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Jake is so polite

newtboy says...

Every video of this doggy daycare pickup service I see I can’t believe how well behaved and quiet they all are.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahahaaaaaa! Aaaaaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaaaaaa-hahahahahaaaaa!
You are such a silly little boy.

“New product issues”. That’s what you call the utter failure of the cybertruck ending in a mandatory recall of all of them, and the abysmal build quality of Teslas. By “addressed” you mean ignored and denied like in the past?

Another fan boy gonna try to excuse the horrific build quality, the poor design, the failure of multiple advertised features, the inability to get a pickup truck wet or it voids the warranty (including car washes which are required daily to avoid rust), the lower than advertised range, the unsafe features that can cut all your fingers off if you aren’t extremely careful, the faked tests and demonstrations, the loss of market share to better non cyber trucks for half the cost or less, and the hyper political man baby who runs the company and takes the profits?

Sorry Charlie, the cyber truck is recalled for multiple safety and quality reasons. Orders are being cancelled, and couldn’t be filled anyway, production is crawling and slowing down. You just used Tesla laying off over 10% of its workforce to imply the economy was failing (stupidity, your name is bob, should have read your cut and paste), now you try to pretend it’s doing great and only getting better. That’s how I know you still have that Tesla stock, otherwise you would be complaining with the rest of his customers/investors. 😂
Being first to market was all Tesla had going for it, now thanks to mismanagement it squandered that advantage and has a bad reputation, unlike its better designed competitors.

Tesla is offering deep discounts because sales have slumped.

bobknight33 said:

NEw product issues will be addressed.

If you want to truly know about the cyber truck.

Putting Ya Back Into It!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re really deepthroating Elon’s Nazi loving cock lately.
You claimed you sold all your “all in on one” stock before the crash (you said that after the crash to pretend you didn’t lose your shirt, not before or during)…it’s pretty obvious that was another lie or you wouldn’t be such a fan boy still pushing everything Tesla.

Wait for actual customer reviews of the cybertruck, not Tesla propaganda. They never come close to their own hype. Customers of their cars complain about build quality constantly…that’s going to be a killer in a pickup that needs great construction to take the abuse a pickup is designed to take…especially at over $100k.

This truck is years behind promised delivery, with 2/3 the towing capacity, less range, and double the price promised. No bullet proof windows (what a failure that was), and there are MULTIPLE better options available. This idiotic looking truck won’t sell 1/2 what Ford does of the lightning, which costs 1/2 the price and looks great, not like an origami project.
Also, Fords aren’t publicly tied to Naziism, fascism, or extremist far right lies like Elon is…and electric vehicles are clearly marketed towards people who believe in issues like climate science, so liberals. Liberals are less likely to buy a car from a company who constantly and nastily uses their money to advance politics they abhor, which explains the poor Tesla sales since Elon came out as a far right extremist, racist, abusive boss with a 4 year old’s temperament.
Driving a Tesla today is literally funding racist fascism, and the customer base doesn’t support fascism, and you fascists don’t buy EVs.

Ohhhh….Trump was just caught illicitly moving $40 million out of his NY businesses for personal use without reporting it to the court appointed monitor he has been ordered to report any transfers to. Expect a huge fine or remand. 😂


BSR says...

I only pickup dead weight. Sure, some are 400 lbs or more but I got a helper that takes the head end because he's younger than me. Work smarter not harder.

I once knew a girl that asked me if I was strong. Of course I told her yes. She spit on the ground and said, "OK, pick that up".

newtboy said:

That body builder couldn’t lift a piece of paper….
….if you taped it to his back.

I never understand the thought behind creating huge muscles that limit your range of motion so much. Sure, you can bench 500 lbs, but can you even scratch your own nose? I’m much more impressed by rock climbers that can do one pinky pull-ups all day long but look like weak computer nerds until their shirts come off.

Tesla investor day 2023

newtboy says...

What utter fan boy nonsense.
Tesla is poised to sell 10 billion humanoid robots!?! 😂
Tesla is going to outlast the big auto manufacturers!?! 😂

They still haven’t been capable of producing their pickup truck, Ford has.
Their semi truck has horrific range and capacity issues.
Tesla can’t sell the cars they’re making. They are no where near capacity or even profitability at their factories and are cutting production because they can’t sell their inventory even with major discounts.
Tesla build quality is not up to industry standards, and Teslas don’t hold their value on par with other EVs.

Q Bob- why are you still hyping Tesla when you claim you sold all yours when it crashed? Was that a lie? 🤦‍♂️


moonsammy says...

Oops this turned into a semi rant. But I am legitimately open to discussion here, and am curious to get your thoughts on a few points Bob. That is, IF you're willing to actually think about them beyond the level of repeating talking points.

