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Cops say legalize drugs, ask them why

Cops say legalize drugs, ask them why

cybrbeast says...

yaroslavvb, you say that being able to jail meth-heads on sight is a plus for prohibition so you can get property offenders. If drugs were legal you can make sure the real addicts get their product for a lower price or free so that they don't have to steal.
In my home town Utrecht, The Netherlands, there is free heroin distribution and user places for registered addicts. It's working great, the addicts steal much less and they get better conditions because they have clean and warm places to use the drugs. Many addicts have even started low skill jobs or quit altogether because they receive good help. Also there are much less new addicts than there used to be, but that has more to do with education. Education is really important if you want to legalize drugs.

I'm not for complete legalization, I'm more for regulation. So besides a regular pharmacy they should also have a recreational pharmacy. The product is of good quality, so safer and less chance of overdose. There is trained staff who can give advice and a booklet with each drug, telling the true story of the dangers, not the government propaganda. These drugs could be taxed, where the taxes could be used to set up good and free addict treatment and deal with any negative side effects.
Next stop, the end of most of organized crime.

Also whatever you think of drugs and their effects, for me it always boils down to a basic principle of freedom. If this is a free country I want to be able to put anything I desire into my body. The only reason to arrest me for drugs should be if I violate someone else's freedom while on them.

Cops say legalize drugs, ask them why

entr0py says...

I have to say I agree with these guys. But what about controlled prescription drugs? I'm curious if any of you think it would be a good idea to allow people to buy any drug in a pharmacy without a prescription.

STOP IT! (Funny MadTV sketch on Psychology)

choggie says...

ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
is generally considered to be a developmental disorder, largely neurological in nature, affecting about 5% of the world's population. According to some shmoo in wiki.

Praise Allahambra, adn Bob, for this wonderful "disorder"-one if the ways to deal with it is by placing your faith, as any good born-again christian would, in expert thesis, and pharmaceutical poisons, such as Adderral, and Ritalin like most dumb asses who trust in these gods.

Some out of touch monkeys would have you engage in a less cost-effective way, psychotherapy, an option for folks who have not the slightest clue of how to know themselves, or their own bodies.

Indulge and celebrate this wonderful neurological condition. And mothers with kids that have it??? Reduce or eliminate two things from yer little ping-pong balls life, and help keep it in check. Refined sugars and television. I have traced the etiology of my own, back as far as I have been caled on being unique, and full of energy, passion, and the ability to micro-focus, and found that the worst part of ADHD, is that the others in the world, less fortunate than myself, are simply unable to keep up with the brilliance, and spectacle, and assume that there must be something causing that , which is BAD, DYSFUNCTIONAL, or whatever other labels they use to separate, control, and stupefy the masses.

Indulge and develop your own checks and balances, and leave the drugs to addictive personalities and pharmacies....

snaremop (Member Profile)

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