the innocent, then it's a tool used for good, it's saving more lives than it's taking, and more importantly it's saving lives that are more important to maintaining a civilized society.
I'd even say that it would be less moral to not build the warplane and let innocents die through inaction, when the consequences are well known.

Even further down the chain, killing isn't inherently bad, there are plenty justifiable reasons to kill someone.

It's the same with veganism -making choices which are less harmful, not necessarily perfect.

Non smokers are definitely way better people than smokers. Especially given that 2nd and even 3rd hand smoke causes cancer. Even if smoking only harmed the smoker, it's still a strange idea to be harming yourself. Perhaps they lack the appreciation of how lucky they are to be alive. I mean the odds of being born are like winning the lotto, let alone being born healthy, being born in this day and age, in a civilized country, being born to the dominate species, being born on the only planet that seems to have developed life. Some people have rough starts to life, but harming themselves isn't going to make it better, just shorter.

I agree that everyone is capable of making good moral stances, you've obviously drawn the line somewhere (otherwise you'd be going all Genghis Khan on everyone). But where the line is drawn is tends to be influenced a lot by misleading information and lack of information. And that makes it very hard to make logically sound choices. It's even harder when in order to understand the real impact means having to watch footage of animal cruelty. Most people find it confronting and uncomfortable at best, so it's easier to put it away, not think about it and continue consuming.

I know most people are moral, but if they don't act on it, it doesn't mean much to the puppies being strayed in the eyes with chemicals, or to the piglets being slammed into the concrete floor for the crime of being born male.

Regardless of how you categorize it, analyze it, or philosophize it, this always remains true: Animals feel and respond to pain, they will do their best to avoid suffering, and they have a will to live.

Bill Nye Bets Climate Denying Meteorologist $20k

kceaton1 says...

I was so FUCKING bored AND tired (like barely keeping my eyes open; falling asleep, then writing more, then eventually hitting: POST!--lol) when I wrote that, can you tell?

The best part about this is that I didn't need pot or anything to make such a crazy post/comment. This was fully driven by my sleep disorder. Basically, I start to go into an "REM" like state when I get really tired (or in my case, when the right time of day hit). Sometimes I'm unable to catch myself before I do something...goofy and or funny.

THUS, you now have this wonderful post created from my sub-conscious and conscious self-working hard together to create a masterpiece!

Personally, I always find it amazing that I'm able to put sentences together and that at some points they are actually understandable, so long as you take them into consideration in a mystical and crazy freaking world/Universe where certain rules are true... The best you can do to re-create this experience is to get a mild form of Narcolepsy that MOSTLY preys on your dream and "sub-conscious" aspects belonging to the REM stage or staging... Then you have to deal with LOTS of "night terrors", hypnagogic hallucinations, and other issues (like Cataplexy). Then, you too can write mystical, strange, and WTF(?!) writings like I have above!!!


Bun Bun, Destroyer of Leaves!

Magical Bird Show!

Why I REALLY am quitting social media -- Essena ONeill

Babymech says...

Well... collect money based off of feeding and preying on the insecurities and need for acceptance of children, by pretending that a coldly and carefully manufactured commercial image is actually a carefree and natural existence. I can understand if she thinks that (unwittingly) preying on children isn't something she can shrug off and say "that's done; now I'll do whatever I want."

rancor said:

I don't quite get the problem here, and I can't suffer through videos like this. Collect money, retire before you're 20, then do what you REALLY want to do for the next 80 years? Is that what she's doing I guess?

Girl Builds Herself Some Pneumatic Wings

Cats of the Urban Wild

Buttle says...

Makes sense to me. Natural predator populations are limited by the availability of prey. The feral cat population is not, because so many people feed them.

Fairbs said:

I find it interesting that the woman who wants to keep birds alive finds it OK to kill cats to achieve her goal

Reptile Wins - Fatality

lucky760 says...

Funny, just yesterday I was thinking "Fricken flies. Where are all the spiders when you need them?"

And if I had a bunch of spiders I'd be thinking "Fricken spiders. Where are all the lizards when you need them?"

And if I had a bunch of lizards I'd be thinking "Fricken lizards. Where are all the birds of prey when you need them?"

And if I had a bunch of birds of prey I'd be thinking "What the fuck are all these birds of prey doing inside my house?!"

Magician Shin Lim Fools Penn and Teller

robbersdog49 says...

This is awesome

Magicians will go to amazing lengths to get a trick to work. However, the key part to just about all tricks is distraction. Not just to make you look away when a clever switch is made, but a well designed trick is a distraction in itself. It'll make you think that the amazing thing happening is one thing when in fact the amazing thing already happened when you didn't know amazing things were happening and now it's making the faux amazing thing look even more amazing!

