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5 Facts About Trump’s Indictments

newtboy says...

Once again…”just wait until Monday, Trump will prove the election fraud and his innocence at a press conference, total exoneration”, (Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow….)
Trump claimed he was going to hold a press conference and show his huge conclusive report including the evidence proving the election was stolen from him before arraignment, which he said would end what you say are nonsense allegations and indictments…
…but now SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE he won’t be holding that press conference, and won’t be releasing that report publicly but will withhold it for trial (sound familiar?).
He’s tried this exact same lie 70 times in court and lost every single time…but you’re sure it will work THIS TIME. 😂

So fun watching you rubes being insanely gullible AGAIN, still believing the guy who has NEVER told you the truth. The guy who has put everyone in his administration in serious legal jeopardy with his lies.
I bet you believe Trump, who is in fact a convicted rapist, liar, and fraud, who claims all the Jan 6 evidence has been destroyed despite it being publicly archived and listed in discovery in one of Trump’s trials and turned over to his team already.

It’s fun because everyone outside the cult sees it now, sees how ridiculous and dumb his lies (and yours) are…and his lies aren’t gaining him a single vote and won’t fly in court.
You are being played again.

bobknight33 said:

Fun watching the left being gullible. You are being played, again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

To the uninformed you make a point. One based on no knowledge of facts.
Truly you do not follow TESLA.

Stock fell mainly due to their gross margin only being 19%. Typically they they have been running at around 26%

The economy is sucking and adjustments are being made by Tesla.
On investor day they indicated that they would sacrifice gross margin in order to keep on the path of rapid growth. Their growth target is go from 2022 1.4 million to 2023 1.8 +million vehicles made. Q1 they made roughly 420K.

newtboy said:

Tesla lost another 10% on Thursday…$51 billion in value…far more than other car companies….what are you going to blame for that?
6th price cut on cars this year.
Not competitive on the used car market either, other ev’s hold their value better.

Jerry Springer Evil kids

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You sure are. Look at the idiotic nonsense you believe.

This information is directly from the DOJ, not your bogey man THE MEDIA.

Yeah…I’ve seen Fox crying about Biden saying you’re fascists, moaning that he’s dividing us….but how quickly you forget your own slogan….”FUCK YOUR FEELINGS SNOWFLAKES!” If MAGA tears are flowing, we are on the right path. 22+ years of divisive politics from the right calling Democrats everything in the book including pedophile vampires, but calling fascism fascism is going too far. Eat a bag of baby dicks.

Those committing espionage against the United States are the real enemies of the American people, the same people who tried to overthrow the Democratic government.

Several have ended in nothing because the DOJ and AG were acting as Trump’s personal lawyers defending him from government charges instead of how it’s supposed to work where they levie the charges, these are court findings not opinion. Barr was a cover up guy, not the US AG. This is different because he no longer controls the federal prosecutors…and because of the undeniable nature of the multiple serious crimes. Just having the files is a felony he committed hundreds of times, keeping them unsafe is also a felony, lying about having them another felony…he did all 3 hundreds of times over.

Sorry, the DOJ releases are’t spin, they are facts…and facts are he illegally stole dozens/hundreds of top secret documents and kept them unsecured and lied about it repeatedly.

You’re the one squirming in a puddle, buddy.

Yeah, just wait until every scintilla of evidence has been proven in court, like you always do, right? 🤦‍♂️ remember Clinton? You couldn’t keep from pooping your diaper over her for years….over .01% the crimes already proven here…so little it wasn’t criminal, just negligent. This is criminal, intentional, intentionally hidden and lied about under penalty of perjury, and likely shared with hostile foreign powers already with potentially deadly consequences….so suddenly to your ilk national security at the highest level is partisan, only cared about by liberals and only then to hurt Marmalade Mussolini.

So far everything I’ve reported about this treason by the disgraced ex president has turned out to be correct, while every nonsense excuse you give is just that, nonsense.

Lol…EVERY election fraud scheme, and there were many, was a Republican scheme perpetrated by Republicans to get more votes for Trump. EVERY SINGLE ONE little boy. Election fraud was done by Trump and the Trumpists over and over and over and over… multiple times, all Trumpists…trying to invalidate millions of valid votes, Trump… The election fraud fraud was also PURE Trump….idiot. That’s the big fraud among multiple small frauds….then the coup, Trump. Such insane delusion…only a true moron could be so gullible. YOU CANNOT POINT TO ONE ACTUAL DEMOCRATIC ELECTION FRAUD CASE only nonsense lies Fox fed you, I’ve shown you dozens of actual, prosecuted Republican frauds. (Being told by election officials you qualify to vote when you don’t, then registering to vote does not count btw)

bobknight33 said:

Media is meant to divide people, hype stories just for $. They are the real enemy of the American people.

