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What if names were farts? Now you know.

BSR says...

I'm not sure that the anus has evolved enough to even produce the range of pitch at this level of speech. I am hopeful though as at my age I am loosing my sense of smell.

The origins of oil falsely defined in 1892

bcglorf says...

This is one of those cons that's so bad it actually helps it's own spread.

His entire premise depends on folks buying in that 'Science" was duped into a bad 'definition' for the origins of oil at some committee meeting. You have to accept that for the next 100 years, the entire scientific community was powerlessly bound by this committee decision.

The reason that's so effective is the same as the scam emails rife with typos and bad grammar. He immediately is limiting his audience after that point to folks who didn't nope out already at that point. Targeted marketing at any audience vulnerable to whatever snake oil pitch he's ultimately selling.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

newtboy jokingly says...

You had a point?

You complained this was some attempted trickery.
I pointed to the clues given that it wasn’t real like CGI tagged and the joke about kaiju rides.

You then took issue with it being artistic.
I pointed out that quality doesn’t determine if something is art.

You then took issue with the term CGI, eventually creating some sales pitch for I don’t know what intentionally misusing the term. (Do you mean the master class page?)
I pointed you to multiple sources for the definition of computer generated image, all of which you disagreed with.

What was the point again?

kir_mokum said:

point successfully missed. again.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

newtboy says...

Clearly not. I gave you the professional definition directly from master class. You disagree with them too.
Any “computer generated image”.

You do disagree with the established definition, and you have every right to be wrong. I have every right to contradict you.

Because your argument is not professional, logical, technically correct, or rational, I’m not picking up on that.

You have no idea what my CGI experience might be. My brother was offered a job at Lucas Ranch (before ILM, before Pixar). I’ve been exposed to computer generated images and the terminology surrounding them since the 80s.

I’m also not trying to use the definition you and your close office mates might have decided is correct among yourselves, I’m using the definition you can find in any dictionary or classroom. You aren’t giving any definition nor any citations to back it up.

Edit: PS- again, what sales pitch?!

kir_mokum said:

i'm not disagreeing with established definition, i'm telling you what established definition is. if you would stop being an internet contrarian on a subject you know next to nothing about and listen to the professional for one goddamn second, you might pick up on that.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

newtboy says...

Not everyone is in the industry. CGI is used as a layman’s term, although the professional definition still fits.

Um…”they” who? what sales pitch? WTF are you talking about? I used it as a tag. WHAT!?! Are you on crack, sir?

If it’s an image of reality altered digitally, it’s not purely cg, it’s cgi…

SFX is the overall category, not a sub genre of CGI.

Yes, their three examples of well known blockbuster CGI films were pure CG images…they were not an all inclusive list, they weren’t even varied examples of all different types of CGI, they were three of the best known examples of pure CGI in main stream cinema.

OMG, that WAS your argument. LMFAHS!!! Feel shame. So incredibly stupid. That means absolutely nothing beyond those were the three movies they chose as well known examples. It in no way argues that the rest of the definition they gave is in any way incorrect. Derp!

Like saying the article on dogs had a pictures of a poodle, so all dogs must have curly hair. Just silly.

kir_mokum said:

they're using "CGI" as a substitute for "CG" which, in the industry, specifically refers to 3D generated assets, as i stated a while ago. NO ONE in the industry uses the term "CGI" for all the reasons i also stated above. they are using "CGI" in this sales pitch because they're aware laypeople know that term and don't know the distinction between CG, FX, comp, previs, and all those department's sub categories. all their examples, including the one you quoted, are referring to CG generated images, which are explicitly NOT 2D processing, filters, compositing, editing, or DI.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

kir_mokum says...

they're using "CGI" as a substitute for "CG" which, in the industry, specifically refers to 3D generated assets, as i stated a while ago. NO ONE in the industry uses the term "CGI" for all the reasons i also stated above. they are using "CGI" in this sales pitch because they're aware laypeople know that term and don't know the distinction between CG, FX, comp, previs, and all those department's sub categories. all their examples, including the one you quoted, are referring to CG generated images, which are explicitly NOT 2D processing, filters, compositing, editing, or DI.

STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

bcglorf says...

Yeah, the crutch of it for me is the UBI moniker.

What you describe at the end of your post, minimum income, is really just a rewording of the existing social security and welfare systems across the western world. I know they look different in each, but here in Canada what you describe is more or less our already existing system's design goal. Welfare money exists for those that straight up can not work, and an employment insurance system exists to protect those inbetween jobs, meanwhile other multiple programs are aimed at distributing financial assistance to the lower income groups.

Despite all of that already existing, UBI is still being heralded up here in trials as well as a replacement. The problem being that for the needy the UBI pitches are generally a step backwards.

