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Katie Porter Proves Borders Are More Secure

newtboy says...

CDC says the increase in overdose deaths was cut nearly in 1/2 to 15% in 2021 from what it was in 2020, 30% increase.
The CDC numbers do not match yours.

Also, note using your statistics it went from 54k total deaths to 92k deaths under Trump, and 92k to under 107k under Biden. Also, 1 month of 2021 was Trump….the worst month by FAR….indeed, the first half of the year was still under Trump’s policies, they changed mid summer to Biden’s border policy, and still he cut the increase in half. Wait for 2022 numbers and see, I bet they prove me right and increase rates drop again by near half once the entire year is under Biden border policy.

It’s more pronounced when you target opioids, where in 2019 overdose deaths were under 50k, and 2020 were up to 68.6k, up 19k or 38%…2021 had 80.4K, up 12k or 17%. FYI, 17% is less than 38% increases in overdose deaths. These statistics strongly imply more new fentanyl use under Trump both in total and per year so far….with rates of increase going down under Biden but doubling under Trump. Before Trump, I had hardly heard of fentanyl outside MJ’s death…now it’s as ubiquitous as meth. Yes, there is more now than last year, but the rate of increase is much lower.

Directly on topic, Heroin death rates involving fentanyl plummeted in 2021 from 13.1k to 9.1k, almost 1/3 lower. In 2016 they skyrocket from 13k to 15.5k…up near 20%. Clear evidence that Biden’s drug policies on his worst day are doing better than Trump’s on his best day.

you know I don’t click your links since you posted multiple links to fake sites that were virus hosts, but I found the same data.

As to your assertion that these numbers “ All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing. ” that is a total lie. The numbers you list are for ANY substance caused death from drugs AND controlled substances including prescription drugs and include intentional suicides. The numbers for heroin/fentanyl are down. You didn’t, or couldn’t read.

Cut the increases in overdose deaths in half, yep, Joe did that.

Lol….burn? I think you burned yourself, dummy. People who can’t understand statistics shouldn’t try to use them in arguments. I got an A in statistics, how about you?

Your argument is like saying “sure, Joe cut the deficit by 2/3, but the debt still went up to the highest number ever so he’s clearly causing the all of the horrific debt problem, Trump had nothing to do with it.”…just idiotic.

Now, have you had time to prepare to discuss the rightly executed traitor Ashley Babbitt? You’ve had 2 years.

bobknight33 said:

Under Joe More drugs caught and more overdoses ... This implies that more fentanyl / drugs are coming in .

More deaths occurring since Biden stepped in. Way up under your boy Joe.

OD deaths:
2015 54K
2019 70k
2020 91K
2021 107K
All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing.

Yep JOE did that.

A pinhead once said:

"Your suppositions ALWAYS turn out to be wrong, unsurprisingly since they are based on lies and a complete lack of understanding. You might want to stop making guesses, they never work out for you."


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Turns out most Trump businesses report earnings exactly the same amount as their tax exempt expenses to the penny….so paid zero corporate taxes. Somehow the irs under Trump didn’t see a thing odd about that.
This includes, among dozens of companies he claimed made exactly what they spent, the llc that owns his trumpforceone plane, the plane he charged the secret service exorbitantly to ride, millions of dollars in charges, it claimed $7382 in expenses and zero income….so claimed a business loss (and certainly asked for a refund) and zero income despite billing the government for millions.
Funny, Melania also has “business expenses” that exactly match her modeling income to the penny. Filing jointly with the worlds worst tax cheat is going to bite her….and you better believe she’ll cut a deal.
I know the sources you believe will not be covering this news.

Every bit of information we get about Trump indicates worse criminality than his worst enemies ever predicted on every single front. Friday is going to be…wild.

China Will Collapse in 3 Days

cloudballoon says...

LOL. Communism is only in the CCP's name, hardly in practice anymore. As a country, it's arguably a more capitalistic system (there's far less tax bailouts for the rich in China than the Communist Republicans in the USA) with a socialist political agenda (in order for the party to stay in power, mind, but I'm calling a spade a spade). Still, it's less socialist/communist than many Western Europe countries.