So far every Anti Trump event has ended in a nothing burger. Should this be any different?

Finally we don't know the truth -- Just spin from all sides -
Quit wetting you panties until something real happens.

Go weed your garden and enjoy the beautiful day.

FYI Election fraud was done by the Democrat party not Trump

Good parenting

bobknight33 says...

Love how you blame everyone else but these kids parents.

I've just gleaned the YT comments no raciest statements. I see 1 ifffy statement .

This is heartbreaking to think these babies are part of our futures. This is depressing to see how these babies are allowed to talk and act towards adults/authority.

The child is just imitating what he sees around him and acts out.

Just think one of us will be privileged enough to be robbed and murder by these future criminals. Thank you greatest ally!

Dangerous even when young.

Instead of preschool, they should be in pre-jail.

They'll grow up to be very productive citizens I'm sure.

If you think this is bad you should see how they talk to females.

Lord have mercy on our souls! These children are barely school age where are their parents or guardian?

Jaw dropping. While there is very little speaking this video says so much! You have to wonder what kind of nightmare their lives are.

Kid's got a bright future.

That child is an innocent soul, ready to soak-up like a sponge whatever is taught to him; if it's loving kindness or hateful abuse, he will show the world what he's learned. Parents must be proud to have put this innocent human on a path that will surely ruin him.

But as narrow minded as you are...Im sure you will single this out..

I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.

100 comments and 1 or 2 bad and you little racist mind blankets all comments.

Sad you you see only bad. Most likely a result of bad parenting .

You should try online therapy . You really need help

newtboy said:

Yeah, @bobknight33. Not surprised you post this. I went to the YT page and read the comments from your “alpha news” cohorts….pretty ugly blatantly racist stuff, buddy. Bad enough I’m shocked YT hasn’t suspended the channel.
I can only guess what you were searching for when you found this.

Your people, saying we are a different species…calling people “human” in quotation marks and laughing.
You are a real, racist piece of work, pal. You are so racist, you don’t think calling people subhuman, non human, or saying directly “there’s an N problem” is noticeable or remarkable, that’s everyday normal conversation to you.

I’m 99.96% certain this is how you wish your children reacted to liberals.

Jesus fuck….you really love to make yourself despicable, don’t you.

Calling all sifters to downvote this racist post into oblivion ASAP.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

luxintenebris says...

don't bother w/33's postings anymore. most are just fools' gold.

did watch one of that pinched-face lunker videos some time ago...up to the point where he called others 'idiots' just before he proclaimed Thomas was the first black man on the SCOTUS.

not always fun to see such a self-own. mainly, because none of his hyena pack knew any difference.

a true fool.

so guess that makes bob a fool's fool.

for BK there are two paths; find the courage and admit your errors, or double down on dumb.

Can hear the Dragnet theme from here: dumb, de-dumb-dumb, dummmb

What a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power
To reason away

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

For my understanding, the general meaning of the word "Zionism" is vastly changed throughout the eras. And there isn't a homogeneous kind of Zionism anyway. What kind of "Zionist agenda" the people/government living in the land of "Israel/Palestine" in the 30-50s to today had in mind and pushing for is totally different. Let's be concerned with today's general definition of Zionism, as mostly defined by the Likud and the other far-right/Nationalist parties in today's Israel shall we?

Also, I can't imagine there are a whole lot of countries that would deny Israel's right-to-exist (like, physically, wholeheartedly want to wipe them of the face of the earth kind, NOT the expedient, political rhetorics for their own domestic consumption kind). And those that could really be crazy enough, like Iran, I constantly (naively?) felt the Ayatollahs would rather opt for silent, staus-quo relations than go to war with Israel (they must see the Ukraine invaison and see Russia/Putin isolation as a lesson, they can't afford to put themselves in the same position as Putin's in a Israel/Iran war. The Ayatollahs don't have even Iranian people standing behind them).

