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RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

That's a good one, Bob. We hate fake news, so we want the fake news president who's told more lies in his official capacity in 3.6 years than all presidents combined.
Another red tsunami just like 2018? I'll be on the beach waiting.

Come on Bobby, even you are better than that twaddle.

32.9% drop in GDP is a great job to you, but Obama's constant positive and higher than Trump's numbers were proof he's incompetent.
180000 dead Americans and rising faster all the time with no end in sight is a great job to you, but two dead by Ebola (a more deadly and more infectious disease btw) with zero infections in America is a horrific failure Obama should have quit over.
A conservatively estimated 30000000 jobs lost, 1/2 permanently (some estimates say over 50000000) is a great job to you.
Failed trade talks and wars that have cost us hundreds of BILLIONS in losses is a great job to you, and Obama's successful trade deals and no trade wars made him a failure.
Untold trillions wasted thanks to a disastrous pandemic response, much stolen thanks to zero oversight is a great job, but the federal loans Obama offered to halt the Republican recession were socialism because he took collateral for the money and didn't just hand it out for nothing.

Odd how America does so much better when you say we are failing, and infinitely worse when you say we are doing a great job....almost like you're rooting for our failure....comrade.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA landslide 2020 because Americans are fed up of all the fake news BS last 3.5 years

Trump doing a great job

Melania refuses to hold Trump's hand stepping off Air Force

BSR says...

My youngest son lives a couple of miles from Bemidji along with my 6th grandchild, a girl. Drove up there about a month ago to see her for the first time in person. She is almost 2 years old. It was great to see her but with the pandemic it was a little heartbreaking because I couldn't hold her or squeeze her little feet.

I've been to Bemidji a few times. I used to do Over The Road Vehicle Testing for a company that is owned by Jack Roush back in 2013. One of the offices is at the Bemidji airport. We would drive the vehicle from Florida to that office for more testing in the cold environment then fly back to Florida after drop off. Sometimes we would have to drive another car back.

I loved that job. Got to see a lot of the country with that one, all expenses paid.

moonsammy said:

I'm Minnesotan. We have a weird collective tendency to say something bland but genial in place of blunt honesty (aka
"Minnesota nice"), and inserting a bit of subtle sarcasm is an informal pastime. I've had literal decades of practice, though it feels subtlety has become rather pointless of late.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What?!? How is that possible? You said he's lost it, rambles incoherently, and has no plan. Don't tell me you were W-w-w-w....w-w-w-w....wrong.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Exactly what people need. FTFY

It took Trump 3 to erase those gains and then some. Too fast.
Cut taxes and removed regulations and billionaires did great, but not average citizens who lost purchasing power and didn't see a tax cut they can notice but now owes $88000 and rising fast thanks to the exploded debt and deficit, and has seen insane cost of living increases and decreases in public services in that time....and now thanks to his failure handing the pandemic, we're teetering on great depression.

Just look at over 50000000 jobs lost, and how many businesses lost, and GDP the worst drop ever exponentially, and no investment in America but massive leveraging our assets....that's jobs lost and wages dropping.

Um...I don't want sniffy poo Trump. I guess you forget he does far more than sniff little girls with his best friend Epstein, including his underage daughter, pageant contestants, even random ten year olds he sees in public and dreams out loud of dating soon.

Every day you get more deluded, it's almost impressive you keep bringing up Trump's disgusting habits by accident....maybe it's not an accident?

He might, the fix is overwhelmingly in on uncountable fronts and I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again. If he manages to steal enough votes through his many schemes, he just might win the electoral college again....he's never won an election in 4 tries.

bobknight33 said:

yep I did, Joe was alert and presented himself well.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Not exactly what people need.

it took 8 years for Biden/Obama to bring America back. Too slow. Trump came in cut taxes and slashed regulations and America took off.
Just look at the DOW Up some 12000 points. That growth, That Jobs Thats better wages in the making.

You can have the little girl sniffer. Americans will pick Trump.

Trump will whoop Ass Nov 3rd.

California Veteran Carlos Zapata Warns Shasta County Board..

kir_mokum says...

it's pretty hilarious that americans think working jobs is how money is made. you guys have more than enough money to keep your people fed, roofs over their heads, and bills paid, which keeps the economy going, keeps people calm, and able to isolate in a pandemic.

Trump and Fox Struggle to Attack Sen. Kamala Harris

newtboy says...

You must be joking.
He may have more support among those still calling themselves Republicans, but there are insanely fewer of those today, #walkaway, and his approval among independents has tanked from it's low starting point, and among democrats it's non existent. Also, he's the incumbent, can't get none of that there reform when you're the incumbent, and that was his ONLY selling point. Also, you don't have Biden cheating the election process like Clinton, so fewer turning away from the Democrats.
All these anti Trump commercials are produced by Republicans, Bobby, not Democrats, not Russia, not China, Republicans. I've lost count of the number of anti Trump Republican groups they're popping up so fast.

