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Steve Jobs announces the iPad

westy says...

I tell you the problem fundimentl issue

if this cost £45 and had 10 - 15 hours battery life it would be perfect

but this will cost 200-500 knowing apple.

I bet when pads get to the 15-25 pound price piont everyone and his dog will be using them , as they would be like pcs that you would just levee lying around the house , for when u want to check something quicly , watch tv , order stuff what have you . they will allso be the kind of things that shops will have loads of like argoss books but they will just be pads all over the place.

the problem is its only good if its cheep when a produc costs a large chunk of mony the user requires it to do certain things or have deep functoinality inorder to justify the cost.

People Depressed That Avatar Isn't Real

westy says...

>> ^Xaielao:
I can see Westy is already in the 'calling Avatar crap makes me cool' phase. That didn't take very long.

Avatar is quite ground breaking and in 3D it really puts you into the world. I saw it again in 3D last night and with 5 movies coming out yesterday I expected there to be a decent crowd at best, but the theater was so packed there weren't enough seats for all the viewers. I couldn't believe that a month in the movie is still selling out at $13.50 a ticket for the 3D showing. And from what I heard the 2 theaters showing it in 2d were the same way.
It's an awe inspiring movie. Sure the plot is obvious and the acting isn't entirely Oscar Worthy but the CG is groundbreaking and they successfully surpassed what was considered unsurpassable, the Uncanny Valley. Anyone that finds themselves depressed and see's our own world as gray is weak of will in the first place. Our own world is thick with awe inspiring places and vistas as well. But since most people live in forests of concrete and glass and barely see any wildlife besides pidgeons and their entire lives are passed simply eking out an existence, I can see where such a life would be empty. And it's why I will always be a country boy.

"I can see Westy is already in the 'calling Avatar crap makes me cool' phase. That didn't take very long." can you see how moronic that statement is ?

I went to see avatar thinking it might be good film , i left it thinking omg everyone is going to be slagging this off all that mony invested in it was a total waist, and that the people that did the back drops and cgi would be pissed off at a film that had the plot and delivery of something designed for a 8 year old to understand. ( and not in a good way)

I mean compare avatar to something like Jurassic park. CGI in jurassic park was ground braking and not just technically but interms of its implementation. also the story in Jurassic park and the pacing of the film and all the characters is fantastic. Avatar just feals Dead.

Then again avatar has made alot of money so there is obviously a market for it maby people just want simple films that require no thinking and that you can predict the outcome and pretty much the entirety of each sceen and the out come of the film instantly.

The only thing they did better than other films was some of the character cgi in a cupple of sceens. but you could still tell what was cg and what wasn't from the animation.

Granted if you havent watched allot of cgi then maby you would be highly impressed , but there has for a long time been alot of art work of photo real cgi outside of films , and you have Manny scenes in real films where they use photo real cgi on characters faces or various aspects and u would probably never notice it , in avatar you can tell when its cg or not.

TYT: Fox and Global Warming

westy says...

^ you reolise that systems like national grid were set up on big government tax scheems ?

big government tax scheme's are a gr8 way of getting new industries or services of the ground that then allows a populous to thrive and benefit from it.

If uk goverment invests alot of mony and dose "tax scheems" in solor, nucular , and other infra structure that its not oil dependent then we will benefit from it greatly.

Japanese Whaling Ship Shears Bow off High Speed Anti-Whaler

westy says...


lol now i don't agree with whaling particularly but I allso dont think spending a tun of mony on a stupid littel boat to try and intimadate whaling ships will do anny good.

Fact is the whalers are doing this for a living and its been in there culture for a long time , now that dosnot make killing whales right but at the same time over in England and USA we have done and still do shit to the environment that arguably has a far grater affect on animals than whaling dose.

They should try and fix USA and England before going of to other cultres to try and inforce there hippy ways with a shitty over priced dingy. I allso think other solutoins and methods of redusing wailing would be far more constructive and more likely to have long term afffect than poking people with a boat.

This will change your mind about speeding!

westy says...

I think the biggest cause of death on motorways is not speeding , but drivers staying to close , police should give penalties for people driving to close rather than speeding , having said that its obviously a thing that's alot harder to regulate as often times its required and is safe to be close.

in ether case speeding is more of a problem on country lanes and city roads.

but yah in UK 90% of the drivers don't give ample space as they get annoyed when sum one "takes" the space in front of them. Maby cars should all have lasers in them that when sumone is above 45MPH if you dont give at least 15m of space it sounds a really annoying alarm maby a voice that says " give space" "give space " nothing that would startel the driver but a clear warning that would force people to give more space. If it was iligal to tamper with it and all cars legaly had to have it i think it would reduce moterway fatalities grately.

allso Im all for road cars having Speed limiters on them. there is no reasoin sumone should be able to drive a car at 150mph on public roads , you could still have a beast engine but it would require an authorized person to unlock it (if you wanted to go to track days ) and if u self unlock it u get into truble. This way cars would still have gr8 aceleratoin for overtaking and stuff that people buy exspensive cars for but you would not run the risk of people raping it down the motorway.

