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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

First OAN and Newsmax….get ready to lose Fox!

Released testimony from depositions and internal texts and memos show conclusively they ALL knew the election wasn’t rigged, there was no significant fraud, and the conspiracy theories from Trump’s camp were not based in reality, yet they went ahead and published the lies. That’s malice. This is going to cost them $1.6 billion to Dominion and $2.7 billion to Smartmatic, among dozens of other smaller multi million suits they’re going to lose. Are they even worth >$4.3 billion?

Bye Felicia. They should be banned from American airwaves and internet for knowingly lying to intentionally help a foment coup, like every other righty fake news outlet and other terrorist organizations. Deplatforming is not enough.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

moonsammy says...

Perhaps even more concerning than nuclear secrets being exposed* is the possibility that intelligence sources were compromised. In fact, this seems extraordinarily likely, given that the CIA in October 2021 sent out a memo stating they'd been losing sources (via arrest, being compromised, or being killed) at a concerning rate. That's a rather major issue for national defense. Clearly something was the cause of that increased loss of assets, and TS/SCI documents are very likely to have included sources. Why would papers only meant to be stored or accessed within a specialized, secure facility be redacted?

The topics of the documents in question may not matter, in terms of how fucked FPOTUS might be. if Trump, for reasons of greed, malice, and/or gross negligence, caused the loss of sources useful to US security, that's legally a biiiig fucking deal.

And even being the cause of the murder of multiple intelligence assets may not really matter at all. Because, legally, being in possession of TS/SCI documents outside of a SCIF is a biiiig fucking deal all on its own. The jail term PER DOCUMENT runs multiple years.

Relevant legal mumbo-jumbo:
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
(b) Whoever, for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing, or note of anything connected with the national defense; ...
(f) ...Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(g) If two or more persons conspire to violate any of the foregoing provisions of this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be subject to the punishment provided for the offense which is the object of such conspiracy.

*Nuclear secrets being exposed also does seem plausible, but with so many countries having nukes and so many existing to be fucked with in some manner, I feel the much more exclusive knowledge of US intelligence asset identities is a larger problem, legally and probably morally. He probably directly caused multiple murders, and a general degradation of the US's intelligence capabilities. Not something one wants in a commander in chief.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


First it was “I took absolutely nothing, fake news.”
Then “I maybe accidentally took some documents I immediately returned.”
Then “when they came with the second subpoena we gave them everything and swore under oath we had.”
Then “What’s the big deal that we still had top secret nuclear documents unsecured, all they had to do was ask for the documents, we always cooperated.”
Then “No crime, I automatically declassified any document I removed from secure locations by secret overreaching decree I never memorialized.”
Now it’s “yes, I stole hundreds of top secret nuclear documents hurting the country and making everyone less safe because I thought maybe I wanted to put them in my public presidential library that I haven’t started planning to build for everyone to see, so I kept them in an unlocked closet and a public hallway outside the unlocked basement.….because that’s what you do with top secret highly classified nuclear documents.”

His claim other presidents did this is nonsense. Other presidents went through the proper process to screen out secret classified documents, and never took any of the documents, the national archive held them until they were transferred to presidential libraries.

He’s now admitted he personally illegally stole them, and that he personally ignored multiple subpoenas demanding their return, that he personally kept them completely unsecured, and that he (through his legal representatives at his direction) lied and swore to the FBI he had turned them all over. Not what you do when you think you have a legitimate reason for having them….and all public admissions to multiple felonies. Every attempted excuse is an admission of multiple serious felonies involving national security….tell me it’s nothing, prove absolutely nothing comes before your allegiance to the Ochre Ogre. (It’s ok…we know it already.)

Over 700 classified pages….each one carries 5-15 years in prison.

Traitors - “nothing burger”

BTW- turns out records prove that Barr NEVER considered the charges against Trump when he publicly exonerated him, didn’t even read the evidence, just said “nope, not prosecuting”.
The secret memo he tried to hide even from the judge determining if it could be kept secret says clearly that Barr needs to make a statement and not release the full report because it clearly implies/shows the president committed obstruction. This was Barr’s legal team telling him there are legitimate legal charges in the report, and he needs to obstruct the courts and public from seeing them.
At least 10 instances listed in the unredacted Mueller report of Trump obstructing justice that Barr covered up.
That is an underlying crime Barr insisted didn’t exist.
He may be facing obstruction charges too. Likely about to be disbarred, after courts determined he outright lied about the Mueller report. Gonna be great to have an administration reunion in the yard at Levenworth. Everyone will be there.