Democrats fed up with Joe stuttering or flubbing words (but not concepts) will go with Trump, who lost his mental grip before 2016, and finger bangs his daughters, rapes women, cheats on every wife, has a child with his daughter, and has failed at every leadership metric?!? Wow. That will be a sight to see. If they do, we will get the president we deserve, and it will end this great experiment in democracy.

You know what you complain about ALL happened under Trump's leadership, not during Biden's. Same leadership in cities, the only change was Trump that made civility and law fall apart.
Covid is only a non issue to idiots who believe Trump over literally anyone else, no matter their credentials or evidence. Above 85 IQ people understand they live in the real world where 160000 are dead and likely 500000 permanently disabled.
>160000 dead, >5 times the rate of deaths and infections than the global average including third world nations, they aren't just elderly, they do include thousands of children dead and tens of thousands brain damaged. Republicans were prepared to shut down over Benghazzi, 4 deaths...but not over 160000, even knowing not shutting down will extend the pandemic, extend the shutdowns, extend the national isolation, extend the depression, and cost the U.S. trillions upon trillions more in excess costs and losses, all of which could have been avoided by shutting down two weeks earlier and mandating masks, but Trump didn't, so we are the worst effected nation on earth in nearly every way.

Why are you still getting information from the Don the con? He's steered you wrong at every single turn.

bobknight33 said:


I'll say it.

Trump will win by a fucking landslide.

More supporters today than 2016. Democrats fed up with the far left of their party, not to mention Finger Banging JOE loosing his mental grip will push Trump to victory.

The fake news, BLM rioters, Democrat lead cities dumping on Blue lives, cutting funding. Crime spiking, looting, murder rates spiking will lead to total victory.

Covid is a non issue. People want to go tow work not be ordered by Democrat mayors, Governors to stay shut down.

Covid death rates are low % , except elderly, and not worth the economic damage to people, states, nation.


newtboy says...

Just absolutely wrong on every point except the post office....but consider instead of giving them the funding needed to address these problems, Trump has withheld funding for even normal operation and his appointees have already removed 10% of it's capacity, when they need to be expanding it to hold a fair and open election according to Whitehouse and CDC guidelines.
What happens when it takes 4 weeks to deliver ballots because of the intentional slowdowns and many aren't delivered before election day? Tens of millions are disenfranchised directly because of Trump's actions. A vote blocked is a vote STOLEN, so you are standing with a plan that cheats tens of millions out of their vote unequivocally in a stated plan to avoid hundreds of assumed fraudulent votes from being attempted (but likely caught so not cast).

Trump should want to fund it because holding a fair election is his duty, but he's never fulfilled a duty in his life.

Um...Covid absolutely 100% is a legitimate reason for vote by mail according to health agencies that determine such things (CDC, HHS) if any reason is needed, it's the norm in many states.
Vote by mail is not an excuse for covid, that actually is BS....but I think you meant to be contradicting the former. It's a pure lie that it's more fraudulent than in person voting, another bold faced lie Trump told you.

You can't vote outside. Social distancing while voting is going to take the lines that were 5-6 hours long in places and make them twice that long. Thousands of polling places can't be staffed because most pollsters are elderly retired people, in the most effected group and totally not safe to work, (especially since it's a given that dozens of moronic denier Trumpsters are going to show up at every open polling place unmasked insisting it's their right to vote while spreading disease and forcing their way inside), so many are being closed. How do you think in person voting could possibly work given those facts?

If your ilk would mask up, we could do that, but you all have extended and exacerbated the pandemic so badly, and in their brainless worship of Trump still claim it's ALL a hoax, never even existed, and still won't wear masks because they block oxygen and suffocate people. Because of Trump's horrific leadership, in person voting is a no go for most without risking their, and other people's lives.

Your choice for president is failing at even holding an election...not surprising, he's failed at literally every job a president has, and our nation has suffered greatly, lost international status, tens of trillions, trade, respect, jobs, and over 160000 lives directly because of Trump's leadership....and every problem I listed is getting worse daily as he floundered.

What has he done successfully in your mind besides the tax cut he gave himself, doubling the deficit? Not the economy, not employment, not safety, not health, not trade, not deals, not strengthening ties with what?

bobknight33 said:

Absentee voting and vote by mail are different.

1 has check and balances and the other doesn't.

Vote by mail is not regulated and hence cheating can occur.

There has been a good few stories about the mess this occurs. Un counted, late mail.
What happens if not postmark by NOV3? Dems will scream count them. Thats wrong.