Mony made from fines should maby be put towards bulding a british nurburg ring so that if u wanted to go fast there was a place to do so , maby evan have it so people can acess track days cheeper.

there is a fundamental educational issue with alot of young drivers where they think its skill full to drive a car fast on public roads , when in realty its piss easy (until you crash which is 75% chance based car coming out / unexpected corner / weather) I can almost guarantee that they Boy/Girl "racers" would get raped by Evan young go cart drivers.

Sarah Palin wins "Lie of the Year"

entr0py says...

>> ^westy:
lol what a mupit
, how can you claim that preventative care would cost more mony? i mean what the fuck research is that bassed on.
im fairly confident that if u prevented cancer detected it early in just 10% more than what u get now from that alone you would reecoperate all costs.
although having sead that i guess now people just have it and die as they cannot afford insurance or basic helth care in usa.

The reason why preventative care for cancer can cost more is exactly because it prevents people from dying young. This is why smokers on average cost our system less than non-smokers. Many of them develop lung cancer before they're retired, and die of it quickly. They pay into the system while they're young and healthy, and skip over the last few decades of life when they would need the most care.

Of course, I'm not using any of that as an argument against preventative cancer screenings or anti-smoking campaigns. We just have to remember that the point of health-care is to improve and save our lives, saving money is secondary.

Sarah Palin wins "Lie of the Year"

westy says...

lol what a mupit

, how can you claim that preventative care would cost more mony? i mean what the fuck research is that bassed on.

im fairly confident that if u prevented cancer detected it early in just 10% more than what u get now from that alone you would reecoperate all costs.
although having sead that i guess now people just have it and die as they cannot afford insurance or basic helth care in usa.

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

westy says...

well in some ways he is right , why stop at helth care why is it ok for rich people to live in nice houses and pore to live in shit ones?

it would be ok if gaining welth was skill and effort bassed ,

in reality gaining wealth is due to parents having money / being of reasonable education , and luck.
yes some people get welthy though hard work and determinatoin but that is very rare , if you are brought up in a shit naborhood with shit parents and a shit educatoin its statisticly very unlikely that you will make decent mony.

in the end its not aceptable for one person to liv ein comfort whalst those around him suffer evan more so when that person has a rediculouse amount of surpluss welth. the biggest irony is that these concervative typs are often christains , funny how they ignore the parts of the bible that would require them to share what they have and live as basic men.

Branson unveils most expensive toy ever

westy says...

Yah but as i said , You probably have a pool of 1 million people per country that are as deserved as clever and as hard working as branson. but becoming supper rich is a lottery.

Its like idolising people that have made alot in stocks and trying to emulate them its piontless because there sucsess after a piont is largely chance.

Granted manny people dont try in the first place , but im on about people who rnt stupid and do try eventually u will probably make good money but making loads and loads of mony is very mutch outside of your control, especaily if you start off with nothing ( which branson didnot his parents baild him out and handed him a huge opertunity) , what's stupid though is once you pass the 250k mark its ridiculously easer to make more mony than making mony when u have nothing. really it should be the other way around , so it gets incrementally harder to make mony.

fundimentaly looking up to or idolising sumone like branson is also stupid , as he could be a right selfish cunt for all i know ,
my opinoin of him is natural. its likely that there are far nicer people that have not made alot of mony becuse they decided to dedocate there time to helping people directly or other things , its rather unfortuante that western culture celebrates welth over other things.

Branson unveils most expensive toy ever

westy says...

There will be hundreds if not thousands of people who are as deserving if not as ruthless as Richard branson who will not have become rich sue to multiple factors outside of there control. In fact if you look at super ritch people ( bill gates, Steve jobs, google founders ,) Most of them are super ritch not because they are particualy good auntrapanours but because they were lucky on one thing that gave them a substantial boost finacaily , granted they cnt be dence and they need to have a reasonable idea of things and some vision , but there are litraly hundreds of thousands of people like that , its just not all of them are in the right place at the right time , sure by doing things a certain way you can increase your ods but for the people that do become super ritch its not a skill bassed thing.

so I wouldn't look at him and just because he is rich think oh he is a genouse in ritchards case his parents and there suport will have given him a fundamental boost that manny people with the same ablity would not have had.

also Wealth is not the best gauge of a person , In lots of cases to make large amounts of money you have to forget ethics and be a cunt , pissing on and exploiting many people.