I find it interesting how divergent the two overall "sides" are in this country, in terms of where they focus. None of the issues brought up in this video are really on the radar of most progressives, beyond being aware some on the right are talking about them. And I'm guessing a lot of the concerns progressives discuss rarely come up in your chosen media landscape. A lot of the issues in the video are largely off of my radar, and I have to wonder how you feel they should be addressed - like, actual proposed solutions rather than just complaining about / worrying about them.

We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers

How many should there be? Arguably we have more than one already: there's Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and it seems that Sept 11th is often used for the purpose as well.

I'd argue we should spend more time acknowledging and understanding the principals behind WHY our soldiers died in the various conflicts which caused them to fall in the first place. Let's make sure our citizenry appreciates what we collectively rejected in the Revolutionary war. Why it was important that we kept the country together rather than allowing the south to split off in the mid-1800s. Why we chose to honor our diplomatic agreements and support our allies in WW1. Why we fought against the countries and governments we did in WW2. What our goals were in Korea and Vietnam, and what lessons we learned from those conflicts and from the Cold War in general. Commemorating and remembering those we've lost absolutely matters, but if we're ONLY doing that while forgetting why they fought OR ignoring what we learned then we're doing them an equal or greater disservice. Remember that America was built on the idea of forming "a more perfect union" - not a perfect one, a MORE perfect one - a work in progress. We're striving towards an ideal, not assuming we're already there. Learning from our past successes, failures, and our struggles around both outcomes is vital. If our self-analysis is no deeper than hero worship we'll never make real progress towards that theoretical perfect union.

The only mask that's gonna save us is duct tape on their mouths

Yeah, sound medical advice and evidence-based science is terrifying. Better to shut up those whose words we dislike, because we're reactionary authoritarian babymen. I truly do not understand being more afraid of reasonable safety measures than of a virus which has been shown to cause serious harm in the short and long terms. The only reason this "masks = liberal / maskless = conservative" crap came about is because politics has devolved to the level of team sports in the US, and one party has chosen "the opposite of whatever our political opponents say" as their entire governing philosophy. (And yes, ONE party - research and understand the GOP's 2020 platform if you want to argue the point.) This video even seems to reach a reasonable conclusion at the end, while coming up just short of that final logical leap to "maybe I should question what the public faces of MY side have been claiming in this Us vs Them madness." Seriously - keep going friend, you're almost there! George Washington was 100% right in wanting to avoid political parties being a force in the US, and it makes me immensely sad that his fears came true.

Big oil runs the world / the only wars to get fought are with the countries who have natural resources they want

Solid point here, no sarcasm. The US military has long been a tool of our profit-driven form of "free market" imperialism. A really great way to combat this, specifically with an eye to ending Big Oil's goddamn death grip on our foreign policy goals, would be an aggressive implementation of renewable energy projects. Remember the space race? America can be an absolute beast at clever engineering solutions when we dedicate ourselves to it. Fuck the petrostates, we have the available land and resources to absolutely kick ass in the realms of solar and wind power, and be leaders in the the post-hydrocarbon reality. We can certainly agree on that, right Bob? Left / Right nonsense fully aside, I think any reasonable American can agree on at least two points: let's stop sending heaps of cash to buy oil off of the Saudis (etc), and Fuck Cancer.

But if a white man acts too white he's white trash / he's a racist he's a bigot he's a monster

What the fuck is this horseshit? What does "acting too white" even fucking look like? Watching NASCAR on a sailboat while listening to polka? Typically when I see racism from white people it's in the form of denying that brown-hued people deal with any additional difficulties in life due to their skin tone, or denying that there have been structural obstacles for them through history, or lamenting that their white children are being burdened with a broader lens on culture or with (gasp! shock!) an accurate accounting of actual US history, including the ugly bits that we shouldn't be proud of (but MUST learn from). I'm progressive / lefty as fuck and there is no aspect of "white culture" or "acting white" which upsets me in the slightest. UNLESS one counts "denying racism exists / has ever existed" as a fundamental value of being white. Which... why would anyone want to claim that nonsense? If you want to listen to classic country music in a rusty pickup truck while driving to an evangelical church, then discuss hockey over Buds after 18 holes with the rest of your tractor pull team, then absolutely go nuts my fellow caucusoid! Just recognize and understand that your life experiences may not be the same as those of others. Further, if we care about trying to avoid unnecessary, avoidable unfairness in life (recognizing that life will never truly be fair, for anyone), then it might be reasonable for some governmental / legal / structural recognition in furtherance of that notion. There is absolutely room for legitimate policy disagreement here without being accused of racism. It's denial of others' reality which tends to garner the label of racist (sexist etc) - steer clear of denying the lived experiences of other people, allow for the possibility they may have encountered difficulties you haven't / won't, and we've room for further discussion.