So why would Trump want this of fund the Democrat party for this method?

Vote by mail as a excuse for covid is BS.

People shop, protest, eat work in public.

Mask up and VOTE.

Joe Biden Mental state

newtboy says...

Sho Nuff Is.
Way better than Daughter Diddling Incest Don, who can't say a full sentence in English in the last 4+ years (like someone else I know) who's still looking for the oranges of one investigation into his illicit dealings...I get why you like him, he makes you feel smart.
THIS is YOUR decrepit obese old man for 2020?!? Lol.

Again, comparing obese Donny who can't walk down a wheelchair ramp with svelte Biden riding bikes and jogging and you claim obese Trump is in perfect shape and Biden is on his death bed.

It's like taking Donny's 5+ decade history of blatant, illegal, prosecuted, vitriolic racism from red lining housing (denying it to non whites) to calling for the death penalty for black kids despite them being exonerated by DNA to Nazis and white supremacists being good people but protesters against police brutality are thugs and inhuman animals VS a few jokes with his black friends that mention race and calling Donny an anti racist and Biden a racist.


The insane desperation is shining bright these days....the only light left in your darkening world of Trump.

Edit: This entire year Donny has been so bad he ruined my Tshirt,
"Cthulhu 2020 - This time vote for the greater evil"
Now there's real confusion about who the greater evil is since he, and his sycophants are holding up recovery for more massive tax cuts for Trump, tax cuts he illegally gave himself by executive order anyway so now we're left wondering why Republicans are still refusing to move forward on recovery....maybe they're still waiting for full immunity for schools and businesses they know won't follow guidelines, causing deaths and disabilities. Republicans need immunity from the consequences of their decisions, because they know those decisions will cause American deaths and permanent disabilities they don't intend to help with or accept responsibility for.

Also worth noting, yesterday in his "pandemic briefing" (where he reads the exact same written statement he's been reading since mid July, then campaigns) he said he plans on eliminating social security....well, he said he plans on eliminating the funding for social security, the payroll tax (that costs him lots of money). He has no plan to replace that funding, so there's no other option, end social security. That's Trump's ONLY plan for next year so far, but expect a thousand more cuts when the budget numbers from 2020 are in....and America will die by those thousand cuts.

bobknight33 said:

This is you boy for 2020??

COVID Cancel Culture

COVID Cancel Culture

newtboy says...

...Or elections, which were never postponed under any circumstances but that's what's being suggested by those same people denying there's a Covid problem, because the pandemic is so terrible we can't vote....what?

How can he say H3N2 was much deadlier? By flatly lying.
H3N2 was first noted in the United States in September 1968. The estimated number of deaths was about 100,000 in the United States. Pretty clear which is actually more deadly with Covid deaths at 150000 and skyrocketing.

Just more bullshit and *lies from our favorite science denier.
Any website that's "" is going to be science deniers spouting flat earth level nonsense and lies. Duh.

wtfcaniuse said:

You could selectively choose events, including NASA launches that were cancelled just as easily.

"Much deadlier than the current one" how exactly can you determine that when the current pandemic is far from over.

COVID Cancel Culture

wtfcaniuse says...

You could selectively choose events, including NASA launches that were cancelled just as easily.

"Much deadlier than the current one" how exactly can you determine that when the current pandemic is far from over.


newtboy says...

MAGA 2020 by getting rid of Chump and his chumpets.

You need a new line, Bobby. Your team's got no maga after taking America in the wrong direction for 4 years, leaving us bankrupt, with a multi trillion dollar deficit, an exploded debt, insane unemployment, biggest GDP drop in history, no trade agreements just trade wars, worst pandemic response on the planet, horrific racist response to anti racist police abuse protests, and multiple attempts to toss the constitution.

America was great before Trump won the electoral college after losing the vote by >3 million votes, we need someone who can make it great again.
Trump's MAGA- Moscow's Agents Govern America

TangledThorns said:


Woman kicked off flight for not wearing a mask

SFOGuy says...

The surfaces--and the bathrooms in particular---totally true. The air? Can be an issue (there are studies)--but the filtration systems themselves are excellent. HEPA 99.7%. There are seating tricks; sit either first row economy ("Economy Plus") or last row of first class. Select the window seat and try to put your companion next to you or---fly an airline with empty seat policies (e.g. JetBlue). Don't rush to get on (although they are mostly now loading back to front anyway)--get on as reasonable late as you can--that way, all those people aren't walking by you exhaling on you.

The reason for the first row economy or last row first is: you don't want people walking by you all flight on the way to the bathrooms; you want to be the person walking by THEM (selfish but...); and the same with the window seating and the last-reasonable minute boarding.

