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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol….maga terrorists blinked again and gave up your idiotic Trump plan to close the government right before the election to crash the economy for Trump. He still assumes any shutdown would be blamed on Biden, assuming no one pays attention.
Trump is so pissed! Another “L”
Americans won’t forget the 4th attempt to crash the economy for one man’s gain though, and we/they see clearly exactly who is trying to crash it. 😂

Thank you for sticking with Mark Robinson, the black Nazi, slavery fan, and golden shower enthusiast that likes to tell everyone about how great his sister in law’s unwashed asshole tastes after he pisses and jizzes all over it, and other even more disgusting debauchery even I won’t repeat. His direct ties with the felon couldn’t be stronger or less escape-able. Trump 100% vouched for him in the strongest terms…birds of a feather.
Another “L”.
I know you are still voting for Robinson despite the horrific facts about him, he 100% represents your morals. 😂
AMAZINGLY APPARENTLY HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN STAFF JUST QUIT! Seems like they’re certain it’s all true, and why wouldn’t they be, it’s 100% verified and years or decades of disgusting insanity using his screen name, e-mail, and ip address from long before he was a public figure (before you try to claim its a plant)

Florida is now in play, more so now since over 500000 naturalized Haitians live in Florida, they vote, and they don’t eat pets (the felon won Florida by 375000 votes in 2020). Expect the numbers to get worse for you, Harris has a 21% lead with women nationwide today. As his sentencing nears and it becomes clear Vance will likely be the actual president if they win (so he can have the power to pardon Trump or allow him to flee the country), his numbers will plummet faster than DJT stock! Vance is horrifically unpopular with every group besides maga men!

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Charlie Kirk Struggles To Define A “Man”

newtboy says...

And those born with both?
Or neither?
Or a cloaca?
Or (since you’re 9) a stick and boobs?
Or a slit and high testosterone/low estrogen? You and your ignorant ilk claimed that’s a man just recently when an unaltered and born female athlete was too large for your liking, now you flip flop because you really have no idea what you believe besides hatred of “the other”.

Just because your tiny brain can only comprehend a simplistic binary situation doesn’t mean it is one.

Brain chemistry and architecture create unmodifiable (with extremely rare exceptions) gender. Physical traits are modifiable, so if they determine gender to you, by definition you believe gender is fluid, invalidating your own arguement.


(PS- “a” stick, and “you’re a dude”, and “you’re a chick” Mr Mensa…holy sheep shit, you really didn’t graduate 3rd grade, did you?)

bobknight33 said:

Born with an stick - your a dude.
Born with a slit - you a chick

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“If you win in November,” a panelist asked, “can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable and if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?”

Answer- “Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down — you know, I was, uh, somebody, we had Sen. Marco Rubio [(R-Fla.)] and my daughter, Ivanka, was so, uh, impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue.
But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because child care is child care. It’s, couldn’t — you know, it’s something, you have to have it. In this country, you have to have it.
But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to but they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.
Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s gonna take care. We’re gonna have — I, I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time. Coupled with, uh, the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country — because I have to say with child care, I want to stay with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth.
But growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, uh, that I just told you about. We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.
We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we’re gonna take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about: Make America great again. We have to do it, because right now we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question.”

This man cannot dress himself or use the toilet without help, you want him to run the free world? In the last month he has admitted at least 3 times in interviews that he lost the 2020 election, and also claimed a few dozen times that he won….almost as many times as he talked about how he’s running against Biden (or Obama) in the last month, forgetting who his opponent is.

Ken Block, another who the felon hired to find election fraud, again found no significant frauds. Every claim was investigated, and no large scale frauds found…only Republicans blocking legitimate votes. He is the third Republican audit to find no fraud, on top of nearly 70 court cases.

Another Republican Party meeting devolves into physical violence between members, this time in the county of Saline in Arkansas. Is this the fourth time this happened this year?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus fucking Christ, now he tried to force his way into Arlington Cemetery with a commercial camera crew to use it as a backdrop for a campaign commercial and when cemetery staff tried to stop them because that is 100% not allowed by federal law by anyone at Arlington his staff had a verbal and physical fight trying to physically force their way in and take photos and video footage anyway by assaulting the service men stationed there, then took photos and videos anyway using their phones…then lied and claimed the on duty service man who was doing his job and protecting the sanctity and enforcing the rules/laws of the national cemetery was having a mental health episode and went crazy. In fact, it was just another instance of zero respect for the military except as a prop in campaign advertising and zero respect for rules or laws to the point of assault when they are applied.

Again, it is 100% illegal to take photographs at Arlington for campaign purposes, and no waiver CAN be given to that firm law except by act of congress.

