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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Never cared for him. Rino like Lindsey Graham, Mit Romney, Susan Collens, and about 4 others. All needed to be replaced.

His only good deed is pushing supreme Court nominees.

What Democrats in your opinion needs replacing?

newtboy said:

You loved him like a son when he did Trump’s bidding, now you hate him because he said Trump did something bad (even though he helped Trump get away with it).
You are so paper thin and transparent. You really aren’t even trying to look like you mean anything you say anymore.

I know you’ll love him again if he gets the power to block any hearings on any appointments in the future….because that’s so good for America and democracy.

You don't know 'You'

newtboy says...

There’s also that bit where “it’s on you” in no way means “it’s on YOUR show”. Should have been a hint to anyone who speaks non-pigeon-English. I thought he thought she just misheard, so he repeated.

But expecting Fox talking heads to understand plain English gives them too much credit. Edit: actually, expecting them to stop talking long enough to hear the answers to their questions is expecting too much. I think if she had listened, she would have understood.

I wish I could convince myself it was a bit, but I feel Laura isn’t that good of an actor, and her demeanor indicates she was being serious. I don’t want to think professional people are that clueless, but experience has made me believe they really are….but I freely admit it’s just my biased opinion…you of course are welcome to your own less jaded opinion, and I’ll just hope I’m wrong.

eric3579 said:

After he said the show was on "you" three or four separate times, which makes all the difference. I'd buy it if he would have led with that, and why wouldn't you if you can see the confusion? I'm sticking with it being a bit.

New Rule: Make America Grind Again

HugeJerk says...

I used to watch Bill Maher's shows because the conversations were usually entertaining, but ever since he came out as irrationally Islamophobic, among other completely shitty takes on things, I stopped caring about his opinions and didn't want to contribute to his ratings.

Jim Carrey reacts to Will Smith Chris Rock Slap @ The Oscars

newtboy says...

I had heard that not only is he selling out now, tickets are $750!! That said, in a month when the excitement dies down, who’s to say it won’t swing the other way.

And there’s the damage to his reputation, if not his career, that is also worth something. Not $500million, but you start big…who knows, maybe Will would hand it over to escape. He’s got it.

I think the appropriate measure is what would Will say was enough restitution if someone did that to his loved one, wife or child, on an international broadcast…that’s what he owes Chris’s family. That’s got to be in the hundreds of millions, not a few thousand….but I don’t decide so my opinion is moot.

Edit: really, I think the DA should press charges. He doesn’t need Chris, he’s got it on video from a dozen angles. Case closed.

cloudballoon said:

That's hard to prove. And actually the end result would be the opposite. His recent tour's sold out. He's (rightfully) benefitting from the incident financially because he took the high road. Sue for the physical damage, sure, but whatever the amount a judge & jury would award him, it'd be just a drop in a bucket from Smith. Probably end up settled out of court. But I would most definitely take all the money from Smith. Then give it to charity to rub it in.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

You’re arguing with the mirror, buddy. There’s one anti American, anti democratic, anti fact, delusional cultist here. ROTFLMFAHS!!! You’re so silly.

Whine some more, kiddo. More sour grapes from infantile sore losers. You only insult yourself with these kindergarten insults. Your opinion is less than worthless. You calling me a “Tool” for the left only verifies I’m on the right path, if you had something nice to say, I would re-examine my position immediately. You are such a ridiculous full fledged cultist in a failed cult of personality. Keep screaming into the dark.

You CLEARLY hated Obama because he was black, you liar. Called him a Kenyan (as an insult), a Muslim (as an insult), a thug, and in private much much worse. Lie to yourself, we know the truth, and you are a well known verified racist liar no one trusts to ever tell the truth.

You also CLEARLY have problems with strong women too. Hated Clinton for being a woman in power. Pretend you aren’t sexist, it won’t fool anyone, you are a well known constant liar, who would listen to you complimenting yourself?

