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Unrecord | Most realistic video gameplay to date

Unrecord | Most realistic video gameplay to date

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

More internet propaganda supporting Russia Bobski?
You search out these unknown internet “news” sources as if some guy in mom’s basement has detailed information that companies with embedded reporters don’t.
Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…then slunk away when the Russians raising their flag in victory video was debunked? Yes…yes you did.

3-1 R V U. That’s a total gimme for Ukraine. 3 starving Russian prisoners forced to fight with no training vs 1 hard ass veteran fighter from Ukraine. There’s a reason why Ukrainians have lost approximately 13,440 soldiers while the Russians have lost 45,170 soldiers…Russians don’t have much army left and rely on conscripts that don’t want to fight and have no experience. Expect that ratio to get even worse for Russia, they were dying at a 3 - 1 rate when they still had actual military fighting.
So many officers have been killed that there’s no leadership structure and orders seem to come directly from the Kremlin, not officers at the scene. This has been disastrous for Russia who, despite having 10 times the military budget and equipment and double the population is failing miserably in their chosen war of expansion and has destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, targets inside Russia are being hit with more frequency and much less ability to play them off as accidental fires. This chicken’s coming home to roost and it’s going to shit all over mother Russia.

In fact, Russian military is so inept and/or against the war that recently they bombed a city 25 miles inside Russia.

Russia is losing this war, friendo. International democracy is winning. Biden’s coalition is winning. I know that makes you so sad. I’m sending you a sack of baby dicks to cheer you up, I know they’re your fave.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Unemployment low.
Gdp high.
Inflation falling.
Markets rising.
Sounds good to me.

The biggest problem is the looming default on our debt that will cause at a minimum a recession, likely worse, because republicans are using their tiny bit of power to blackmail the country, and the banking issues caused by Republicans deregulating certain banks in 2018, guaranteeing a repeat of 2008.

I’m sure you disagree.

You said Trump’s indictment would make him more powerful and popular than ever last month. Where do you stand today?

You refused to address the Republicans in support of forcing child marriage on 12 year olds. Where do you stand today?

You refuse to talk about Ashley Babbitt who was either a terrorist insurrectionist rightly killed or was murdered by police for nothing which you say never happens. Where do you stand today?

Or are you still only capable of asking questions you don’t read the answers to but Incapable of answering most questions.

bobknight33 said:


You said before the other month Biden economy is doing well.

Where do you stand today?

Jon Stewart Confronts The Deputy Secretary Of Defense

newtboy says...

Pretty nutty to say they can’t account for tens of billions they spent as if that’s normal or acceptable anywhere else, and not care they can’t afford to pay living wages to soldiers, but trust them, there’s no corruption. In what world could that be true? Certainly not this one.

With thousands of people given the opportunity to steal billions of dollars knowing it won’t even be missed much less investigated, the chances there’s not major theft of up to billions happening is zero.

I find it insane they don’t know where every penny went. They’re admitting it could be going to fund our enemies killing under equipped American soldiers. This is criminal negligence and intentional.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Every accusation an admission. Hate and hostility are 99.6% of your personality. It’s not 10% of mine. Good thing your head was otherwise empty or it might explode.

“No protesters go near me or my car.” “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters” “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work they are rioting outside my apartment complex.” All posted before he intentionally drove into a crowd of people and shot one preemptively 5 times with no return fire at all from the victim, proven in court with evidence, not on Twitter with lies and fantasy.

They showed he intentionally ran a red light to turn left into a crowd at speed on camera, then shot the first armed person he saw, who it’s been proven with photo and video of the incident that was presented to the jury never raised his barrel you absolute liar. The only one claiming that is the murderer. That’s not self defense, and the jury saw that clearly. Open carry is legal in Texas, seeing a gun is not grounds to open fire….in any state.

It would have been self defense to shoot him because he used his car as a deadly weapon to attack a crowd full of women and children, then again when he opened fire into the crowd he had just violently assaulted.