The good is that for Israel vs. the Arab countries, trust building is possible, but incredibly slow -- it only takes one wrong step to negate a mile of trust building -- but still, the past few years have seen some Arab countries opening up bilateral embassies with Israel along wiht increased trades & direct flights, etc.

The no good, very bad news of the statehood issues, daily IvP conflict, land grabs and from low-level militray incursions to the occasional missiles trading military operations, are happening far too often. Thus making hard-core Zionism, support of Hamas, the isolation of the Palestinian people & economy, etc. all the more severe. None of these are paths towards peace and/or creating the conditions for mutually agreeable settlement. All the flashpoints needs to be addressed in an even-handed way. But we just don't see balance in the media and/or the world political arena.

I Asked AI To Make A Music Video - This Is The Result

newtboy says...

Tuning out of star-light, the innocent lifetime flickers and flashes onto a canvas. But no, nobody seems worth it

And while the feeling's sophisticated, the view is so restrained. The past is nearing closer, and closer I fear.

So let's just cut the bullshit, and tell me who's independent. Thumbs twiddling' and your life's escaping your mind

Keep In mind, well the air ain't as free as it used to be but that's quite alright while you're still eighteen

It seems, to be, and i'll tell you who's over-rated. What's a beautiful person with some hideous dreams?

And while the lining isn't silver, we're verging on the side of the road, that'll take us home.

The edge of us is getting weighed, read about your life in your local papers.

Realize, the end of us is getting near, you're just a droplet of paint trickled off your canvas.

Delirious, illusions flowing backwards through the river of colour while we analyze to try to see it clearer. Secretly appealing to a lonely prisoner. Now what's your vision?

Initiate your shading, blend the universe together in time it only gets a little easier. Suddenly you piece yourself back together. Now what's your vision?

And I don't wanna have to give a damn about you or your inhibitions.

After all, you're the one who taught me love was not for every body.

However, I'm starting to see this world in the right light, yet still gets darker.

You see, it's just a simple symphony, or a painting? Whatever

This unnatural path, it spans infinitely, but my world is crumbling.

Let it collapse into the abyss, in the midst of summer it won't exist.

This emptiness, it's just a blank slate, waiting for a painter to interfere.

It's quite complex, but what do I know?

Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

dogboy49 says...

After reading all your material, and after reading your rants on the other thread, my belief is reinforced that the best path is still the suggestion I noted above:

"If abortion should be considered to be a "right", then so amend the Constitution".

Bye Felicia.

newtboy said:

The Fourth Amendment explicitly affirms the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” The Fifth Amendment in its Self-Incrimination Clause enables the citizen to create a zone of privacy which government may not force him to surrender. The 14th amendment “due process clause” has been interpreted to also affirm a right to privacy.

Sure sounds like rights to privacy are right there in the bill of rights though, an addendum to the constitution, as explained in numerous Supreme Court rulings.

<SIGH>. I thought you said “Pedantry is tiresome. Tell your friends.” Maybe take your own advice?

Some light reading…. In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in McCorvey's favor ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides a "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's right to choose whether to have an abortion. It also ruled that this right is not absolute and must be balanced against governments' interests in protecting women's health and prenatal life.[4][5] The Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the three trimesters of pregnancy: during the first trimester, governments could not prohibit abortions at all; during the second trimester, governments could require reasonable health regulations; during the third trimester, abortions could be prohibited entirely so long as the laws contained exceptions for cases when they were necessary to save the life or health of the mother.[5] The Court classified the right to choose to have an abortion as "fundamental", which required courts to evaluate challenged abortion laws under the "strict scrutiny" standard, the highest level of judicial review in the United States.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hey Bob, do you know….who is “Trucker” Randy Bishop?
I’ll tell you since he’s playing make believe, he’s a far right wing radio host and Trump lover who’s running for the senate in Michigan (as a far right wing Trump loving racist anti gay fake Democrat…wtf is that!?) who complains that all families aren’t all white anymore, and race mixing should be outlawed, he shouldn’t have to see it on tv, and whines that black Americans own the nation, the media, the politicians, and the public schools.

Bishop was ranting about the media indoctrinating children through TV commercials, just like racist Trumpist often do (but never Democrats)….

“You will not believe what this country looks like in 20, 30, 40 years from now,” he said during the show, “If we continue down this path with public indoctrination of our kids and their socialist and communist agenda. What is it? Destroy the nuclear family.”

A few seconds later he clarified how the nuclear family is being destroyed.

“Now every single commercial has a biracial mom and dad,” Bishop said in the show.