You hate Harris for the same reasons. Being black, and being a woman. Her being intelligent, professional, knowledgeable, reasonable, level headed, well spoken, and accomplished only pisses you off, doesn’t it?

I and really totally disagree, but after Trump, leadership skills aren’t a prerequisite, and you have no leg to stand on. That’s it.

We’ve never had a leader with less, worse leadership skills than Trump, who never led anyone who wasn’t willing to follow him literally anywhere. Jim Jones was a better leader, he actually cared about those he misled….Trump doesn’t care one whit about anyone not named Trump, and when the chips are down, only people named Donald John Trump. That’s it.
Her leadership skills are infinitely better than her MIA predecessor, Pence, his were non existent.

Obama led conservatives from depression to a healthy economy. True, they obstructed him for the entire 8 years, but he was leader enough to make serious progress anyway, including growth that eclipsed Trump’s dismal 1% gdp growth per year, and health care for all Americans.

Woefully diminished is still exponentially better than his predecessor, whose cult tried to overthrow the government and make us a dictatorship. I still blame him for Trump, if he had run in 2016, the nation, probably the world, would be in such better shape it would be unrecognizable.
I wanted Butigieg, a super smart, knowledgeable, thoughtful, disciplined, younger president, but Biden kicked Trump’s ass despite multiple massive Republican fraud schemes, so he is a major success. That’s it. Nothing can change that…just like no attempted rewriting of history can make Trump anything but a massive failure on every front.

Go pander your idiotic cultist babbling somewhere else. You only come here to troll, no one ever agrees with you besides your sock puppet accounts, you just enjoy being a nasty liar, trying to trigger libtards with nonsense and prejudice. Here’s the problem, Bob. It doesn’t work when you have no real gripes to complain about and no one cares what you think.

I note you still can’t say who she slept with or how that got her elected….I did explain the top two in Trump’s administration got their positions by sleeping to the top, they had zero leadership skills, zero experience, and zero accomplishments. Harris is overqualified if Trump was only underqualified. He also had no leadership experience or skills. He didn’t run the companies he owned, those he tried to failed miserably, and no one goes to work for Trump twice.

Lots more whining and crying, but not a single fact in your posts, Bob. You seem allergic to fact. I understand, they tear at your fantasy world and, when you’re forced into reality, you must live with the piece of excrement you have become.

bobknight33 said:

You are beyond delusional.

A Tool of Tools for the left.

Like Obama, no give a fuck if she is black, orange or purple.
An no one cares if she is a woman.

She is lacking leadership skills. That it.

Obama had leadership skills but not conservative leadership.

Biden had skills but is woefully diminished.

Go pander your stupid thoughts elsewhere.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

My mistake, you are 100% correct that his growth level was unheard of.

No one ever imagined growth as bad as it was under Trump, 1% a year on average….a level lower than had been seen in years or since WW2….biggest drop by far ever in US history… or in your opinion the best term ever.

Biden did fuck that plan to destroy the American economy up with 5.7% growth his first year, more than Trump’s entire presidency. Just like he’s fucking up all the other anti American, anti democratic ploys and schemes of the right.
Kicking ass and forgetting your names….it’s not worth taking them.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was far better. He put all Americans first. Created growth not seen in years and it is still growing for now. Biden will fuck this up too, like everything else he has done.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaaahahahaha! …….Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Stop, I can’t breath. You are so hilariously funny.

And Russia didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s tenure. Derp!

Sorry that polling and reality disagree with your ignorant, uneducated opinion so thoroughly….but it’s a fact. Multiple polls after the state of the union (not on Fox or Pravda Social) were 71%-80% positive. So much better than little Don John did on his best poll ever on anything.

Clearly you only listened to high school dropout Boebert, not the speech…or you are incapable of recognizing solutions (after Trump, not surprising, he loved to call creating problems “solutions”). Going after the assets of the oligarchs is just one of many solutions that’s having major effects already you utter moron. Unifying NATO and the UN is another.

