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Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

newtboy says...

Bob is posting Christopher Hitchens videos?!? Have the wolves begun living with the lambs!?!
Do you know what he said about Christian fundamentalism @bobknight33? It’s not flattering.

As a side note, and on topic with the video, every terrorist act perpetrated in America since 2017 has been committed by a right wing “Christian”.
The United States Department of Homeland Security reported in October 2020 that white supremacists (all right wing Christians) posed the top domestic terrorism threat, which FBI director Christopher Wray confirmed in March 2021, noting that the bureau had elevated the threat to the same level as ISIS.
A 2017 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that out of the 85 deadly extremist incidents which had occurred since September 11, 2001, white supremacist extremist groups were responsible for 73%, while radical Islamist extremists were responsible for 27%. The total number of deaths which was caused by each group was about the same, though 41% of the deaths were attributable to radical Islamists and they all occurred in a single event — the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting in which 49 people were killed by a lone gunman. No deaths were attributed to left-wing groups.

Animals Who Don't Care About Their Bodies

ant says...

Maybe *NSFW. I remember my goldfish lost one of its eyes. It was umm gross and weird to look at, but it was still happy to live.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What dumb nonsense.

1) what does that have to do with the post you were replying to, the right’s faux outrage over Minnesota’s new flag 100% falsely portrayed as a copy of the Somali flag by righty media? Absolutely nothing.
2) I’m not black
3) I wouldn’t listen to idiotic and ignorant paid actors spewing right wing nonsense. No one cares what Kanye says, nobody’s listening to Uncle Ruckus….wait…is that Kanye’s indicted publicist?
4) let’s list a few accomplishments Democrats made for the black community recently - police reform. They came up with a dumb name for it, but Biden/Democrats got major reforms of police departments to the extent that many now prosecute criminal cops instead of handing them a bonus for murdering black people and covering it up. Republicans fought against that.
-infrastructure. Biden/Democrats made the biggest investment in infrastructure in our lifetimes. This benifits those dependent on infrastructure more than the wealthy. Republicans fought against that.
-marijuana reform. Biden/democrats have stopped prosecuting marijuana possession, made marijuana legal in many many states, and exonerated and freed federal prisoners and cons with federal possession convictions, which are disproportionately minorities. Republicans fought against that.

Sorry girl, you either got duped or are being paid to say this ignorant propaganda. There’s a reason blacks voted for Biden by 92%-8% for Trump, and it’s not out of ignorance, and not because some old white guy told them to.

It’s hilarious you are so incredibly dumb you think this kind of blatant partisan stupidity is going to change minds. Black people are just people, they are not inherently so clueless that they just vote democrat because someone said to, how insanely racist are you!?!, someone also said vote Republican why doesn’t that make them vote R? They see who is working for their community and who is actively working against them for racist motives, trying to remove their rights, their votes, their funding, their voice, their freedoms, and their lives.

We all know who thinks Black Lives Matter, and who thinks they don’t. We all know which party welcomes racists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, KKK, and white supremacists and which party expels them. If you are Republican, you either are racist or are happy to stand with and for racists. The rest left during Trump.

Do you honestly think anyone could possibly be swayed by a dishonest moronic tool for the extreme right like yourself!?!😂😂😂!

You and the extreme right have squandered any trustworthiness you ever had with your nonsensical lies and propaganda, and your constant total inability to ever admit you are w-w-w-w-w-wrong despite being 99% wrong 99.9% of the time. 😂

Colorado Supreme Court Declares Trump Ineligible For Office

newtboy says...

You really are exactly that ignorant, aren’t you?
No American is that ignorant, Vlad. We lived with that court, you clearly did not or you would know better.
For the last >50 years the court has been at least 5-4 CONSERVATIVE, now it’s 6-3 CONSERVATIVE, and you call that a leftist court. 🤦‍♂️

You have lost your fucking mind you absolute nut job…or you are dumber than a rock….most likely both.
I hate to burst your bubble, but 6 is MORE THAN 3, 5 is MORE THAN 4.
You need to stop making yourself look so insanely idiotic. Better to be silent and let us think you a fool than open your mouth and astonish us with the level of your stupidity.

bobknight33 said:


Finally after 50 years of Leftest lean on the bench.

Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2023 - SNL

cloudballoon says...

I mean... Jost's been living under police (or Black Widow) protection for years since Che's been owning him every Joke Swap. It's something that need not be said anymore.

This is the first time Che's in sweating territory though. From just 3 words! That's a credit to Jost. I think Jost did better this year than any others, even though he still couldn't beat Che (a foregone conclusion).

The fake poet/activist black lady move is genius on Che's part, there's just no win for Jost, and her no contact with Jost is just pure humiliation from beginning to end.

newtboy said:

I’m pretty sure it’s Jost that’s left with no safe harbor here!

New Rift Eruption On Reykjanes Peninsula Iceland

eric3579 says...

Good up to date info here. Needs google translate.

Updated December 19, at 12:30 p.m
"The power of the eruption continues to decrease at Sundhnúksgíga. Lava flow is roughly estimated at ¼ of what it was in start and one third of the original crack is active. Magma plumes are also lower but at the beginning of an eruption, about 30 meters where they reach the highest."

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Thoughts and Prayers vs Drowning

cloudballoon says...

I remember seeing a live, ~30s version of the segment a long time ago, and I totally agree "thoughts & prayers" are worth less than nothing if you don't then tell what you're gonna do about it. Sometimes, those "thoughts and prayers" Christian contribute nothing positive, just full of hate and ego-boosting self-righteousness, and looks at the world as a zero-sum game.

eric3579 said:

Start at 6:23

Thoughts and Prayers vs Drowning

newtboy says...

I think the dream is still alive, but the odds of living it have gotten exponentially worse in my lifetime. It was never a guarantee, more a lottery, and the percentage paid back to the winners has steadily shrunk.

cloudballoon said:

It's a mad, mad world we live in. I may have confirmation bias from the media coverage, but to me it's tragically ironic that people still don't understand "The American Dream" is very much over for the vast majority of people going to America, as even most of those born in America are very much struggling compared to those in the G7 countries. American may be richer dollar-for-dollar, but standard of living and quality of life? Not so much.

Thoughts and Prayers vs Drowning

cloudballoon says...

It's a mad, mad world we live in. I may have confirmation bias from the media coverage, but to me it's tragically ironic that people still don't understand "The American Dream" is very much over for the vast majority of people going to America, as even most of those born in America are very much struggling compared to those in the G7 countries. American may be richer dollar-for-dollar, but standard of living and quality of life? Not so much.

That said though, it's still a huge financial, political and security improvement for most coming from the South. But the reality they faced vs the idealistic "American Dream" is very different.

newtboy said:

This is why priests across the country are worried…their parishioners are coming to them complaining that they keep talking about how woke Jesus was, and they’re sick of it.

You might be surprised to know that there is apparently now no federal ban on grenades, grenade launchers, or rocket launchers (just license requirements)…or tanks (easy to find if they’ve been decommissioned, legal to own fully functional with a federal explosive/destructive device license), or fighter jets (again, fairly easy to buy old models without the guns and missiles, but it’s not strictly illegal to make them if you can get the license).
A nuke is illegal to build, even offshore. You finally found the limit of America’s tolerance for civilians owning WMD’s.

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Yesterday IDF forces murdered 3 hostages who were shirtless with hands up (so obviously unarmed) waiving white flags and begging for help in Hebrew. 2 shot to death immediately, the third shot to death after cease fire was called by the commander.
This is conclusive evidence that the IDF is targeting any living person including surrendering unarmed civilians, not Hamas. In fact, over half the 30000 bombs they have dropped are dumb bombs, and the smart bombs target hospitals, refugee camps, and caravans of refugees (anywhere civilians can be found in groups) 100% intentionally.

The world needs to wake up and eliminate expansionist Israel and the terrorist Zionists, every single one is a fascist murderer just like the Nazis and they deserve the same treatment.

Sadly, a huge percentage of the terroristic murderous “settlers” are American Jews, so don’t let anyone claim America isn’t to blame here, we not only cause the conflict, we fund it and arm the murderous side.

