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Butt Plug, Butt Plug? ... BUTT PLUG!!!

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

The Chaser's War on Everything: airport security challenge

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On Your Mark - A Short Video by Hayao Miyazaki

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Human Giant: Will Arnett and the Olsen Twins

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, Sleepy Joe ran circles around the idiot right and utterly destroyed the stupid talking point that he’s unwell, demented, and catatonic (an accusation that’s really a description of Trump who sundowns daily at or before 3:30.)

He slyly tricked them into abandoning more tax cuts for the rich and their own plans for border security publicly, and easily showed their disastrous record on the economy.
Just like last year and the year before.
Reality just doesn’t enter that empty space between your ears.

The rebuttal was just nuts, smiling vapidly while predicting doom and gloom, and sounding like any second she would say “for just 52 cents a day you could save a MAGGOT. Your donation will supply them with flags, hats, and when needed, bail.” Not the best idea to use a senator who personally wrote the immigration bill then voted against it because Don said to not fix the issue under Biden. Not a great sign to women they put her barefoot in a kitchen, where you undeniably believe women belong. If the point was to appeal to women, it failed.

After completely failing to “live fact check” like he promised he would, Trump reacted like a 4 year old with clips of Biden using idiotic tic tok filters. A 5 year old would be embarrassed…not Trump or MAGA. Your bar is well below that of kindergartners.

Polling immediately before the speech gave Biden policies 45% approval, after it was above 62%.

Habba and Robert are both going to be disbarred for suborning perjury with Wiesselberg, who has now pleaded guilty to perjury in Trump’s business fraud case. I only hope they can be fined the extra $100 million Trump should have been fined for MORE CRIMINAL BUSINESS PRACTICES that were hidden and lied about during the trial….or that NY takes him back to court over them and more. He’s given them every reason to…and now he has no council (right before his litany of criminal trials start) and no lawyer worth a dime wants anything to do with him…why would they? They don’t get paid and as often as hot lose their law license and even see prison.
He paid the $91.6 million to Carroll today, but doesn’t have the $460 due in weeks, and the value of “his” properties is SEVERELY depressed compared to other similar non Trump properties….>30%….and never forget he doesn’t own most properties with his name on them, like Trump tower he only owns his apartment, the lobby, and the public restrooms, not the building. When you count his debts in full and only HIS assets, he’s almost certainly underwater. That’s why MarALago needs to be worth $1.8 billion instead of the $18 million he claimed on his taxes. He overvalues all his properties like that. There’s never been any PROOF that he’s a billionaire, only his flapping gums.
That’s probably why he replaced them as lead council for his appeal.
He really couldn’t have planned this worse. 😂

The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultimate Super Preview

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! The infant STILL DOESN’T HAVE THE BALLS TO ADMIT BEING WRONG. Especially sad since you insist on being wrong almost exclusively.
Keep trying to change the subject, I’ll keep bringing it back to your insecurity and infantilism, such a scared baby that admitting a mistake seems like it would end you, wouldn’t it. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to grow up once you get to preschool.

BTW- Trump promises “very powerful crime” in DC if elected. 😂
Also, Karen Greene wasted the courts time by appealing her fines for refusing to wear a mask in congress all the way to the Supreme Court, (shocked they heard it) and today lost her final appeal. She’ll have to pay the $100000 (and probably 3 times that in legal fees) and has wasted the time of 3 courts that had better cases to try. Typical MAGA Karen, all about her non existent rights overriding everyone else’s rights AND safety, and absolutely zero thought to the cost to others.

Still crickets about the ONLY witness (who never produced ANY evidence) in the Biden impeachment sham admitting he is a Russian intelligence agent and the story came directly from Russian counter intelligence.
Worse, this is the SECOND main MAGA witness from the impeachment scam that turned out to be an intelligence agent of our enemies, remember the first one who was a Chinese agent and illicit oil and arms dealer for our enemies that was also indicted for lying about this case….but you said you still had credible witness Smirnoff and all his indisputable proof. 🤦‍♂️

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) who was in the room has admitted the Republicans/MAGA were told their witnesses were not credible in any way BEFORE THEY HEARD FROM THEM OR SAW ANY INTERVIEWS. They knew this was all propaganda directly from our enemies from the very start and ran with it anyway. This makes all MAGA a foreign agent that knowingly lied to America in order to weaken us.

This has made all MAGA nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda, the Kremlin’s propaganda paper. Absolutely everything the MAGA house has done this session is based on hostile foreign agents lying to them and them buying the lies. Working with our enemies to spread lies that are designed to weaken America…sure SOUNDS like treason to me. Treasonous traitors belong in Gitmo until their turn with the firing squad.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol…admitted fraud and total nutjob Glen Beck…lol

Thanks for a reminder of the quality of your sources.

Another non answer just barking ….so when was that, woman? When exactly did you not need to lock doors or knock to enter neighbors homes? Date please. *crickets*

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Like the crushing MAGA boycott of the Super Bowl because of the deep state psy-op Taylor Swift turning it woke? Those non issues?

😂 Highest viewer numbers of any TV program in America…ever. Congratulations! 😂

Oops, another Hunter impeachment witness (CEO of a lobbying group for Burisma) once again said clearly Joe had no financial involvement with Burisma, wasn’t bribed by Burisma, and did them no political favors while in office.
This, again, is why the hearings are held behind closed doors, they need to be able to lie about it.
They absolutely knew this would be her testimony because she already testified to exactly the same in the 2020 Republican senate investigation into Biden and Burisma which concluded with no evidence of any wrongdoing.
😂 Total exoneration x 2. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Why do you waste your time on non issues?

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Why do you waste your time on non issues?

