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Elephant makes a grown man scream like a little girl

Portal 2 Opera *SPOILER ALERT*

Ti_Moth says...

Lyrics + translation:

cara bel, cara mia bel (dear beautiful, my beautiful dear) ah mia bambina, oh Chell (ah, my child (feminine), oh Chell) che la stima x2 (that she holds in esteem) e cara mia addio (and goodbye my dear) oh mio bambino caro (oh, my dear child (masculine)) perche non passi lontana, si lontana da scienza? (why not go far away, yes far away from science?) cara x2 mia bambina ah mia bel ah mia cara x2 ah mia bambina ah cara cara mia

Dear Woman - 8 Minutes of WTF

ghark says...

Interesting; I think the natural masculine response is to feel embarrassed when hearing all these intimate words in a sentence, however I think there is some truth to the message, and it should be welcomed.

Conservatives claim J. Crew turns your kids gay

handmethekeysyou says...

Thank you for keeping me from being the one that had to say it.

Here's a photographic thesis project based on the gender construct of color preference.

I know I have a pretty radical view on the topic, but someone standing up & defending the gender binary is incredibly off-putting. "Trappings of gender identity" are exactly that, just trappings.

"Trappings" of anything should be abandoned. Be what you are, not the social construct of what you're told you are.>> ^xxovercastxx:

In Western culture, the practice of assigning pink to an individual gender began in the 1920s or earlier. From then until the 1940s, pink was considered appropriate for boys because being related to red it was the more masculine and decided color, while blue was considered appropriate for girls because it was the more delicate and dainty color, or related to the Virgin Mary. Since the 1940s, the societal norm was inverted; pink became considered appropriate for girls and blue appropriate for boys, a practice that has continued into the 21st century. - from Wikipedia.
What's funny is some of these old men who make up the modern, cranky, "conservative" base inevitably grew up wearing pink as it was considered manly for 20+ years during their youth. They should think about that the next time they're secretly jerking a guy off in the bathroom stall of a truck stop.
Pink (or "pank", as I said it) was my favorite color as a toddler and, while I've never exactly become a ladies man, I'm certainly not gay.

Conservatives claim J. Crew turns your kids gay

xxovercastxx says...

In Western culture, the practice of assigning pink to an individual gender began in the 1920s or earlier. From then until the 1940s, pink was considered appropriate for boys because being related to red it was the more masculine and decided color, while blue was considered appropriate for girls because it was the more delicate and dainty color, or related to the Virgin Mary. Since the 1940s, the societal norm was inverted; pink became considered appropriate for girls and blue appropriate for boys, a practice that has continued into the 21st century. - from Wikipedia.

What's funny is some of these old men who make up the modern, cranky, "conservative" base inevitably grew up wearing pink as it was considered manly for 20+ years during their youth. They should think about that the next time they're secretly jerking a guy off in the bathroom stall of a truck stop.

Pink (or "pank", as I said it) was my favorite color as a toddler and, while I've never exactly become a ladies man, I'm certainly not gay.

INCREDIBLE gymnastic power-tumbling skills

sirex says...

>> ^Retroboy:

Oh he stuck the landing all right.
After such a notable feat of testosterone-laced he-manliness, his masculine impact was so super great it spawned a minor but significant warp in time that caused the videocamera to lurch and gave the appearance that his leg had slipped.

sarcasm detector is broken - since when was gynastics manly ?

INCREDIBLE gymnastic power-tumbling skills

Retroboy says...

Oh he stuck the landing all right.

After such a notable feat of testosterone-laced he-manliness, his masculine impact was so super great it spawned a minor but significant warp in time that caused the videocamera to lurch and gave the appearance that his leg had slipped.

British- Whos line is it anyway- Steven FRY

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^thegrimsleeper:
Stephen Fry

" Stephen or Steven (pronounced /ˈstiːvən/) is a masculine first name, derived from the Greek name Στέφανος (Stephanos) meaning "crown, garland", "
I could care less how he/you spell it, I spell it how I spell it as well, Sixty percent of the time Wikipedia is right 100 percent.

Do you actually mean you could care less? Really? Or do you actually mean you couldn't care less?

I have no idea where this 'could care less' thing has come from but it's really bugging me.

British- Whos line is it anyway- Steven FRY

gwiz665 says...

One of those is his name, the other is not.
>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^thegrimsleeper:
Stephen Fry

" Stephen or Steven (pronounced /ˈstiːvən/) is a masculine first name, derived from the Greek name Στέφανος (Stephanos) meaning "crown, garland", "
I could care less how he/you spell it, I spell it how I spell it as well, Sixty percent of the time Wikipedia is right 100 percent.

