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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….leaked transcripts of the felon’s lawyer’s notes show he knew for certain having the stolen classified documents was a crime and repeatedly tried to get his layer to go along with lying to the DOJ and saying repeatedly “wouldn’t it be better if there are no documents” “shouldn’t we just say there are no documents” “wouldn’t turning over the documents open me up to prosecution or more searches”.
Blows up his “I didn’t know stealing classified state secrets and keeping them in rooms open to the public and lying to theDOJ and FBI about it was wrong” defense…not that that would be a defense in any unbiased court…but he’s got Cannon so it’s a tossup.

The current state of AI-generated music

Reefie says...

It's not like layering voices with traditional music. It's more a tinny quality to the voice that gives it away. It's also hard to quantify - a bit like watching a movie and instantly knowing when a scene is CGI even if well done. Okay, not a big party trick these days, now it's about spotting the bits that _didn't_ have CGI in them!

newtboy said:

Do they mean the harmonic filter that makes it sound like 2 or more voices? I’ve heard that in “real” music too.
Or do they mean the slight distortion?
Not sure “echo” is the right word….or I don’t hear it.

I wonder if songs WRITTEN by AI but performed by live people will be accepted.

How The Dinosaurs Actually Died

newtboy says...

“Witnesses”? 😂 I have some questions for them.

There’s actually more evidence the asteroid wasn’t the major dinosaur killer…the KT boundary layer, created by the asteroid dust and charcoal from global fires is NOT full of dinosaur bones. If one event killed 75% of species and 95% of all biomass, that geological layer would be absolutely full of fossils, but it’s not…it’s nearly empty, but the layers preceding it show a steady decline in animal populations long before the final death blow.

Yellowstone, the American super volcano, is overdue for a similarly disastrous eruption.
Our grasp of volcanology is far too tenuous to claim we would have a million years of warning before a similar major eruption. We might get no warning at all. Surprise eruptions aren’t abnormal even with all our monitoring…and the strength of eruptions is almost always a surprise.

The acidification of the ocean that preceded the other climate-caused extinction events is occurring today. Once diatoms and plankton can no longer create their exoskeletons the ocean food web dissolves, then the land food web dissolves, then clouds of hydrogen gas start erupting from the deep ocean when bacteria consume the billions of tons of dead ocean life, further poisoning the oceans and atmosphere. Yes, that will likely take hundreds or even thousands of years to play out, but the food webs are already falling apart from other pressures before the plankton even fails. Interesting unprecedented times are ahead.

Professor breaks down why Earth's inner core may have stoppe

newtboy says...

Wait….did he actually explain ANYTHING?
Did he “break down” why this happens? Absolutely not.

I heard no explanation why this happens, especially why at 70 year intervals, nor what this might make happen (increase/decrease in magnetic fields, increased/decreased tectonic activity, etc).

The reporter says “I now understand it much better”….why? Did she not know the earth has layers? Did she not know the earth’s interior drives volcanoes? He said little else.

Just because you have a scientist on your program doesn’t mean he’s going to teach you anything. Very disappointed.

Fairlight CMI - the first digital sampler and sequencer

newtboy says...

My dad had a Prophet 2000 shortly before they were available to the public in 85, cost about $2k I think…it was the same technology but for consumers.
Recording samples was a single button push, every characteristic of any sound was infinitely mailable from reverb and attack and fade, sustain, tone, speed, looping, layering, etc. Not a professional unit like this one, lower fidelity, but affordable (by comparison) and comparable in features except the display. It also did MIDI. I have many memories of shoeboxes full of 3.5” “floppies” and way more dials than I knew how to use.

Lady Testifies B4 Congress Sobs 2 Hard 2 Tell Em Y Shes Ther

These close calls are too close for comfort!

bobknight33 says...

When I was 15 riding my motorcycle on the road, I almost got ran over. My best estimate is that I miss getting ran over by 1/10 of a second. I did get banged up.

The guy was 92 and sued for damages. Went to arbitration and his layer showed but the guy had died from being old. The case was dismissed.

I still ride but this is always in my mind. It did change the way I ride.

Tesla’s TOTAL DOMINATION (new data)

bobknight33 says...

Competition? Seriously what competition is there?

2 things are clear
Clearly your anti Tesla.
Clearly you truly dont know much about the EV market.

