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newtboy (Member Profile)

Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2023 - SNL

Cost of living 2001 vs today

newtboy says...

Totally *debunked *lies and bullshit. I saw this on YT and laughed at the stupidity.

1. That was not $81 worth of groceries in 2021. It was a minimum of $175 at full price. I buy groceries in California and I pay attention to prices.
Soda prices have actually gone down in California significantly since since the pandemic ended, so has milk and bacon.
More ridiculous MAGA lies.
He had to cherry pick non sale high price brands to make it that expensive…where’s the video of him buying the same brands not on sale two years ago at 1/2 the price?
Have prices gone up? yes….by 10-15% since 21, not 100%+. 🤦‍♂️

2. Who is the “they” who “printed $10 trillion” @bobknight33? It’s not the Biden administration. I know where at least $8 trillion went…and wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find another $2 trillion spent off the books by the former administration. In fact, if I recall the Trump billionaire tax cuts were expected to cost about $1 trillion per year indefinitely, while the tax vacation for wage earners ended with most paying far more today than pre-Trump….so you can blame almost $3 trillion of Biden’s debt on Trump policy. 😂

Edit- OK, I misheard, I thought he said $89, not $81, and 2021, not 2001…since 2001 prices have gone up almost 75%…still not well over 100%, no where near 140%.
I was thrown by the $10 trillion figure given at the end, because since 2001 the fed has “printed” $30 trillion, not $10 trillion. $10 trillion is what MAGA nuts claim Biden has added.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So blind that I easily found out the facts instead of listening to your exaggerated hyper partisan lies. 😂
I understand why that makes you sad.
Lies are all you have, and that’s a big nothingburger if no one listens to you…and no one listens to you.
You’re a joke.
A laughing stock. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Sad but understandable to see you being such a blind fool.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gym Jordan and MAGA failed a third time to elect a speaker. Gym lost the first, second, and third vote to Hakeem Jeffries. Every vote he lost worse.

MORE evidence that MAGA cannot even work with itself, much less others. You people are just fucking children….and you ARE children.

Good job at being a total laughing stock. If it didn’t paralyze our government, it would be hilarious, instead it’s horrifically bad for our economy, international standing, our allies, and our future.

Oh shit….Judge Engoron is prepared to put Trump in prison for intentionally not complying with the gag order by not removing the post accusing his clerk of having an affair with Chuck Schumer from his campaign website. Ruling later today….gonna be great. Bye Donny.

Cows Mesmerised - Ozzy Man Quickies

BSR says...

"I'm gonna get my teats out"

I didn't see that one coming. Got tears in my eyes from laughing.


Cowboy prank in Brisbane city

BSR (Member Profile)

Disruptive Boebert Removed From Theater

newtboy says...


Thinking there was only one blurry video from an old security camera, her office put out a statement completely denying that she was vaping (people must have been confused by the fog from stage she claimed) or being disruptive.

Sadly for her another video has been released showing clearly that she was definitely vaping and continued after being asked to stop by the pregnant woman in the next seat, was not only filming but taking pictures using her flash, disrupting the performance, was singing loudly, talking, laughing, dancing wildly bumping the man in the next seat, and with hundreds of children in attendance is being publicly groped by her john who reaches over for a handful of grandma titty and when he stops she grabs his hand and puts it back on her boob.

Let’s hope she’s too busy walking the streets to remember to vote against changing the debt ceiling in two weeks like she forgot last time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You unbelievable ijit! 😂

I give you verified facts and figures…you scream “NOT!!” And send back randos whining on the interweb about low minimum wage high rent and fake food costs that all got much worse Jan 2017-2021. Typically, you have no facts or statistics to offer because they don’t support your position at all.

Whining about their low wages at entry level jobs, which is a thing conservatives fought hard to keep, never rising rock bottom low wages and ever increasing rent. Now you blame Biden for low minimum wages your party wants even lower and refuses to raise. Under Biden, wages are rising at 4.4%, double inflation and double the rate they increased under Trump, but now mostly at the low end instead of 99% of gains going to the top 1% and nothing (or cuts) to hourly workers under Trump. Profits are record setting too, driving a significant portion of inflation. 😂

Lying about $45 worth of food costing $100 (unless those drink cans are >$10 each not $2, the two old spices are $25, the hidden meat is filet mignon and another >$25 not $10 chicken, you pay $10 for fresh OJ not the $3 I pay, and the card has a gift card inside).

I live in rural Northern California, where everything is expensive…that’s well under $50 in groceries here. 😂 🤦‍♂️


Bidenomics staved off a recession/depression everyone predicted after Trump, cut inflation faster than any other western country, raised wages twice as fast as conservatives targeting the low end, and created more jobs than the last 4 Republican presidents combined in 3 years, all while delivering record corporate profits and a strong market.
Trumpenomics was a disaster that lost 3 million jobs, lost actual earning capacity for most (wages rose slower than inflation), had the first ever negative gdp in our lifetimes, caused massive inflation, and lowered our national credit rating for the first time….failed on every metric used to gauge the economy.
And never forget he tried to end democracy, killed 1 million Americans, and IS A RAPIST.
Sleepy grandpa wiped the floor with him from his basement despite all your MAGA fervor and outrage. 😂

Thanks for the laughs. You liars are always hilarious when trying to make a point you know facts and reality don’t support.

bobknight33 said:

Bidenomics is GREAT! NOT

Guy on electric skateboard crashes and flies off

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Oh bewby…triggered much? ”I know you are but what am I” is not an adult reply. 😂

Be proud! Your hero the rapist is the absolute best president ever at being indicted. He beat the long standing record 4 times now! In fact, he’s the only record holder in our history. Congratulations! 😂

You idiot…Republicans dismissed the charges against Hillary because after a dozen inquiries and investigations and wasting hundreds of millions they had absolutely nothing, no crimes. They tried time and time and time again, but could come up with nothing, not even enough to get Barr to charge her, even when they held all 3 parts of the federal government. She had a few unlabeled classified documents that were not shown to the public that were classified AFTER she had them in her possession. Trump stole top secret classified folders clearly labeled that they could not be removed from secured facilities then kept them unsecured, showed them to anyone he could, then lied and hid them repeatedly, violating multiple court orders to keep them illegally. There’s no comparison.

