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American Dad: Dragon Scuffle -- A MMORPG spoof/parody.

Family Guy Writing Staff

Fletch says...

Postmortem: First, thanks for making me look up "didactic". And agreed, Stewie is funny.

I've been a fan of South Park since the beginning. I still love it. I never got into Family Guy. Tried, but it was a different kind of funny to me (read: unfunny). There are episodes of South Park like you describe, but overall, I don't think they've lost their edge. I think they've actually gotten better the last two or three seasons and I am amazed how they can pump out great, biting content about subjects which are CURRENTLY in the news. They still do the boogers and bathroom type of humor, but the show has, IMO, gotten smarter and more clever over the years. But, to each his own. Not everyone likes South Park.

As far as Family Guy, it is rare when I even crack a smile at the clips that get posted here. I just don't see anything funny or clever. If it makes me laugh, I'll upvote (and I have). Like I said, to each his own... but I just don't understand the popularity of the show.

EDIT: Ok, I just finished watching the link you posted (I've seen it before, btw), and as I sat there I realized... maybe it isn't Family Guy I dislike. Maybe it's Seth McFarlane. I like Stewie. He was "doing" Stewie. Not funny, although I laughed at his dig on South Park. Anyway...

Family Guy Writing Staff

PostMortem says...


But here's Seth Mcfarlane's response (as Stewie) to South Part.
(Response starts at approx. 5:45)

I'm not a big fan of Family Guy, except for Stewie.

However I think South Park is starting to lose it! It's becoming way too didactic!
The creators on South Park are always after other well known people to keep their opinions to themselves. But several recent episodes of South Park are just bloody well preachy! And I don't mean the characters, if it was just the characters then it would be satire (which is what they used to do very well). But now the whole feeling of many episodes is, "listen to us, we're right". It comes off as hypocritical.

Family Guy: Trivial Pursuit & Firetruck

Deano says...

I went off family guy a while back. I just don't think it was a very funny show but then I tend to feel that most animated shows are weak. One exception though - McFarlane's American Dad is very good.

therealblankman (Member Profile)

waka says...

pssst, just between you & me ..i know (; I was being very very sarcastic He does indeed not seem to have more than one concept for characters. But is that really so important? Characters are nothing more than a vehicle for jokes, which are the highlight of the show imo.

As for POS; jokes like "mickey the xenophobic scotsman", "the fury of Clytemnestra", "euthanasia/youthinasia - boy they got enough kids over there as it is"? how can you dislike it? Of course there's no accounting for taste..but POS? meh.

In reply to your comment:
pssst... just between you & me, that was kind of my point. Note that Seth McFarlane created both Family Guy & this POS right here.

In reply to your comment:
yeah, I think he ripped it off from family guy.

waka (Member Profile)

Family Guy Uncensored

Family Guy Uncensored

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