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noam chomsky on libertarian socialism

Charlie Brooker on Kony 2012

Yogi says...

>> ^kymbos:

I don't know. Leaping onto the anti-Invisible Children bandwagon seems as hasty as hopping onto the Kony 2012 one.
I didn't see anything in that clip that confirms what they're doing is wrong. It's just not how I would go about it. A slick campaign was developed by happy-clappy marketing christians? Plenty of aid organisations have religious roots. It'll be a good thing if it improves things on the ground, and that can happen a number of ways.

Like I said if it gets smarter people out there to raise awareness it's a good thing. I'd rather though it be done right and propagated the FIRST fucking lose a lot of people to outrage of lies when this stuff gets hyped and then disproven in a week.

I equate it to my experience with Michael Moore. I wasn't very political when I was some Michael Moore and got more political. It turned out he was kind of simplistic and misrepresentative some of the time, I could of just got angry and dropped it. Instead Moore turned me on to Noam Chomsky...and I've read dozens of his books now and because of that have become more informed and passionate about current events.

Bill Moyers: Engineered Inequality

Bill Moyers: Engineered Inequality

Rush Limbaugh Attacks "Over-Educated" Women -- TYT

Yogi says...

>> ^longde:

really? I thought a key difference between high school and college was the utility (or lack of) of rote memorization. While you can breeze through HS with a good memory, college would require critical thinking.

Depends on what you take...according to Institute Professor Noam Chomsky a lot of Academics can't think critically at all, and are idiots. I've seen some in my time bouncing around colleges.

Rush Limbaugh Attacks "Over-Educated" Women -- TYT

Yogi says...

>> ^longde:

Define smart.>> ^Yogi:
Being really educated doesn't mean you're smart. That's the closest I'll come to agreeing with Rush please roll your fat ass off into the sunset.

Being over-educated

Capable of reasoning. Ask Neil deGrasse Tyson, even people who become doctors can be incompetent and dumb.

EDIT: Actually Noam Chomsky talks about this a lot how academics have all this training and they don't know how to figure anything out. He said he admires car mechanics more because it's a lot of times a more creative thinking process.

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

Yogi says...

>> ^longde:

Not all colleges in California are as expensive and exclusive as Florida. You have many community colleges or 2nd/3rd tier regional universities. So, while it is not free, college is accessible for all.
Choose a prudent field of study, and your investment will go far.>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Peroxide:
Not everyone should go to college.
But NO ONE should not be able to go because it's too expensive.

Here Chomsky talks about how going to a City college in Mexico is free. In California, one of the richest places in the world it totally isn't.

No I'm sorry this just isn't true. I am well versed on this because I just had to move from Southern California to Washington just to get the classes I need to finish my degree. I was stuck for two years not able to get classes cause they cut them in half. There's not enough classes because all they're looking at now is the bottom line.

So college isn't accessible to ALL, and in the wealthiest nation on earth it should be isn't, not even close.

EDITED for spelling cause I haven't finished college

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

longde says...

Not all colleges in California are as expensive and exclusive as Florida. You have many community colleges or 2nd/3rd tier regional universities. So, while it is not free, college is accessible for all.

Choose a prudent field of study, and your investment will go far.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Peroxide:
Not everyone should go to college.
But NO ONE should not be able to go because it's too expensive.

Here Chomsky talks about how going to a City college in Mexico is free. In California, one of the richest places in the world it totally isn't.

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

kulpims (Member Profile)

Last Episode of Freedom Watch - Closing statement

bookface says...

Noam Chomsky has often said there's no point in speaking truth to power because the powerful already know the truth. It's no surprise to me that Napolitano knows all of this. I guess he just had a Howard Beale moment before "last call" on his show.

Ball boy is future Jerry Rice

kymbos says...

You people aren't giving me enough credit for my Noam Chomsky line on Yogi. I mean, he bangs on about Chomsky being smarter than everyone all the time! So I cleverly referenced his comment about this dude being the best athlete to his standard line about Chomsky.

And you're not giving me enough credit.


Ball boy is future Jerry Rice

longde (Member Profile)

longde says...


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Keiser Report: Woman Offers Favors for Chicken McNuggets

Sagemind says...


No, I think in this case it may be just poorly said and without proper set-up.
I don't mind a long topic, just organize it better before you go on air.
The topics of conversation jump around quite a bit here.

It's like a well laid out essay vs. a poorly constructed layout.
I've been around professional voice presenters all my life from both Radio and News. The woman here sounds like she keeps trying to keep things on topic but the MAx keeps derailing the conversation, mostly due to his style - listen to this without watching it, he just sounds uncouth and possibly drunk (maybe not - but he sounds like he is).

That's just my opinion. I know many people like Max Keiser mainly because he makes some good points and cut through some of the Bullsh!t and knows what he is saying, but he is also hard to follow because he jumps around so much. This is fine for you and me but as a man in the profession of speaking, I think he can arrange his tops a bit better. If he can't, at least give him an assistant that can arrange his notes for him before going on air. ...Or is that what his co-host is trying to do??

Also, The topic here is "Woman Offers Favors for Chicken McNuggets" - I had to listen through 11 minutes and 45 seconds before getting to that story. I stand by my point
Edit: and that was just an into sentence to something else altogether - Me thinks the title was a ploy!

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Sagemind:
Too long - make your point and move on...
Upvote made based on first 5 mins only

That's what's called "concision" and it's the reason why Noam Chomsky was never on Nightline.

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