Every excuse given so far has fallen apart immediately because they are blatant lies, he and his people just don’t think laws and rules apply to them, ever. They claimed they would release footage to prove they had permission (which they did not, permission is NEVER given to use Arlington in political ads…NEVER…it would require an act of congress) but have not released any footage because it doesn’t exist.

This morning he lost his mind and tweeted dozens upon dozens of Qanon posts, just in case anyone forgot he is Qanon, which is a terroristic misinformation spreading treasonous organization advocating sedition again, and the felon is 100% on board.

What unbelievable pieces of shit you follow. Getting in physical fights at military funerals because they want to illegally use the event as advertising for their anti military anti democracy candidate.

4 new felony charges brought by another new grand jury today. 😂

😂 MAGAT George Santos, the face of maga corruption, plead guilty to every felony charge (8+) in hopes of reducing his sentence from over 20 years to as little as 2 (but likely 8 ). 😂

Have fun with replacing homosexual transvestite Vance with the road kill eating brain worm.

Bonus- DJT is at 1/3 it’s day one price and falling like a stone as the day when the felon sells out nears…he’s going to get a huge $75 in the end. Another massive business failure despite having every single advantage possible…all at the expense of his investors, not himself.
Also, while Taylor Swift hasn’t sued for $100 million for abuse of her image when he claimed she endorsed him, her fans HAVE started a REAL organization called “Swifties For Harris” in response to his fake AI generated movement using her fans he called “Swifties for Trump”. 😂

If Michael Jackson was car

noims says...

Nice synchronisation.

Michael's dancing cut up the dance floor, just like the car cuts up the road. Oooow! <grabs tailpipe> 🕺

The Onion: Snakes In A Bag - America's Best - Ep. 4

Ozzy Man Reviews: Raygun

Ozzy Man Reviews: Raygun

cloudballoon says...

Why all the hate (not referencing Ozzy Man, the "Interwebz")? Raygun knows she's not gonna win, and Breaking isn't getting another chance as an Olympics event anytime soon, if ever, so might as well have fun. It's not hard to understand.

I found her amusing when I was watching it live, she wasn't mocking anyone or breaking imo, but it did took me a few seconds to "get" the entertaining routine. The judging panel's all-zeroes was harsh but at least I understand it's based on technical merits, not artistic ones. Still... not even .0001 pt? Seems like a bit out of anger/shock, but whatever...

Don't take things too seriously internetz, have some sportsmanship & solidarity for those that know they're there for the "participation trophies" and not for the way-too-distance-for-them medals. All the trolling from the couch potatoes truly reflect poorly on humanity.

ant (Member Profile)

RFK Jr.: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

How is anyone really considering voting for this man whose brain has literally been eaten by worms.
At least he finally admitted what a weirdo and criminal he is.
He let NY spend tens of thousands investigating the bear and didn’t admit his disgusting “joke” (reminds me of that joke in the Godfather) until the statute of limitations had run out. This is not the character of a man who should be president.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It’s a slow day, have another 25

376 ID GOP state Sen. John McGee - sexual harassment

377 Conservative media star Josh Duggar - molesting sisters + others

378 Utah Rep House Majority Leader Kevin Garn - inappropriate sexual conduct with minor

379 CNN Conservative Paris Dennard whom Trump called wonderful - sexual harassment

380 Republican VT State Sen Norman Mcallister convicted of illegal acts, acquitted of sexual assault (sex with employee was held to be conseunsual)

381 Orange County GOP Assemblyman Mickey Conroy - sexual harassment


382 Steve Bannon - sexual harassment / domestic violence

383 Ambassador Scott Brown, former GOP senator from MA, accused by FOX News reporter of sexual harassment

384 NY GOP Congressional candidate Tom Ganley - sexual harassment

385 CA Rep Assemblyman Trice Harvey - sexual harassment

386 SC GOP Rep. Josiah Magnuson attacked and harassed fellow Republican who spoke of being raped to argue for Rape & Incest Exemption for abortion. called rape a misdeed.

387 NV Sheriff Gerald Antinoro - sexual harassment/assault

388 CA Assemblyman/gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen - sexual harassment

389 Knox County Judge Steve Sword, appointed by GOP Gov Haslet, sentenced man convicted of 9 counts for raping his 14yo daughter over 2 years to just 12 years rather than the recommended 72 because of his Christianity

390 Mississippi Republican State Rep. Doug McLeod snapped "as he often does" and punched his wife in the face for undressing too slowly

391 Jonathan Parker - former Idaho GOP Chair - arrested for stalking, masturbating outside apartments

392 David Narramore, KY GOP State Executive Committee and Letcher Cty Chair, arrested for exposing himself

393 Eric Bodenweiser, GOP State Senate candidate, arrested for over 100 counts of child sex abuse, pleaded no contest to lesser charges

394 AZ GOP Rules Committee Chair Rep. Anthony Kern - for protecting sexual predators, preventing testimony from child sex abuse survivors

395 Anti-gay bigot Bishop Thomas Tobin knew about children being raped but didn’t tell anyone because his job was accounting - ignoring his duty of care.