“I can’t even watch a college basketball tournament without commercials telling me that I have to feel guilty,” Bishop said, “Because I think a family should be a white mom a white dad and white kids.”

Let me guess, 1) you think this proves Democrats are racists (he’s about as much a Democrat as Regan or Dick Cheney or Manchin) and 2)you would vote for him.

Btw, Michigan Democratic Party has denounced him, said they will not support his candidacy, and are deeply insulted this far right wing racist would pretend to align himself with them.

“Views such as the ones Trucker Randy Bishop espouses have no place in the Democratic Party. Candidates who say or believe these things are not welcome. Randy Bishop is not a Democrat, he is a dishonest minor social media personality that enjoys getting attention from making outrageous statements. He shows nothing but disrespect to our system of government by using a run for elected office to promote his personal agenda, entirely based on lies, hate and fear.
Disgusting racist belief systems are not welcome in the Democratic Party and frankly should not be welcome in any political party or community. We will not support his efforts to run for Senate and find it deeply insulting that he would dare to put a D next to his name.“
“With dangerous views such as this, this individual masquerading as a Dem has no business anywhere near any branch or level of government or in policymaking. Calling for the erasure of entire families/groups of people, is another example of & in line with the backwards, heinous views & actions clinging to white supremacy that we’ve been seeing in anti-history & anti-LGBTQ bills & it’ll only get worse w/someone like this in office.”

Republicans, on the other hand, have been supporting him for years, with Republican senators, representatives, and others often going on his show, including supporting his failed campaign as a Republican for the same seat.

More blatant Republican dishonesty, racism, intolerance, vitriol, and more dishonesty. Par for the course if you’re a Republican. You guys REALLY need to stop huffing the keyboard duster.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

You’re arguing with the mirror, buddy. There’s one anti American, anti democratic, anti fact, delusional cultist here. ROTFLMFAHS!!! You’re so silly.

Whine some more, kiddo. More sour grapes from infantile sore losers. You only insult yourself with these kindergarten insults. Your opinion is less than worthless. You calling me a “Tool” for the left only verifies I’m on the right path, if you had something nice to say, I would re-examine my position immediately. You are such a ridiculous full fledged cultist in a failed cult of personality. Keep screaming into the dark.

You CLEARLY hated Obama because he was black, you liar. Called him a Kenyan (as an insult), a Muslim (as an insult), a thug, and in private much much worse. Lie to yourself, we know the truth, and you are a well known verified racist liar no one trusts to ever tell the truth.

You also CLEARLY have problems with strong women too. Hated Clinton for being a woman in power. Pretend you aren’t sexist, it won’t fool anyone, you are a well known constant liar, who would listen to you complimenting yourself?

You hate Harris for the same reasons. Being black, and being a woman. Her being intelligent, professional, knowledgeable, reasonable, level headed, well spoken, and accomplished only pisses you off, doesn’t it?

I and really totally disagree, but after Trump, leadership skills aren’t a prerequisite, and you have no leg to stand on. That’s it.

We’ve never had a leader with less, worse leadership skills than Trump, who never led anyone who wasn’t willing to follow him literally anywhere. Jim Jones was a better leader, he actually cared about those he misled….Trump doesn’t care one whit about anyone not named Trump, and when the chips are down, only people named Donald John Trump. That’s it.
Her leadership skills are infinitely better than her MIA predecessor, Pence, his were non existent.

Obama led conservatives from depression to a healthy economy. True, they obstructed him for the entire 8 years, but he was leader enough to make serious progress anyway, including growth that eclipsed Trump’s dismal 1% gdp growth per year, and health care for all Americans.

Woefully diminished is still exponentially better than his predecessor, whose cult tried to overthrow the government and make us a dictatorship. I still blame him for Trump, if he had run in 2016, the nation, probably the world, would be in such better shape it would be unrecognizable.
I wanted Butigieg, a super smart, knowledgeable, thoughtful, disciplined, younger president, but Biden kicked Trump’s ass despite multiple massive Republican fraud schemes, so he is a major success. That’s it. Nothing can change that…just like no attempted rewriting of history can make Trump anything but a massive failure on every front.

Go pander your idiotic cultist babbling somewhere else. You only come here to troll, no one ever agrees with you besides your sock puppet accounts, you just enjoy being a nasty liar, trying to trigger libtards with nonsense and prejudice. Here’s the problem, Bob. It doesn’t work when you have no real gripes to complain about and no one cares what you think.