Just focus on real issues like Democrats only care about getting illegals in just to have more Democrat voters. You don't count only illegals matter to that party, yet you fester on Mrs Trump not showing up.

newtboy said:

Oooo…not a good look…Trump, whose estranged humiliated repeatedly publicly cuckholded wife has been 100% absent since he was found guilty of raping Carrol and won’t be seen in public with him and hasn’t been to a single campaign event, made fun of Haley because her husband isn’t out on the campaign trail with her…he knows he’s not campaigning with her because he is deployed overseas in the military!

Not very smart to, once again, insult and demean the service of those in the military while campaigning to be their leader.

NDT Explains Why 2023 Climate Models Failed

newtboy says...

More explanation of why the proposed “solutions” are not really solutions or even feasible at all, they’re pernicious pablum.

Yes, it’s much worse than they’re telling you, well beyond the point of no return, and we aren’t even trying to be better yet.
Every study of actual data shows the climate is reacting faster than predicted to higher greenhouse gasses and feedback loops are in full effect in many areas of the planet, feedback loops not included in most climate models.
There is only one solution that works with all models…eliminate 95% of the human population. Since that’s a non starter, accept that civilization as we know it, and most animals are doomed. It’s the roaches’ time soon.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More “Bidenomics” vs “Trumpenomics” news…

Trump’s re-election super pac is starting the election year with barely $5 million left after Trump spent $115 million on legal fees, Melania’s hair, his own plane, and who knows what else (like $20k for a fake union rally in a non union shop with actors playing union workers while Biden walked the actual picket lines with actual union workers).
Yes, Trump’s re-election campaign has $5 million left of the $120 million he had last year, and the RNC is completely bankrupt in most states.

Conversely, just one superpac for Biden just ordered $250 million in campaign advertising, the biggest political ad buy in history.

Gonna be a pretty one sided campaign…do you think Trump can beat Biden from his basement like Biden beat Trump from his? 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂The financial monitor for Trump’s finances found another $50 million tax fraud. Just one of dozens upon dozens of frauds, misstatements under oath, illegitimate business practices, and intentional non compliance with the law and direct orders from courts. He got an F- and the monitor said the frauds have continued through the day she submitted her report. This is the report Engoron will use to determine how much to find the Trump org for persistent fraud. Hold onto your hat! 😂

The report included one massive fraud scheme from when he defaulted on loans for the Chicago tower to the tune of $50 million (most of his lenders don’t get paid back, despite his claims they do). The lenders were then blackmailed into “forgiving” those loans on the Chicago tower after he defaulted and he sued them! He then created a shell company to hold the $50 million he had just been “given” (that’s a way to avoid taxes on loan forgiveness, otherwise it’s income). The problem is that shell company then secretly “loaned” that $50 million to Trump and listed him as a bad risk but took no collateral, it was not repayed, seemingly “forgiven”.
Unfortunately for Trump, the Trump Organization (that controlled ALL of Trump’s businesses including the shell companies) has said there is no record of any $48-$50 million loan to Trump, it never happened…but he did personally take the money, it’s just not a loan.
That’s more tax fraud, more bank fraud, and likely wire fraud too. Probably a half dozen felonies for Trump personally in just that scheme. More cases for Trump just keep coming…while more lawyers keep going. Is it just the two idiot bimbos now? Seems like it.

So let’s recap…Hunter Biden didn’t pay his taxes for a few years and owed $1.5 million which he paid but is still being prosecuted.
In this one tax fraud scheme, Trump evaded paying taxes on $50 million, a minimum of another $15 million in taxes he evaded through fraud for at least a decade. He should get at least 10 times the sentence Hunter gets.

Recall, if he’s telling the truth about the value of Mar A Lago, he has evaded over $700 million in taxes to Florida alone on one single property. Trump is the biggest tax fraud in American history…and he’s caught….again.

Today’s bonus- The recent IG reports prove the Trump White House was a total pill mill, handing out hard core drugs without prescription, evaluation, or often even a patient’s name, handing out ungodly amounts of four opioid pain medications: fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine and oxycodone, and dozens of other scheduled prescription medications like Provigil handed out by the bottle as “parting gifts” for visitors to the whitehouse…a total free for all at the pharmacy run by Trump’s “best people”. Over 2/3 of the patients weren’t even eligible for treatment by the office, but were handed bags full of schedule 1 narcotics for the asking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Habba has been caught lying to the judge again, this time claiming she had a high fever and likely covid to get a delay in the current trial, then instead of going home after leaving court she went with Trump campaigning and doing press events for the next 3 days….caught by a massive MAGgot and Jan 6 attacker who took a friendly picture with her and was thrown out of the Trump event without explanation. That photo has now gone public and exposed her lies to the judge. Really dumb to lie to the judge before trial ends….that’s Trump.
Bonus- The UAW president torched Trump during the union’s public endorsement of Biden, reminding everyone how Biden came to the picket lines with the UAW and supported blue collar working Americans while Trump went to a non union shop, hired actors to pretend to be union workers, and trashed the union in his speeches. He’s lost young voters, women, minorities, and union workers, never had educated professionals…who’s left? Uneducated unemployed racist white guys…your people. Probably why he’s saying he intends to give MORE tax cuts to corporations and the .001% but not to average Americans, their taxes will go up again. BTW, those massive deficit exploding tax cuts not only didn’t pay for themselves at all nor did they raise the GDP, they crashed the economy to near depression and the debt skyrocketed faster than ever before.
And Gaetz’s sex trafficking investigation is ramping up, talking to the girls and young women he bragged about sleeping with after paying and shipping them across the country for sex. Where is Greene’s outrage? Completely absent, because it’s all fake outrage.

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