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Milking the world's most venomous fish

Milking the world's most venomous fish

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Rum Ham and Riot Juice

CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

newtboy says...

Maybe. We don't know the full story yet. I do agree that on appearances alone, you're spot on.
I don't think it's pure distraction, but I do think they'll milk it for all the distraction and excuse they can squeeze out.

Spacedog79 said:

Whatever Russia has or hasn't done it pales in comparison to what the democratic leadership did. They got in to bed with the big corporations at the expense of the everyday American people they are supposed to represent. Bernie could have pulled them back from the brink but they didn't want to hear it. It had to be their woman Hilary, and so they went and lost against Donald freaking Trump.

This guy is right, the whole hacking thing is a convenient distraction so the Democratic leadership doesn't have to face up to what they have done.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Honda Riding Assist - CES 2017

WKB says...

Actually... that's a great idea. Why not?

I've never considered this angle, but it is kind of genius. If self driving cars are safe enough to carry a person, why not solo? Go the to grocery store website, order your milk. There are three options. Pickup, Delivery, or Auto-Pickup. If you registered your self driving car with the service, you can click a button to confirm, "Send car for pickup."

Wow... I might live to see that.

bobknight33 said:

Now you can send it to the store and get milk while you are posting comments on the sift.

Honda Riding Assist - CES 2017

ant (Member Profile)

White Gold-The Battle For Milkquarius

This Sums Up Motherhood In 34 Seconds

How not to be Angry all the Time

gewel_the_grateful says...

"As it is, Not as we would like it to be"

When we have a desire or expectation on what we want or how things should go, but it does not turn out the way we 'hoped' or 'wanted' (desire), then we loose the balance of our mind.
Desire is based on illusion, we desire (hope) something that has yet to happen and we think about how perfect it would be 'if', yet when that 'if' turns out to be something we did not expect, intend or desire, then we become agitated, sad or depressed that it did not transpire the way we thought it would be. We then take that agitation and we try to share it with others. We don't like to feel the way we are feeling, so we express it to others, spreading the drama. Most people take on the agitation of the one with agitation and become emotional in some way to either commiserate with them or it brings up our own internal agitations about so many things, that we then become embattled with the one that is agitated. Then the fire that is inside is being spread to each other and sometimes it gets bigger and keeps spreading to those around the ones that are agitated. Then it keeps growing and we have a tendency to hold on to that agitation from moments past or days, weeks or years past and it keeps building. It becomes a habit pattern and we keep repeating the same process because we are consumed with it.
But we all know that the only thing that puts out a fire is water. Water is the cooling substance to quench the fires lust to consume. It is the same way with human beings, water (calm cool words or actions) can help diffuse oneself or others.
When we are agitated we lose our self-awareness and travel down the path that our sensations or emotions are taking us. We in essence lose control, we allow ourselves or others to guide us down a path that is never helpful to any situation.
But there are many paths to change that habit pattern within ourselves and gain mastery over our minds and change the habit of allowing ourselves to lose our equanimity.
Science has proven that no one can make you feel a certain way, or make you do anything. Yet we still have a habit of blaming others for our agitation or sadness, or even praise others for making ourselves happy. Yet we are the only ones that can make ourselves happy or sad. We have the ability to accept things as they truly are be it 'bad' or 'good' and be OK with it. Why do we cry when the milk has spilt? It has spilt, crying or any other emotion over that reality is not going to make the milk un-spill. Cleaning it up and learning or teaching on not to have the milk spill again and moving on from that moment is the most important thing.
We are incredible beings with so much power and beauty. To be with ourselves and learn from within our own beings is so important and the key to dealing with the world around us.
So yes, hope can be a very dangerous thing when that hope consumes us to the point of anger and depression when that hope it not fulfilled.
We do not have any control over how things transpire outside of ourselves, but we do have the ability to master ourselves so we can be mindful to the ever changing world when our hopes are not fulfilled. As we grow we learn not to have so many expectations (hopes), but allow life to unfold around us and 'Act' to any situation instead of 'React' with emotion. When we Act, we start to become aware instead of becoming blurred when we are reacting with unawareness.

'Be well on your journey, May Truth and Awareness be your guide'

SNL - Koohl Toilet

Two cats fighting (politely) over milk

littledragon_79 (Member Profile)

Americans And Guzmer Try British Candy For The First Time

00Scud00 says...

I'm not sure why you'd move for the chocolate oranges, you can find them on pretty much any store shelf in the US. And to me at least they always tasted like milk chocolate oranges. Actually, now I kinda want one dammit.

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