I note you still can’t say who she slept with or how that got her elected….I did explain the top two in Trump’s administration got their positions by sleeping to the top, they had zero leadership skills, zero experience, and zero accomplishments. Harris is overqualified if Trump was only underqualified. He also had no leadership experience or skills. He didn’t run the companies he owned, those he tried to failed miserably, and no one goes to work for Trump twice.

Lots more whining and crying, but not a single fact in your posts, Bob. You seem allergic to fact. I understand, they tear at your fantasy world and, when you’re forced into reality, you must live with the piece of excrement you have become.

bobknight33 said:

You are beyond delusional.

A Tool of Tools for the left.

Like Obama, no give a fuck if she is black, orange or purple.
An no one cares if she is a woman.

She is lacking leadership skills. That it.

Obama had leadership skills but not conservative leadership.

Biden had skills but is woefully diminished.

Go pander your stupid thoughts elsewhere.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

bobknight33 says...

Duly noted.

Sift animosity aside, given and taken. I truly desire all to succeed.

Your statements about the economy as a whole applies to all, whether they diversify or solely own just 3 stocks or less.

I don't fear a crash of 87 or 2008. But your are right the ground beneath us is shaking. Having belief in our leaders and FED to do the the right thing is a is half harted. Even if they choose a proper corrective path it will be a bumpy ride.

You are right I am forward thinking and willing to take a few hard bumps over the next 10 years. I believe the upside is worth this risk.

I don't want a japan crash that took 25+ years to recover, or a 1929 crash which took 10 years and war to recover.

Every hard crash recovers, eventually.

If things go bad I will exit. Granted no one has perfect timing and neither do I. Will I loose 20 30% probably.

I do watch markets daily.

I'm 60 with 2 years left on the house mortgage. I will have a GE pension and hopefully some SS. Granted inflation can eat that 4K/month away but it will still help. Also I would continue to work.

And if that's not enough at least the house will be paid for and I will eat PB and J. or rice and beans.

StukaFox said:

Bob, please read this carefully. I know we fuck around a lot here, but I 100% honestly don't want to see you get hurt financially.

Obviously, if you believe in TSLA, I understand you putting your money where your mouth is (full disclosure: I'm holding POTX and CURLF, so I'm on the same page with what I'm saying on this) but PLEASE don't bet money you don't have on TSLA.

“At 10-times revenues, to give you a 10-year payback (P/E 10, my note), I must pay you 100% of revenues for 10-straight years in dividends. That assumes I can get that by my shareholders. It also assumes I have zero cost of goods sold, which is very hard for a computer company.

That assumes zero expenses, which is hard with 39,000 employees. That assumes I pay no taxes, which is very hard. And that expects you pay no taxes on your dividends, which is kind of illegal. And that assumes with zero R&D for the next 10-years, I can maintain the current revenue run rate.

Now, having done that, would any of you like to buy my stock at $64? Do you realize how ridiculous those underlying assumptions are? You don’t need any transparency. You don’t need any footnotes.

What were you thinking?”

-- Scott McNealy was the CEO of Sun Microsystems

At the peak of the Dot-Com, roughly 30 stocks in the NASDAQ 100 traded above 10 P/E. Today ALL stocks in the DAQ do: the average P/E is ~25.5.

TSLA is at a P/E of 175.

There is no American economy. There hasn't been since since October 3 of 2008. Things got catastrophically worse on September 17th of 2019 when the repo market came within hours of completely locking up in a catastrophe that would have made AIG look like a rounding error. The Fed was forced to firehose astronomical amounts of money into the system to keep this from happening and this was before Covid.

In Jan of 2021, there was $2.6 TRILLION in Zombie Debt out there. That's $2.6 TRILLION on the verge of default at 2021 interest rates. The Fed is now in a horrific position: raise rates and watch massive defaults explode like financial nukes, or keep rates steady and watch inflation implode the economy.

People don't understand how bad this is and how much worse it can get. If the Fed has to raise rates by 500 BP -- and Christ fucking help us if they do -- the first order defaults will be the worst in Capitalist history and the second and third order effects could very well be the nightmare scenario we came within 36 hours of in 2008.

Save your money, Bob. Cash is king. And fuck BTC.

From 0 to 200 km/h (124 mph) in 1 second

GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary

StukaFox says...