396 Shawn Brooks, Trump social media super fan behind doctored Pelosi video - domestic violence

397 George Nader, liaison to the Trump transition - child pornography

398 Douglas Perlitz, with the support of the rightwing Order of Malta, founded a Haitian orphanage where he molested as many as 170 boys.

399 Stephen Bratton, TX Baptist minister who advocated charging women who get abortions with murder, arrested for child sex abuse.

400 Valentino DiGiorgio III, chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, resigned due to sending an explicit photo to city council candidate

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


351 MT state Rep. Fred Anderson, a Great Falls Republican, violated mandatory reporting requirements as a high school principal, allowing a sexual predator to continue as a coach after students came forward.

352 NJ Republican freeholder candidate Michael Silvestri has been accused of sexually harassing and assaulting a campaign worker. It’s a big mess with other GOP officials threatening her, etc.

353 GOP Mega-donor John Childs patronized a sex trafficking ring. Sleeping with sex workers is one thing. When women are forced by traffickers, that’s something else

354 LA Republican Congressional Aide Jerod Prunty arrested for pandering, possibly trafficking

355 Arizona Rep. David Stringer benefited from a plea deal that hid his arrest for child pornography

356 Steven Muñoz, Trump State Department hire & former Santorum campaign worker, accused of five sexual assaults

357 Morton Klein, far right head of Zionists of America, newly empowered by Trump has been accused of sexual assault and domestic violence.

358 Cody Henson - R, NC, two-term state rep accused of harassment, cyberstalking, ignoring restraining order his wife got.

359 TN State House Speaker Glen Casada defends David Byrd, because he claims women who are really raped would move.

360 Republican Judge John Russo, Jr. was suspended after blaming a rape victim for not closing her legs.

361 Jacob Wohl attacks the credibility of people who have been assaulted by recruiting people to make false claims of assault against Robert Mueller and Pete Buttigieg

362 Jack Burkman attacks the credibility of people who have been assaulted by recruiting people to make false claims of assault against Robert Mueller and Pete Buttigieg

363 Hays County GOP Chair Bo Dresner arrested for sexual assault of a child over SEVEN years

364 Kentucky State Rep Robert Goforth (candidate for Governor) has been accused of sexual assault

365 Republican Sheriff Rene Rodriguez of Lincoln Co, Idaho - sexual assault, lewd conduct, and rape of a minor

366 Former Republican Congressional candidate Daniel Edmonds, R, molested a child many times over the course of three years.

367 New York Judge James P. McClusky ruled firmly in favor of rape, even rape of children by giving a man who pleaded guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl to no jail time, only probation. He was endorsed by the Republican, Independence and Conservative parties.

368 NJ GOP state Sen. Anthony Bucco-sexual harassment, getting women fired for ending relationship

369 Republican Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA) sexual harassment/groping

370 CT GOP Senate Candidate Augie Wolf - sexual harassment

371 CA GOP state assemblyman Dante Acosta - sexual harassment

372 SC GOP State Rep. Edward Southard - sexual harassment

373 Former SD GOP state representative Gene Abdallah - sexual harassment

374 TX GOP state Sen J. E. “Buster” Brown - sexual harassment

375 Missouri Republican House Speaker John Diehl - sexual harassment

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Looks like the felon took $10 million from Assisi for his 2016 campaign then Barr blocked and ended and hid the investigation into it in 2018.
The felon changed US policy towards Egypt in many ways including releasing $190 million in military aid to the dictator who threw out the democratically elected government and normalizing relations with him, then followed with $1.2 billion in 2018 despite the continuing human rights abuses. Pretty good payoff for just $10 million.
Just like Menendez, same crime, same time….so when’s the trial?

Also, Oklahoma Republican commissioner and former state speaker of the house, Todd Hiett has been busted for groping another man’s (another Republican commissioner, Bob Anthony) penis at a work event.
Non-consensual sexual abuse I do NOT condone, how about you?
Why do you not protest this disgusting behavior?
Are you a deviant also?
Do you like just grabbing men’s penises in public without even asking?
That would make you even more deplorable.

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