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Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

newtboy says...

Freudian slips?
Calling the Republicans “Rebs” is just too on the nose to be intentional, as is calling them rubes (even if misspelled).

It is shocking to hear you support federally funded campaigns…we actually agree on that point. Unfortunately all Republican representatives vehemently disagree. If you want that, vote blue.

Side note: that is getting PRIVATE money out of elections and PUBLICLY funding them….not getting public money out. Public money is the government, private money is the Koch bros or Soros.

bobknight33 said:

Today Rebs have egg on their face. Next cycle Rub[e]s will set the trap for dems and they will get egg on their face.

The only fix is to get all public $ out of elections and just use Tax $ at a set amount. No 3 party vids or such just from candidates.


newtboy says...

Lol. Is that what I said, or a ridiculous straw man you’re setting up to knock down?

Your fact free ilk are the decimation of a democracy that lasted over two centuries. Putting party above patriotism, principal, and phact (misspelled for alliterative purposes).

Yes, I watched some, and the trial isn’t the only source of info. I posted the video of him drinking and flashing white power signs. His own recorded actions are proof enough.
Here it is again…..

No bob, I’m talking about you, you are the one whining that the media isn’t unbiased and in the same breath posting insanely biased, partisan, fact free nonsense you call news….and god damn it it’s you’re - you are…not your - belonging to you….not yore - in ancient times . Learn English comrade. Patriots know their native tongue. What language DO you know, Bobski? Is it Russian or Mandarin?

bobknight33 said:

So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

And you facts came from where? Your ass?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Be sure to get your offical Trump cards today. (All it takes is a donation you don't know is recurring paired with your 300% impact offer, meaning your donation will have 300% more impact because they're going to multiply it by 4, every two if you try to donate $100, by the end of the month you'll find out they took $800.)

They can't tell if you're a neo Nazi without your trump card. (Complete with misspellings and third Reich imagery like the Nazi Parteiadler, or party eagle . )

Made especially for people like you who aren't playing with a full deck.....and they're totally offical!

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

newtboy says...


Bwaaaahahahaha!! I think not.

No, dummy, I’ve been exceptionally clear that I’m happy when violent criminal cops get taken out….not any cop, not cops doing their jobs with honor. Your claim that this means I want all cops taken out means you believe that all cops are criminal thugs that should be taken out. Who’s anti cop?

I’m for taking out cops like these…..

I just say they’re all in cahoots, one gang, which is antithetical to proper policing, but they aren’t all murderers. I’m happy when power tripping cops abusing their power get pushback. These cops were not abusing their authority, they weren’t even exercising their power, they abdicated it by not using deadly force against deadly armed attackers. Conversely, when dealing with ANTIFA, there was no such restraint, violence is met with escalated violence not mass retreat, and arrests are made on scene.

I’m quite disappointed that the cops didn’t open fire more than once. If ever it was called for, it was Jan 6. The fact that only one shot was fired is a good indicator of how racist the police are….a black armed violent crowd invading the capitol looking to murder representatives and officials would have been mowed down like a neglected lawn. With the warnings they had of a violent attack/coup, there should have been a few thousand police/national guards staged like when BLM peacefully marched at the white house, and we know how police responded then with no physical provocation. These extra guards were requested and denied against Trump’s mob. Who refused to provide security is a major question of the investigation…one you would think Republicans would have wanted an impartial, unbiased, apolitical team to investigate, but they were dead set against it, or any investigation. Kind of like they are afraid of finding the truth because the truth is they incited the attempted coup/deadly political riot.

Since I’m sure you need help,

Cahoots- acting together with others for an illegal or dishonest purpose
Antithetical- directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible
Abdicated- fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
Provocation- action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately; incitement
Apolitical- not interested or involved in politics
Incitement- the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully

The quiz will be tomorrow, it is not multiple choice. Misspellings like “ANTIA” are considered wrong.

bobknight33 said:

I think @newtboy would be ecstatic to watch cops getting push back on Being such an anti cop junkie.

Or are you only happy when ANTIA fights cops?