Edit: aren’t you going to tell us how awful student debt relief is? What a travesty it is to exclude millionaires from getting $10-$20k back in the pocketbooks of those struggling with crushing school debt, some to horrific for profit “schools” like Trump’s totally fraudulent “school” scam? Don’t you need to scream “SOCIALISM!!!”?

No? *crickets*? Isn’t this sending the message that you can just walk away from debt you contracted to pay back? Isn’t it the hard left swing deep into socialist communism that will destroy western civilization? I’m begging you, take the bait and talk shit like the rest of the extreme right…I double dog dare you.

Ameca and the most realistic AI robots. Beyond Atlas.

newtboy says...

Your comments are uninformed.

Billions in losses at every factory may or may not be temporary, but it’s still billions in losses. The company’s value is based on pure speculation, not any semblance of profitability. As he downsizes, new much larger manufacturing lines are coming online from his competitors. He can’t get to 70% capacity to even break even because he can’t get chips, unlike his competitors. If investors become disillusioned, he goes broke and his company goes bankrupt.

Hiring!?! I guess you didn’t get the memo, they are downsizing by 10% across the board according to Elon, with more to come, because he expects sales to drop precipitously when his predicted depression occurs next year. (And because his other side projects aren’t generating cash flow he can pump into Tesla)

You have any other observations to have debunked?

Please enlighten us with your wisdom.

bobknight33 said:

Your comments are uninformed.

A new factory does not become profitable until your up around the 70% full production capacity. Berlin and Texas just opened and putting out about 1000/week. This need to get to about 15000/week.

FOX news bitching about salaried layoffs -- And your point is what?

However, Tesla is hiring hundreds of factory floor employees.

You have any other observations to share?

Please enlighten me with your wisdom.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they would NEVER overthrow the government...unless trump told them to via the insurrection act. WELL

WELL WELL WELL that's very comforting, i guess you were right after all, nothing to worry about here. Just a buncha guys sittin around with thousands of rounds of ammo, assault rifles, spare parts, and body armor ready to overthrow the gov if ordered. Sittin around havin some breadsticks.

I saw ur comment about you care about everyone blah blah, just not in a public-policy-enforcable kind of way right? Well this concerns all of us. These people were ready to create a dictatorship.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Damn, bad day for Trump….internal memos from the weeks before the big press conference with all Trump’s lawyers accusing Dominion (and long dead Hugo Chavez, Smartmatic, and George Soros) of vote fraud prove they knew all the claims were false well before the November 19 press conference where they publicly accused them all of treason by vote fraud.

The more we know, the more we know they knew....and we now have proof they knew they lost fairly before knowingly making false accusations, but just refused to accept it.

Before the first press conference they knew it was all bullshit, Bob. Proven by their own investigations, verified by their legal memos…it was nonsense....baseless delusion divorced from reality.
When are you going to get it that they constantly lie to you for money, power, and fame? Why does that not bother you?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And today, memos from the Trump Whitehouse detailing the first coup attempt were released, how they wanted Pence to simply discard the electoral votes from 7 states that went to Biden so no one would get 270, then the (at the time) Republican house would each get one vote, with Republicans voting for Trump.

Mind you, this scheme was totally illegal, unconstitutional, and anti democratic. Pence had no legal reason or method to simply deny the votes from 7 states, and he refused to go along. If you recall, that's why Trump's coup crew was chanting "hang Mike Pence" and built a gallows to do it at the second failed attempted coup for Trump. That's why Pence refused to leave congress with Trump's secret service detail, he was certain they would either murder him or deliver him to the crowd that would.

BTW...under 500 showed up to support those treasonous traitors from Jan 6...not a single Republican representative. Not even MTG or Bohbert. Even they gave up on the lie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Weird, because like I mentioned those tax cuts weren't helping my portfolio until after the election. They must have really kicked in only after the inauguration. But to be fair, Trump did say the market would tank immediately if Joe's the president....apparently the market didn't get the memo.

It is still running under the Trump corporate/billionaire handouts, and still suffering from the Trumpdemic recession, it had been languishing under the same circumstances last year but is now skyrocketing with the nation under adult leadership.

Tax hikes will likely slow things somewhat assuming any pass, time will tell, but your prognostications have proven to be least, unlike Trump and Republicans, Biden wants to pay for at least some of his spending. For all the worrywarting about China, you guys sure liked to be deep in debt to them. Yes, Democrats are spending like drunken sailors, it's worrisome, but so were Republicans. At least it's on brand for Democrats, they don't pretend to be fiscally conservative anti socialists while giving away trillions on credit and getting nothing for it.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you dumb.
Still running under Trumps / Republican tax cuts.