Tesla is dominating the EV space.
Tesla has 8 quarters of growth.
Growing roughly 20% per quarter and about 70% YoY
2021 seen 84% growth in car sales.
Demand is a 6 month wait.
Tesla has sold 930K vehicles in 2021.
2022 Fremont and shanghai will make 1.2Mvehicles alone.
Giga TX and Berlin coming on line soon should add 500K vehicles.

Ford / GM do not have the capitol to make EV and ICE.
Layers of management and union demands will keep from a rapid necessary to EV.
Ford / GM have each have over 100 Billion in debt
Factory closing and chip shortages causing more Ford /GM losses
Ford / GM probably go under unless bailed out.
Ford/ Gm lost sales and Tesla grew sales.

Toyota also dragging their feet.
VW is the only company seems to be moving to EV in a substantial manor.

As you say high demand / low supply is some how bad. This is good place to be. Its a supply issue . Tesla is addressing that.

Saying Tesla doesn't pay taxes. false argument. Every company pays their taxes. If you don't like the amount then that's a government tax policy issue.

FSD is still in beta form. It is not a final product. It is pretty fuckign good as is.

Elon being pro corporate anti tax is what you would expect.
Im sure Apple, Facebook, Google are all in this same camp.
Far right? I dont know about that.

newtboy said:

So, time to end the subsidies and tax breaks for Tesla then. No more government handouts for them.

They’re not going to be so dominant when actual competition is available, coming soon from every maker. (High demand, low inventory, double sticker price gas cars aren’t a fair comparison.).
They also wouldn’t be so profitable if they paid taxes.

It was not a good move to program the self driving unit to run stop signs. (Yes, they programmed it to just “rolling stop” at stop signs recently which is not just illegal it’s also dangerous.). That’s the kind of upgrade you get with Tesla, without warning. How many recalls now?

Also not a good move for Elon to admit he’s far right, pro corporate subsidy, anti tax. It alienates most of his customers.

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bob, it’s on video. Unedited video (unlike the kind your sources produce to create faux outrage), so not the kind you would believe. Facts aren’t for the right anyway, no wonder you can never identify them.

The defense attorney (not the prosecutor) argued in court on video that allowing another calm, silent, black pastor to sit with the family was equivalent to having the courtroom packed with white Colonel Sanders masked men.

Here’s news coverage..Starts around :24

Again, you dismiss fact because it’s not far right propaganda, but you believe Italian space lasers can change paper ballots through multiple layers of buildings and containers, that vaccines have mind control nanobots that are going to make you vote Democrat, but still want to congratulate Trump for getting them produced (even though he had nothing to do with producing them), you believe covid was an attack by China (that Trump failed to respond to even though it’s killed 3/4 of a million Americans), you probably believe eating babies grants eternal youth, I know for certain you don’t contradict those who do, you even believe Trump won an election!

Again, as usual, you just deny the truth any time it’s unpleasant for you. So sad, little man.

bobknight33 said:

Haven't been following it.
That being said The prosecutor job is to paint the defendant in negative light.

These are not facts.
Again you push false truth.

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

bremnet says...

I hate it when the uneducated try to explain a complex issue and do a piss poor job of it. Is PFAS a problem? Sure. Are ALL PFAS compounds a problem with regards to their toxicity? No. The small molecule species are problematic because of mobility. The polymeric species are stable as fuck, that's why they were invented and why we use them as seals and barrier layers to isolate corrosive liquids and gases, and why we use them in such things as medical implants. The polymers excel because they are inert and largely unreactive. So - are they all bad? No. Are they all good? No. But it's too late - the fuckwits like Oliver have fueled the Emotional Response bus, and society won't stand for outdated concepts like scientific investigation or rational thought. Eight member countries of the EU are presently on track to restrict or ban all PFAS in any form, sweeping all compounds into the same category with no differentiation between a water soluble perfluorinated molecule like perfluorinated PVME and a one million molecular weight PTFE polymer. If it has a -CF2- moiety in it, it's subject to being banned. Good science doesn't matter any more, the knee-jerk fear mongerers are now making the decisions.

The attempted US coup

newtboy says...

Exactly which part is fake, lie, or a half truth? The recordings of Trump's inner circle trying to change or decertify the certified votes in multiple states, asking election officials too "find" thousands of non existent votes, to just decertify the vote (not a thing) and leave fixing the election to Trump, or the recordings of Trump himself personally doing the same?

Keep being the fool and trusting a repeatedly convicted con man and charity fraud over literally everyone else besides a crack head nutjob.

