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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another MAGA gun nut tried to assassinate the felon. A Trump voter turned Haley supporter.
Why does MAGA want to murder Trump?

Oops…JD Vance admitted on CNN that he created the eating cats story to get people to talk about immigration….yes, he unambiguously admitted he made it up to get you upset over immigration and trick you into voting for him because they lose on any other topic. HE FUCKING ADMITTED IT PLAINLY.
You still believe it, don’t you? You believed the old video of an American citizen having a psychotic break in another town and killing a cat somehow proved it was true…because you are an amazingly gullible ignoramus who always prefers lies to facts.

JD Vance aligned himself with the Proud Boys who are assaulting legal migrants and committing terrorist acts like bomb threats in Ohio based on the lies Vance admits he made up.

Still no explanation for the $10 million cash bribe paid to the felon by Egypt right before he changed US policy for Egypt’s benefit.

Margin of error beaten in all recent polls.

Why you should not vote Democrat

newtboy says...

Femme @bobknight33? What? 😂
Internet? Ok, this idiot propagandist is posting his stupidity on the internet from mommy’s basement.
Terrible? Yes, idiots spreading Russian propaganda in America is terrible, but that’s not what you meant.
News. Nope, this isn’t news, it’s misinformation.
Fail? Yes, this guy fails every time he misinforms idiots like you, but that’s not what you meant.
Politics? Yes, the entire Venezuelan gang nonsense is pure political propaganda, not a real thing. You got one right. There is assumed to be a tiny faction of Venezuelan gang members in town, and two of them are suspected of involvement in one crime in the last 6 months, and it’s not this one.

I should nochannel this and leave it assigned as debunked political internet lies, but I’ll let one of the channel owners do it instead.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The campaign has conceded New Hampshire.
It is driving the felon nuts. He’s having a major tantrum right now denying everything under the sun, attacking everyone he knows.
The wish washy coward also conceded the debate, again, afraid his dementia and incontinence and lack of knowledge will be on full display and contrasted sharply against Kamala’s sharpness, youthful energy, intelligence, achievements, and knowledge …he’s correct. Kamala would wipe the floor with him. Better to give her a free 2 hour commercial on all networks than expose the sundowning fool.
(On the sundowning note, it has been noticed that the campaign has chosen almost exclusively sundown towns to hold rallies…sundown town are where it was the law (despite violating federal law) that non whites were not allowed after sundown and would be lynched. It’s not coincidence, it is a distinct intentional pattern and not subtle dog whistle.)
He’s again calling for a government shutdown because he’s losing the election and completely out of cash (Harris is outspending him 10-1 in states where he’s spending anything, and many have been conceded completely) and is too dumb to understand that proving your complete and total incompetence and inability to legislate right before an election is not smart.
Issac Hayes estate won their injunction, forcing him to stop playing “hold on, I’m coming” and will win their suit for millions in damages for misuse of his work, dozens of other similarly abused music stars will follow….then Swift may sue for a billion over the fake endorsement he created.
Prison is going to be his end so fast. I give him under 2 years behind bars before he dies of natural causes…well under.

Australian TV Host Loses It Over 'Muff'

noims says...

There's a town in Ireland call Muff and they definitely make the most of it. The Muff diving club, for example, is extremely popular, and I recently found out about the Muff liquor company that's more interesting because the term 'liquor' isn't used all that much over here.

How black is VP Harris?

newtboy says...

What dishonest racist insanity.
It is hilarious that the racist who redlined, tried to label all BLM as terrorists, and called for the death of the innocent Central Park 5 wants to bring up race and tell his biracial opponent she somehow isn’t an African/Indian-American, he doesn’t understand what that is…but you must know he’s not racist because his VP has Caucasian/Indian-American children and he’s black because of his many convictions and “3 baby mamas”. REALLY!?!
Not that it matters, but to set the record straight…

Her father is a Baptist, so is her mother, converted before marriage. She was raised and is a Baptist.

Donald Jasper Harris was born in Brown's Town, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica, the son of Oscar Joseph Harris and Beryl Christie Harris (née Finegan),who were Afro-Jamaicans. He has never identified as Caucasian, it would be laughable, he is clearly of African descent. As a child, Harris learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed in the Anglican Church, and served as an acolyte. He has never been a Hindu.