Yeah, 80% failure among ignorant idiotic cultists who think Boebert and Green’s inability to be professional, civil, or have any manners or self control whatsoever was a shining example of proper behavior and support their public outburst over not supporting our troops then went on to vote against supporting those very same injured troops the next day (look it up), but among the thinking public, up to 80% positive. ROTFLMFAHS! Coward Cadet Bone Spurs never offered solutions, only division and wastefulness, complete capitulation to despotic dictators, and self aggrandizement.
Talk about gullible, you believed Trump…you still do. You believed Covid wasn’t dangerous, lockdowns weren’t useful, Trump is a good businessman, the right isn’t blatantly racist, trickledown works, Trump’s tax breaks were for everyone, the wall is a good idea and Mexico will pay for it, the election was stolen, ….the list of bat shit crazy insanity you believe could fill three long books.

Cranial Rectosis is curable, Bob. You just need to push and pull at the same time.

You’ve been wrong on every point you’ve made politically for over a decade Bob, don’t you ever want to be correct instead of just extremely Right? Don’t you hate being the party of feelings rather than facts, a cult of personality? That used to be a complaint FROM the right, now it’s 100% descriptive of them.

BTW, the clip you posted of CNN discussing his lower poll numbers, the “slip”, are talking about a slip in their polls from 78%-71%, lower than you might expect from just Democrats (but then, that’s not who they polled) about 25% higher than Trump ever reached on his best day. LMFAHS you deluded ijit!!!

Remember how you love to ignore history and claim Democrats are the party of racism? How many Democrats are members of extremist racist organizations, because the entire Freedom Caucus is and the Republican Party has no problems with that. No censure for holding white supremacist rallies, only for investigating an attack on the capitol by racist terrorists….that gets a censure. But sure, Republicans aren’t racists…they just really love racist imagery, speech, and actions. 🤦‍♂️

Jesus, you’re dumb Bob. Always spouting off about things you know nothing about but feel certain ways about, and you’re always wrong. Try looking up what you think is true before posting, you’ll find that 90+% of what you believe intentionally runs contrary to reality and fact…the other 9.9% is honest mistake or misunderstanding.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you are gullible.
Biden's Sate of the Union speech was a 80% failure. Biden offered no solutions to current issues

To state there was a 78% favorably rating is is foolish.

Ukrainian cocktails made with a splash of Napalm

vil says...

If you fight a war you have to use everything you have. The only limiting factor is own survival and post war public opinion, decided largely by who wins. There is nothing moral or legal about wars, every bet is all-in.

You only want to wage wars with clear objectives that at least your own population understands and that you know you will win, and be able to justify after the war is over.

Putin got something wrong. Or everything.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

When you cancel a project, you don’t lose the money, you just don’t spend it. Really?!

I’m guessing you think I’m “urban” (racist code in the US btw, might wanna go with “city folk”). You would have guessed wrong. The nearest town to me is Eureka, 25k people 25 miles away.

You just don’t understand money if you insist canceling a billion dollar project is the same as losing the same amount of money. Edit: that’s only true if it’s canceled after it’s completed.
I’m using the figures Auto manufacturers gave as their lost production value, not including the collateral damage temporarily closing those plants cost the communities and both up and down supply chains.

Funny, you don’t include hospitals, which the truckers also reportedly blocked.

Protests can be permitted. If you’re disrupting someone else’s or public property without a permit, expect arrest for trespassing/breaching the peace at least.

Odd, if that’s really your position, why would you defend the truckers rights to blockade a city of worksites, job sites, and trade routes…reasons be damned?!?

I’m of the opinion that protests designed to disrupt the lives of people completely uninvolved in your cause always hurt your cause and make you look selfish. I tend to not defend self centered tantrums. I do not put pipeline protests in that category, permanent contamination of watersheds effects everyone, and almost everyone buys oil.

bcglorf said:


??? How exactly do you figure cancellation of a billion dollar project is no where near the economic cost of blocking a border crossing for awhile at similar cost???

