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Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

Stormsinger says...

And you have to see that your claim of "no good cops" totally ignores those who have not yet witnessed any problem. Perhaps they're new to the force, perhaps they work in an honest precinct. But it's absurd to claim they don't exist. Whistleblowers -do- continue to show up, which is solid proof that some cops are not corrupt.

And yes, I absolutely do believe that tarring the good cops with the same brush is every bit as bad. "...better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer...", as Ben Franklin said. Moreover, if you want cops to be honest, it's completely counterproductive to blast them -all-, both good and bad, for being corrupt. Especially when not doing so is as simple as adding the word "most" or "many" to your bombastic claims. I really don't understand why you're fighting against being accurate in your statements. That's not how I've come to perceive you over the years.

newtboy said:

OK, but you must see that if, once a cop behaves 'good' they are no longer cops, that means there are no cops actually being good?
Tarring those extremely few, only momentarily 'good cops' (since as soon as they're 'good' they are no longer allowed to be cops) with the same tar as the 'bad' cops is NO WHERE NEAR the level of evil that protecting murderers, violent thugs, thieves, kidnappers, etc. is. Please. Be reasonable. It may be slightly unfair, but not even in the same league of wrong as protecting murderers from prosecution.
If you are for locking up bad cops, including those that cover up crimes, you must concede that that means 90%+ of cops need replacing, right? (I think I'm being incredibly generous to allow the possibility that 10% aren't complicit, I think the real number is closer to 2%).
I have explained why they are all complicit/participants. There is evidence that they, at best, turn a blind eye to the bad one's, and more likely/often actively help the 'bad' ones escape prosecutions. The only way they aren't 'turning the blind eye' to their fellow officers almost daily is they are so inept they actually don't notice their fellow officers being they're also 'bad' this instance meaning ineffectual cops. MmmmK?

Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

newtboy says...

The problem with that idea is, to be a cop in today's climate, you must have some level of loyalty to your fellow officers over your loyalty to the public/law. Those few that have publicly displayed the reverse have been driven out of their jobs, if not out of law enforcement completely. I've never heard of a case where that didn't happen, but I would be happy to read any you might know of.
That means that, at best, the 'good' officers turn a blind eye to the actions of their 'bad' workmates...or get driven out. Sadly I don't see a third alternative where they are whistleblowers against their workmates but continue to successfully work in the same force with the bad cop's friends afterwards....that simply doesn't happen in any report I've seen.
I already explained why 'turning a blind eye' makes them bad in my eyes.
In my opinion, that makes the supposition that there are no 'good' cops far more supportable than the absurd, easily proven false claim that there are no 'bad' cops. It's possible it's an overstatement, but if so not by far, and as I see it it's a reasonable position to take until whistle blowers always keep their jobs and those that harass them lose theirs more often than not...and that's absolutely not the case today.
It's not just a personality issue, it's a systemic issue.

Stormsinger said:

Believe it or not, I do understand the problem with the "thin blue line" mentality. I'm quite sure I've spoken out about it more than once here on the sift. But I strongly object to painting everyone in any group with a single brush. Hell, I even know some decent Republicans.

Claims that one case, or a hundred cases, prove that there are no good cops are absurd and unsupportable. Just as absurd and unsupportable as those claims made here and there that there are no bad cops.

Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

Stormsinger says...

Believe it or not, I do understand the problem with the "thin blue line" mentality. I'm quite sure I've spoken out about it more than once here on the sift. But I strongly object to painting everyone in any group with a single brush. Hell, I even know some decent Republicans.

Claims that one case, or a hundred cases, prove that there are no good cops are absurd and unsupportable. Just as absurd and unsupportable as those claims made here and there that there are no bad cops.

newtboy said:

One more instance of cops covering for each others murders. I only wish I could be surprised by this, but sadly this is exactly how criminal cops are treated almost every time. It took over 4 years to get any charge at all, and that only came about because of public shaming and investigation (the only investigation in this murder) by the local news, and there must have been not only absolutely zero investigation but actual cover up at the scene by the entire force (at least every one involved in any way with the 'investigation') for his story to have held up at all in the first place. There was clearly no GSR test done on him, or it would have shown he shot her...and the investigators had to actually HIDE the testimony of most or all of the witnesses to further his story that she shot herself (with his secured gun) and actively help him claim he wasn't involved.

That, @Stormsinger, is why so many people no longer believe in the 'good cop'. That doesn't mean the cops can't EVER act properly or 'good', it means that, in this and far too many other cases, entire forces are obviously, unavoidably complicit in crimes up to and including murder (if you help cover it up, you're complicit...that's the law), and murderers are bad, period, no matter how many little old ladies they help across the street or how professionally they act when they're not being actively or passively criminal.