There are far too many idiots who don't bother to understand and distinguish the differences between communism, capitalism, socialism, facism, authoritarianism, democracy, freedom, government regulations, checks & balances in the private & public sectors and all the grays, mixes-and-matches in between systems & ideals.... it's sadly all too laughable.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

luxintenebris says...

so you laughed a long, long, long, long time.

don't know what 'fear porn' is but highly unlikely this qualifies. put it in the category of 'dark satire'.

did you laugh at the 10 yr rape victim? find it hilarious? total scream having political zealots casting doubt on her nightmare - right? or the IN A.G.'s slanderous comments? oh! what fun!

the situation portrayed in the video is a real thing. likely dozens of other scenarios that match. would you like to refute that?

- Chuckles?

bobknight33 said:


Fear Porn.

Tesla BLOWS AWAY Expectations. (Q2 2022 Recap )

luxintenebris says...

please. communist?

think about this: one of the cons of communism is if one person is getting all the benefits of working as not working - incentive is nixed.

w/all the mergers of segments of the business world - oil, media suppliers, etc - the effect mirrors communism. w/o serious competition, these companies have less incentive to improve products, increase efficiency, or reduce consumer costs.

to wit: most of the conservative policies are closer to communism than ideas like trust-busting, fair employee compensation, reasonable taxation for high earners, etc.

most of the 'progressive' ideas would spur capitalism, thus the blue is more about the green than the red is about keeping markets stable and healthy.

prefer the idea of regulated capitalism over death through fascism.

what led to '08?

anyway...if you're money is on Tesla*, good luck. good to see a body putting their money where their mouth is. and great to see you in favor of moving away from fossil fuels. investing in the future.

if we can get there.

FYI: interesting article about the marketing of tesla
from the skinny on the CEO, it is an absolute match.

BTW: keeping up w/the Jan 6 spankings? hard to buy the love of a loon, versus the safety of a nation. shakes a person to the core. all those serene conservatives w/o one iota of spine. if this is your idea of quality leadership - no Tesla stock is gonna fill the void of losing a homeland

*what did E.M. do for Twitter? taught some folks the meaning of 'cozener'.

bobknight33 said:

(edited for efficiency - comment on mainly this utterance)

Biden economy and Communist fuckery is holding Tesla down , not Tesla. Hence it is a great buy.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

luxintenebris says...

not what I've read.

it was northerners wanting to match southerners shooting skills, after the Civil War.

if you'd source that claim would be happy to see if that's a real thing.

bobknight33 said:

The NRA was formed to teach southern blacks to defend themselves from the racist southern Democrats

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

kir_mokum says...

"CGI can alter the color and intensity of light, changing the appearance of an actor’s face or body in a shot."

this means building a digi double of an actor's face or body, match moving/rotomating it, relighting it with scene lights, then a shit ton of work in comp. NOT a colour correct or a shitty filter. it's a huge amount of work.

Oliver Stones thoughts on why Putin invaded Ukraine

noims says...

I'm suffering from serious confirmation bias on this because it agrees with a lot of what I heard around the 2014 revolution and since.

I was in Russia when they invaded Georgia in 2008. Specifically, I was staying with family in Ossetia, which is a mountain state that was split between Russia (North Ossetia) and Georgia (South Ossetia). Russia invaded because Georgia was attacking a Georgian town in South Ossetia. On the day of the invasion I was working in the mountains collecting water samples, and got a very close view of what was happening, got local confirmation of what was being reported, got to talk to refugees, etc.

Without going into it too much, when I got back to Ireland and saw what was being said and how it was being framed it was absolutely laughable and so obviously wrong. Some were worse than others - Sky News in the UK and Fox News being the worst offenders - but no major news media that I saw was giving the side of the story that I saw.

Also, when the UN report on what happened came out several years later it completely matched with my take on what happened.

The point of all this is that when the invasion happened earlier this year I knew there was no way I'd have the time or expertise to find out what's going on, even though I have friends and family in Ireland, Russia, and Ukraine. All sides are pushing their narrative hard. All sides are lying to us and manipulating us to the best of their ability. Depending on where you live you'll hear one side louder than the other, and the people around you will tend towards that narrative.

Personally I believe both sides have committed atrocities. I don't know who's been worse. I've seen both sides, including journalists, manipulating footage to support their narrative.