Come on over…I’ll gladly shoot you in self defense. No MAGA terrorists get near my home. I’ve got the knife to plant if you don’t bring your own, no problem. This public statement that I plan to do it is also no problem…Newsom will pardon me for killing a MAGA nut. Sounds nutty, don’t it? It’s your position, numb nuts, to you that’s self defense, a better case than his.

1,117,054 US Covid deaths.
-Trump’s own CDC said well over 50% were due to Trump’s (lack of) covid policies, so conservatively 558500 on Trump’s hands by his own estimate (I say he could have avoided 100% by not ending the pandemic response team program, or by simply closing travel from China, not just OF Chinese people)
405,399 American ww2 deaths including non-combat deaths
58,220 American deaths in Vietnam
-Total 463600 deaths from ww2 and Vietnam.

558500 dead from Trump > 463600 dead from war…above your math skills?

>1 million dead -32.9%GDP. 13% unemployment - Trump’s legacy
Covid addressed and under control soon, over +3.5-6% GDP GROWTH, 3.5% unemployment today - Biden’s legacy.

I beg you to disagree with any semblance of a point, not just

PS- Thank you Justice pubic hair Coke for guaranteeing the left wins the next election and likely expands the court after expelling Harlan Crow funded fake Democrats Mansion and Senema. Between this blatant corruption and erosion of established rights like a hose on cotton candy, the extremist far right activist court is illegitimate at this point and remains so until it’s cleansed of ANYONE taking unreported bribes and forced to accept ethics rules and independent enforcement, and can be ignored. Nothing requires Biden to enforce their decisions, and they have no power to.

bobknight33 said:

When will you head explode holding all that hate and hostility.
The Abbot pardon is a good thing. Self defense.
The White BLM crack had was pointing his AK47 at this guy.
Shooting this nut job is called self defense.

Shooting anyone is self defense is just fine with me.

AS for the rest of you delusional story ..
" More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy .."

don't knwo what to say except you are way off the deep end . Get back on your meds please else you will be shooting someone .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You wish….and you apparently fantasize about old man dick?

34 felony counts, and there’s overwhelming evidence of his guilt on all of them.
Then Georgia is another round of felony counts he absolutely committed.
Then the DOJ has espionage charges that aren’t just a nail in his coffin, they’re 30 tons of cement encasing that coffin and sinking it into the Mariana Trench.

Since I know you want to repeat the lie that no one has ever been prosecuted for these non crimes, read these few examples of many.

As a bonus, we now know through text records that he tried to delay payment to Daniels until after the election when it wouldn’t matter if she talked and he could never pay, destroying his claim he was just trying to save Melania’s feelings (by committing business and campaign finance fraud), and we know he paid to “catch and kill” the accusation that he had a secret love child with his housekeeper, another campaign expense he intentionally hid through fraudulent business records (and an admission that the accusation is true).

CNN is now righty media after the takeover by hard right wing John Malone last year, which you know….but even they are pretty certain he’s guilty and will be found guilty. You found one right wing talking head that disagrees and think that’s evidence of something? Congratulations….fool. You found nothing.

Wrong, DOJ (aside from Barr) said absolutely there are crimes here by Trump, but they can’t be prosecuted while he’s in office (based on non binding DOJ “rules”, not any law). Exactly like the Mueller report Barr lied about. Again, you know this but lie constantly.

NY DA office was clear there were prosecutable crimes with overwhelming evidence and one person on their way out of office decided to not prosecute and many investigators quit in protest of the unexplainable protection of Trump. His and his family’s finances should absolutely be investigated, I would bet money there’s a large unexplained deposit in the last few years. His elected replacement decided to not bend over backwards to protect Trump, which you call political persecution.

Those nothing burgers are going to end in prison burgers. You said Covid was a “nothing burger”…they sure seem to be bad for your health.

$250 million + spent to “get Clinton” since she was Secretary of State and still zero, but HUNDREDS of convictions against Trump’s administration and hundreds of felony charges in the pipeline or court against Trump personally. Hardly zero, sucker. Keep whining.