Edit / final point: I voted the video back up to 0 from the -1 where I found it. Because while I disagree with a lot of the positions taken by the performer, they may have reached them through no fault of their own and with no true malice. Misinformation / disinformation is a devious shit of a motherfucker, and the rot it causes can run deep. It is painful to abandon deeply-held beliefs, on a fundamental level. If nothing else, the video gives us room to discuss some specific viewpoints held by people who think of themselves as good, but which can lead to harm.

Tesla BLOWS AWAY Expectations. (Q2 2022 Recap )

newtboy says...

Clearly better than you, as I don’t just make up numbers or ignore losses of 1/8 the value and pretend they never happened. Also I seem to know what Elon has stated as his plans for the business better than you, I knew he plans to fire 10% across the board while you are convinced he’s going to expand.

Cherry picking?! You said down from its high this year, I went from Jan 3, it’s high this year, to yesterday’s close. Now you call that cherry-picking?
It’s not about a date , dummy, it’s about it’s high for the year, the point YOU picked. WTF is wrong with you?

If chicken was overpriced by 7 times but other meats aren’t, and then chicken dropped by 20%, it’s still a TERRIBLE buy. Same with Tesla, but chicken isn’t also priced based on how nutty Foghorn Leghorn acts, Tesla is, and Elon is acting CRAZY. I’m somewhat surprised you stick with him, Trump has totally abandoned him and now says Tesla is a terrible investment. Even if you stick it out, lots who listen to Trump are getting out. That’s going to hurt for a while. Another self inflicted wound.

Yeah, sure buddy. Just keep telling yourself that. Tesla is dropping off a cliff, unlike other car companies, and it’s all Biden’s fault (only the losses, not the gains). Tesla’s losses are self inflicted, and there’s more to come.

Growth is good, but you must ignore that it was so insanely overpriced that it really doesn’t matter, the price is not tied to any growth or income, it’s pure speculation…PE still 110. A decent PE is below 20.
Record capacity….but it’s never been close to full capacity so that’s meaningless. It’s still stymied by chip availability, battery availability, and parts availability for their battery factories so they can’t even make their new batteries their new car models require, and Tesla isn’t first in line for chips, Ford and Chevy are. If you could only produce 100 cars a month and now you made 103…that’s record production, but still failing miserably.

Edit: Not a good sign that cybertruck and the electric semi truck are now delayed indefinitely. Ford is going to beat Tesla to the pickup truck market with a truck that doesn’t look like a bad 80’s sci-fi movie prop. If major semi manufacturers do the same, and manage to solve the weight limit issue two expensive product lines will totally fail. Elon is clear, neither will be released this year, next year is a maybe at best….but as designed they aren’t competitive with diesel trucks for range or load capacity.

Yeah, sure, everybody else is hurting Tesla to hurt YOU. It’s not slumping because it’s in financial straights, can’t produce cars anywhere near full capacity (or at a profit yet?), is burning through BILLIONS every month, and has an owner that clearly doesn’t care one whit about tanking the stock with impulse moves like offering $45 billion for a company not worth $20 billion.
I don’t let politics control my investments….and mine have not lost 32% this year, you have (and you pretend it’s only 20% because you lie even to yourself).

Again, if it grows 50% (and I don’t think Tesla has btw) but is overpriced by over 10 times (it was in Jan) it needs to keep it up for 20 years with no stock increase to break even and actually be worth the price. Any stock with a PE over 100 is horrific.

You claimed down 20% this year, then blew up when I showed it’s actually down 32% and massively overpriced. Why on earth would anyone take advice from someone so dishonest with even the values? Especially someone so divorced from reality as you?

Tesla is losing subsidies, can’t produce at profitable levels,and SAID they’re downsizing by 10%.
Yes, the EV vehicle category is due to explode, but Tesla is at full capacity (as much as they’re capable, not full factory capacity) and is about to get MASSIVE competition from the big 3, with insanely more production capacity, better supply chains, and subsidies they haven’t burned through yet. Tesla can’t keep up with demand, but they’re nearly the only game in town….but not for long. Expect demand for Teslas to plummet when electric Mustangs, Corvettes, SUVs, pickup trucks, etc start rolling off the lines in big numbers later this year, EV’s that are on par with Teslas (or better) and that customers don’t have to wait a full year for delivery…there have been multiple times recently when Elon said he would stop taking orders because he can’t produce them.

We had an apple in the home by ‘80, and stock soon after. They weren’t at a PE over 100. They also were doing terribly before they gambled on the cell phone industry. Derp.

There’s a reason you think I know everything….I can read. When there’s a topic I’m ignorant about, I read about it, and don’t just look at one source. I try to get multiple different opinions, the facts, and history of any topic, then reply. You listen to admitted liars and nut jobs Alex Jones or Beck and think you know it all. Lol. Such a silly, constantly projecting little boy you are.

