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The Paradox of an Infinite Universe

newtboy says...

There’s no paradox, there no such thing as “infinity” in reality.
Infinity is an unreal mathematical concept like “i” (imaginary numbers that are the square root of a negative number).
Useful in calculations but really it’s just a placeholder for our lack of understanding about how the universe works (or a simplistic lie to evade giving a difficult, long, and incomplete explanation) , it’s not something found in nature.

Why not a mobius toroid? …or maybe a multidimensional toroid that’s (somehow) a donut in every direction? …or maybe both at once? Have some imagination, physicists. Don’t limit yourself to only the dimensions you perceive or how you see them
Time/space could be something like this and we only perceive the point where all 3 axis converge….

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense. 😂

To my dumber than a bag of hammers-
😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂
So that’s a “yes”, you do think the economy is worse now than in 2020 solely because inflation is doubled and you don’t understand earnings/purchase power . 🤦‍♂️
I grant you, inflation is still elevated, but down near 2/3 and well below what other countries are experiencing, so is getting better not worse. Hyperactive economies can tend to have inflation issues, and the Biden economy exploded like it was made of lithium deuteride.

Yes booby, prices have gone up on average, they always do…and on average everyone makes more too….much more. If prices go up 3% and wages go up 6% you have 3% more buying power, A GAIN…that’s pretty basic math for it to go so far over your head. In 2020 prices went up near 1.5% (for items still on shelves) but wages went DOWN near 6% (for those who were still employed) for a >7% LOSS in buying power. See how Bidenomics is better yet?

Probably not…ask a 3rd grader…is being able to buy 3% more yearly better than only being able to buy >7% less than last year?

Earning power is rising fast, double inflation, so are GDP and employment rates unlike under Trump when not only was there still inflation (granted much less thanks to the floundering MAGA economy) but wages actually went down significantly GDP went NEGATIVE and up to 20 million jobs evaporated thanks to mismanagement (NZ didn’t have that problem).

When inflation is barely above 3% and wages are rising at near 6%, yes, things cost more, and average people can also BUY MORE you fucking idiot.
I know, that’s keeping two things in your head at once, so impossible for you to comprehend, but trust me, that’s reality. You should try it some time.
You think you have something because inflation went up, largely thanks to Trumps horrific last year of hyper spending and the economic crash his mismanagement caused but also due to Biden’s economic recovery outpacing the most optimistic predictions…but you are too dumb to see the other half of the earning equation…wages. Since earnings are rising at double inflation, people can buy more.
Again, in 2020 wages went down almost 6% with 1.5% inflation (during a massive negative gdp) so earning power went down by almost 7.5%…today inflation is 3.24 but wages are rising at nearly 6%, giving a RISE in earning power of 2.75%. That is a >10% difference, going from a 7.5% loss of buying power in 2020 to a 2.75% rise this year…and no recession. That’s called winning.
Inflation is only one part of the equation, buddy, and is absolutely meaningless without the other parts.

Yes, I repeated myself…I hoped by saying it over and over some might get through.

Interest rates…😂😂😂 true, Biden didn’t lower rates to zero and still have a stalled economy, he had to raise them to combat inflation…it worked, and hasn’t stalled the boom yet. You claim to be rich…high interest rates shouldn’t mean a thing to you…or do you really carry massive debt and aren’t really rich at all? 😂

As a side note, the stock market is also booming, paying great for those who are invested. Similar to wage growth since many (like me) live off investment earnings.

Gas prices have dropped sharply, today below $3 in 1/3 of the country and $.22 lower than a year ago on average. That’s costing LESS! Try again.

Many staple food prices are lower too. National average turkey prices were cheaper than last year, so are eggs. Try again.

According to Edmonds, “ The good news is that, in general, prices have been on the decline since late 2022. In May 2022, the average selling price of a vehicle was about $721 over MSRP. Compare that to July 2023, when the average selling price was about $714 below MSRP.”. Try again.

American's purchase power is rising, under Trump it plummeted like never before. I know, you just don’t understand. It’s ok boob. Adults understand.