Also, I carry a two zip locks on at the top of my carry on bag; one has three disposable gloves, Clorox or equivalent wipes, and Purell or equiv. etc. Move into seat out of aisle, then with gloves on, wipe down the latch to the overhead (you're going to touch it twice) and then every surface from the aisle to window that you touch---armrests, seat back display, seat back display surface, bulkhead, window shade, tray table locks, tray table both surfaces and edges, buckle, tang, seat controls, audio controls---no point to seat fabric--then roll the glove inside out with the wipes inside and put into the empty ZIploc as a trash bag. Usually two wipes does the job. Purell hands and settle in.

Been doing this since before the pandemic because I totally agree with you.

Airplane bathrooms are all about not touching surfaces with clean hands after you've cleaned them...they are staggeringly filthy. Infectious disease experts have been known to gag in horror at what gets swabbed from the sink handles, toilet flush, and door lock/handle lol. Paper towel is your friend--as our your forearms and elbows.

cloudballoon said:

...Airplane interior are nasty anyway at the best of times. Germs & virus on the surface and recycled air environment. Mask should just be mandated. "

Woman kicked off flight for not wearing a mask

newtboy says...

It's not an overreaction if she's contagious, and there's no way to know. Intentionally spreading disease is a crime, an assault. Doing it through intentional negligence is hardly mitigation.
That said, they would certainly kick me off if I did that...Edit:...probably permanently.....and rightly so. I won't fly until Covid is no longer an issue.

This year I went on Vacation, was abandoned overnight in SFO thanks to United being horrible at scheduling and keeping schedules, and my wife and I both got a sickness just like Covid, this was early February. This was pre-masks. If we were less healthy, it could easily have put us in the hospital or morgue. I fully agree, airports and planes are almost designed to spread diseases, which makes draconian enforcement of health rules mandatory when deadly airborne diseases are common, imo.

I fully agree, I'm for identifying them and creating a national master list of people to refuse treatment to. Facial recognition is commonplace today, it might as well be used for public good. Beyond the zombie theory, if doctors and nurses are in a huge conspiracy to fake a worldwide pandemic, why would people thinking that go to the same doctors for help with the fake virus? I bet mask wearing would near 100% under those circumstances, where deniers are denied treatment and forced to take personal responsibility for their actions. I've never heard of any virus denier refusing treatment, it's certainly not the norm.

cloudballoon said:

That's arguably an overreaction and the airline might kick both out.

Last year I went on a vacation, caught some nasty bug on the plane on both flights. An hour into the flight my nose starts running badly and eyes tearing up. Back to normal after a night's sleep.

Airplane interior are nasty anyway at the best of times. Germs & virus on the surface and recycled air environment. Mask should just be mandated.

Dumb-asses that believe in hoaxes & fake news that "masks cause brain damage" should be banded from clinics & hospitals. By their logic, since all nurses & doctors wear mask everyday at work, thus they're all brain-damaged zombies. And who would want to be treated by zombies huh?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The choice, ignore all health professional advice and gather in large close groups without any social distancing during an accelerating deadly pandemic or lose all federal funding to your already criminally underfunded school system.

There is no carrot, just stick.

This type of blackmail or extortion has never been done to schools in this all or nothing way to force parents and children to ignore life and death public health issues for imagined political points.

bobknight33 said:

States still can choose.

Feds do this carrot stick all the time.


newtboy says...

Based on?
Twisted Trump the Daughter Diddler is by far the worst "president" ever seen by any metric you want to choose. You can whine it might be worse with someone else, but no one with an IQ over 85 believes matter how bad we think Clinton might have been.

Anyone who supports Pedo-Don is a willing facilitator of child rapists, and a willing dupe of a repeatedly convicted con man.

Trump's response ...'It's less dangerous than the flu, it will disappear by April, it's a hoax, no need for any action, don't wear an anti freedom mask because we're selling them to China and Russia, don't social distance, we have plenty of ventilators and ICU beds, just go back to work, it will never kill over 1000 Americans...10000 Americans....25000 Americans....50000 Americans...65000 Americans....80000 Americans....100000 Americans...125000 Americans, and now he says it won't kill over 160000 Americans, nothing to see here, perfect response, Clinton would have been worse.'

I defy you, Clinton COULD NOT be worse. She wouldn't have the house and Senate behind her every move, she wouldn't even start with her party in control of either. No matter what she tried to do, she would be blocked by the obstructionist she couldn't have disbanded the international pandemic response teams, or the pandemic monitoring system named 'Predict', 2 moves that allowed a tiny outbreak in China to go unnoticed until it was a pandemic (and well after in the Whitehouse). She also wouldn't have ignored the well prepared pandemic response plan left by Obama and lied for months claiming it didn't exist.


TangledThorns said:

Would be worse if Crooked Hillary was president. Thankfully she is not nor ever will be.

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