(before someone jumps on the 'passively criminal' phrase as ridiculous, please note that it's the law that an officer MUST act to stop any serious crime they are aware of, and not doing so is being actively criminal by intentionally shirking their sworn duties).

South Park - Political Correctness Bro

Goalie scores outrageous back-heel equaliser in 95th minute

MilkmanDan says...

So, I know essentially nothing about football /soccer (a fact I am sure will become immediately obvious). Maybe sift football fans can relieve some of my ignorance:

When I saw the title, I assumed that the keeper was going to launch it the distance of the pitch and score, but I see he's up with the other players.

In hockey, a team can "pull" their goalie back to the bench, allowing them to put an additional skater out on the ice in order to try to score late game-tying desperation goals like this. I guess this is the football equivalent of that?

In hockey, you can replace your pulled goalie with any skater you want (generally, they will be replaced by players with the most offensive upside or "clutch" scoring abilities). But I guess in football, maybe it has to be the goalie/keeper?

And as a followup to that last question, in hockey a goalie is not allowed to carry/touch/control the puck beyond the red (center ice) line. That rule is *almost* never actually put into effect, because there is basically no good reason for a goalie to do that. ...Unless you are (one of the alltime greats) Patrick Roy, team down by many goals with a few minutes left, upset with the lackluster effort of the team playing in front of him, and wanting to light a bit of a fire under their asses:

...Clearly didn't work out in as positive way as the football goal here (Roy didn't even know that it was a penalty to carry the puck over center ice beforehand), but a really funny quirk that happened in a game that I actually remember watching live on TV.

police detaining a person for no reason

Jerykk says...

As usual, the "victim" escalated things for no good reason. First by ignoring the cop, then by refusing to cooperate and being confrontational. And then he becomes frustrated when they start ignoring his questions.

The entire situation could have been avoided if he had simply and politely stated that he wasn't smoking when first asked. It's amazing what a little bit of courtesy and common sense can achieve. Just because you have the legal right to act like a douche doesn't mean you should act like a douche.

Meet the crew of the Ares 3

Homeless Guy Knowledge

dannym3141 says...

This kind of attitude is depressing. It's none of your business what someone does in their spare time when no one else is affected by it. There are functioning alcoholics turning up for work pissed, flying planes, driving buses, teaching children. But no, let's go after the guy who sits in his bedroom playing music with a joint. Let's prevent him from having a life, even if he is self medicating a mental illness. It serves him right - if he's got an illness, he shouldn't be using naturally occurring medicine like our ancestors have for thousands upon thousands of years, no! He should be paying hundreds of pounds to a big pharma company for a pill that they invented a few years ago.

The premise behind drugs testing people is based on many things i disagree with:
1) the spectacular failure of the war of drugs - not only has drug use increased in the timeframe, but it has ruined probably millions of lives, needlessly turning ordinary, hard working people into criminals for no good reason other than "we like this plant, but we don't like this plant, and now neither may you"
2) the origin of the war on drugs - which iirc from a well sourced and produced video on here recently was instigated by a vindictive racist who wanted to go criminalise things that were seen as "black people" pastimes
3) the bias of the war on drugs - where drugs associated with the poor and underprivileged are relentlessly pursued to the detriment of functioning happy families across the world, but drugs associated with rich white folk such as those boardroom jockeys who snort coke in the office bathroom, nah, give them an easy time
4) the american prison business - which demands a steady supply of low cost, low maintenance, low rights workers who have no choice in the matter
5) the spreading of disinformation through formal education/popular media, and lack of actual knowledge or experience of drugs - which has led to a generation of people who now firmly believe that the moment you inhale a particle of THC (or "inject 1 marijuana" to the uninitiated), your brain turns into a fried egg, and you immediately begin stealing, cheating, and peddling dangerous items to children

Some of the brightest and best humans were influenced and inspired by drugs. If i wrote a list of people that i had the greatest respect for and who i considered to have made a positive influence on the world, half of them would almost certainly be drugs users; and i mean scientists, writers and artists. Your philosophy is a detriment to society, but thankfully as the decades pass, there are less and less with that philosophy. I loathe being blunt, but there is nothing worse than someone who feels the need to dictate to others what they should and shouldn't do on the basis of what they personally do or don't approve of.

We might get about 90 years on this planet with a bit of luck - why the hell do the minority spend so much time trying to dictate to the majority what they do with that time? And why do the majority let them? What sort of control fetish is it that inclines people to want to do that?