I'll tell you what the difference in Canada is, the dollars lost from the pipeline were being lost in Alberta, the dollars lost from the convoy were in Ontario. In Canada we've got a pretty sad history of if it happens to western provinces, it doesn't matter. Much like the urban/rural divide in the US. The response is pretty similar as well, the urban side just laughs at the loss of the stupid backwards country folk. When the same thing hits them though it's a national emergency.

I've tried pointing out costs and your just rejecting them out of hand , while whole hog accepting the highest estimates for the convoy cost as gospel truth. Like the literally a company walking from a multi-billion dollar project and you insist that's nothing and the days the border was blockaded clearly must have cost more...

For years now I've insisted that illegal blockades of worksites, job sites or trade routes should be met with prompt arrests and re-opening of the route/site.

Until January of this year, the entirety of the Liberal minded half of my country(Ottawa centric) called that authoritarian, repressive and were against the notion. Now I find myself in a weird spot, as suddenly that same crowd DOES want that action and more to be taken promptly. And the conservative crowd that agreed with me before is now kinda walking things back.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

I read it, nowhere did it give an estimate of what those protests cost, and it indicated there were multiple other routes for the oil to travel so didn’t even disrupt oil transportation completely, much less ALL commerce.
And it was about pipelines crossing their (or protected) land it seems, a far cry from the truckers. Yes, the validity and severity of your cause matters, just like the damage you do and to whom.

Billions worth of goods stuck temporarily…but no actual estimated cost for their delay, this cost billions in lost production and salaries that won’t be recovered.

That protest was targeted against the offending entity, not the populace. I have no issue with natives blockading their own land and preserves that feed those reservations against permanent destruction for some private profits. That’s a far cry from the truckers blockading the main border crossing for industry and tourism because they’re afraid to get a poke.

The numbers I saw were special. Hundreds of millions-billions lost (your billions in goods delayed doesn’t have a price tag). That was before the bridge was reopened. These protesters weren’t satisfied with that damage and continued to close your capitol with ever shifting demands. Since regular measures had failed, I support emergency measures, seizure, even forfeiture after trial, of any funds or tools used.

Perhaps they became only as localized (but certainly not as targeted, and localized in a city not the unpopulated country), but they had already done exponentially more damage and showed no sign of end or even demands.

Let’s ignore someone personally supporting a grass roots movement outside their country and control, please. I find it a red herring totally unconnected to how he governs.

Yes, some Floyd protests were more violent than the truckers, some weren’t, remember how they were all violently smashed, tear gassed, rubber bullets galore, run through with police trucks, unmarked vans pulling up and grabbing people crossing the streets, unmarked vans driving through towns full of police shooting tear gas at any moving body, etc? Don’t pretend the response is similar.
Also, the Floyd protests lasted a weekend in most cases (occupy Portland really wasn’t about Floyd) and went elsewhere the next march. They weren’t closing down one area for weeks intent on staying. Most lasted hours and were peaceful until police became violent, despite right wing media’s fear-mongering.

I think you’re stretching, putting on blinders, and doing insane mental gymnastics to pretend you believe that. From the actual damage caused, the idiotic reasoning behind it (quickly abandoned), the extremely uncanadianness of the self centered far right rally masquerading as protest, the international damage, the foreign involvement from planning to funding, these are unique “protests” in numerous ways.

Their idiotic beliefs are only one of many distinctions I’ve pointed out, and as I mentioned only color public opinion and the amount of patience they’re given by the public, not how the government treats them. It’s not at all honest for you to pretend that’s the entirety of my position…it’s very Bob of you, and has lost some of my respect.