I bought a bag of hammers for $10 at a yard sale…it was incredibly smart of me. I got about 10 hammers including 3 small sledge hammers and 2 metal framing hammers. My bag of hammers purchase was quite smart. 😂

Boob, get a brain. You might ask the scarecrow how he got his, because you really need help. I’ve never met a person as dumb and delusional as yourself, and I’ve known some real idiots.

Try this simple example.
Last week a soda cost you $1, and you made $12 an hour ($1 every 5 minutes). This week a soda costs $1.20 but your pay went to $15 ($1 every 4 minutes). Yes, the soda costs more this week…INFLATION!…are you better off now or were you better off with cheaper soda last week? Show your work. (I’m pretty certain that second grade math is just too hard and I won’t see a reply).


bobknight33 said:

" it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy."

Gas , food , cars, interest rates all cost more.

-Your dumber than a bag of hammers.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense.

It’s just delicious that the people Trump never gave a thought to, the peons that serve him, are the same people who testified to Jack Smith about all the top secret documents laying around in publicly accessible, even privately rentable areas of Maralago with absolutely no security for any of them, not locked doors, not even closed doors…at Trump’s direct order…and hidden only during pre-announced searches, again at Trump’s direct orders. They also testified about him showing top secret classified military intelligence to many foreign people he was trying to impress.

The people Trump likes to say he’s working for, the same people he doesn’t even see when they’re in the room, are the people that spilled the beans. Guaranteed he still doesn’t know who they are despite being listed by name and occupation. 😂

Oof….Michigan is looking at new election interference charges. They’re waiting for the Supreme Court to decide if their election interference laws are constitutional in the case of the two MAGA operatives that were convicted in multiple states of robo calling black voters to lie to them that vote by mail would send all their information to multiple government and non-government agencies including mandatory vaccinations, bill collectors, police, even “the man”, and would publish it publicly….all lies designed to make people scared to vote.

If those laws are deemed constitutional, most legal scholars say Trump himself violated them repeatedly, and prosecutors are preparing charges. 😂

Wow, there sure is a lot of news on these cereal boxes. I never knew General Mills was an investigative company, but you insist that’s where all this verifiable information comes from, so they must be. Maybe you should check them out.

Oooh-ooh-ooh….Mr Cotter! Giuliani’s Russian tied source in Ukraine has been charged with treason for feeding the US false intelligence supplied by Russia and undermining US/Ukraine relations under the direction of Russian military intelligence…this from the late special edition cereal box this evening.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m not the Lord….but thanks for saying I am, even if unintentionally.

So, it’s more projection then….and more evidence english is your second language at best, and you failed the class, and that you’ve never passed remedial math.

Disgraced traitor and failed dictator tumescent Trump has had the worst week in court history, after testifying that “sure, he did the crimes” he’s set to lose hundreds of millions and all his businesses before going to prison at best, and is set to be in court for treason all through the election, and you just CAN’T admit it. Fortunately the court system doesn’t care if you believe, and neither do independents.

If only there was some undeniable metric to tell how the economy is doing, like GDP (up beyond belief from NEGATIVE 2.3% for Trump to 4.9%), or unemployment (holding at record lows of 3.8 down from 9% Trump left), or wage growth (at 5.3% well above inflation, up from 2.6% under Trump thanks solely to low wage earners losing far more jobs or it would be zero), or inflation numbers (down enough at 3.7% that the fed stopped raising rates) we could look at to see the trends.
So sad there’s nothing we can look at to see and so I guess we’ll just have to take your word for it. 🤦‍♂️

Can you tell us what measurements you use to determine that Bidenomics have failed, or by what measure Trumpenomics were successful? All I know for sure is they are not the normal ones used to evaluate economics because they all point toward Trump’s policies being disastrous and Biden’s being amazing, well above all predictions consistently, so I’m curious what they are.

Ugh…more of the failed lawyer posting from mommy’s basement. How many times will you let this guy make you look stupid before you stop posting his rantings?