Harris's paternal grandmother, born Christiana Brown, told Harris that she was descended from Irish-born plantation owner Hamilton Brown (1776-1843. 9 generations ago), as her father wrote in his autobiography, but this could not be proven nor disproven as it is well known Brown had many mixed race children. One possible Caucasian in his lineage does not a erase the rest of his African lineage.

MTV - wubba wubba wubba

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It never sinks in, so here’s a second helping for today, maybe something will stick with you for once

301 Benjamin Sparks, NV GOP Consultant, WI GOP spokesman, Romney campaign spokesman, enslaved and battered his fiancee.

302 GOP Farmington CT Town Council member Jon Landry carried on an extramarital affair for years with a young woman he met online as a girl of 12 and began having sex with after she turned 16

303 Michael Kelsey, NY state GOP representative, convicted of sexually abusing two boys.

304 NY state GOP Rep Joe Incoronato was censured for saying women bring assault and harassment on themselves by their behavior. He is in new trouble for writing on behalf of his son-in-law, convicted of spying on women with a camera

305 NC Congressional Candidate Steve Von Loor - domestic violence

306 Republican state Rep. James DeCesare of Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim and did not run for re-election.

307 Republican state Rep. Michael Meredith of Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim, but is running for reelection and trying to block the release of information.

308 Brian Linder, Republican state representative in Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim and is trying to block the details from being released.

309 MN Republican Rep. Jason Lewis mocked women who said they were assaulted.

310 Republican Congressional candidate Anthony Pappas - domestic violence

311 David W. Coderre, Connecticut State Senate Republican nominee - domestic violence

312 Baltimore City Council candidate Republican Ryan Nawrocki, alleged domestic violence. Police reported evidence of violence, now denied

313 California Republican Assemblyman Devon Mathis accused of sexual assault, running for re-election. The accusation was on social media but backed up by the resignation letter of one of his staff
314 Scott Paul Beierle, a member of FSU Republicans and We Are Conservatives, has been arrested twice for groping women before killing two and wounding several more in a mass shooting

315 Patriot Prayer videographer Matthew "Deme" Cooper was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy on a victim under age 13

316 Doomsday Preppers actor and child-sex-offender Tyler Smith joined Patriot Prayer at an NYC hate rally in 2017
317 Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen - domestic violence and cyber-stalking, targeting a former intimate partner
318 NH Republican candidate for state house Frank Sapareto - assault in dispute during a porn film he was producing and acting in
319 Steve Watkins, Republican Congressional candidate in Kansas was accused of sexual misconduct including unwanted sexual advances in late October.
320 Michel Moates, conservative news-blogger, accused of sending inappropriate messages to underage girls
321 Conservative journalist Mark Halperin accused of sexual harassment

322 Nick Sauer, Republican state rep in Illinois, resigned after his ex-girlfriend accused him of posting revenge porn

323 Ed Crane, co-founder of the libertarian Cato Institute, sexual harassment

324 Conservative Evangelical pastor Andy Savage - sexual abuse of a minor

325 Chris Conlee protected Andy Savage at Memphis Church, more here.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Love how Gaetz’s total lack of self control, trying to force his way into a live interview to talk shit about McCarthy like a baby with no manners just reminded the country that he is under an ethics investigation for repeatedly paying YOUNG minors for sex and flying the young girls across state lines for drug fueled underage orgies.


Hilariously, as if to prove it, you idiots had Pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+, pro-slut walking, professional pornstar and only fans model with her “bash my slash” forehead tattoo speak at the convention to advertise her half off subscription to her Only Fans site coupon to the MAGA crowd in the hope that some of the 25 million porn viewers will translate into votes. Unfortunately for you, they know part of the Trump plan is to outlaw pornography and recreational sex, so good fucking luck morons.
Another nice moral and Godly attempt to defraud from the “Christian Right”.,00000890fffff76f-nd-v1

Here’s page 11 out of 53 and rising daily, each page with 25 Republican sex criminals listed. You need to see every single one and it still won’t be enough to register in your micro encephalitic brain.
251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More unreported gifts and trips by Thomas discovered, including an unreported yacht trip to Russia (without using his passport to hide the trip) and private helicopter trips from one palace to visit the palace in St Petersburg, Putin’s home town. Impeachments are going to change the court next session.

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Once again, your grasp of the English language tends to point to who is really stupid here. “Your are stupid”? So close…keep trying, you’ll pass first grade English some day. 😂 😂 😂

They aren’t gaining territory…not for a while. You are over a year behind, and were never right on the facts.