Pipelines crossing sovereign territory or preserves = bad so blockading those areas to force pipeline movement = good….oil companies didn’t truck the oil out, they increased shipments from other areas by rail. Read the article you linked.

Native cultures and governments are different. Pretending an elected board for a reservation works for the people is naive in the extreme. Read about politics on reservations, who funds the people that get elected in most cases, what happens to opposing candidates…saying the board signed off while so many showed up to fight against it seems a bit at odds, no? Like maybe the board members were bribed, had ties with the oil industry, or other conflicts….just maybe?

And again, those protests didn’t cost a fraction what the truckers did from my research. Delaying delivery of a billion in goods isn’t the same as costing a billion in losses. Neither is delaying or cancelling a billion dollar project. Be adult please….don’t make such specious arguments ….please. They don’t slip by, and they make me think you are being disingenuous.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bcglorf says...


I agree with more of what you say than you make out. You need to appreciate how different Canada is from the US, particularly in power balance within government and corresponding police action and media coverage.

Long delays in stopping illegal blockade and protest activity is the norm.
-Fairy Creek blockades persisted almost 12 months before police took action
-Blockade of Coastal Link pipepline went on for months before police intervened to allow work to continue.
-Mohawk solidarity blockade of railways in Ontario persisted multiple weeks

The difference to the protests today, the Liberal government was tripping over themselves to reach out to those protest groups, while immediately spitting in the faces of this one.

I've always been of the opinion illegally blocking a roadway, border or business should lead to arrests within the time it takes to notify and send police.

The problem here from a Canadian eye, is that the only time current government is interested in bringing a hammer down is based not upon the actions of protestors, but instead based upon their professed cause.

I refuse to accept tying the right to protest to what cause is being rallied to.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

newtboy says...

A German mark had value….until it didn’t. Your opinion of “fiat money” isn’t universal by any stretch. You say it’s universally better. I wholeheartedly disagree, and point to Germany and Venezuela as proof. They aren’t outliers either, (looking at Africa).

Gold is useful and valuable. Digital footprints aren’t. Paper notes aren’t. Printed circuits, connectors, anti oxidation, actual physical money, jewelry, etc. gold has intrinsic value, a dollar bill has about 13210 joules, so its intrinsic worth is about 1 small 1 gram stick as kindling and little more….no matter if it’s a $1 or $500 bill or a check for billions. Again, see Germany, where bills were more valuable as firewood than money.

This deflation idea again. Give me 3 examples of deflation harming/ending a nation on the gold standard please, I’ve never heard of it happening. (Edit: as far as I can find, I’m no economics professor, for the most part the gold standard was abandoned worldwide in the early 1930’s and the last remnants removed in the early 70’s by Nixon)

Explain how unsecured notes guard against speculation….don’t just claim it. I don’t see it, people made a mint short selling Venezuelan (and other failed) dollars….speculating they would crash….they did. What?

GDP is the metric that imparts value to unsecured notes offered by countries.

I think you had a mini stroke, the paragraph starting USofA is a word salad with no meaning.

Name 3. I named Germany post ww1….they didn’t get to borrow or ignore their debts. What are you talking about?

So, the only ones that don’t/can’t borrow are all the ones that need to.

Pretending basing your dollar on Bitcoin is the same as basing it on gold is outrageous idiotic bullshit. Just nonsense. Utterly moronic and pure fantasy. Don’t try moving the goalposts, that’s what you said.

Yes, the fed will take gold. They don’t take Bitcoin, do they? How about shells? Pebbles?

Jesus, you just want to argue. You’re rambling, switching positions and going off on tangents.
It’s not about whether someone might accept it, it’s about whether it’s universally accepted at one value and about holding its accepted long term value. People once gladly accepted beanie babies as payment….stupid people.
Arcata Ca printed up Arcata dollars….you could get them cheap, businesses took them. Wanna put your nest egg into them? You say that’s good money, as good as dollars. I’ll sell them to you for gold, and let’s see who’s doing better in 10 years. Or I’ll sell you pebbles for gold. Any currency you want, I’ll sell you for gold. How’s that working with pebbles or shells? Can you buy currency with them?

