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Jon Stewart on Oprah (3 part interview)

LarsaruS (Member Profile)

pipp3355 (Member Profile)

foxmagee says...

Hello, I was looking for the SNL Parody of "The Secret" and Oprah Winfrey. I have looked everywhere and it's been removed everywhere I go. I noticed you had uploaded originally to this site. Do you have a copy that I could get?

Thank you

Zach Anner Answers Questions From

Autistic Salutatorian Delivers High School Graduation Speech

Zach Anner Thanks the Internet

Zach Anner Thanks the Internet

Kevlar (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Meet Zach Anner, Oprah’s Replacement

Meet Zach Anner, Oprah’s Replacement

This week in unnecessary censorship - 06/04/10

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

6-Year Old Girl with Schizophrenia

xxovercastxx says...

The first thing I did was dig up the full blogs that Stan takes excerpts from and read them in context. Some of the excerpts take on very different meanings in their full context. When he refers to "starving" her, for example, he's talking about sending her to bed without dinner when she refused to eat what was made. This was something recommended by her doctor. I think most kids are "starved" this way at some point in their life and I don't think anyone ought to be screaming "child abuse" because a child refuses to eat their dinner.

That Stan would blatantly manipulate the facts to agree with his version of the story tells me not to trust anything he says. I then went and looked over some of his other content and found a lot of was what I would categorize as wingnut conspiracy theories.

Of course I'm not playing apologist for the parents. Whether they were right or wrong is another argument. My point is that the people in this thread, Stan's blog, and elsewhere, who are making their own diagnosis based on what they saw on Oprah, read in the LAT and/or saw in this video clip have no basis or qualifications to do so.

>> ^Whacky:

xxovercastxx said: "If you look at the rest of the blog you link to, it's a blog about how medication is bad, doctors are evil and everything is a conspiracy"
Of course everyone is entitled to an opinion; though the vast majority of the information written about in post on this blog are backed up by substantial evidence (there is also many humorous, satirical, and personal opinion pieces). I have to wonder if you took the time to actually do any research about what you read before dismissing it off the cuff xxovercastxx?
Of course anyone that wants to play apologist for these parents that are "admitted" abusers are entitled to their opinions (and there are many). I guess they are also many people that excuse our main stream media writing reports that excludes key related facts in their articles.
If that's what you coin wacky, then so be it.

6-Year Old Girl with Schizophrenia

xxovercastxx says...

I'm not sure why you're addressing some of this to me because a lot of it has nothing to do with what I said. I don't give a shit what the father's diagnosis is nor did I even allude to it. He's no more qualified to make a diagnosis than you, me, bipolar stan, or all the people leaving abusive comments on his blog. That was my whole point; that professionals have given her a diagnosis of schizophrenia and for some reason you, bipolar stan and a horde of internet warriors think you know better and you're all citing each other as supporting evidence.

I'm not sure what kinda fucked up glasses you're looking at this through to think they're parading her around for attention. They seem to be doing the same sort of things that lots of parents with children with mysterious/unusual conditions/illnesses do: get them exposure in the hopes of finding someone who can help.

Could bipolar stan be right? Sure. Young Earth Creationists could be right too, but since they can't back up their claims, I don't take them very seriously. Why should I listen to bipolar stan? Because lots of other people think along the same lines? See sentence 3 of this paragraph.

>> ^ponceleon:

Sorry, but just because the father, who has blogged about beating and starving his own child in order to deal with her behavior, says that his diagnosis is the right one doesn't make it so.
Again, if you had read my post, you'd see that I'm not saying that this is absolutely Munchausen, I'm just saying that these people are a BIT too media-hungry... Oprah, LATimes, etc... they seem like attention whores and frankly I think it is a good idea to question ANYONE who is more concerned about getting media coverage than anything else.
Is the blog I posted a bit whacky in general? Sure. Is it possible they are right? Are there a BUNCH more people who seemed to have the same idea? Yup.
Just because you find a doctor who is willing to go along with Munchausen by proxy doesn't make the diagnosis correct. I'd say by the very comments here in the sift that there is a lot of debate as to what exactly is going on with this girl and to dismiss the idea that the parents might be a bit nuts themselves is very dangerous

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