Slow down when Biden passes their tax hikes.

Democrats For Violence

wtfcaniuse says...

What is The Deal with your Weird random Capitilization bOb?

Is this Bob #4 or #17?

What has Trump done that is "great"? Still waiting for an answer. Bob #2 might not have attached the new cover sheet to his report from the other day, ask him if he saw the memo about it.

bobknight33 said:

American people are fed up of the Democrat party.

Funny Democrats say this Violence is Trumps America. Reality is that this is all in Democrat controlled area.

Democrats are a Total Fail.

Alligator Charging Kayak

OAN: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Duh, Bob, didn't you get the memo? It's the Chinese alright, but they're causing it with 5G phone signals like in Kingsmen except instead of a bezerker, it makes you sick. Get with the program.

Really, you spread nonsense like "the CDC created it and the Chinese released in their own country to hurt Trump" , both war crimes btw, and you accuse others of spinning the truth?! Lol.
Ignoring that nonsense doesn't negate the Chinese culpability, since it most likely came from their black market in endangered Pangolin scales.

bobknight33 said:

It indicated it was collaborated with the Chinese lab in Wuhan . Studying is fine, Chinese letting it loose in Wuhan is not.

Keep spinning Truth to negate the fault of Chinese.

Are you part of the 1000 talents? Probably not you most likely a stooge

Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Our government is designed to preclude monarchies.
If a president can't be indicted no matter what, they are a defacto monarch, and there's absolutely nothing to stop them from declaring themselves president for life and simply refusing to vacate the office, or from ignoring all law with immunity.
How a memo, not a law, describing one person's misinterpretation of the law has been used to grant Trump blanket immunity, contrary to the actual law and the basis of our government, is beyond me. It should be removed and never brought up again, except as a cautionary example of democracy threatening activities to avoid. Any official using it to shield anyone from prosecution should themselves be prosecuted.

Mystic95Z said:

That OLC "memo" that says a sitting President cannot be indicted needs to be made illegal too, no one is above the law, I dont care if its a Democrat or Republican in the WH.... Stick to the law and dont do dumb shit and everything is fine...

Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

Mystic95Z says...

That OLC "memo" that says a sitting President cannot be indicted needs to be made illegal too, no one is above the law, I dont care if its a Democrat or Republican in the WH.... Stick to the law and dont do dumb shit and everything is fine...

newtboy said:

Sets a bad presidential precedent. The Democrats need to accept that and give Warren carte blanche to do anything at all, including a blanket repeal of all Treasonous Trump's legislation and agreements, and thumb their noses at Republican whining.

I say Democrats should, for one term only, use every trick, ploy, and scheme the Republicans have used for Trump to get us back on track, closing every loophole and making it a crime to support obstruction or "refusal to cooperate" as a public official after 3 years and 9 months.
Ignore them. Dismiss them. If they suggest any legislation, crush it, call it unAmerican and stupid, and laugh at their inability to do anything about it. Defund all their pet projects and corporate welfare programs and implement universal health care with the money saved.
Turnabout is fair play. I'm sick to death of Democrats turning the other cheek in the name of civility with an uncivil adversary.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha! My reading says Trump, Guliani, and Putin should instantly, without warning, have all assets frozen AND be denied entry to the U.S.....and Trump should no longer be able to fundraise in the U.S..

What a maroon.

Edit : and apparently in that 2017 meeting with Russian officials in the oval office, the one where he burned Israeli agents to brag about the info they had shared on Isis, he told them he didn't care about Russian interference in the election because, he told them, the U.S. interferes in other countries elections. That's why memos and transcripts from that meeting were also placed on the top secret server, even though they contained zero state secrets or classified (any more) information. *facepalm

Speech Pathologist in Texas Fired for Refusing Israel Oath

bcglorf says...

I only ever took a cursory look at that whole case too, but didn't his memo stem out of internal meetings and training specifically with the purpose of discussing the gender gap/pay disparity? If your specifically asking for your employees opinions and holding discussions with them on political issues, the cases have more similarity.

ChaosEngine said:

Without wanting to re-litigate the Damore case, I feel like there's a subtle but crucial difference in those two cases.

AFAIK, Damore was fired because he actively did something; he wrote an internal memo to Google.

If Google had required him to sign something supporting gender diversity or whatever, that would be more comparable.

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