Really….it’s certainly something to Tesla. Yes, I want him to be held to the contract he signed. Yes, it will hurt Tesla more than the $1 billion drop in assets for NOTHING, because it’s an undeniable example of Elon’s recklessness and poor business sense. I don’t care one whit if he buys or not, I want him to follow the contract he signed. If he does buy, though, it might end Tesla. $45 billion from its coffers (for assets worth well under $20 billion) would be a death nail.

MSNBC agrees with me? News to me. I come to my own decisions, little boy. I don’t need them spoon fed to me, and I understand why I invest as I do. I made money this year, did you?
(I know, if you’re honest about being all in on Tesla, you lost massively, 1/3 of your portfolio in 6 months, and you still think you’ve got it all right, you know everything there is to know about investing, so much you spend lots of time being an unpaid salesman for Tesla, a stock that’s losing money hand over fist and is overpriced by at least 6 times according to professionals).

I’m one gullible dude?!? I AM!?! Er mer gerd, that’s some serious hard core projection (and a little tissy fit).

bobknight33 said:

How well do you follow Tesla? Most likely you answer is near zero. But you sure have all the answers.

Once again You foolishness is on full display. Cherry picking numbers? Thats ok

I said it was down a great amount. 20% or your 32% pick your date pick you %. Does not matter.

IF chicken was on sale 20% or 32% below normal pricing you would buy? Same with Tesla.

This is due to the overall economy. not from anything Tesla is doing. Tesla is is growing. 84% last year and 70% the year before.

This Q2 growth was only 50% . Mostly due the china shutdown. China is back up and running and at record capacity.

Biden economy and Communist fuckery is holding Tesla down , not Tesla. Hence it is a great buy.

Maybe your just a Union only guy? Thats OK.

Regardless of current stock price., who wouldn't want to buy the stock of a company growing 50% YOY?

I follow daily. I have about 1500 shares in the Tesla. And your are right I am down from that $1200 high. But I'm looking long term. 5 year min. I see explosive growth over nest 8 years.

Tesla goal is to make 20Million vehicles/year. Last year nearly 80 million vehicles were made globally. ICE vehicle sales are declining about 7% YoY since 2017. Al the while EV sales are growing.

What side of the fence do you wan t to be on? When Apple entered phone market they were a computer company. Today they have 20% of the phone market .

Apparently not the great intellectual foolish and ignorant @newtboy , who know everything about everything.

Finally, Now you want Elon to buy Twitter?
$1 billion penalty. That nothing to Elon.

Guess if MSNBC says something it must be true.
Newt, your one gullible dude, lady, sis whatever.

Kansas City Police Officer Found Guilty In 2019 Killing

newtboy says...

The best part is the 30 seconds at the end when, after his conviction, the convict hears the growing cheers from the crowds outside. Yes, the public is happy you’re convicted and most hope you die in prison.

This was a case of no crime, no suspect, but a helicopter THOUGHT a red pickup truck was chasing a purple mustang, and there might have been a collision, but none was reported, ever, no injuries, no victim, no call to police, indeed no crash, no hit and run. The victim had no gun, one was found later in the house and it sounds like they planted it in his car, probably on body camera.
Put him in gen pop, along with the other officers that backed up his lies. Another instance where every officer involved is a lying accomplice to murder and should be in prison for life without parole or special treatment just like citizens who murder a cop and stage the scene to justify an unjustifiable shooting should be.

Proud Boys And Antifa Rumble In Oregon

BSR says...

I see a tattered flag near the end of the video. I see this a lot on vehicles, mostly pickup trucks. Some to the point that only half of the flag remains.
U.S. Flag Code

§7. Position and manner of display

b. The flag should not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle or of a railroad train or a boat. When the flag is displayed on a motorcar, the staff shall be fixed firmly to the chassis or clamped to the right fender.

§8. Respect for flag

k. The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

Getting up close with currently erupting Icelandic volcano

BSR says...

Not a problem. Would you like an "in the dark of night" pickup?

Florida is void of volcanoes so there will be a small upcharge for the second final destination.

newtboy said:

I have a few old heavy rugs rolled up to toss in....DO NOT UNROLL THEM!

Really, I would like to see some natural cremation ceremonies at flows like this. It's not often people can get so close so easily, and that would be like combining a funeral pyre and Viking funeral in one.

Nikolas Plytas 2021 H2O

TheFreak says...

Upvote for the pickup truck!

Back country skiing in Colorado when I was growing up, down the hill, through the woods to a road, hitchhike back near the top, hike the last couple hundred meters, rinse, repeat.
Nine times out of 10 it was a pickup truck with snow in the back that was picking you up.

This was right before snowboarding was really a thing.

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Pickup Truck Flies Off Overpass, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 262 Badge!

newtboy (Member Profile)


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