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Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

HenningKO says...

What's the joke?
I'd like to understand. I'm withholding my vote.

Also, I personally don't see the harm if paedos are getting off to this.
At least they're not out touching kids IRL, right? Is that naive?

Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dutch, host, michael jackson, would, love, this, shit' to 'dutch, host, michael jackson, would, love, this, shit, paedo, boyfucker, NOT COOL' - edited by gwiz665

Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

Eklek says...

I wouldn't say I "defend" this clip. The intention of my comment was to give necessary context to this controversial (ambiguous) performance, which indeed has not much to do with music. The qualification of Paul de Leeuw as "creepy paedophile" does obscure this context and pushes the discussion into one direction.
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Eklek:
This is an old clip from Paul de Leeuw, a well-known Dutch TV/radio show host and singer, that recently appeared online with a misplaced "creepy paedophile" tag (so I would advice to remove it). The boy is Keesje Groenteman, family of Hanneke Groenteman - a befriended journalist.

Ok, i've had to come back to this again, i'm seriously disturbed as to how you can defend this? This is not ok, and to suggest removing the paedo tag? Even if this is acceptable within the family to be so overtly sexual with the child, it's irresponsible to the extreme to air it on television. What message do you think it sends out? Imagine the paedophiles watching it. Ugh

Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

alien_concept says...

>> ^Eklek:
This is an old clip from Paul de Leeuw, a well-known Dutch TV/radio show host and singer, that recently appeared online with a misplaced "creepy paedophile" tag (so I would advice to remove it). The boy is Keesje Groenteman, family of Hanneke Groenteman - a befriended journalist.

Ok, i've had to come back to this again, i'm seriously disturbed as to how you can defend this? This is not ok, and to suggest removing the paedo tag? Even if this is acceptable within the family to be so overtly sexual with the child, it's irresponsible to the extreme to air it on television. What message do you think it sends out? Imagine the paedophiles watching it. Ugh

Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

alien_concept says...

Fucking hell, what in christs name was this ever okayed for the viewing public. Yeah right so the father of the kid is friends with this creep. Probably in it together. Ok even if he isn't a paedo, this is inappropriate on every single level. Really fucking dark. Gah

Nintendo DS Molests your Children!!

ABC on Foley/GOP Sex Scandal, Republicans Knew & Did Nothing

joedirt says...

ABC is full of crap. The House leadership were informed about his questionable contact with pages for years. And each time they just ignored it. Shimkus (R-IL) ran the Page Board and basically pimped out interns to Foley.

You know Pelosi already put forward a House ethics investigation into this. And Hasert has buried any Congressional investigations, instead they are going to hand it over to 'Torture' Gonzales, who will find no wrong doing (they were over 16 yrs.. so I think he is covered).

But ABC really goes out of their way to cover up for these GOPeds. "Knew for months" and "improper email".. what about years of taking interns out to dinner and having to get parent's permission.. AFTER being warned about improper emails.

GOP, (Jeff) Gannon's Own Party. Gay Old Paedos. Get Off Perversely. Getting Off on Power.

Brass Eye: The Pedo-Files (Satirical Channel 4 Fake Advert)

benjee says...

The ever-bizarre Chris Morris at his best: taking the piss out of Cops (except his Sheriff John Brunnel is hilarious!) This was broadcast in the ad break halfway through the Brass Eye Paedophile special. Random related fact: a Pedophile is actually the latin for a foot-fetishist (paedo is child, pedo is foot).

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