Eg. $500/month is the UBI pitch, and they say it'll be great because everyone gets it no matter what so it's simple and fair and nobody is left behind. The trouble though is that the reality is the truly in need people were already benefitting more than the $500/month under the existing systems, and the cost was much less because it was targeted.

I here UBI and get very worried about folks just selling snake oil 'solutions' that in the end are just a demand to adopt their own particular flavor of wealth redistribution.

newtboy said:

Did they offer that in the program, or was it only random individuals….or are you extrapolating, assuming the program became universal? I thought this plan was just for the indigent.

$500 each for 4 works out to more than my wife brought home for 40 hours a week after 15 years at her last job…..barely livable for 4 anywhere in California, a nice income in some states. Not a huge amount to provide for 6 months. How much does temporary housing, services, extra law enforcement, etc cost over that time for 4 people? I assume their close.

Yes, universal income is costly, but most on the right won’t consider giving the destitute money if they don’t get a handout too, that likely multiplies the amount by over 10 times. With a means test, it would be billions, maybe under $100 billion. We spent nearly $6 trillion on bad Covid response in 2020, including trillions to corporate welfare handouts with no strings attached and they still fired millions of workers. I think if that’s ok we can afford to invest in making people productive again instead of drains on society (of course, not everyone will benefit, but 75% success must be a win overall). If not, socialize any corporation that took a bailout, we bought em, we should own them.

…Or taking on more debt like every government project, but the increase in gdp from turning costs into profits likely pays for the program without a dime in new taxes, just a reduction in costs of handling the homeless and new taxes from their incomes….especially if you have a means test and not universal income.

Yes, they convoluted by calling it universal income but focusing on homeless. It should be UMI. Universal Minimum Income….under employed get less than unemployed up to a certain minimum livable combined income, fully employed (with living wages) get nothing….IMO. Sadly, a large portion of people can’t see what’s in that plan for them (no homeless, less crime dumbshits) so won’t consider it unless they also get $500 even though that’s not even a noticeable amount to them….one more ivory backscratcher.

I Crashed My Plane

fuzzyundies says...

He absolutely faked it. Consider:

- Happened to wear a skydiving parachute for the first time on YT on this flight
- Fuel selector line to the right wing was visibly disconnected, accounting for an empty wing, short intended flight, and the lack of fire
- Left door was ajar when prop started to sputter
- Down/up pitch inputs during "engine failure" add drag and slow the plane, whereas basic pilot training is to put the nose down to gain airspeed

This pilot had some good points.

ant (Member Profile)

Cristal Baschet (an instrument that needs to be wet)

noims says...

Monty Python and The Muppets separately had sketches about animals trained/tuned to squeal at a particular pitch when hit. They were assembled into an instrument that allowed a sadist play tunes on them with hammers.

Between the timbre of the notes and the look of the 'keys', from start to finish I couldn't stop thinking of this instrument as the same, but using pleasure instead of pain (if you get my meaning).

Spectator Causes Entire Peloton To Crash At Tour de France

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

luxintenebris says...

either t.t. is an everyday troll or unstable. i vote unstable.

here's the pitch...

- warps the women's death for some perceived 'victory' or points in some cracked-pot game of 'rubber and glue'
- .gov is an odd slur. as if it's an unnatural beast that roams halls looking to slay citizens. [f'n' weird.]
- the shooting was legit. any court, or reasonable person, can see the justification of the action. it's distorted in his eyes. to label it 'murder', shows any inability to gauge actuality
- twisted perception that others didn't care or 'democrats' as a group celebrated the shooting?'s a detachment from reality.

no. not murder. not cheered. not ignored.

personality, rather she'd lived to examine the verisimilitude of hair hitler's words.

like this other misled american did...

Wendy Carlos demonstrates her Moog Synthesizer in 1970

newtboy says...

My Pops had a prophet 2000 the mid 80's. The first home digital sampling synth. It had all these options and more to apply to either the basic hum or to any sample. It had reverb, attack, sustain, decay, multiple preset wave forms, speed (of the sample), pitch and tone, and probably 1/2 dozen more I can't recall, all in a keyboard size unit, not a full pipe organ size. The samples came or could be recorded on 3 1/2" floppies, and you could store a huge number of presets to modify them as you wished at the push of one button, not a complete retuning with multiple dials. I had fun remixing James Brown and Prince, but never learned to play well.
Amazing the advancements they made in just 15 years.

Girl Screams When Bison Comes At Car Window

BSR says...

Never understood why females scream so easily.

Maybe this?

1 : a piece of equipment that produces a loud, high-pitched warning sound
an ambulance siren
the wailing of air-raid sirens
We heard police sirens. [=sirens on police cars]

2 : a woman who is very attractive but also dangerous : temptress
a Hollywood siren

3 Siren : one of a group of female creatures in Greek mythology whose singing attracted sailors and caused them to sail into dangerous water or toward rocks

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

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