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Bill Maher on Scarborough: Impeach Bush

joedirt says...

Forget "rise to the level of".... Bush is a war criminal by all definitions. Bush had his staff send false intelligence to Secretary of State to try to get the UN to pass a war resolution. Bush's signing statements are unConstitutional. Bush's domestic spying program and non-compliance with FISA is both directly explicitly illegal and un-Constitutional.

Bush's directions to the Justice Dept to allow torture is a crime. That's how Geneva works, if you (as head of state or military or both) set policies or orders which result in violations of Geneva, you get a war tribunal. Period.

How about straight up money crimes? Bush's brother is getting how much from DHS and Dept Education? Jeb's in-law is co-owner of Blackwater. Enron, oil companies, energy policy, losts $billions of $$ on palettes in Iraq.

Imagine you were a mayor or a CEO of a company, WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET IMPEACHED? Has Bush so overshot that mark that people just can't comprehend his criminality? I mean this country was willing to Impeach over lying under oath about sex. What about lying about violating the Consitution, or lying to bankrupt your country, or lying that resulted in hundreds of thousands of corpses and enough wounded soldiers to fill up half of the state of Vermont?!

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

Constitutional_Patriot says...

jwray, I used to think that a One World Government was a wonderful idea when I was younger. I grew up watching Star Trek and loved the concept of the United Federation of Planets and how it could apply to our current times as a One World Government. I also ended up studying politics and the Constitution. I fell in love with the Constitution and what it does for people on so many levels. Many take it for granted here in the States.

We have all been witnessing the slow degredation of it although the current administration has been advancing that aspect a hundred-fold. If our government is to be dismantled for an all-powerful League of Nations, will it be comparable to what the Constitution gives us? Are the people forming this as noble and honorable as the founders of the US Constitution?

Do they really care about us? With the degree of secrecy involved, I seriously doubt it. Are you really willing to take that chance? What mechanisms will be in place to protect the freedom, liberty and Justice of everybody with such a pact? Just look at what has happened to our Justice dept... they can no longer guarantee Justice for the American people thanks to the appointments from a dictator-like president.

"Creation of a world government does not necessarily require any fascism or any other immoral policy."
I agree... it does not require facism... but if we are to give up our protective mechanisms for a ruling of an outside source, what will guarantee that it won't be controlled by a small group of fascist men/women that have the outward appearance of being benign and "for the people". What I fear the most is that people may realize such a thing when it's too late.

13 Members of Congress Refuse to Testify in Corruption Trial

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Yes, they should be held in contempt... it's too bad we don't have a functional Justice dept to enforce them. The bush crew made certain of that. How many more corrupt politicians will be able to slide without conviction before we're fed up with the parade of scandals that cost people's lives, rape the national budget and burn living documents alive?

Atty General Gonzales sworn to "uphold" the "Constitution"

joedirt says...

QM: read the MCA signed into law by your hero. Yes, habeas is at risk, especially for US citizens. Don't you worry when the head of the Justice Dept thinks that Geneva is quaint, and HC isn't explicitly stated, so you don't have those rights... You just are protected from them being taken away.. but since you don't have them, it's irrelevant.

You are all over the place. Who cares about FDR.. And how is the Constitution a dry erase board? Oh yeah, Abu Gonzo Gonzales is all about wiping his ass with it. And Bush seems to ignore it and not think it applies to him. I can't see how left means, less Constitution. I think you have it backwards... Some people still believe in rights of citizens. The current Executive Branch has complete disregard for any citizen rights. You have no right to privacy, you have no right to private email, phone calls, heck postal mail. You can be spyied upon without a warrant, you can have sneak and peak searches without notification. You could be put in a van and shuttled off to Gitmo, without EVER having a trial, or charges brought. And only the President can decide who is know Gitmo-worthy. Read the MCA, and start realizing how wrong you are, as usual.

Atty General Gonzales sworn to "uphold" the "Constitution"

joedirt says...

Let's assume even in the most weasel lawyer wording, that somehow Gonzales makes sense about right not being enumerated in original Constitution...

Clearly, the are spelled out in 6th Amendment and why isn't this guy being tried for treason, or at least not upholding his oath of office? I guess the Justice Dept would have to pursue those charges.. *sigh*

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed … and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; [and] to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses."

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