It would require a fairly intensive refactor to get it to work. The hardest part would be figuring out how to shoehorn GOTO into a modern BASIC interpreter since that command was taken out back and shot in the head -- and for good reason -- but with the memory and processor restrictions of computers at the time, GOTO was necessary because GOSUB required 4 bytes of stored information and a bit more processing power. There's also a number of functions that are exclusive to TRS-DOS BASIC and the Model III in particular.

At one point, I thought about moving the code from BASIC to Z-80 Assembler, but by then the first PC Jr. clones were out (I had a TRS Model 1000 and it was GREAT!) and it no longer made sense to continue doing anything on the Model III.

The worst loss is the database data, which was all the room and pathing descriptions, as well as part of the warm storage for the games. That's the part that breaks my heart to have lost.

That said, the sound over an acoustic coupler of an analog modem making a 300 bps connection is still makes me smile.

ant said:

Do you still have them? If so, then revive for the Internet!

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s this thing about bribing people that I think you’re well aware of….they don’t stay bought. Just look at Trump. He and his family personally took tens-hundreds of millions from China, talked them up for years, then turned on them when his trade talks failed.
For Biden to be under their control, he would have to be fed a constant stream of illicit money….like the Trumps all were. There is absolutely zero evidence Biden has taken a dime from the Chinese, unlike every single Trump that were all bribed publicly with millions in “gifts” from the Chinese government.

Trump didn’t nod, he outright told China they could expand in every direction, and they did under Trump….not under Biden.

Worse for the anti democracy, domestic terrorist crowd, that’s a good thing for Americans, Bobski.

Not one of those things is worse under Biden.
Inflation, happened under Trump.
Backed up ports, a red herring, Oakland port has no backup at all and is asking those stuck in LA to go there. The backup is planned. The appearance of shortages lead to rushes on goods….it’s marketing, not logistics.
Green energy is cheaper, cleaner, and a path to PERMANENT energy independence…something we absolutely did not have under Trump, we imported SO much oil, and spilled plenty.
Cost me an extra $.50- $.75 to fill my car, which happens EVERY SINGLE SUMMER Bob. Last year it didn’t because no one could go anywhere thanks to moronic Covid response that made us the absolute worst per capita for developed nations….Australian territories only closed for 8 days and had 0 deaths….did you know that Bob? They had leadership from adults, not denial from an infant.
Not higher food prices here, must be a you thing….or maybe a failed red state problem.
Empty shelves. Now I know it’s a red state thing….you’re on the east coast, so you can’t blame it on the fake shipping backup….what happened to NC that it’s fallen to shit? You know the second major factor in the shipping issues in LA are due to a much better economy and more people buying goods than last year, don’t you?
Also, do you even remember last year? Probably not. Those were empty shelves, Bob. Shortages on EVERYTHING from cars to meat to TP, even water. Literally empty shelves, not just in your fantasy world.

California has none of your problems, sounds like a red state leadership issue.

Know what else we've lost? Pandemic misinformation that's led to over 1/2 million dead Americans that need not have died and untold trillions in economic losses that need not have happened. That alone vastly outweighs every whine you've cried even if they were real and Biden's fault....which they aren't.

Let’s go Brendon….you really are proud of that cowardly whining aren’t you. You don’t even have the balls to say fuck you Biden, which we all know is what you’re saying. Sad little coward, throwing tantrums like a two year old. Nothing ever changes with you. 4 year olds have more honesty and spine than your entire failing political party combined. Cowards.

Republicans do not want Democrats to succeed, they want them expelled, or burned to death, or shot en masse. You’re such a bare faced liar and coward. You want enforced mask and vaccine mandates, free school lunches, and access to legal safe abortions? No? Then you don’t want everyone to succeed.

My portfolio has gone up more under Biden in 6 months than it lost under 4 years of Trump. He made the nation a constant victim, Biden rescued us from an abusive brain damaged parent….the kind you like. The kind I fear you likely are.

bobknight33 said:

Biden isn't being bribed He is already bought.

Build back better is a nod to the Chinese CCP leaders to fully take back HK and Taiwan,

Bidens Build back better policies have only made America worse.

backed up ports,
loss of energy independence ,
the extra 15$ to fill up the car
Higher food prices ,
Empty shelfs.

Trump caused it?
Lets Go Brendon.

Republicans want everyone to succeed. Democrats want everyone to be a victim. And Biden and his party is making this true.

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