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Arabian Man stuck on Treadmill screams like a girl

Amazing Racist: Orientals

swampgirl says...

as it should be, Krupo.. sorry I guess my point was that some of these have been out in the queue w/o being removed before. Maybe they have been since I saw last. For example the one w/ the pickup truck of Mexicans being dropped off at the Immigration office?
I was under the impression that the grey area was if this guy is satirical or just a nasty racist.

Rednecks with baseball bat pick on the wrong dude (skip the first 3 mins) (language)

djsunkid says...

I agree that it is most likely faked, but it's a great video nevertheless. Makes me think of Dead Kennedy's "Night of the Living Rednecks" only woops, Jelo's got a gun now, suckers.

Not carrying a gun myself, I think I would have called somebody who does- the police. "Hello, RCMP? Yes, there is a pickup truck behind me that is driving very erratically, I think the driver may be drunk. Could you possibly direct me to the nearest patrol car? Thanks"

Merry Go Round of Terror - Complete with Motorbike

joedirt says...

Wow. I saw the jackass stunt with rope wound up... But where did they get the idea from this?? Read the above news story. It is just sad that people add to the Darwin Awards list.

"Police said a group of teens gathered at a park at Greeley Street and Rideout Way over the weekend to re-enact a stunt they had seen on the MTV program "Jackass."

The teens attached a rope to a merry-go-round and tied the other end to a pickup truck. When the truck went forward, the ride would spin.

Bobbi MacKinnon, 16, was killed when she was thrown 75 feet from the ride and landed in the street."

Reporter Nearly Gets Nailed at Dangerous Intersection

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