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

Vote fraud is a maximum of .00073%…, that’s 24 questionable votes for every 3.3 million votes, as found in actual audits nationwide.
...that’s the maximum amount of possible fraudulent voting, not even the actual amount of fraudulent votes, but the number of questionable votes. So impossibly small there’s absolutely no way it could sway any election even if every single questionable vote was fraud, and in reality <5% of questionable votes are found to be fraud, others are names misspelled on rolls from typos, people who retook their maiden names after registration, people purged from rolls improperly, even people voting as Mrs. X when Mr X was dead. Should tens of millions, 10-15% of legal registered voters, be punished by having their votes denied over a .00073% maximum possible fraud rate (<5% of which turn out to be fraudulent)? You say yes, absolutely….as long as they’re mostly Democrats.
Death from getting COVID is 54800 times more likely than actual vote fraud.

bobknight33 said:

600000 dead is only a 2% Death rate.
Another way of saying it 98% survival rate.

And if you are younger than 60 it more like 99% survival rate.

So should you be forced or else be punished in some for or fashion for a 2% death rate?

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

luxintenebris says...

all of us are qualified.


since anyone can serve on the SCOTUS then all are qualified to question her competence.

anyone can comment on national policy. are you familiar with the internet?

JANIS Joplin is a plus. at least he knows quality music. (deride him and misspell the name that's right in front of you?)

drradon said:

Mr. Janice Joplin T-shirt clerked with exactly who on the Supreme Court? With a law degree from where??? And that qualifies him to comment on the competence of Ms. Barrett? Not quite as funny as our current crop of comedians who think they're qualified to comment on national policy...

When two spaceships have the same registration number

Weaver ants build a horisontal bridge

Is Kurzgesagt Lying to us?

Most Horrible Busy Commute To Work

newtboy says...

Interesting...I googled it spelled that way before commenting and that didn't show up, only bands and restaurants and suggestions I misspelled. I guess I should have wikied.

I would swallow my own tongue before riding a train that crowded. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. It's panic inspiring just thinking about it. I left the San Francisco bay area because it was far too crowded, but by comparison it's completely unpopulated.

oritteropo said:

I could speculate that it's because many European languages (including German) spell it that way? Even in English it was the dominant spelling until the 1890s (at least according to the google NGRA
M viewer.

Re the actual video, it takes a few cancelled trains before my line gets that crowded. It would be interesting to know if this was normal for this line.

Modes of Transportation for Children - Water Transportation

newtboy says...

It is ridiculous to assume a child that's never seen a bicycle can read the word bicycle.....especially if they're taught by videos like this that misspell simple words like yacht.

Men v(ersu)s women shopping....


Not a baby brother!

Can Trump read?

newtboy says...

How can this be? His daddy could have bought those 'degrees' and positions for him, simple.

It would seem he can read, but likely at best at a 3rd grade level. His tweets bear that out, replete with misspelled words, horrendous grammar, and never words or concepts above 3rd grade comprehension levels.

Please site your reference for this data, as it seems unlikely to be least I hope it's not. The NASA stat in particular is almost certainly false....I've known many (my uncle ran the moon rock program for a while) and I've never met one with reading issues of any kind. Dyslexia is a disqualifying disability in aerospace...mix up one value and things go bad fast and hard.

bobknight33 said:

If this is true -- which seems fair to say by looking at this ---- WOW FUCK

But then I ask how can this bee if he got an economics degree from Wharton. No small feat.

Plus as a kid he was on the NY military academy During his senior year attained the rank of captain.

That all said It wold seem that he could read... not necessarily guarantee it

Reading Statistics

Total percent of U.S. population that has specific reading disorders 15%

Total percentage of U.S. adults who are unable to read an 8th grade level book 50%

Total amount of words read annually by a person who reads 15 minutes a day 1 million

Total percent of U.S. high school graduates who will never read a book after high school 33%

Total percentage of college students who will never read another book after they graduate 42%

Total percentage of U.S. families who did not buy a book this year 80%

Total percentage of books started that aren’t read to completion 57%

Total percent of U.S. students that are dyslexic 15%
Total percentage of NASA employees that are dyslexic 50%
Total number of U.S. inmates that are literate 15%

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