My only take on this is that invading a sovereign country is absolutely wrong except in extreme circumstances where every practical diplomatic means has been exhausted.

To come back to this video, my instinct was to promote it because it does seem to be a well informed take on the context of what's happening, but I've been hesitant because of my confirmation bias and because it muddies the message of "war is very very very bad".

Feck it, though. *promote

Adam Neely: Anthem

luxintenebris jokingly says...

unopposed to adopting an unofficial anthem.

how 'bout "America Pie". everyone seems to know the words. or at least every single person that likes that song.

maybe set a new trend. start the song as the teams come out on the field and keep singing until someone scores.

and this would be a good match, since very little people could sing it*, but great for, at least, the start of the 2nd half, especially if you're down and behind...a real uplifter...

*unless we could get all the schoolchildren to learn how to belt it out...would humble all other anthems (and world citizens) at the olympics

Will Smith Making Bald Jokes Doesn’t Age Well

luxintenebris says...

probably a small segment of the viewing populace understood 'g.i. jane' reference. even smaller knowing the hair loss issue. being hollywood - the joke was mild by ricky jarvis' standards - and having come out w/her problem, was it any worst than...
- richard pryor addressing his first audience after he blazed himself, "y'all did some nasty ass jokes on my ass - oh yeah y'all didn't think i saw some of these mfers..." then did the lit match joke.
- paul reubens' "Heard any good jokes lately?"
- and the numerous running jokes about letterman's marriage/relationship after the extortion revelation
...they humbled themselves and rode it out.

but whada i know about it? wouldn't likely to be hired on as a variety reporter but thought jim carrey's take was the best

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

noims says...

I don't normally make fun of speeling or grammar mistakes, but I do find this funny. The logical place to match the quote in the title made me read it as sarcasm:
"Report" blames Biden administration for chaotic withdrawal.

I'm sorry to say it, bob, but you've been so thoroughly discredited over the years that I automatically skip any of your political vids on the assumption that they're misleading as best.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh, you sure got me, Garth.

Biden sure kicked his ass at the ballot box!
Whatever you would like to say about Biden, however you want to belittle him, you can’t escape the fact that he’s the guy that beat Trump by a landslide. Every time you insult him, you insult Orange Daddy a tiny bit more, cause old sleepy grandpa Joe mopped the floor with him. D’oh!

Biden’s made it an entire year without having anyone I’ve heard of in either his campaign or administration arrested and convicted for serious crimes on Biden’s behalf….how many of Trump’s people were convicts, or state witnesses, or under investigation that would lead to conviction by one year in? I don’t THINK it was triple digits that early, but it might have been.

Oh, and Biden didn’t try to overthrow democracy by coup….so, point set and match-Biden.

bobknight33 said:

Yea Biden is incredibly better than Trump. NOT

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now Republicans in at least 5 states have been caught having submitted matching forged election documents, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona (twice), Wisconsin, and Michigan. These forgeries, complete with forged seals from their respective states, attempted to “certify” fraudulent electors from those states that intended to cast their electoral votes for Trump despite their states voting for Biden, that vote being certified, and the real electors being certified.
Pennsylvania too, but they didn’t try to claim they were the electors, they claimed they would be the electors if a court invalidated the election results….created at the direct personal request of the DJTrump campaign.

Jeff Clark, of the DOJ, drafted a letter telling states to hold off on certification because the DOJ was investigating election irregularities…..but they weren’t and the DOJ head, the AG, refused to sign off, so Trump accepted his resignation, the resignation of the assistant AG, and tried to install Clark so they could send this fraudulent letter about a non existent investigation of non existent election fraud. In that letter he referenced the “second set of electors” two weeks after these forgeries were submitted to congress and elsewhere but long before that was public knowledge.

Another few attempts by Republicans to subvert democracy.

Apparently Trump also flew the idea of having the national guard confiscate all voting machines and rerunning the election (until he won).

Why the entire party isn’t banned from holding office is beyond me, your representatives all undeniably violated (and continue to violate) section 3 of the 14th amendment, and you’ll never get 2/3 of congress to let that slide.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

For the few that weren’t directly involved in the failed coup, the “aid and comfort” clause covers their behavior since.

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