This guy's life has been fucking ruined by your adopted philosophy towards drugs, and you offer to help him as long as he bends to your will? How magnanimous of you to stoop to gutter level to help a mere drug-addled cretin... I think he'd tell you to stick your job, he's overqualified to work under you.

KrazyKat42 said:

I would give this guy a job in a heartbeat. If he could pass a drug test.....................

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

JustSaying says...

OK, here's a thing: colored people suck at racism.
There, I said it. I'm not even trolling here. Honestly, as wrong as racism is, white people are just better at it. Just take racial slurs, there are no good ones for white people. Cracker? Seriously? They're fucking delicious. Put cream cheese on me and I get even better.
Wanna be specific and call me a Kraut. I love Sauerkraut.
I'm a fat guy, you can not offend me by giving me food related names. Try harder next time. Actually, can anyone do better than this?
Even the argument about theme parties is crap, we're better at this than colored people are. The RNC, Nuremberg Rallies or even random Ku Klux Klan gatherings are far more offensive than anything black people could do. We, white people, out-racist (yes, that's a word now) everybody else without even trying. If there's one thing where white people are far more superiour than anybody else, it's having a feeling of superiority.
I'm not a racist, I believe we're all equally cruel, stupid and worthless. Humans aren't worth the flesh they're printed on. However, from time to time, you'll find out that there are some things a certain group of people is statistically better than others. Sometimes it's in the genes, sometimes it's in the culture but one thing I'm sure of, the actual worth of a human being is decided by its actions.
The truly interesting question is, why are white people so willing and able to take action against reason and empathy and favour fear and ignorance? The actual issue here is not the racism itself, it's the question why it comes so easily and thoughtlessly. Without effort.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No good reason. I started with this picture of my dog being barked at, and just never changed it. Seeing the thumbnail of your video did make me think twice about changing it though. I just need to go find a good newt to photograph.

ant said:

How come you're not using a newt avatar on VS?

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

newtboy says...

I asked you if you had evidence of your claims, you ignored that query, so I logically assumed you don't. You still refuse, claiming it would do no good, but you have never tried (because you've clearly already made up your mind about me & my positions), still leading to the conclusion you don't have any.
I have the knowledge/memory of the reported threats, and her reaction. That's all I needed to dispute your contention that she cut comments off solely to silence reasoned debate.
Again, you have still not backed up any of your statements, which leads to the reasonable conclusion that you can't, and are just riding your high horse and acting the fool. Please prove that impression wrong by supplying the repeatedly requested evidence, or prove it correct by continuing to simply claim it will be ignored and so refusing.

EDIT: and I'm not ignoring Bobknight!
and if using a word's technical meaning is denigrating, that's the denigrateds' problem IMO. They should own it, there's nothing wrong with it. I didn't mind being called a janitor instead of a custodial technician. If she's called them 'dirty whores on film', then she meant it to be denigrating, and I'll change my mind.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

At this point, you're just arguing because I don't agree.....

Puppy chat with little baby Ramsey

Payback says...

So why is he howling I can't see how he thinks that
even sounds remotely like a real howl now my dad
he can howl make your fur stand on end oh hey there
uncle Dawg whatcha doing down there I'm kinda
getting dizzy up here is it far enough up for oxygen
deprivation to affect me oh what the Hell why is he
howling again he's really no good at it what's so damn
funny anyway hey watch it lady you almost dropped
me oh ya your kid is real brainiac hope you don't waste
any money saving for college what the Hell he's howling
again can you get him to shut up it's getting annoying...

Driver Beaten And Tazed As St Louis Police Shut Off Dashcam

Drachen_Jager says...

So... a large group of cops beats the crap out of a guy for no good reason, one of them turns a camera off.

Aaand it's just the guy who turned the camera off who gets disciplined?

Quadcopter with Guns

Payback says...

"How come no one thought of this earlier?"

That's like the FIRST thing I thought of when someone showed me the Parrot AR for the first time. "Doesn't look like it can hold that large a gun. Maybe a .22 or .38. No good for hunting. Maybe for flushing out game..."

jon stewart-deluge of depravity-the torture papers

scheherazade says...

I lost the link to this one old report from early on in the latest Iraq war. Anyone have a link to the one about US troops arresting hot girls off the street so they could gang rape them in prison, where the ones that became pregnant disappeared and were never seen again? They had a bit in the report about higher ups finding out and confiscating the cell phone videos, and the administration saying it would serve no good purpose to release them. I'm wondering if those vids will ever see the light of day... doubt it.


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