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rosekat (Member Profile)

Seeing Sound Waves - 1130 ft/second @ Obama Inauguration

nomino says...

^Are you a sound engineer? If so, maybe you should read John Huntington's blog and learn a few things. Here's what he had to say:

"And so, when we have a sound system where we want people to hear some distance away from the stage, sound system engineers have to take this into account. Speakers at a distance from the stage (like at the concert pictured in the video) must be intentionally delayed to get them to line up in time with the sound emanating from the stage. This happens because the electrons in the cables transfer the audio signal out to the delay speaker positions effectively, for our purposes, "instantly", while the sound waves, vibrating air molecules, can take many seconds to travel. And if the "delay" speakers, remote from the stage, are not aligned in time (even milliseconds matter), the audience will hear either destructive interference called "comb filtering", or perceive an echo. (Interestingly, from what I saw on screen, it appears that the large video displays on the mall were actually delayed to match the slowness of the sound.)"

adn here are some of the comments on the thread. (some of these are really cool)

-"Very cool way to show this "lag".

To geek you out further. Since heat rises, many sports arenas can have a 10degree or greater temperature difference from floor to ceiling during a show. Sound traveling through the top of the room to the balcony's gets to the last row before the sound on the floor.

This is not a constant. During sound check the room is much more balanced. But put 5,000 excited dancing people in the room. Now try and calculate your delays."


-"I know the effect well. When I mixed sound for outdoor rock festivals and they'd often times have the mixing booth a 200 - 300' from the stage.
I'd always have to slip the headphones on and mix that way when timing was critical. It was the only way you could time changes properly.

Most sound engineers didn't know this trick and they would always screw up the timing and couldn't figure out why.
The same engineers used to criticize my use of the headphones as they said you have to mix for the audience not for the headphones.
Well you can't mix for the audience if you have a 1/4 second time delay."

Proof that governmental stimulus can improve the economy (Science Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

Positive proof beyond a shadow of a doubt is impossible. Even the proponents of the stimulus (like me), aren't 100% sure it will work.

The empirical evidence in favor of it mostly comes from the Great Depression and New Deal era, but it can be found in much smaller cases throughout the decades since. I've read the alternative histories that claim the New Deal failed, or worsened the situation, but there are more than a few counterarguments, including my favorite from Krugman, which essentially said it failed because it wasn't big enough, and the onset of WWII finally got government "stimulus" up to the right levels.

I've read economists with arguments against the stimulus who seem rational enough; by and large they're concerned about whether the short-term effects will help more than the long-term effect of the increase in debt. Others seem to act as if their theory of economics has already long since settled the question of whether government spending can ever have a positive effect, and just list off the extent of damage it will certainly do, regardless of its detail or composition. The Treasury View in other words.

Most of the Republican party plans seem to be made up of completely non-economic ideas: Do Keynesian stimulus, but do it with ineffective tax cuts alone. That way, you get all the downsides of stimulus, with none of the advantages, and then in 4 years they can campaign against Obama for having raised the debt to no effect! Win Win!

I'm in favor of the stimulus because I believe in most of what's in it from a political perspective, even the things the Republicans are cherry picking as "ridiculous". They may not be optimal at generating short-term stimulus, and therefore shouldn't be part of this package, but I'd be in favor of them in their own right. That said, I think the overwhelming majority of it is aimed at projects that would have both short- and long-term benefit to the economy, and a lot of what's now getting cut in this final phase are some of the best parts (infrastructure, research, and education funding) for long-term value.

I am skeptical about the utility of the short-term stimulus, but I'm not at all skeptical about the utility of the long-term investment in basic infrastructure, and maybe the whole Keynesian "prime the pump" idea will work after all too.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

burdturgler says...

>> ^rougy:
I like shrooms and do consider them theraputic.
It bugs the shit out of me when I read people bashing them, because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Yes, some people do have abreactions, but that's no reason to spoil it for the rest of us.

You can't say "bashing' .. sorry. That term is taken.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Flood says...

budzos, I'm not backpedalling. See my first comment in the thread where I said:

>> ^Flood:
You can of course have a significant experience that could impact the rest of your life, but please remember that they are the result of the drug. To pretend that the hallucinations where of spiritual origins is to delude yourself.

In the context of how it was used in the video, I interpretted "spiritual experience" as implying that the person had an experience whose origin was spiritual. I did not interpret it as implying that the person had an experience where the theme was spiritual.

I'm trying to find common ground here. Can we at least agree that a drug-induced hallucination is not reasonable evidence for supporting the belief in a deity?