We deserve any blowback we get, no matter how big.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, he had no defense. The stipulated facts proved him guilty beyond doubt. Just like Giuliani who is $150 million poorer this evening. They didn’t offer a defense and were found guilty based on what they agreed the facts were, now they whine it’s unfair they were found guilty. 😂

The second part of trials are the punishment phase. That’s the only phase that either defendant had because they had no defense to their guilt….And you think this proves some conspiracy?!. Sucker. Idiot! Braying moron! 😂 you don’t understand the world and it’s so big and scary and unfair, isn’t it baby boy? Yes Bob. After guilt is established, there’s more trial before the prosecution rests. Only absolute brain dead slugs don’t understand that, clearly you and MAGA don’t understand it.

And you are so delusional, gullible, and ignorant you think normal trial procedure proves some conspiracy. 😂 you honestly are the dumbest person I’ve ever encountered including the mentally challenged and brain damaged people I’ve known…you take the cake for dumb bob. Congrabulations!

BTW- the idiot whose video you posted clearly has no idea what communism is, he just likes saying the word. The courts making a summary judgement based on the undisputed evidence is not only not communistic, it’s perfectly normal, especially when the charges are proven so conclusively. He claimed on sworn documents his apartment was 3 times the size it was to fraudulently get better loan terms that over years saved him reportedly near $200 million in interest alone that he would have paid had he been honest about the collateral he was using. There’s no way to explain that away, nor the other few thousand examples of fudging the numbers always in his favor for fraudulent financial gains and tax evasion that they have on record with his signature attached swearing to the veracity of the values he supplied.
I know it will all go over your head, but here’s the legal explanation of what you and MAGA don’t understand about the law here….not all your fault, you are clearly ignorant of the law and Trump and team and morons like this are misleading you.

BTW- posted this for you to celebrate all the MAGgots falling like rain.

bobknight33 said:

Trump found guilty even before the trial starts.

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

😂 Tantrum much!? 😂

I know reading and comprehension are weak points for you, it’s sad and shocking to see how weak.
Another reason to not believe you could earn the lowest of tech degrees…I can’t imagine you passed middle school when you can read my very short clear statement and come up with that. I spelled it out simply and clearly, and you 100% got it 100% wrong and continue to argue against something never said….typical for you because you can never back up your claims so you must pretend the topic is something else.

I never said there’s no tax fraud case, I said your title is a total lie and is debunked in the video itself. That’s a fact. You’re a constant liar. No amount of your intentionally misstating facts or what I said will change that, it reinforces it.

I have said if it wasn’t a politically motivated attack on Joe, Hunter would never be prosecuted for any of the minor crimes he did commit, he would be offered a plea deal with a fine, like he originally was. I stand by that statement. Wanna try again?

Hunter was late paying his taxes…he has paid them at this point unlike Trump who is still over $250 million behind in his NY state taxes and has defrauded the federal government out of at least that much, likely 10 times that amount.
Consider, Trump pays taxes on Maralago as if it was worth $20 million (and he complained and sued because he said that was too HIGH, it was worth LESS for tax purposes). If, as he claims, it’s really worth $1.8 BILLION…he needs to pay property taxes on $1.78 BILLION he evaded for 40 years…according to Trump himself he’s evaded over $700 MILLION in property taxes on Maralago alone. That’s quite a bit worse than Hunter’s late payment, and is only one example out of thousands where Trump defrauded the country out of hundreds of millions. 😂
If Hunter’s crimes are prison worthy, the Trumps’ are execution worthy.

😂 Fake news! 😂
I know you can’t accept the truth, bob. We all know. You deny reality daily, on every front.

HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER…..The Hunter laptop is a long dead horse, just like the election fraud fraud, every attempt to legitimize it only ended up proving how much MAGA had tampered with the data, making it not evidence but propaganda. You’ve been trying to sell this nonsense for 5-6 years now. Nobody’s buying, and nobody’s listening anymore. You can only cry wolf so many times before the villagers stop listening and start hoping a wolf will eat you and shut your lying mouth permanently….you passed that point years and years ago, friendo.