The same polling he references said we were getting another red tsunami yesterday…but we didn’t, did we? Republicans lost almost every single contest, even many that seemed to be a lock. Don’t you find it odd that you think Trumpism is so much more popular but every Trump backed candidate consistently loses? Keep clinging to false hope, it’s done so well for you in the last 5 elections. 😂

Now, aren’t you going to explain the mathematics of inflation to me and explain why 75% inflation translates to 140% price increases? I want to learn, and I know you can teach me since you have a firm grasp of math.

bobknight33 said:

Lord you just love clinging to nothingness.

Here Just look at you failed POTUS and ponder that. That whats matter,

Biden is a failed POTUS.
Clear as day.
Bidenomics has failed. You just can admit it.

Color video of Albert Einstein actually explaining E=mc2

newtboy says...

Good, then I’m not just being dumb….But you don’t recall at what point it goes from KE= 1/2m V^2 to E= M C^2 …or the equation/function used to determine energy below the speed of light but above the 1/2 threshold?

Somewhere below C (speed of light) it gains up to 1/2 the total system energy, beyond simple kinetic energy…I’ve heard this alluded to as mass becoming energy, but never with any explanation how or even if that’s reality or just a mathematical “trick” to make the equations work…nor an equation describing the process. I only took year one physics….over 25 years ago.

noims said:

Actually, I think I can verify this. I remember in physics going through a derivation of why E=mc^2 and being very disappointed that it was just a specialised case of your second equation.

Living person placed in a body bag for cremation

cloudballoon says...

In Hong Kong (where I was born), a majority of seniors are reluctant to vaccinate even amid its deadliest 5th wave of Covid (blame anti-government sentiment, doctors ruling against vaccinating seniors & sensational media fear-mongering of rare vaccine side-effects over logical thinking, facts & mathematical probability) brought me to think that many of them have a death wish anyway. It's kind of a cultural thing.

BSR said:

This person doesn't care one way or the other.

Guess who for 5 power points.

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

BSR says...

Florida officials continued their war on education this week after rejecting more than 50 proposed math textbooks that allegedly “included references to Critical Race Theory.”

The Florida Department of Education announced Friday it would not include 54 of the 132 ― or 41% ― of math textbooks on the state’s adopted list, citing “CRT” as one of the main reasons.

“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” the statement said. “The highest number of books rejected were for grade levels K-5, where an alarming 71 percent were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies.”

The state’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said without evidence that the math textbooks “included indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students.”

DeSantis has been an outspoken critic of CRT, which has become a catchall term ― stripped of its original academic meaning ― for having discussions about racism in the classroom. Since last July, there have been more than 200 instances of public school districts in Florida banning books, the third highest number of incidents of any state in the U.S.

Democratic state Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith said in a tweet that the governor “has turned our classrooms into political battlefields and this is just the beginning.” -

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

If there are only 8 Biden supporters 1) what are you so afraid of and 2) you understand that mathematically that means there are only 5 Trump supporters, right?

(Side note, I noticed you conceded the elderly, historically one of the largest republican voting blocks, but you don't understand that means you just admitted you've already lost. Oopsie.)

No cities and few elderly in Humboldt, we'll probably be 85% Biden. So much for your theory that discounts most Americans. "inner city people" you mean black people, they all have low IQs now. So 50's clan of you. you now believe IQ is a measure of republican control? Lol...then why hasn't yours improved? Fyi, it's not a measure of your school district either.

bobknight33 said:

All 8 of them?
Not enough to win 2020

Those below 80 are the from inner city people who democrats forgot, have provided shitty school system , high crime high dropout, leaving to low enrollment and lower IQ.


luxintenebris jokingly says...

definitely a malleability in the tribe tweety. the silver spoon's fed

am surprise 🦜 bob used 180° reference. as if gymnastics or mathematics could be correlated to the president.

w/fox loving to spread hate, a joe victory could make the jitteriness of a jackass jihad, jonesing to become a junta, a daily journey.