Your idea with the ink disappearing on the card is a great example. You're trying to work out how the card ends up blank when he put the signed card on the table when the signed card was never put on the table. The card on the table is blank simply because he put a blank card on the table. The switch had already been made and you're looking for a solution to something that was never a problem

Magicians prey on you assumptions, and they're brazen, and a lot more skilled than you'd think. You won't work a lot of the stuff out because you'll think the way it's done is impossible, that no one could actually do what the magician is doing. Fan some cards out in front of someone and ask them to pick one at random. A good card magician can force you to pick a certain card and you'd never suspect it. I'm given to believe that Paul Daniels can do this behind his back. It's not easy to do and most people don't believe it's possible, so if you can do it you're performing the miracle at the very start. Everything after that seems incredible. You're looking for a trick that's already happened.

I love magic. I love being fooled. I enjoy the challenge of working out how things are done and wish I had the time to learn to do it properly.

kceaton1 said:

There were a lot of different tricks in there. A part of me really wonders if the mat on the table is a "printer/scanner" and that "marker" is extremely important. There may be a time-released chemical that helps all of this go down (meanwhile he may actually have a small printer on his body somewhere). When the smoke appears that is when the "card" is doing it's chemical thing (as you could smother one card with this chemical making it fully black, but then the printer could change the chemical pattern again as it is scanned and therefore reset the card with the other signature...).

The truth is, I have no idea how it was done, but I think what he is wearing (and possibly what is underneath--not to mention the pockets that are very hard to determine their location or size), possible chemical reactions used in a few different ways, a slim printer, and a slim scanner. Plus all of the sleight of hand tricks you did or did not catch...

If true, he used some fairly complicated technological prowess, besides his agility to get this done. But, for ages untold the creations made and used by magicians are just as important sometimes as the act.

This would also be THE perfect trick to give Penn & Teller the slip, as they may have never ran across anything like this (I've run into tech that could easily do lots of this--scanner through things, etc; it just depends on what is in that pen exactly...think of it kind of like invisible ink, but it need not stay that way and it more than likely can be made to "dissolve" as some sort of inert gas).

Everything was done here flawlessly, even the music feed into the act making it harder to catch.

Phew, that is long enough and I may only have 50% or so right on this one.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

lantern53 says...

I don't recall saying that, Genji, so if you could show me, I'd appreciate it. But I'm quite sure I never said racism is over...I do recall saying that until you get over your massive butthurt from what racism that does exist, that you will never succeed in life.

Is there sound on this video, because I think that is important.

In my experience, most perps won't just say 'yeah, i'm the one you're looking for', so you have to use some aggressive policing because people don't respond to the British method, not being British and all...

these cops are very brave to go into these projects and take out the criminals, who prey on old ladies, women, and other non-warrior types because they are a bunch of cowards....
here's another:
another (believe these are all from NYC)

also, these cops are there to protect people from these cowards, so I think they deserve everyone's respect and support.

But if you support the criminal element, go ahead and try and brand cops as racist, bullies, liars, etc. It's good that people know where you stand.

Scared Man Vs. Charging Bear - What Would YOU Do?

lucky760 says...

I didn't realize until not too long ago that there was such confusion about how to respond to a bear attack. It struck me when I heard someone aghast at the very notion that you should curl into a ball and play dead as if he'd never heard that before. (He must've been living under a rock.)

I think the distinction, which doesn't seem to ever be made explicitly clear, is that if a bear charges you as in this video, then you are supposed to do your best to scare it off (by making yourself appear threatening, bigger, louder, etc.), BUT if a bear has already started attacking you, you obviously can't do that (while laying bloody on the ground), so it's at that time that you should play dead to make the bear think it successfully killed you so it will stop attacking you because there's likely no reason to fight a corpse.

The worst confusing part is that many people think your initial reaction when a bear charges or threatens you should be to lay down and play dead. That's very, very bad advice and I've heard of several cases of people doing that where the bear then just meanders up to the person and starts eating them.

If you just lay down the bear regards you as prey and their eating instincts kick in.

If you first try to fight the bear, it regards you as a threat that it needs to fight and kill, hence once you play dead and it thinks it won the battle, it's more likely to walk away. I think the natural instinct of creatures after a battle is to walk away victorious, not eat the opponent.

Mondo said:

I appreciate seeing actual footage of how to respond to a charging bear, Up to this point I've only heard various advice ranging from screaming/looking big to rolling into a ball. I seem to remember hearing that different types of bears require different responses, but at least a video is better than just relying on someone's word when dealing with a life and death situation.

What is this thing and what's it doing?

eric3579 says...

UPDATE below also see new video description and original video

The caption is in Thai and describes the creature as a Nemertea, or a ribbon worm, which shoots a proboscis (elongated nose) out of a hole above its mouth to capture prey.

Presumably, that is what is going on here.

When not stretched out like an alien life form, the proboscis normally sits in “a fluid-filled chamber above the gut,” according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

And here’s a description of how it works from NCSU:

"When the animal senses a prey organism nearby, a circular muscle layer around the proboscis sheath rapidly and vigorously contracts. This contraction forces the fluid from the proboscis sheath into the proboscis and, in the process, literally turns it inside out, blowing it out of the proboscis sheath. The proboscis will rapidly (within a second or so) wrap itself around the prey, which is then drawn to the mouth and eaten."


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