Russia is trying to get Ukraine to agree to the current frontline as the permanent border…they wouldn’t be doing that if they were gaining ground. Ukraine says absolutely not…they wouldn’t be so quick to say no if they were losing territory still.

Russia has made no significant progress since last years Ukrainian counter offensive that granted wasn’t a total success but did drive Russia out of territory they had held…learn to read. Russia now holds approximately 20% of Ukraine, a serious shrinking from the maximum seized territory.
They are being pushed back or at worst held in place by a force that is essentially unarmed (after maggots blocked aid) and under 10% in numbers…and we just rearmed them.
Russia is losing territory they stole, slowly but they are losing. Their spring offensive was not very successful (but was costly) and when the squadrons of F-16s start flying and M1-Abrams start rolling they will be destroyed, they cannot defend against them.
They are now completely insecure in Crimea and may lose it, cannot sail the Black Sea fleet (they are hiding their best ships in Cuba!), and does not have an air force that can compete with F-16s. They are also enjoying attacks deep into the mother country with multiple groups of saboteurs in the country doing major damage daily.
The Russian people no longer support the war, and know the reasons for it were outright lies. The economy is non existent, banks closed, stock market offline, their sons are all dead, injured, in Ukraine, or on the run, their military is completely decimated, their oil infrastructure is being destroyed…and no one is coming to rebuild them , they will remain global pariahs for decades to come. North Korea is supplying their ammunition, and it’s so bad that it is more dangerous for the Russians than the Ukrainians. China and N Korea aren’t going to help rebuild the Russian economy, they can’t. Europe and the US are going to rebuild Ukraine. It will be the shining star of Eurasia.
Ukraine may expand into Russia soon. It’s incredibly likely they will take Crimea back.
Russia overplayed its hand and is so screwed it may actually fold as a country SOON, it has destroyed itself and now that we are actually backing Ukraine (not piecemeal drippings blocked by MAGA every time they can cause damage and help Russia) they have lost, they just won’t admit it yet (kinda like you)….who is surprised you believe they are “WINNING”? They’re “winning” about as much as the convicted felon and rapist has been since November 2020….which is not at all. The tiny temporary territory gains they’ve made this month were so costly they aren’t “wins”. If it costs you 20000 troops and 4 armored divisions to take a town that’s now rubble, and your enemy held you back for months and only lost 1000 troops…. you lost.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

Kamikazi Drone Hits Kamikazi Drone Factory 1200 km In Russia

newtboy says...

I understand the confusion, but as I understand it this “drone” was a single engine plane (172?) modified for use as a drone. I don’t know what kind of drone hit the refinery at the same time, but since it was in the same town 1200 km from Ukraine it’s likely they used the same civilian aircraft “drone” for that simultaneous attack.
The news about the battlefield drone advancement in the same clip did confuse the details about this extremely long range drone attack deep in Russia.

Reefie said:

While I am supportive of Ukraine's efforts to curb Russia's weapons production, I'm a tad confused by this video.

Initially we see a single-prop 2 person aircraft with landing gear down crash into a building and an explosion ensues.

Later in the video we see a still of a winged drone as the video informs us that Ukraine have been improving their drone fleet, obviously a fraction of the size of the aircraft we see in the crash.

Any possibility that someone has taken footage of a plane crash and spun a yarn from it? Or is there another explanation why the aircraft featured at the start of this video is nothing like the drones Ukraine have been using against Russian ships and other targets?

Democrat’s Tricks On Adult Site Result in SHOCKING Loss

newtboy says...

Republicans committed a sex crime, then bragged about it. That’s what this video is about.

Also, this was barely news last summer. She was a candidate, not a representative Bobby.

Here’s some elected officials committing sex crimes since that interests you @bobknight33

251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And because I’ve been slacking….
251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

I’ve got 38 more pages of criminal Republican representative who are convicted sexual abusers of children to share, including your rapist of a disgraced ex president…with more being added every day. You struggle to find one Democrat.

Downhill Racing- Coches de Madera Tixan-Riobamba 2022

newtboy says...

Me too…I found it last night and watched nearly a dozen so far. Good times, good times.
I’ve seen a few on dirt roads too, and some that went through towns including launching over speed bumps! Why is this not on espn or something?

BSR said:

Never knew this was a thing. No pollution!

Pot Will Kill You

BSR says...

The legal sale of adult-use marijuana began in New Jersey on April 21, 2022. I see up to 30 customers sometimes waiting in line to buy weed in my town in NJ.

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