British- Whos line is it anyway- Steven FRY

Fusionaut says...

Come on, now. We don't need another Westy spelling everything wrong for the hell of it. >> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^thegrimsleeper:
Stephen Fry

" Stephen or Steven (pronounced /ˈstiːvən/) is a masculine first name, derived from the Greek name Στέφανος (Stephanos) meaning "crown, garland", "
I could care less how he/you spell it, I spell it how I spell it as well, Sixty percent of the time Wikipedia is right 100 percent.

British- Whos line is it anyway- Steven FRY

BoneRemake says...

>> ^thegrimsleeper:

Stephen Fry

" Stephen or Steven (pronounced /ˈstiːvən/) is a masculine first name, derived from the Greek name Στέφανος (Stephanos) meaning "crown, garland", "

I could care less how he/you spell it, I spell it how I spell it as well, Sixty percent of the time Wikipedia is right 100 percent.

Killing Us Softly -- Volume 4

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^legacy0100:

Far East Asian media is dominated by feminine mentality simply because the female audience and fan participation vastly outnumber the male audience. Both men and women in public media are depicted as people with feelings and pretty hair and such. But this doesn't mean there's less domestic violence in Asian cultures.
In fact, there are more unreported domestic abuse in Asian countries than there are in United States. People also fight, people get hit by cars, people get killed in Asian countries with the same rate as any other countries. How do you explain that according to your ad images?

The valuing of the masculine over the feminine doesn't need to be advertised in East Asian culture; it's taken as read. Fish don't advertise water. In Japan, for instance, it's extremely difficult to find a career as a woman that would come close to the social status and earning potential that men can acquire.

I think you're conflating individualist values with masculine values, to be quite honest. There is nothing "masculine" about cooperation, and nothing inherently "feminine" about individualism. The reason the Northern European peoples were able to have female leaders going back centuries had everything to do with their individualism, and not much to do with their masculinism; they shared the latter with their military foes, and only with the valuing of the individual was it possible to conceive of, for example, Queen Boadicea, who gave the Romans so much difficulty in Britain.

Killing Us Softly -- Volume 4

legacy0100 says...

I'm not sure I wholly agree with what she claims at the 4th segment of the video about consequences of objectifying men and about femininity vs masculinity.

She claims that valuing masculinity over femininity leads to violence.

Far East Asian media is dominated by feminine mentality simply because the female audience and fan participation vastly outnumber the male audience. Both men and women in public media are depicted as people with feelings and pretty hair and such. But this doesn't mean there's less domestic violence in Asian cultures.

In fact, there are more unreported domestic abuse in Asian countries than there are in United States. People also fight, people get hit by cars, people get killed in Asian countries with the same rate as any other countries. How do you explain that according to your ad images?

She also complains that in her society masculine values are prioritized over feminine values, and that leads to violence.

Your culture of glorifying masculinity has brought universal suffrage mind you, while most other countries where they prioritize cooperation of community and other 'feminine' values end up oppressing women because they want to keep things the way they are.

Historically most Northern European countries valued masculine values over feminine. And yet these countries were the ones who brought women into battlefields in Roman times and also adopted the first Universal suffrage.

Stick to your original comments about media effecting women's body image lady. Don't get off track.

Ohhhhh My Gaaaaawd!

Pretty girl morphs into Jared Leto

freernuts says...

Ok, three thoughts:

1) This isn't a girl becoming Jared Leto. This is actually what Jared Leto is and what it has to go through every morning. Like, this isn't a spoof or a gag. This is stolen footage of what goes on in the Leto residence in the wee hours of the morn... ...creepy.

2) Am I the only one that thinks it's odd that the one girl who looks a lot like Jared Leto is also incredibly talented at making herself look a lot like Jared Leto? I mean, we can spin around jokes about Leto's lack of masculinity, but what are the odds here?

It would have been just as sad but true interesting if someone Photoshop'd a picture of this girl into Leto. Also, it wasn't a girl changing to say...Julia Roberts; it was a girl changing to the guy that everyone emasculates...AND she's an incredible make-up artist.

Seriously, this video could have been her doing another girl's make-up. Or hell, even another dude's. But it's all one person! Which only further supports #1

3) As a male, I have no idea what supposed "make-up" is so I have no clue how this performed. Are all females born with this ability, or is she just freakishly talented? If the latter, how the hell did she become this good? Is she a Hollywood artist? What does that even mean?! Are their schools for this? Can you fail this school? Is this the result of a Hollywood make-up art school drop-out? Otherwise, how the hell is the one girl that looks like Jared Leto ALSO this freakishly good at making herself, with just make-up, look like Jared Leto?!

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