Ad Astra - Score by Max Richter

C-note says...

You had me at ...
"geometry, music, mathematics, astronomy ...the writing of music is a hybrid activity between something very technical and rule based and computational and also pure chance and randomness and intuition and those things colliding allow us to evoke emotions…"

New Math vs Old Math

bcglorf says...

The problem is that it's confusing theory with the method. The right hand method(henceforth referred to as right method) shows that 35*2+35*10=35*12. It takes all of a couple minutes to show a class that. Spend a little time reminding them of the theory, put have them practice the right method. This isn't a mathematical theory exercise, this is performing basic arithmetic. It's why you segway into algebra later and show kids a(x +y)=ax+ay

scheherazade said:

"Get the answer faster" is not the point.

The left explains why multiplication works, whereas the one on the right is a process for multiplying.

The left makes it visually obvious that scalars are separable.

That : (35*2) = (30*2) + (5*2) = (30+5) * 2

The only thing missing (which may have been covered elsewhere) is that : 35 'IS" (3*10^1) + (5*10^0), and that multi-digit-numbers are already presented as separate scalars in sum.


Prosecutors Say Donald Trump Committed a Crime

newtboy jokingly says...

Nice try, but that demonstrates Twain had a lack of mathematical knowledge, not intelligence.

Also...I believe you mean 50% falls below the median....mean and average are synonyms. For some reason the phrase "people who live in glass houses" keeps running through my head now....I can't explain why. ;-)

nanrod said:

When I hear this quote I like to respond that actually 50% of the population falls below the mean not the average and if you don't know the difference then we know which side of the curve you are on.

The Day Jesus Returns

shinyblurry says...

Hi Sagemind,

I'm not offended by your questions or statements. I am guessing you didn't watch much of the video or else you wouldn't be saying all of these prophecies are based on an eclipse. It doesn't a do whole lot for your argument when you skim the video and then mischaracterize the content. This is the atheist MO; come to a premature conclusion based on incomplete information in a rush to falsify the data. Having only a superficial understanding of the subject matter, how would you expect to convince anyone of your position?

The sun being darkened is one of literally dozens (maybe hundreds) of signs that indicate the Day of the Lord, which this video covers. The Jews, and Christians aren't just looking for an eclipse, they are looking at world events, cultural conditions, and a myriad of other things which confirm these prophecies. Without the dozens of other accompanying signs, a simple eclipse wouldn't have any weight in fulfilling these prophecies. The Jewish culture knew about eclipses, that isn't what this is talking about.

This is a very indepth subject. For example, Sir Issac Newton wrote on bible prophecy extensively and said that he considered his work on prophecy more important than his work on mathematics. Based on his studies he corrected predicted when the Jews would return to their homeland. Do you think he just guessed? Read his writings. There is something there a little deeper than atheist talking points.

You've also mischaracterized my faith. I don't believe in God because I was scared and I needed something to lean on. I believe in God because of personal revelation; God revealed Himself to me and showed me that Jesus is the Messiah and the bible is His book. I was content to be a secular agnostic and I wasn't afraid of my death. God wasn't content with that and I responded to His call.

Your oversimplication of faith proves that you don't know a lot about it, or why Christians believe what they believe. I don't think that is very intelligent to dismiss something that you really don't understand. I think your rejection of my faith is mostly based on cherry picking information which has been spoonfed to you by atheist sources instead of a sincere investigation which weighed both sides instead of just one. I would love for you to prove me wrong here.

Have you ever considered giving the claims of Christianity a chance by asking Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you? Either He is alive and can hear you, or He isn't. If He did give you a sign, would you be willing to follow it?

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

StukaFox says...

Blah blah Scientific Method blah blah mathematics blah blah physics blah blah evidence-based deduction vs. shit someone made up whole-cloth that people believe in because it makes them feel better about themselves blah blah etc.

shinyblurry said:

Watch basically any nature video and you'll see the indoctrination "blah blah evolution blah blah deep time blah blah deep time blah blah evolution" etc

Tim shows his Galton Board

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