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newtboy (Member Profile)

Vital Cutscene-Epic NPC Man (when U skip the long cutscenes)

BSR says...

I love when (SKIP)
Then it becomes soooo (SKIP)
Magic scrolls dicta (SKIP)
I was turned into a newt and (SKIP)
She told me to look on the bottom of an elders boot (SKIP)
Which brought me here.

Sheriff Caught On Bodycam Telling Deputies To Lie

Drachen_Jager says...

You could... you know, just establish an effective oversight body that actually punishes cops who step out of line and break the law. Combine that with proper social programs to keep the poorest from being so desperate they see no recourse but to resort to criminal behaviour and hey, just like magic things get better!

Not exactly rocket science.

Honestly, and I'm sorry if I appear to be picking on you here, WTF is up with this bullshit. Every other Westernized democracy has a better record with their police, but Americans just throw their hands up and say, "Golly gee, if it ain't workin' here, I guess there's no solution, 'cuz 'Merica is the best at everythin'." PLENTY of other countries manage just fine. And you know what? They ALSO have lower crime rates and lower recidivism rates.

All you have to do is look beyond your own borders for solutions instead of assuming you know best.

Sniper007 said:

I believe the only real solution is to recognize that the role of a police officer is one that is inherently unstable. As history shows, it is impossible to expect one small group of people to deal with all the violence, anger, punitive actions, and force for all of society.

But without this group of mentally and morally unstable people, then each person in the populace at large would need to individually learn how to deal with violent offenders, restrain someone, know when to use lethal force, adjudicate their punishment, carry out their punishment, handle traffic accidents, dead bodies, emergencies, and so much more. The culture at large already expects every person to delegate these tasks, and if an individual does not immediately call the cops there may actually be punitive action taken against that individual.

I have no solution to this societal problem. But then again, I don't feel obligated to solve the problem for society. In fact, the eventual destruction of the society (that so delegates) may be the eventual "solution" that inevitably comes without collective individual change. I'm content having a solution fit for myself, my family, and for those who other souls who come to me personally for a solution (to varying degrees).

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

Jinx says...

I wonder if this stems somewhat from their marketing - they are trying to sell you a fashion accessory or perhaps symbol of status, not a gadget or a gizmo. At best it's a tool for trendy creative types, in the same way a wand is a tool for a wizard; Its a magic box not a glorified computer, a single crystal grown deep beneath The Valley of Silicon which the tech-priests then ensorcell using incantations passed down from the late grand master. An Iphone cannot be repaired because it does not break... it dies. Never forget the memories you shared with it, because they are irretrievable otherwise. Admitting it can be put right after a light drowning would perhaps dispel the magic.

That's my take anyway. Oh, and that they'd rather sell you a new thing that repair an old thing.

I suppose the irony is that most people will never see the genuine artistry and engineering excellence that goes into these things.

Jimmy Carr Stand-Up

ulysses1904 says...

First time I ever saw him he was hosting a game show and said "coming up in the final round our contestants have the opportunity to win a car. Or for you people in Montana that's the Magical Chariot with the Invisible Horses." Still cracks me up.

Rubik's Cube Magician SHOCKED America's Got Talent People

Chinese Fried Sesame Balls • Tasty

Ashenkase says...

I think they could take sesame seeds off the market and I wouldn't even care. I can't imagine 5 years from now, saying, "Damn, remember sesame seeds? What happened? All the buns are blank! They're gonna have to change that McDonald's song: 'Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a... bun.' How's a sesame seed stick to a bun? That's fuckin' magical! There's got to be some sesame seed glue out there! Either that, or they're adhesive on one side. "Take the sesame seed out, remove the backing, place it on the bun. Now your bun will look spectacular." What does a sesame seed grow into? I don't know, we never gave them a chance! What the fuck is a sesame? It's a's a way to open shit!

RIP Mitch Hedberg

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

this right here is what drives me absolutely bonkers.

you proceed from a false premise:
that "wealth" translates to being less corruptible.

blindly ignoring what wealth actual not only IS,but what it represents to the elite class in America.


so could we please STOP with how much trump is actually worth,as if it has any inherent meaning in terms of power?

i do not understand wasting time with an ideologue,or dissecting his obviously conflicting comments as somehow expressing a clear and definable philosophy.these people play in the realm of cult of personality,spectacle and magical thinking.

their adoration for a particular public figure is cultish,and has very little to do with reality but more how their idol represents an ideal that they feel very strongly about.

so are we really surprised that bob will give Alexandria ocasio cortez a nod for exposing how easy it is to corrupt the system,but then conveniently excuse his idol and give him a pass based on the flimsiest of reasons:wealth.

when it was Alexandria ocasio cortez's lightning round that exposed how it is actually EASIER for the executive branch and the president to sell their influence for money.

but to bob,and how he sees things,the very idea that trump would ever engage in a breach of morality,and break his promise to the American preposterous,...because trump already has money,why would he sell his integrity?

because BOB has integrity.
because BOB would never break a promise.
this is basic projection of ones morality onto a figure they admire.
we can apply the exact same metric to those who voted for Obama.same thing.same results.

you will never get bob to admonish his hero,because that hero represents the IDEA of what bob is projecting,not the actual reality.

fundamentalists engage in the exact same magical thinking.

so how can i get mad for bob,and the other trumpsters of the world?
i pity them.
because delusional dreams always crash on the shores of the real eventually.

and that is going to be a sad day for bob.

scheherazade said:

Bob said that her line of argument (selling regulation policy changes for self enrichment), is less of an obvious motivation for someone who enters politics already wealthy.

That's a perfectly fine statement to make, as there is less to gain.


Let's Talk About Teaching the Bible In School

newtboy says...

Really, I don't believe in the unknowable or secret hidden knowledge, only stuff we don't know yet. I'm of the opinion that every single thing in the universe is explainable given enough knowledge, and none of it requires miracles, Gods, devils, or magic.
I don't believe any great questions or answers are actively hidden from us, only as yet unseen because we haven't looked in the right places or correctly understood what we did see.

BSR said:

42 is the answer. But you can't use math to solve it because it's outside the box. You are forced to use your power of creation to solve it.

Yes. Hidden in plain sight. Some live to an old age and never find it. Sometimes, others find it simply by tripping over it.

Kids Tell Us if They Hear Grover Cursing - Sesame Street

Using AI to make realistic faces

Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Trailer | 'A Whole New Trek'

ChaosEngine says...

Probably Into Darkness. Generations was pretty terrible too.

And there are some spectacularly bad books.

Discovery leaned a little too hard on plot twists and weird magic spores, but there were some interesting story elements and it looked fantastic.

ant said:

What's the worst thing to you?

Warp Speed Comparison

entr0py says...

I'm just barely geeky enough to find this interesting, but here goes. The first reason is that logarithmic scales show up in science all the time, and are frequently misunderstood by layman and media, they just aren't at all intuitive.

The second is that those shows were written over decades by smart science-literate people who put in all of these careful details that totally flew over my head, it's fun to look back and see it was deeper than I knew at the time.

When Sci-fi is written with a good understanding of science and physics, it makes the fantastic parts seem more plausible because the rest checks out. The alternative way to do Sci-fi is to just say "Screw it, it's all magic!". Which works for Star Wars but isn't compelling in the same way.

cloudballoon said:

What's so intriguing about made up numbers though?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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