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lucky760 (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Try it now -

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's exactly what I was wondering. I would have invoked *blocked if you were somewhere outside the US.

The video has been blank for me at two different locations, so I'm not sure the reason. It's a weird situation because it's definitely *dead for some places... Oh well, I guess I'll invoke *blocked, but I won't *dupeof my post until the original has a working embed.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
New Orleans.... it can't be blocked in SoCal and not here, can it?
In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Where are you, geographically speaking?

In reply to this comment by jonny:
works for me.

jonny (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

That's exactly what I was wondering. I would have invoked *blocked if you were somewhere outside the US.

The video has been blank for me at two different locations, so I'm not sure the reason. It's a weird situation because it's definitely *dead for some places... Oh well, I guess I'll invoke *blocked, but I won't *dupeof my post until the original has a working embed.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
New Orleans.... it can't be blocked in SoCal and not here, can it?
In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Where are you, geographically speaking?

In reply to this comment by jonny:
works for me.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

NASA: 130 Years of Global Warming in 30 seconds

bcglorf says...

Why the double standard with climate change?

Surely you don't consider those the same thing?

Toxicity is pretty simple. You run a test feeding creatures cyanide, and they always die if you give them enough.

By comparison, climate change involves interdependent processes that span virtually every branch of known science. I work in an academic environment and have seen what frequently comes out of inter-disciplinary studies. It comes out with stuff like the first link I gave above. Some climate guys who aren't very good with math go ahead and use a misapply a statistical method. That misuse is KNOWN and EXPECTED to give a falsely zero-biased result in the situation the climatologists misapplied. The climatologists then unknowingly went ahead and declared the zero-biased results they received as unique and important evidence that past climate change had little variance from zero. The reality, as evidenced in the article I linked, shows that the truth of the matter is that much better statistical methods exist for the application, and when they were applied by the climatologists, low and behold the historic variation leapt up, so much so as to make the last 100 years no longer look anything like the anomaly they did before.

With climate change there are a million variations and possibilities. The most important question to answer is just how imminent and severe are the effects we are facing. The most straight forward test is the one that Mann et al wowed the IPCC and the world with, showing that the temperature change over the last 100 years was unlike anything in the last 2 thousand. It turns out though that in truth, Mann's original results were an artifact not of human emissions, but of human error in math. Mann's new results show that the earth has been as warm as today multiple times over the last 2k years, and that in that time temperature has previously dropped just as fast as it rose in the last hundred.

As to what to do with unknowns, it still depends on the assumptions you come in with. What percentage do you want to lower emissions by? How much of a difference will that make to future temperature? What is the cost of lowering emissions by that much? What are the costs of dealing the increased temperature instead?

It's not a simply problem with some easy logical answer that is independent of those questions. What's worse, is now those questions not only span scientific fields, but they bleed over into economics and political science as well.

Your assessment before marks the cost of lowering CO2 emissions as moderate and the costs of not lowering them as potential huge. If the cost of lowering CO2 emissions is to be kept moderate, it means not lowering them by very much or not lowering them very quickly. Either way, it means if the effects of CO2 are drastic, we are STILL going to have to adapt significantly in addition to the money spent on reducing emissions. It sounds to me like just a variation on my own suggestion to be honest. A modest investment in battery and nuclear infrastructure, and adapt accordingly with the impacts that doesn't cover or accommodate. The most dire and immediate adaptations are ones that need to be made anyways, so I again don't see the risk as severe as others claim. It's not as though New Orleans was all peachy and good until things got warmer. A city on the coast below sea level, or islands a few feet above sea level could use a lot of dollars spent on adaptation even if we lowered emissions to the point of lowering sea levels by a foot.

Passed out LSU Fan TeaBagged in Krystals

longde says...

Thanks @dotdude for the update,

Alabama fan wanted in post-BCS sexual assault on LSU fan arrested in New Orleans
Brian xxxxxx, identified as the Alabama fan who pressed his testicles on the neck of an unconscious LSU fan in a Bourbon Street burger joint after the BCS Championship Game, was arrested by New Orleans police Thursday night after driving to meet police. xxxxxx, of Smiths Station, Ala., was taken into custody by New Orleans police about 10 p.m.

Detectives met xxxxxx, 32, at his attorney's office in Mid-City and then took him to Central Lock-Up, where he was booked with one count of sexual battery and one count of obscenity.

Earlier in the day, Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor, who said he is a second cousin to xxxxxxx, said he personally spoke with the NOPD sex crimes detective handling the case about whether to arrest the man or send him to New Orleans for questioning.

Although he'd heard about the video -- which has created a firestorm on the Internet -- for a couple days, Taylor said he watched it Thursday morning at the prompting of other people who suggested the University of Alabama fan was his relative. The man in the video indeed appeared to be Downing, he said.
"So then I went out there and looked at it and was, like, you have to be kidding me," Taylor said. At that point, he called Downing's father and told him to bring his son to the sheriff's office.

BoneRemake has a Diamond (Happy Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Don't try to understand the great enigma we know as Bone Remake. Just go with it.
?term=how%20about%20them%20_______________&defid=1312649>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^BoneRemake:
How about them local athletic clubs ?

I don't get it?

Actually this is what I thought @BoneRemake was on about.

THANKS ! That site will help me out a lot, its hard meeting people.

BoneRemake has a Diamond (Happy Talk Post)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

dotdude says...

I've booked ten films. Some of my choices had to do with staying at one location. The venues are scattered across town.

Brighton Rock
Eames: The Architect and the Painter
How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster?
Magic Trip
Take Shelter
The Hedgehog
The Mortician
Vigilante, Vigilante: The Battle for Expression

The other titles will go into my Netflix queue.

In reply to this comment by Sarzy:
There's some interesting looking films playing there -- are you seeing anything?

In reply to this comment by dotdude:
'Thought you might be interested in the line-up for the New Orleans Film Fest:

Online Program:

dotdude (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Who Knew Cows Love Jazz? Well, they ARE french cows....

bareboards2 says...

Wiki sez:

Dixieland music, sometimes referred to as Hot jazz, Early Jazz or New Orleans jazz, is a style of jazz music which developed in New Orleans at the start of the 20th century

>> ^shewbox:

Very cute! Although you might actually call that dixieland rather than jazz

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Cops Continue to Harass Emily Good

Bernie Sanders slaps down Rand Paul: Health care as slavery

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^That is all theoretical bullshit that never plays out in real life. In real life, privatization and deregulation lead to unemployment, inflation, massive income inequity and civil rights abuse. Check out Chile or Argentina or Poland or Russia or Brazil or Iraq or America or New Orleans or......

Spit out that Kool Aide, brother! You are a cool dude, and I don't want to see you get diabetes!

New Orleans breaths Africa

timtoner says...

I recall going to the Museum of the Confederacy (across the street from the WAAAAY worth it D-Day Museum), and in a very discrete corner, they mention that, in the early days of Secession, a number of Freedmen came to the various recruitment offices, asking to join up. In their eyes, they weren't going to let those damn Yankees push them around. The commanding officer of New Orleans very politely stated, "No," and let the matter drop. Which is everything you need to know about slavery being the root cause of the civil war.

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