It has everything to do with how much it’s worth. Stop jumping subjects because your point is failing to convince. An economy based on pebbles fails because their neighbors don’t value pebbles, but if their pebbles are gold, they succeed because gold is valued universally.

What are you talking about, the gold standard’s ability to keep up? Huh?! No keep up necessary, no slow down required, gold trades exactly as fast as everything else. What is this nonsense?!?

You mean you can’t overspend and go deep into debt?! And that’s bad?! In your opinion, not many economists….and what makes you think you can’t borrow against gold? Secured loans are easier and cheaper to come by. WHAT?!?

Yes, unsecured paper money can just be printed forever, you CAN “sell the universe”. (Or sell dollars who’s overall value is based on your country’s value) over and over, then print more and sell 9/10 again, print more, sell again. Eventually that money is worth less than it costs to print, and your creditors get paid off in dollars worth a tiny fraction of what they lent you. Not if it’s backed with gold.

Miracle cure?!? Quote it. I think you misread. Secured notes being better than unsecured notes is not “miracle cure” or perfection, it’s just measurably better, safer, and more stable. No system is perfect.

vil said:

A dollar has value if you can buy shit for a dollar.

Gold likewise has no exchange value if you cant exchange it for goods and services. Its rare and chemically stable and good for memorial coins, has many technical uses and looks cute, but otherwise it hardly matters what symbol for money you choose. There is 200 years of experience with fiat money and gold and silver standards and fiat money has been better, not just usually better or better in some scenario, universally better.

Symbolic money is practical and facilitates quicker turn around prevents deflation makes speculative runs on currency harder and smoothes the economic bumps in the road in general.

GDP is just a metric. Not a bad one but not the actual goal.

USofA is teh most developed. Should have used growing. Deflation in an economy that is growing kills growth.

Restarting countries not only get to ignore their debts, they immediatelly start borrowing again.

The only countries that dont borrow are countries no-one will lend to and countries so rich in some silly resource they can float high in the international currency system without borrowing. Borrowing is good for bussiness.

What is outrageous idiotic bullshit? Believing pegging the value of your paper note to some hoarded luxury makes it a better representation of the mean value of goods and services bought and sold? I could do without gold except for the jacks on my audio cables (just kidding). It does not matter what I exchange for food and gas, if it gets me food and gas, its good money.

Money is what you can pay taxes with. Do they take gold?

If you insist your dollar has the value of some weight of gold how does that influence the willingness of someone else to sell you shit? Unless they specifically intend to buy gold at a fixed price they dont care. They are going to use your dolar to buy some other shit from someone else. So if you take the actual currency out of the equation, when you decide on buying and selling shit you are intuitively comparing that decision with all the other decisions about buying and sellin that you know of. The currency is just a good way to count the measure of usefullness of a product or service and compare among many. Pebbles, bottletops, dollars, gold, pearls, all just a number.

A dollar could be backed by gold or it could not, this has zero impact on the transactions made. What matters is how many transactions are made, at what value, and how much money is available to the entire marketplace in a given period of time. Transactions quickly pass the ability of a gold standard to keep up. If you want a gold standard you have to slow transactions down because you dont have the money for them.

This is why markets need some regulation, otherwise someone might sell the universe twice and then default on one. But a gold standard, at least the type of gold standard I believe was talked about in this thread as a miracle cure, would be too limiting.

Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

newtboy says...

So easy to make baseless, fact free opinion only statements, isn’t it?

You might try adult conversation wherein you are expected to back up opinion with facts. Try something new.

It’s true, the withdrawal plan is on Biden, because Trump did not have one at all.