Plenty to show…34 felony counts with 1 year MINIMUM per charge….doesn’t sound like nothing. Trump isn’t acting like it’s nothing. He’s terrified,with good cause because he’s clearly guilty of fraud, his entire life has been a fraud.

Love you keep harping on this $60 million number…like it means something.
>$120 million spent on investigating the election for fraud….the 2016 election…no fraud, nothing burger, never released the results. No complaints by you for wasting $120 million on nothing.
>$16 BILLION on a border fence that clearly had zero effect since more immigrants enter now than before it was started, it’s not stopping anyone.
>$250 million investigating Clinton with nothing found, nothing at all to show, zero charges. You want more of that, so your disingenuous whining about $60 million that’s resulted in exposing massive Russian interference in our elections, a blackmail scheme against Ukraine including withholding approved aid to force a politically motivated foreign investigation of political enemies, hundreds of convictions of administration officials for lying about ties to and payments from Russia/China, 34 felony counts of fraud against Trump, and cases for felony election interference and espionage built and with grand juries is blatant outrageous hyperbolic hypocrisy and proof you aren’t a serious adult, you’re a whining infant that’s just screaming nonsense out of gibbering fear and misplaced anger.

I would say you and your ilk need to rethink everything you believe…but that implies you thought in the first place which we all know is not true. You just regurgitate the lies they ejaculated into your gaping mouth.

Such a sad, whining, tantrum throwing little boy you are. You clearly got too many participation trophies like Bohbert which makes you think your wholly uninformed hyper biased opinion has any value. It doesn’t.

bobknight33 said:

The charges are softer than a old mans dick.

Even CNN is WTF on these charges.
DOJ and Election committee and the NY state DA all looked into this and said NOPE , nothing here. Yet NYC DA ran on getting Trump and this is the best he came up with. Recycled nothing burgers.

Yet another nothing burger.

Lets see 60$ million spent to "get Trump" since he came down the escalator and still ZERO.

60$ million and NOTHING to show . This alone speaks volumes that there is no there there.

Yet there is you, Nutboy and so many others hoping, dreaming that something, anything can be found. If 60$ Million has found nothing perhaps - you and your kind need to rethink this matter.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Told you years ago….secret Trump love child revealed.
MIGHT not be true but he paid and fought to kill the story so it likely is.

Just wait, it’s going to come out that Barron really is Ivanka’s child….and her brother….and Melania is due tens of millions for keeping silent (but won’t ever see it).

Guaranteed there are more stories the National Inquirer caught and killed for Trump, many including secret payoffs…and if he pulled the same frauds he did with Daniels, he’s so hosed. The 34 felonies he’s charged with carry a 1 year MINIMUM. That’s 34 years if found guilty….MINIMUM. Oof.

For your bonus, Republicans now advocate weaponizing congress by ACTUALLY defunding the police, meaning cutting budgets so much the police cannot afford to continue their current investigations, in a blatant effort to protect Trump from the law. One more example of every accusation is an admission…

Democratic “defund the police” meant remove parts of the job like mental health care worker and fund existing departments dedicated to those kinds of issues that are better dealt with by professionals without overzealous law enforcement to avoid more near daily unnecessary murders by police and the accompanying multi million dollar lawsuits and freeing police to do the job of policing.

Republican “defund the police” means actually drastically cutting funding from the DOJ, FBI, and any other agency that cooperated in prosecuting Trump, and not caring one whit about the thousands of criminals that will go free, and thousands of preventable crimes that will be committed, with the only benefit being “protect Tangeriney Mousolini”. So much for the lie “party of law and order”, not that anyone outside the cult ever believed it.