Hunger? Are you trying to say Hunter? No charges have been dropped, you utter ignoramus. The tax charges may be moved to DC or California courts from Delaware. A special council was just empaneled, nothings being dropped or slow walked. Why do you insist on making yourself a laughing stock with these just dumb lies? It’s just so dumb…we aren’t as ignorant as yourself…when you make up nonsense and lies we all know it, dummy. It’s pretty easy…if you say it, it’s guaranteed to be wrong, and 99% likely to just be another lie. PS-Trump appointees are overseeing his case, not democrats.
Are you even aware that Biden could pardon Hunter at any point and all charges would be moot? Do you think Trump would have waited this long, or would he have pardoned his children before charges were filed? We all know the truth, I just wonder if you can admit it.

Every charge is a serious felony, every charge will be proven conclusively. These aren’t the kinds of charges the right makes where you make up some nonsense and just insist it’s true with no evidence just sour grapes…these charges come with mountains of proof….not 17 phantom recordings and the word of hostile spies, but PROOF.

41 counts 19 defendants, 30 unindicted co conspirators (who have all likely turned or would be indicted)…and RICO, so if one committed a crime, they’re all guilty. Many of the 30 have admitted their crimes, and apparently 1/3 of those indicted are looking for a deal to turn. There’s a literal paper trail, email correspondence setting up the multiple crimes, video proof, coconspirators testimony admitting they arranged, planned, and committed crimes at Trump’s direction….he’s absolutely toast. Because of the RICO charge, I f any of them are convicted of just one charge, they’re all guilty and Trump will die in prison because no one can pardon him from charges in Georgia. 😂

Cry more MAGA tears, friendo. Your hero the rapist is going to prison, not the whitehouse. Your cult is ending. Better stock up on flavorade, the time is coming soon when you’ll be called on to force feed it to your family before you chug it for Trump. I know you will when he asks, so get your affairs in order. The time is coming soon.

bobknight33 said:

IF you haven't figured it out perhaps your the bewb.

Odd that the left is gunning full speed to file charges against Trump all the while they slow walk or dismiss charges for Democrats like Hunger and Hillary.

41 counts and most are probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.

Karma Hits Russia Hard

newtboy says...

If the US had used directed weather as a weapon in Iraq, or breached levies to flood cities it would have been proper to laugh at the ironic disaster in New Orleans. Remember, the support for attacking the wrong country to retaliate for 9/11 was incredibly high (yes, thinly predicated on what are now known to be blatant lies…we didn’t care), we were not a nation of innocents…(I personally supported attacking Saidi Arabia and doing limited but overwhelming “police actions” in Afghanistan to completely destroy the actual perpetrators, then rebuild any collateral damage better and make friends, and never bought the rationale for invading Iraq beyond “they tried to kill my daddy”- GB…but who listens to me?)

I felt it was karma specifically balancing the universe for the Ukrainian dam they blew up in a terrorist action just over 2 months ago, not the continuing invasion of Ukraine that’s been ongoing and expanding continuously since 2014 when Ukrainian Crimea was invaded and “annexed” by Russia, a move seemingly universally applauded in Russia.

I think there’s delicious schadenfreude in the very religious country that continues to support repeated violent genocidal expansionism against peaceful neighbors thinly predicated on blatant lies (but that support is waning slightly as the war and truth comes home), the aggressor nation that among numerous war crimes intentionally destroyed a major dam to sew chaos destruction and death as they retreated from portions of Ukraine and set forest fires for the same reason having to deal with forest fires and dam failures as “acts of god”, not even from military retaliation.

I do feel a bit bad for the individuals and families if reports of 12 dead are true (it’s Russian news, so likely untrue), but that number is dwarfed by those intentionally killed in their names by the dam destruction in Ukraine.

Agreed on the narration…it was the only coverage I found at the time….well, there was this but even I found it in bad taste…

noims said:

I didn't laugh or celebrate when Katrina hit New Orleans the year after the US invaded Iraq. I won't celebrate a dam bursting in far east Russia the year after they invade Ukraine.

I don't think the people of Ussuriysk deserved wildfires any more than the people of California.

It's not karma. If you want you can call it bad luck, or mankind suffering due to our own effect on the planet.

Plus, I would have thought an AI wrote that script except I think it would have done a better job. Am I missing context when it comes to 'the flood'? Badly written, badly voiced, but not quite enough for me to downvote.

Karma Hits Russia Hard

noims says...

I didn't laugh or celebrate when Katrina hit New Orleans the year after the US invaded Iraq. I won't celebrate a dam bursting in far east Russia the year after they invade Ukraine.

I don't think the people of Ussuriysk deserved wildfires any more than the people of California.

It's not karma. If you want you can call it bad luck, or mankind suffering due to our own effect on the planet.

Plus, I would have thought an AI wrote that script except I think it would have done a better job. Am I missing context when it comes to 'the flood'? Badly written, badly voiced, but not quite enough for me to downvote.

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