What forensic audit? You mean the unofficial review Cyber Ninjas can't produce? The one that had you claim 75000 unregistered votes were cast because they were too incompetent to understand the numbers and counted in person votes as unregistered mail in votes?! The review that spent months scanning for bamboo fibers on ballots?! The review by a hyper biased company that spread the big lie before being chosen for this farce? They've smeared themselves.
It would have been more trustworthy if Hunter Biden did this review by himself with no oversight whatsoever.

There isn't a forensic audit, dummy. Cyber Ninjas did an unofficial ballot review, they're incapable of an audit, they have zero experience or training in doing one, and hired only stop the steal people to work for fact they've proven to be incapable of even a basic review, getting it horrendously wrong every time they tried to leak their "findings". If Democrats put on a farce like this, the party would die, because democratic voters aren't willing to ignore reality and support blatant lies like Republicans have made their only platform. Lie, lie often, lie big, lie until people believe your lie, then lie more.

What are Cyber Ninjas hiding? employees went out of their way to ensure that the observers saw as little as possible, at times intentionally blocking them from seeing computer screens and engaging them in “loud, pointless conversations” to prevent them from hearing other conversations.
What the observers could see did not inspire confidence....

They're weeks beyond their extended deadline that came months and months after the three weeks they said it would take to do their meaningless unprofessional unofficial review....and they've got NOTHING or it would have been released to the press the next day (like their "find" of 75000 "unregistered mail in votes" was).

If they have such election reversing proof, why are they hiding it....just like everyone who's ever claimed to have "proof"....including all Trump's lawyers, republican senators, talk radio con men, and moronic blowhards who believe them with no evidence whatsoever, they're certainly not releasing any of the "proof" they keep claiming to have....I'll point you to Mike Lindell and his idiotic cyber symposium that offered not a single bit of evidence about the election, much less proof of any fraud. What are they hiding it for?

At this point, if it was true there was massive election fraud, aren't Republicans the ones hiding the proof the election was defrauded? They haven't presented a scintilla of real evidence to back up their claims, just accusations layered upon accusations glazed with supposition and sprinkled with insane conspiracy.

Democrats have been demanding their final report for months, moron. Why is Cyber Ninjas hiding? Why are they so afraid to turn over their results? If they have proof, why are they hiding it?

There is none so blind as he who will not see. You will not see, no matter how clear and in your face the proof is that the election was not "rigged" or "stolen", no matter how clear the evidence is that Trump and his lackeys tried to steal the election by hook and by crook, tried to simply discard the election because they legitimately lost, and when that failed tried to steal the country by force through a deadly coup....yet somehow you "see" evidence and proof of voter fraud that's never been presented except against Republicans...and you don't see those frauds.

So just slink away in shame again, hiding from your dishonest positions once they're proven to be wrong and ignorant....Again. It's a pattern.

bobknight33 said:

True FAKE news. Smear lies and 1/2 truths.

Keep sucking on their meat..

CNN trying to smear the forensic audit in Maricopa county.

Why are Democrat so afraid to a forensic audit?
IF you are innocent why are they hiding?

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

SFOGuy says...

Yah, maybe--if you tried to argue it was skin absorbed. Sure--it could have been a panic attack? Maybe? Or staged? Dunno. It's still true that Fentanyl is terrifyingly powerful.

But if they were rousting that car for longer or had earlier contact--PubMed says nasal inhalation takes 7 minutes to effectiveness.

There's also the terrifying possibility he ran into sufentanil. Heroin/morphine is given a potency of 1X; Fentanyl is given a potency of 50X to 100X heroin/morphine; Sufentanil--why was this invented?--has a baseline potency of 7.5X greater than Fentanyl---which makes if between 375X and 750X more potency microgram for microgram than heroin/morphine?

I'm also always struck that the lethal overdose amount of just regular old Fentanyl is--about the size of one grain of rice you see it in a glass vial. The other comparison I've seen is that's about the amount of white powder that would sit in one layer on Lincoln's ear on a penny.

NIOSH says anyone messing around with suspected fentanyl should wear PPE--and then very, very carefully discard it and wash down afterwards.

rancor said:

There's a lot of internet traffic that claims this was essentially "faked" by the department. His controlled fall, some lack of urgency by the trainer, good color/not suffocating... Also a lot of "this is not how fentanyl works" from medical professionals.

Riding the ice

"Are You Religious Young Man?"

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