PS- Way to go Wisconsin. Rejected the MAGA nutjob. The turnout by the under 30 crowd should have you shitting your pants over ‘24. If they turn out nation wide in anywhere near the same numbers (and they’re PISSED about religious zealots stripping their rights and instating pseudo-Christian Sharia law) its not going to be a blue wave or blue tsunami, it’s going to be blue waterworld.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Wishful thinking and Russian propaganda from the anti democracy mouthpiece.
NATO says Russia is losing 5 men for every Ukrainian…Ukraine says 7.
Even Russia isn’t claiming 500 Ukrainian deaths a day, they boasted they killed 220 in one day last week…which means maybe 100 irl.

bobknight33 said:

The end is near and Ukraine will lose to Russia.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Angelica Rucker-
The MAGA terrorist that attacked a family pushing two infant children in strollers with a knife for accidentally bumping her lightly on a busy NY sidewalk as she protested for Trump.
Stopped by police from murdering a family in cold blood over nothing.
In other Trump riots masses of armed white men surrounded passers by, detained and threatened them, knocking one black woman out cold as she and her wife tried to escape the violent assault and battery by dozens of white men.

This is MAGA. Crazy murderous terrorist cultists committing violent crimes in support of your cult leader. At CPAC MAGA flew banners declaring “We are domestic terrorists” yet you still deny it?

Hilariously, the MAGA investigations keep proving every accusation is an admission. The report on the FBI “going after parents for trying to have just a little input on their schools” released quietly last week showed that every parent investigated had made serious death threats to school boards and their families including direct death threats made against and to early grade school children, (like the handwritten note -“sorry your mommy is a commie whore, but if she doesn’t quit we are going to kill her, but first we are going to kill you” handed to I think a 7 year old) some attempting to follow through.
The weaponization of the federal government investigation has gone much worse, with the chairman illegally weaponizing the federal government against the Manhattan DA publicly as he presides over the farce.
And never forget Trump directly calling to suspend the constitution so he can be reinstalled by force.

Undaming The Klamath : An Arial Perspective

newtboy says...

The project has started….and at the same time the actual removal project has been delayed until next year (at the earliest).
It’s incredibly frustrating to watch the snails pace and foot dragging that has delayed this project so long that many salmon species are no longer found in the river. As I’ve said before, I think that’s the intent, and I expect the obstinate morons who oppose it because removing dams is woke or something to try to delay it again by saying the protected species dam removal is supposed to help are gone, so there’s no point in removal anymore.

This project made sense 20+ years ago when the movement began and should have been completed then. Hundreds of millions of salmon (so billions in economic losses), a world class fishing river, and a few entire species could have been saved, and absolutely nothing has been gained by the delay except much higher costs to remove them and disastrous fish kills and toxic algae blooms killing dogs and wildlife.

Tesla Cam captures INSANE crash

cloudballoon says...

Not an expert, but it could be a domino effect of a loose screw scenario, causing all the screws to be snapped off. Here in Toronto (Canada), we've seen significance increases of fatal accidents of these type because of (mostly truck's) poor maintenance causing wheels flying off & killed people. It's the driver's (or trucking companies') fault. The interviewed Police usually warn viewers that because we here often need (and should!) change between summer/winter tires, we need to make sure the tires are balanced and the screws are properly tightened. The garages usually wash their hands off from accident liabilities and insurance companies rarely go after the garages as well.

visionep said:

I hope everyone escaped without long term injuries.

I wonder how liability works in a case like this.

Possible scenarios:
1. Freak accident, no one is liable.
2. Truck owner is liable, but only because they modified their car from manufacturer spec?
3. Truck manufacturer is liable, faulty construction?
4. State or federal government is liable because of something in the road that make the truck's tire fall off.
5. After market kit provider or after market kit installer is liable because their modification lead to the failure that caused the tire to come off.

I wonder how it all worked out.

Robot dog with a machine gun

Is this why the toxic train derailment occurred in Ohio?

newtboy says...

And ANOTHER derailment this morning as the CEO was preparing to testify to congress. I think that’s the third major derailment since Ohio, with workers killed in at least one.

Baltimore City Police Fatal Crash 2-8-23 Footage

newtboy says...

Holy crap. He got triple killed! The gods definitely wanted him dead and were taking no chances. Looked to me like he was hit by both cars and a building.

BSR said:

It was a pedestrian. If you go frame by frame you will see him just before the crash

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