The withdrawal, and the issues with the Taliban taking the billions in weapons we had given the Afghans are 100% on Trump, however. He negotiated the withdrawal with the Taliban after releasing them from prison. They instantly started attacking Afghan targets and Trump gave the Afghans, our allies, zero assistance….then blamed Biden for his mess and losses.
Can you explain why Trump apparently gave up and surrendered unconditionally to the Taliban in 2020? Can you explain not involving the Afghans or our military in his negotiations? Can you even explain setting the enemy free from prison, no strings attached?

The last 4 + months of his presidency, Trump forgot about policies because every waking moment was spent fomenting and perpetrating the big lie, knowing he would lose the election and a coup was his only shot at retaining the power to hide his crimes and debts.

Biden won. Trump isn’t president. No one expected him to be able to put out every dumpster fire Trump left him, he only had to get Trump out. Success. Winner.

Such a sad little man, bob. Defending a failed anti American wannabe dictator for a plan he never had for the withdrawal he negotiated. Why? Dictator Don failed….over and over and over and over and over…….thank goodness. Failure. Loser.

bobknight33 said:

The withdraw plan is on Biden.
Sleepy Joe failed.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

newtboy says...

Unless they have intent to use them, or have knowledge that that’s what they’re made for, no? That’s what it says in the law, isn’t it?

“ Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a picklock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers, water-pump pliers, slidehammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun, tubular lock pick, bump key, floor-safe door puller, master key, ceramic or porcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument or tool with intent feloniously to break or enter into any building, railroad car, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building, railroad car, aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person having the right to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe that it is intended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ”

I have this opinion, (that police (and some prosecutors) will ascribe intent to anyone in possession of any tools, even those with other uses, so they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for tools that are clearly purpose built breaking and entering tools having been advertised as such and with no other use,) because I watched a friend be arrested in the 80’s for having a screwdriver and pliers in their backpack that the police called “burglary tools”. He did not have a history of burglary. The case was dropped when they instead charged him with <.5 grams of marijuana for some crumbs found loose in the bottom in his backpack and sent him juvie for 6 months. (I think he was on probation, I know the police wanted to charge him with anything….and did.). I was accused of having lockpicks once because I had picked up a few metal brush bits from a street sweeper in a parking lot and police saw me pick them up, arrested, then released me on site when the supervisor showed up and heard their story.

I think the last sentence of that paragraph puts him in danger, since he clearly has reason to believe at least some of the burglary tools he sells to the public are going to be used criminally.

I don’t want to see you give someone advice that could get them in serious trouble, I know you would feel terrible. You might be correct, technically without intent to commit a crime they’re legal to own, but in reality police and prosecutors decide your intent and I don’t trust them one whit.

eric3579 said:

My understanding is that it is legal for anyone to purchase and possess lock picking tools. Seller does have to obtain info regarding purchaser, but just basic stuff.

Here are the California codes regarding such tools.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

newtboy says...

I would hope so, but saw no evidence of that on his website.
I taught myself to pick locks because my brother liked to lock me out of the house when I was little. Good thing we didn’t have deadbolts back then. I doubt I could still do it, it’s been 40 years or so since I had to.
I like his “this is why this lock sucks” videos, but always thought there a bit of “how to steal anything protected by this lock” built into them. Selling tools to defeat commercial locks seems over the line to me, but it’s just, like, my opinion, man. 😉

BSR said:

I don't know for a fact but I suspect that you may have to show proof that you are legally allowed to purchase such items. After all "lawyer" is in his title.

My dad showed me how to pick locks when I was 10.

In my 3rd year in high school I got an "A" in English class because the teacher needed to get into a filing cabinet and didn't have the key with her. I told her I could open it but she didn't believe me so I made an deal with her. An "A" in English to pop the lock.

That "A" sure did stand out next to all those "B's" on my report card.

If you've been enticed to be a burglar then that may be a decision you will have to live with.

His videos show that if you want to safeguard your valuables you might want to avoid certain security methods and why so.

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