I don't know him as a person , im just saying that Making "Alot" of mony is is chance based. I think if your not stupid , through hard work and skill could earn 150K year after 15 years of trying im specificly talking about the super rich that have 10 milloin +

Gliding over Kagel Mountain

westy says...

He is probably just British , who gives a shit its not like you or I am going to kiss him. also there are many disorders that cuse discolouration of teath and evan teeth to totaly fall out.

personally my teath are average maby if you had a 1-100 scale of tooth perfection im probably 65-70 , my teeth are only aceptable because my parents forced me though dentail hell and braces and all that shit. i don't particulay look after them well but its in my genetic macup that they don't get rotten or particualy off colour.

just saying cos I know people are preoccupied with teeth well Americans seem to be. even if it was his doing i don't think it matters that much its only something that will affect him directly , not the people around him. its not like he is using all the tax mony up paying to get them fixed.

Televangelist Gimmicks & Free Offers

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Televangelist, Gimmicks, Send Mony, Prayer Cloth' to 'Televangelist, Gimmicks, Send Money, Prayer Cloth, miracle spring water' - edited by MikesHL13

Lets Go Into Space! It's More Fun Than Wars/Banking Schemes

westy says...

the problem is his view is over simplified and thus invalidating his point

, all tax money and bail out mony is solely befitting rich people
, mony has been given to taliban/ militent groups in an effort for the usa goverment to get what they want

both those things are true to an extent but giving money to militant groups dosent automatically mean you are funding the Taliban / funding people to shoot at you ( although sometimes it dose and historically usa is good at mucking it up )

government regulation of money and tax to try and sort out the mess of banks and businesses doesn't automatically mean money to rich people. although im sure a good deal of money has ended up going to the super rich , im also sure a good deal or at least some has actually helped every day people .

If this guy only more clearly made his argument and made less sweeping statements then id be inclined to bother to listen to him.

the other thing is there is no benefit for man to physically be in space not for another 150 years or so when we have working technologies that sustain human life cheaply on earth yet alone in space, we should focus space money on probes, telescopes , and varouse experiments not wasting it on keeping humans alive up there. ( makes more sence to do the most experiments in the cheapest and quickest way , then once that's done fire people at the sun)

Rachel Maddow: Why Fox News Isn't News

choggie says...

Yes, i have a particular disdain for all things recognized as legitimate media.

Those who would contribute to the field with a view to offering an alternative have their hands tied by the very types of people I tend to despise-Those folks who hide behind semantic exactitude when the foundations of their preconceived and programmed ideas and perceptions are challenged-Those who would rather tattle than deal, sue than succeed. Those who would project their clouded visions of a perfect world upon the masses.

^What the hell is this "contribution" to the Videosift bucket of mud other than someone who, trying to be popular and clever, litters the place with THIS viewpoint over THAT viewpoint? Fox over some other bereft, anemic news organization. The codex for the World's Media system offered to monkeys is "What distracts from the truth and sells the most plastic bullshit?"....nothing to do with truths, but half-truths. Little to do with usable information, useless rather. If it's not some bullshit about REP vs. DEM, it's who got killed, where and how.

I am sorry if I offended anyone with crude language to make a point, and apologies for using a colloquial term that only Brits aren't offended by. Shall I forgive Rachel Maddow for her continued suckling at the teat of her employer? I don't blame her for being just another talking, worthless head, the monies' probably pretty good. She has not ethic or morality beyond that of her own success and popularity. I can't stand her fucking smugness, her tone, her goddamn delivery or the soapbox she feels most comfortable upon....
THAT OF BAITING THE MONKEYS WHO THINK SHE HAS A FUCKING CLUE! Whore of Babylon bitch, like all the other, male or female, hetero or not, news assholes. Hate the other assholes and their pulpits as well, right, left, black, white, etc. There is no objectivity left in journalism, if there ever was any in the first place.

MaxWilder? Your observations serve only to satisfy your perceptions and to conveniently label undesirables. Re-read the comment I made, and you may find that you do not have the information you needed to make your statement T,F,or M.

MW You assume I watched the damn video for starters. You assume I attacked her because of her gender or sexuality, the latter I am taking your word for, because I don't know or could care less. If I had the power, I would downvote it. For what reason??...without watching the thing?? How about title. How about the site is littered with newscast blurbs that suit the majority? How about I can downvote for whatever reason I choose, as long as it does not violate sift guidelines.

How about....I am just as tired of seeing RM's face on the sift as I am seeing Rush Lamebrain, kittenz, members of the Atheist fan-club, or people being"PWND"!

For fucks' sake, can't you people see that the television news is an abortion, a carcinoma??

Gran Tourismo ad shows hot cars banging together

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