No need to google anything about the laptop, it’s nothing. The FBI proved the data had been forged by Giuliani’s team. Nothing there makes any case for anything besides more MAGA frauds perpetrated on the courts, it’s a well established pattern for MAGA, and it’s a losing strategy, because you keep getting caught! Try again. 😂

Hunter is living rent free in your head, and he’s got a mansion in there with a pool, hot tub, putting green, even a driving range, and there’s still empty space for expansion. He’s not even a politician, so why would anyone care about him? It makes the lying, exageration, and hysterics hilarious self owns by you and yours. Another big “L” for your team…one you just can’t accept but everyone outside the cult has. Reminiscent of the big lie, only cultists believe, and everyone else just sees you losing your shit over your own lies not catching on. 😂

Hilarious how the mantra was “family is off limits” when it came to Trump despite the constant nepotism, but not for his enemies despite their complete lack of involvement in politics. More dishing it out but unable to stand it from your cowardly leader…he was even to scared to testify in his own defense! What a sniveling little fat cowardly baby, cowering because he has something to hide according to his spokesperson Haba.

Nothing you claim about Hunter is true, (fortunately MAGA is so untrustworthy that no one cares what stupidity you lie) and nothing Hunter has done makes one whit of difference about his father. Keep focusing on him, ignoring the same tax crimes comitted by Trump but by a factor of 250 or more…voters notice the hypocrisy and it guarantees your loss next year….meanwhile Joe has rescued the economy in every possible way from the utter disaster and guaranteed recession/depression Trump left,
IN EVERY WAY BOB, INCLUDING INFLATION THATS AT 0% while MAGA eats itself alive and gets absolutely nothing done! 😂

Of course I’m not clicking your link, if ever there was a site I would expect to host malicious viruses, it would be the Russia/MAGA hosted anti Biden pdf site you pointed people to. Why would any rational person expose their computer to attack to download and read your pure faked propaganda? A: they wouldn’t.

It’s going to be so delicious when/if Hunter beats the charges and gets Giuliani and the RNC to pay his legal bills. You morons had a guilty plea in hand and decided to go to court instead with little chance of getting more and a huge risk he might beat all charges, vindicating himself and by extension Joe…talk about snatching defeat from the mouth of victory! 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:


IF you can handle the truth: Which you can't

Hunter Biden Laptop contents, with a PDF down load link

Or if you want to cry about the link Just google
marco polo hunter biden laptop pdf
and select the Link title Report on the Biden Laptop

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

Hunter Hunter Hunter. He lives rent free in your head, Bob.
You do know he’s not running for office, right? You do know he’s never held public office, right? You do know he’s a different person from his father, right? It appears not.

ALLEGEDLY spent on drugs and escorts…. and gifts for girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, food, sundries, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes….but the right just baselessly says that it was all spent on hookers because the truth is poison to MAGA.

Remember, Trump famously and repeatedly paid 6 figures for single sexual encounters, since you’re john shaming. Trump had to pay far more for far less, and many many times. Trump has never had sex with someone he didn’t pay in one way or another, including his multiple wives.

Why can’t @bobknight33 ever be even close to honest? Bob? *debunked on its face…the claim is utter nonsense.

Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Any time someone tells you their Christian god is pro life and loves children, remind them of 2 Kings 2:23-25 when god tears 42 children to bits with bears just for teasing a bald man,
“ 23 He went up from there to Bethel, and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24 And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys. 25 From there he went on to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.”

Then have them read psalm 137.9…
“ Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock: the children represent the future generations, and so must be destroyed if the enemy is truly to be eradicated.”

Then remind them that god killed every Egyptian baby out of spite against one man.

If you believe in the Judeo/Christian god, you must believe god loves to kill babies, he does it constantly, viciously, capriciously, and joyfully. If Christian’s knew their religion they would be 100% pro abortion….but if they knew their religion they wouldn’t be idolaters, disrespectful to their elders, dishonest, greedy, or selfish, they would live by the most important lesson of their religion, the golden rule…but they don’t even know what that is.

Quick-thinking witnesses rescue kangaroo

Hef says...

I live near this lake, and it's pretty shallow on the edges.
Kangaroos will naturally jump in water to get away from people and their dogs (see all the news articles about them drowning peoples dogs), but then they can't get out because of the wall.

What you see here is a semi-regular event at Lake Burley-Griffin, and sometimes the roos don't make it out.

The more you know.

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