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

rottenseed says...

>> ^WaterDweller:
I mush prefer the longer, safer route through meditation, hypnosis and lucid dreaming, rather than risky shortcuts like shrooms and stuff.

I always enter the immortality cheat codes when I first buy a video game. I like to achieve lucidity and self-realization in the same instantly gratifying way.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

budzos says...

>> ^Flood:
Um, did someone forget to tell these people that they were tripping? How can you have a significant spiritual experience while tripping? If you see a burning bush that is talking to you, but you are tripping, guess what, it isn't real because you are tripping!
You can of course have a significant experience that could impact the rest of your life, but please remember that they are the result of the drug. To pretend that the hallucinations where of spiritual origins is to delude yourself.

You need to take some magic mushrooms.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

rottenseed says...

>> ^Flood:
Um, did someone forget to tell these people that they were tripping? How can you have a significant spiritual experience while tripping? If you see a burning bush that is talking to you, but you are tripping, guess what, it isn't real because you are tripping!
You can of course have a significant experience that could impact the rest of your life, but please remember that they are the result of the drug. To pretend that the hallucinations where of spiritual origins is to delude yourself.

Your brain doesn't know the difference between a dream and what you perceive to be reality. Spiritual experiences only happen in the mind. Oh, and burning bushes don't talk...ever.


Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Memorare:
A warm summer sunset on the beach is a staggeringly awesome setting for shrooms. The feel of the sun, sand and warm breeze on your skin, the sound of the waves and the gulls, the smell of the ocean, the giant golden setting sun glittering on the crests of the waves, omg it's the closest thing to a state of perfect being you'll ever experience.
Yosemite (or just about any National Park) is another Excellent place to do shrooms.

I agree 150% Having lived in Oregon for all of my trips (still live here). Nature was heartily available and ALWAYS made the experience an awesome one.

The only time I experienced a "bad trip" was when I was with a group of people I hardly knew, didn't have a place to live at the time (was living with my "girl friend" and was depressed about my living situation and lack of employment). It made for a really bad experience. This was on acid by the way, not shrooms.

Sex on shrooms is one of the greatest experiences I have ever had.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

HenningKO says...

Mushrooms do something to your head, sure... but looking at a sunset or a waterfall or the stars or praying or reading a good book can all be powerful "spiritual experiences" with lasting positive effects on your behavior and the way you see your world.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'CNN, Magic, Mushroomes, long, lasting, positive, effects, news' to 'CNN, Magic, Mushrooms, long, lasting, positive, effects, news' - edited by xxovercastxx

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

volumptuous says...

>> ^dbalsdon:
Years ago, my Uncle had a great 'long-lasting positive effect' from using shrooms. Went paranoid, refused help and bricked himself into a building, so nobody could get to him... Thankfully, they did though, but still.. great positive experience isn't it?
He now keeps himself to himself, and doesn't go out really.


So, your uncle's "bad trip" against millions of people through thousands of years history having amazing experiences.

Not very scientific.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

dbalsdon says...

Years ago, my Uncle had a great 'long-lasting positive effect' from using shrooms. Went paranoid, refused help and bricked himself into a building, so nobody could get to him... Thankfully, they did though, but still.. great positive experience isn't it?

He now keeps himself to himself, and doesn't go out really.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

9364 says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^Shepppard:
Shrooms aren't theraputic.
years ago my sister had a party here, and two of her friends took shrooms.
I still remember them freaking out so hard one of them actually wanted to go see my mom to make it better, but the other slapped her in the face and said that "We've gone too far now!"

It is true that mileage varies from person to person. Not to mention other mitigating factors like who you take them with, the environment taken in, your state of mind when ingesting, etc. Much care should be exercised in planning and preparation, before eating mushrooms all willy-nilly like.
For me, it was one of the best and most memorable experiences I've ever had with other human beings.

I agree completely. And it's not like the medical industry is just going to start giving prescriptions to mushrooms. If anything they'll make yet another pill form containing the specific chemicals, likely significantly 'watered down.' The drug industry is full of narcotic and hallucinogenic 'medicines.'

I personally have had my share of very positive experiences with a wide variety of hallucinogenic drugs both natural and man-made and I've found the 'magic mushrooms' are by far the least likely to produce a so called 'bad trip.' Especially compared to the likes of LSD. The experience mushrooms and other natural hallucinogenics such as Peyote, are a much milder, smoother and less grating effect, though often far more potent.

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